The incident happened made her colder, she didn’t want someone to commit suicide because of her games all she wanted was to taste their own medicine. Abigail didn’t attend school for a week to ease her conscience that made her friends very worried about her. She locked up herself in her room for a while;
“Honey, your friends are here” her mother said while knocking on the door
She get off from her bed and open the door, “Please tell them that I don’t wanted to talk anybody” she said then suddenly her friends jump to her
“What did you say?” Crissa asked while fixing her eyeglasses “Sissy, please come back to us” she said
Eunice sat properly, “Abigail, locking up yourself can’t make any resolve about what happened” she said
Her mother just looked at them, “Okay, I’ll made you something for breakfast” she smiled at them
She was surprised, “What Mom? Do you mean?” she looked to her friends
Crissa let her go from her embrace, “Yes, we didn’t go to school today” she answered
“But Crissa, it may affect your grades, and you also Eunice” she wanted to cry because of this mess
Eunice shook her head, “It’s only for a day dear, so don’t worry” she said
“Mom also agreed that I will attend school today, so she made a excuse letter for me” Crissa explained
Abigail’s mother, Celine was very pleased to what she saw to her daughters. She treat Eunice and Crissa as her own because they’ve been friends with a Abigail for a long time, “I’ll just go to the kitchen and made some pancakes” she smiled then left.
They sat down on the mat where they used every time they talked something, “So how are you now?” Eunice asked
She gave them a sad look, “I’m still not fine, I used to see his face every night” she answered
“Abigail, don’t get offended to my question, I wanted to ask you something” she said “but please be honest with us” she added
She nodded.
“Do you almost love Gian for that six months?” Crissa asked
Abigail didn’t know how to answer her question because sometimes she felt that she was in love with Gian but she was very scared to be hurt again, “I don’t know, I don’t know how I feel towards him” she answered “I like him, but I can’t trust him” she added
Eunice sighed, “Don’t tell me it’s all about him and your father again?” she said “and because of that trauma you can’t trust any guys for your heart” she said
“But sis, many decades have passed you can’t still move on?” Crissa asked
Abigail started to cry, “It’s not I can’t move on like you were thinking, I’m just scared to be hurt so much again” she explained “Mom, always cried at night when my father called her and asking for me and her to be back to our life but mom didn’t want to hurt his new family, we are still suffering from the day that they were separated” she added
Her friends trying to made her calm, “We all know that sissy, the only thing we wanted for you is to be a better woman for the guy that you will love and will love you honestly” Eunice said while caressing her back
Crissa can’t held her tears, “You such a drama queen Abi, every time you are like this you made me cry” she said wiping her tears.
She hugged her sister - like friends, “Thank you” she trying to stopped herself from crying
They didn’t notice that her mother was on the door and watching them, “Can I come in?” she asked
They wiped their tears and smiled to her, “Yes, you can” Abigail said smiling
Celine sat down next to her, “Girls, thank you for being a good friend to my daughter and I’m sorry if you are always in trouble because of her” she said
Abigail just looked at her, “Mom, to say anything like that, it is so embarrassing” she tried to laugh after her sobs “they have the choice to leave me” she added
Eunice hit her in the arm, “Do you think we will leave you in that kind of situation?” she asked pretending to be angry
After they talked on some silly things, they ate the pancake that her mother made. They stay to her house for a day to make her feeling as ease.
The next day, Abigai came to school and as they expected some called her murderer. The eyes of the other students were nailed to her because of what happened to Gian. Even Gian was known to be the University heartbreaker, some of the students known him to be kindhearted. Every word that she heard was against her as she passing by in the lobby. The school also gave Gian a tribute because he was part of a school organization. Eunice and Crissa knew that everybody was blaming Abigail to what happened. They immediately looked for her to comfort;
Eunice was sighed as ease when she saw her in the library, “Oh my Abigail, in all the places why did you choose here?” she asked in a small voice
Crissa sat down opposite her, “Eunice, the library is the most silent place here in the University” she answered “And as you checked the place, she was sitting here in the corner” she added
Eunice rolled her eyes, “Thank you for the information Miss Bookworm” she said
She just laughed on how Eunice addressed her. In the circle of friends, Crissa was the one who expert in the book language and she memorized the library’s lay out in case she needed something. “Are you okay Abi?” she asked
Abigail looked upwards to stop her tears, “I’m fine” she answered with a teary eye
Eunice and Crissa looked to each other, “If you wanted, we can go to our favorite place?” Eunice asked
Abigail immediately felt happy to her offer, “Are you sure?” she asked enthusiastic “We have class until this afternoon” she said
Crissa smiled at her, “We will just go there then buy some sweets” she answered
“And our class will be at three in the afternoon, we have ample time to go there” Eunice checked her wristwatch
Without any hesitation, they went to the mall to buy some sweets to a known cake house. They went their every time someone of them felt down or depressed. They made sweets as their stress reliever or they used it as their energizer. They bought a cake that they can eat for a day but in surprise, Abigail bought ten slices of cake with different variation.
Crissa can’t say a word to her because that was more than she can eat for a day, “Abigail are sure you are alright?” she asked looking for another slice of cake on her hand aside from the ten slices she bought
She took a bite before she speak, “Yes, I’m fine” she answered while chewing
“Crissa, action speak louder than voice” Eunice said “Don’t ask her if you know that she will keep on lying to you” she added
After they bought everything that they wanted, they went back to school and in surprised Gian’s parents was there and waiting for her.
Gian’s father approached her, “Miss Abigail can we talk to you?” he asked respectfully
“But Sir,” Eunice trying to interrupt but Abigail stopped her
“It’s alright Eunice” she said “Sir, can we talk in the canteen?” she asked
“Yes” the couple answered her. They followed her towards the cafeteria while Eunice and Crissa didn’t followed them as Abigail’s request.
“I am hoping that she will be fine without us” Crissa said while looking to their way
Eunice crossed her arms, “I hope so” she wished
In the cafeteria, all of the students their looking on the place where they sitting like they wanted to hear what will they say to her.
“Miss Abigail, we just wanted to give you this as Gian’s request on his suicidal note” he handed her a box
She get it and opened, “What is this?” she asked them nervously
Gian’s mother was very sad about the things she discovered about the box, “Now, we understand everything” she started to cry
Abigail immediately get a tissue on her bag, “Please don’t cry here Madam, I don’t like on what they think if they saw you crying” she requested
Mrs. Consuelo tried to suppress her tears but she can’t, “I’m sorry, I’m just being emotional even he was already buried” she answered “Maybe you are his karma” she said “When we look the things inside the box, we knew that he dated so many girls and then he will broke them up without any reason” she said then she can’t help herself from crying
“We all know also that you are his supposedly new girl he will make cry but he love you so much” Mr. Consuelo said “I don’t know what was the reason you broke him up for the seven months relationship to him, but if you caught him cheating, we wanted to say sorry” he added
She felt so much shame for herself that time, because she knew that the cheating story was all made up and knowing Gian proposed her to get married when they have their sixth month celebration. “I’m sorry about that Sir, but I can’t have this box with me” she gave the box back to them
“But why?” Mrs. Consuelo asked “Can you do that for us, to keep this box in memory of him?” she added
She looked downwards trying to calm herself, “I have a box like that, it came from my first boyfriend” she said “I can’t take that to lessen my regrets knowing that I am the reason why your son committed suicide” she added
“We didn’t blame you about what happened Miss, we just wanted to make the last request of my son granted” Mrs. Consuelo said
She sighed, “I’ll keep this, as your request” she said then she took the box
“Thank you” Mr. Consuelo said “We will leave now, and I’m sorry if we disturbed you” he added
She stood up, “Thank you for your understanding and I’m sorry for your lose” she said
After they talked, she went back to her friends to the bench where she left them. When Eunice saw her walked towards them, she stood up and approached her;
“Are you alright?” she asked then she noticed the box she was holding “What’s that for?” she asked
Abigail handed it to her, “That’s Gian’s things” she answered “His parents requested to me to keep it as their son last wish” she added
Crissa followed them, “Why did you accept that?” she asked trying to guess what was on her mind “Are you still guilty?” she asked again
Abigail was tried to make a happy face to Crissa’s question because they are still in the lobby.
Crissa looked at her signs, “I’m sorry, I will ask you later” she said.
They attended their respective classes that afternoon. When their classes were over, Eunice and Crissa accompanied her to their house and stayed there. They known Abigail’s attitude for a long time, she can read her thoughts through her actions and they knew when she was telling a lie. At that moment, Abigail didn’t know what she feel towards herself, it’s a mix of guiltiness and satisfaction. Eunice and Crissa were just sitting on the mat while looking to their friend writing on something, so they stood up and checked what she was writing. As they read the sentences, it looks like she made rules for her revenge.
She stretched her body so hard, “I’m done!” she shouted
“What is that for?” Crissa asked
Eunice get it from her table and read, “Why did you made this rules? I thought you will stop about your revenge” she read the whole paper
“Who said that I will stop?” she asked “I will just minimize the casualty so that I made those rules” she lay on her bed
Crissa sat down on the bed, “But, Abigail are you not afraid about the karma?” she asked
Eunice looked at her, “We are just worried about you Abigail, we wanted you to stop your games” she said
She sat down, “Don’t worry, I made some measures when I know I will fell in love with someone” she smiled at them, “And if karma will avenge those cheaters, I will accept it wholeheartedly” she said while looking to Crissa
“I don’t know why are you so fixated to hurt those cheaters, they are not accomplice of Andrei when he cheated you and they was not with your father when they left you” Eunice said frankly “Please don’t be offended I’m just worried about you, you know that we love you so much sissy” she said
Tears started to flow from her eyes, “Yes, they were not with them when Andrei cheated me or when father left us, but they have one thing in common, they cheated women who loved them so much” she answered
At that moment, Crissa and Eunice didn’t say any word they just looked for their dear friend who was obsessed playing the cheater’s game. They knew her so much so they know that it was not her style to hurt anybody.