Abigail's life became sad and dull when her mother found out that her father had another woman besides her mother, even ...
Chapter 1: Two Men Cheated Her
Abigail happily came home from school because she had already answered the lover she crushed in her whole high school life. When she opened the door she heard her parents fighting.
"How long have you been fooling me?" her mom shouted "tell me Andrew where did I got wrong to you?" she could hear her mother crying
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it Celine, I was just tempted" her Dad replied "I didn't know I was going to have a child with her" she explained
She saw her mom slap her dad, "what do you want me to think? That your woman seduced you and then you were tempted? Is that what you want me to believe Andrew?" her Mother asked angrily
"Let me explain please" he said "I didn't really mean it Celine, believe me" he begged
Abigail couldn't bear not to go inside the house because she was tired and wanted to rest.
Her parents were surprised when she entered the house, "Abigail have you been there for long?" her mother asked
"Yes Ma, is there any food? I'm already hungry" she asked but they can't see any emotion on her face
She yelled at her husband, "We're not done yet Andrew" she said "just a minute child, I'll prepare your food" her mom said
"Don't worry Ma, I can prepare my food by myself, just let Papa and you fix what the problem is" she said as she went to the kitchen.
She could hear her parents arguing again until she heard that her mother was driving her father out of the house. Even though she had not finished eating she got up and went to the living room.
"Get out of this house, we don't need you here" she pushed Andrew out of their house and threw a bag of his clothes "well, you might say I'm a bad wife when I leave you without clothes " she says
Abigail saw their neighbors coming out of their houses. "That’s enough Ma, our neighbor saw us" she said as she held her mom's arm "Pa, please leave" she said to his Dad
Her Dad was moved to tears when he heard Abigail’s words, "Are you angry to me, Abigail? Are you mad at me too?" he asked
"Pa, how many times have you done this to Mama, this is not the first time you have had another woman beside mama" she said "so please Pa, don't make anything that will put us to shame" she added
Andrew took the bag of his clothes; "Daddy's promise daughter, I'll be a good Daddy again when I come back" he finally left.
"Come on Ma, let's go inside" she supported her mama to enter inside the house
When they went inside, her mother couldn't stop herself from crying.
"Please stop from crying Ma, you did the right thing" she said while holding her mama's back "Papa did that to you a few times and I also have a brother with him because of his cheating" she added
Her mother wipes the tears from her eyes, "Abi, I love your Dad very much" she replied "how many times have I forgiven him for being a womanizer but now he has a new child, I can't accept that" she said "I am sorry if you will grew up with a broken family" she apologized
"It's okay mama, the important thing is that he understands that what he did was wrong and he shouldn't do what he did to you" she replied
"Take a rest, you still have school tomorrow" said her mom "I'll take care of the kitchen"
"All right, good night" she kissed her Mama on the forehead
"good night,"
She went to her bedroom to rest, when she entered she immediately lay down on her bed and she also started crying. She loved her Dad because since she was a child, her dad did not feel that their family was in trouble. She cried and cried until she did not realize that she had fallen asleep.
Before Celine went to sleep, she checked if she was asleep. As she opens the door she hear her sobbing and uttering the word Papa. She felt sorry for her daughter because even though she was not at fault, they were affected by their marital problem, so she approached her and put her to sleep first because she knew that she was also hurt by what happened.
The next day, she got up early to take care of Abigail as she went to school.
Abigail also got up when she heard her alarm while yawning and stretching and she went to the kitchen, "Good morning Ma" she greeted.
"Eat your breakfast, then take a bath so you don't get caught late at school" her mother reminded
"Mom, I'm just going to drink milk" she said "because I have no appetite" she added
"All right, I'll just prepare a food for you so that when you're hungry you can eat in your recess" she said
After drinking the milk, she took a bath and put on her school uniform.
"Child, your food is already in your bag, don't forget to eat" she ordered
"Yes Ma, I will" she replied. Abigail approached her mom and kissed her on the cheek "Mom, I want to asked from you" she said
"What's that?"
"Later I'll invite Andrei here for dinner" she said
"Who's Andrei? Is that they guy you introduced to us that he's your lover?" she asked
"Yes Ma, I answered him yesterday" she said smiling
"All right then, I'll cook for dinner later" she replied "Come on, you'll be late for school in a few minutes" she reminded her again
"Bye Ma" she said
She left and went to their school, because her school was close to their house so every morning she just walked to it.
"Good morning baby" Andrei greeted her
"Are you trying to flatter me in this early in the morning, baby" she said with a smile
"I'm telling the truth, didn't you answer me yesterday and now I'm your official boyfriend" he replied smiling at her as well
As they walked, they met students from other year levels, some were freshmen and others were from the junior level.
"Hello Andrei" greeted a woman from junior level
Andrei smiled at the woman because she was beautiful, "Hello, good morning" he replied
She noticed that Andrei's smile was different from the woman who greeted him, "Do you like her?"s he asked
"No" he refused
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" she asked
"Yes" he replied "but you're more beautiful than her" he said
She frowned and her boyfriend replied, "Andrei, you'll be home later to have dinner with us, I'll introduce you to mama" she said
"But baby, my friends and I have a walk" he would reason "I'm sorry, we can do that on another day"
Abigail was even more upset when her boyfriend replied, "All right, I'll just tell Mama that you can't come later" she said.
Abigail and Andrei are both at the senior level, so it seems like it's normal for the two of them to sweet to each other. Andrei is one of the Student Council officials so he is more often busy with his responsibilities as part of the student council because he and Abigail have only been together there once.
She and Andrei have been in relationship for almost three months when she heard gossip at their school that Andrei had a girlfriend inside the student council. At first she didn’t believe it because she knew her boyfriend loved her dearly. One day, she invited Andrei to have lunch with her.
"Andrei, I would like to ask you something, will you answer me truthfully?" she said as she prepared her food
"What's that baby?" he asked
"Is Charice your girlfriend too?" she asked sadly "I hope you tell the truth" she said
Andrei stopped eating his food, "Where did you hear that, you know you're my only girlfriend and the only one I love" he replied as he looked her in her eyes.
"Everyone talked it here on campus that you are Charice's boyfriend" she said
He lowered the spoon he was holding and approached Abigail to hug her, "Don't be sad baby, promise you're the only woman in my life" he said
Even though she didn't want to believe what Andrei said she still chose to believe it in what he said.
That same day she was leaving campus when she saw two students hugging in a corner. She was suddenly nervous as if she saw Andrei. So she approached it and she was surprised that Andrei hugged Charice.
"Baby, what does that mean?" her tears rolled down her cheeks
"baby, let me explain" he said
"Please Abigail, you are thinking wrong" Charice said "He already rejected me, because you are the one he loves" she explained
Her palm was clenched, "What do you want? I'll believe what you're saying even if there's talk all over campus that you're dating? Did you think I was born yesterday?" she said angrily
"Please believe her, Abigail"
"Don't talk to me!" she left and went straight to their house. As she walked she couldn't stop her eyes from crying, "They're just the same, Dad and Andrei" she said to herself.
Andrei was behind her and chasing her, "Let me explain Abi" he shouted but Abigail didn't look at him.
Until she reached their house, she quickly entered their house.
"Mom, when someone looks for me please tell him that I am asleep" she said to her Mom
She wonders what her daughter said, "Why daughter, has there been a problem?" she asked
"I'm going to rest" she went straight to her room.
She had just entered the room when Celine heard calling from outside, "Please Abigail let me explain" Andrei shouted.
She glanced at who was calling when she recognized it as Andrei and immediately opened the gate, "hijo, why are you here? Are you having a fight?" she asked
"Good evening Mam, can I talk to Abigail? We have a misunderstanding" he asked
"But Andrei, Abigail is already asleep" she replied
"Please Mam, she misunderstood what she saw" he begged again
Celine just sighed because the young man sincerely asked her, "Come in first, you can have dinner here too" she said
She went inside the house and also prepared dinner for Andrei to eat, "after you eat, just wait for Abigail and me in the living room" she ordered.
"Thank you Mam, I'm sorry for the inconvenience" he said politely
She went to the child in her room, she saw her crying.
“Can we talk?" she approached her
Abigail sat down, "Why Ma?" she asked
"Andrei is here, he wants to talk to you" she said
"Please tell Ma, its better if he will go home I don't want to talk to him" she replied
She held her hands, “Daughter, what was the matter with you?" she asked
"I was on my way home earlier when I noticed someone hugging in a corner of campus, I was nervous as if he was hugging the woman so I approached them and I saw that Andrei was hugging the woman" she said.
"I also know the girl, she's Charice the girlfriend, our schoolmates said"
"What did Charice say then?"
"I'm wrong in what I thought, he's trying to comfort her because Andrei rejected her"
"You know Abigail, just talk to him first" her mother advised "the woman said they don't have a relationship, is that okay?"
She nodded and immediately got dressed because she thought her mom was right. They fixed their problem and they got back into their relationship.
Two months later they had a Junior - Senior Prom and they became partners at the prom.
"Baby, I'm just going to the wash room" Andrei said to her
"All right, I'll just wait here" she said
She left and went to the wash room. After about 30 minutes, Andrei still can't come back.
She looked at her watch, "It's been a while, why hasn't he come back yet" she asked herself so she decided to go to the men's wash room to see what had happened to Andrei.
When she entered the wash room she heard the grunts of two people. She peeked into a cubicle where she could hear grunts and she was surprised at what she saw, "Andrei? Charice?" her tears rolled down her cheeks especially as she saw that the two had no undergarments "What does this mean?" she could no longer restrain herself from getting angry.
"Let me explain Abigail" he said as he put on his pants again
"Explain your face, I won't believe what you say!" she said angrily
"Baby, please hear me first?"
She approached Andrei and slapped him hard, "Baby your face, let's break up" he said. She couldn't help herself, she immediately slapped Charice with great force, "Are you so desperate? That you can give your body to someone that don't love you?" then she walked away.
Andrei yelled at her, "Wait Abigail!" he shouted as he chased Abigail all the way to their house.
The scenario is the same again but this time Celine doesn't let her into the house to talk to Abigail.
"Mam, can I talk to Abigail?" he pleads with her
"I'm sorry Andrei but I won't let you do what you want" she said "Please leave, before I call the police" she said once she turned his back
Andrei did nothing but to leave.
She goes to Abigail in the bedroom and she tries to comfort her.
"Mom, did it hurt like this when Dad cheated on you?" she asked as she continued to cry.
"You can get through that too Abi" said her Mama "always remember Mama is just here for you"