After graduating from high school, she took care of going to college and in addition she organized herself more beautiful. As she grew older she became more and more beautiful, because of her beauty she have many suitors.
"Abigail, someone is sending flowers for you again" said her Mama
She sat down to eat her breakfast, "Let them Ma, men are the same tricks when you fall in love with them they will fool you a few times until you look like definitely a fool then they will break up with you" she said while she eats
"Abigail, I hope you don't think that all men that you met is like Andrei and your Dad, they are not the same" her Mama reminded her
"Not anymore Ma, they're just the same" she replied
It still seems painful for her what happened in her past.
"Mom, I'm leaving because Eunice and Crissa and I are at school today" she said, she approached her mom to kiss her on the cheek, "Bye"
Abigail left to go to the University where her two friends also enrolled.
She looked around to find where Crissa and Eunice where, as usual many guys were looked at her.
Then someone approached her, "Hi Miss, are you a freshman?" he asked as he offered his hand
"Yes and I'm waiting for my friends here" she grabbed his hands to shake his hands "I'm Abigail, and you?" she introduced herself
"I'm Kirby, nice to meet you" he answered
Eventually she saw her two friends from afar, "Nice to meet you Kirby, see you around" she smiled at him so sweet. She walked towards Crissa and Eunice, "Girls, why are you taking so long? I've been waiting for a while" she complained
"Sorry Abi, this university is too big so we got lost" Crissa replied
"Forgiven, so let’s go?" she said "Do you know which section you are in?" she asked
"Not yet, but all I know is we're going to have a separate building since we have a different program" Eunice said.
"We saw someone you talked to earlier, who is that?" Crissa asked
"The one before? He is Kirby, he wanted to meet me" she replied
Eunice pulled her hair, "My friend is really beautiful" she said while pulling Abi's hair.
She took her friend's hand from her hair, "Can you stop Eunice, you’re pulling my hair" she said laughing
"Then fine, you're beautiful among us"
"And at least you have a boyfriend, and I don't have one" she laughed at the same time
"Can you stop that, what about me?" Crissa asked
They held Crissa's arm, "It's okay Crissa, you're the smartest in the three of us" Eunice said
"But it's okay if I'm as beautiful as you" she said sadly
"You're beautiful already Crissa, it’s just you don't want to fix yourself" said Abigail "Let’s do it on weekends, Eunice and I will teach you how to make up and choose clothes" she added
As they walk to the University, the beauty of Eunice and Abigail catches attention but many more are fascinated by Abigail's beauty.
A man approached her, "Hello Miss, you look lost, I can accompany you" the man offered as if in his third year "By the way, I'm Marvin" he introduced
"Thank you for your offer" Abigail replied "By the way I'm Abigail, this is Eunice and this is Crissa" she introduced to her friends "They are my friends” she added.
Later, Marvin's friends approached them also, "Hey Marvin, you're ahead of us again with these freshmen," said a man who looked like one of Marvin's friends. "I'm Alfred, one of the friends of Marvin "he introduced
"I'm Sebatian, also a friend of Marvin" he introduced "So girls, are you lost? We can help you?"they offered
"No thanks, we're enjoying ourselves walking together" Eunice replied smiling
"Oh I see, we can get your number?" Sebastian asked
Crissa and Eunice took their phones to give the men their phone numbers, "Okay here is our number" she said. When they will start to read ther phone numbers, Alfred speak immediately.
"I'm sorry, but all we want to get that number is hers" Alfred said while pointing to Abigail
Crissa and Eunice hid their phones, "Then fine" Eunice rolled her eyes
"I'm sorry I can't give you my phone number but I can date you sometime" she said sweetly
"Abigail!" said Eunice and Crissa at the same time
"Sure, we'll just tell you if when" Alfred said excitedly
"See you around boys" Abigail said
They continued walking to the university, "Wait Abigail what did you say earlier? Are you willing to date them? Are you insane?" Eunice asked
"Don't worry it's my way for them to stop us and then didn't you notice that they were betting in front of us?" he says
"What?" Eunice said "Those guys are crazy" she wanted to turn back to those men but Crissa stopped her.
"Leave it to Sissy, that's normal for boys especially when they found some victims" said Crissa
"And how did you say that?" she asked in astonishment
"Did you forget Eunice that Crissa was bet on by her crush's buddies" she reminded her
She grabbed Crissa's arm, "I'm sorry Sissy, I already forgot that" she apologized
Because of the first day of school, they did not attend their classes. They first looked for a place near the school where they could hang out when there was no class. They did not fail in the searching, they found a shop full of cakes.
"Do you see what I see girls?" Eunice asked
Crissa was very happy with what she saw, "Yes Sissy" she replied
Abigail immediately went to the front door, "What are you waiting for? Let's go?" they entered the shop
They were very happy with what they saw and then there was a promo for unlimited cakes that you can eat when the customer dined in. They take the promo, the people there were surprised when they saw that they had a strange number plate of cakes on their table.
"Sissy, after we eat please for me I'll just buy Mama a strawberry cake" Abigail said
"All right, Crissa and I can wait for you" Eunice replied
After they ate, Abigail bought a cake first and then they went home.
"See you tomorrow" Abigail said
When she got home, she found her mother talking to someone and she seemed to be crying.
"Who's that Ma?" she asked as he laid his stuff and the cake on the table
"Your dad" she replied
"Is that Abigail I'm hearing?" her Dad asked on the other line
"Yes Andrew it's Abigail" replied her Mom
"Can I talk to her?"
"Abi, your Dad wanted to talk to you" she handed the phone to her but she didn’t grabbed it.
"Please tell him Ma that I’m going to rest"
"Andrew, I'm sorry but she's going to rest" she said
"It's okay, it looks like she hasn't forgiven me for what I've done" he said sadly from the other line
"Just be careful there Andrew" she said as she hung up the phone
"Mom, I bought you your favorite strawberry cake" she said smiling as she handed the cake to her mom
"Why didn't you even talk to your Dad? He misses you" said her Mom
"If he really misses me, why doesn't he just come home here?" she asked
"Hija, I hope you understand that your Dad has another family so he can't come here anymore" she replied
"But Ma, you're married" she couldn't stop crying "I'm sorry Ma, I'm going to sleep" she said
She just followed her daughter by gaze, because she understood why she was still so upset with her Dad.
The next day, when they entered the University, they saw Marvin, Alfred and Sebastian again.
"Good morning Abigail" they greeted
"Good morning too" she replied
"There will be a party later at Marvin's house later, we would have invited you if you are free tonight" Alfred asked
"I'm sorry, I can't be with you if I'm the only one invited" she said "I would like you to include my friends too" she added
The friends looked at each other and gestured, "All right, they can join us later" Sebastian said
"Thank you" she replied
"See you later girls" Marvin said
"Are you serious with that Abigail? Are you going with them?" Crissa asked
"Yes, why not?"
"But what you are doing is dangerous Abigail, maybe later what they will do to you remember that you are their target and not us" Crissa reminded
"Yes I know, that's why I'll take you with me to teach them a lesson" she said "don't worry girls, I know what I'm doing" she said smiling
"You say, then I'll go"
In the afternoon they rode in Sebastian's car to Marvin's house.
"Okay girls, where here" Sebastian said
As soon as they got out of the car, they saw that the young man's house was beautiful. "Let's go inside" Marvin said as he invited them
When they entered, food and wine were served on the table. Crissa noticed that so she continuous pinching Abigai’s side and pointed to the bottles of wine, Abigail just nodded.
"Let's eat girls I know you're hungry" Alfred said
They took food while eating when they heard the three men whispering so Eunice and Crissa were even more nervous.
"Abigail, I'm nervous" Crissa whispered
"As long as they handed our drinks, don't drink right away" she ordered
They sat on the couch while eating, "Your house is beautiful Marvin" Eunice said
“It’s my family’s, they put me here first because it’s closer to the University” he answered
"Let's drink?" he handed each glass to each other
Abigail gestured, "Wait, I'll go to the wash room first" Crissa said, "Where's your wash room?" she asked
“When you get to that door, you turn right then first door” Alfred said
“Thank you” Crissa immediately stood up and go to the wash room where Alfred instructed
Abigail started their story while Eunice just listened. The men seemed happy with Abigail’s stories.
"Excuse me, where can I get water? I'm thirsty" said Eunice
"Why don't you like wine?" Sebastian asked
"I'll drink it later, I'll wanted to drink water first" she replied
Crissa came back, "Did I missed something?" she asked
"Nothing Crissa" Marvin said
"Excuse me, Marvin, how do you open your fridge?" supposedly she didn't know "this is the first time I saw a fridge like this" she said
While they were busy looking at Eunice's whereabouts and laughing they quickly exchanged glasses of wine.
"Please help my friend first" Abigail begged so the three hurried to help Eunice. Fortunately, the men did not realize their plan.
After helping Eunice, they returned to their seats.
"Let's drink?" said Abigail as she signaled to Eunice that the wines they were going to drink were safe.
They already drank the wines from their glasses. The three men were overjoyed as they gulped down the contents of their glasses when they suddenly fainted.
"What happen?" Sebastian asked
"What did you do?" Marvin asked
"Do you think that you can fool us?" she says
Eventually, the three men fell asleep due to excessive dizziness. Crissa took the rope she had hidden in her bag and handed it to Abigail. While Abigail chased the men one by one.
"What are you doing Abigail?" Eunice asked
"They're going to play with us, I know if we're not familiar with their moves we might be the ones they're playing with now especially you" she said
When she finished undressing the men, she put Marvin and Sebastian on top of him while they put Alfred behind Sebastian then they took pictures of them.
"You're really bad Abigail" Crissa said laughing
"They're worse" Abigail said laughing "Shall we go girls? Our mothers are waiting for us"
They left that house, fortunately there was a taxi passing by there so they went home immediately.
When Marvin, Sebastian and Alfred woke up they felt so embarrassed because they were naked moreover they even saw the pictures that Abigail took while they were sleeping because of the sleeping pills they put in the drinks they drank.