Dad and Mom weren't exactly happy about me attending Ravenswood, but they didn't have much of a choice.
Thane was truly excited for me, but I couldn't say for Kaid.
Kaid had a blank expression, that it was almost impossible to read his thoughts or whatever he was thinking in that sick brain of his.
He was also against me attending Ravenswood College, but I don't care about him. Not anymore.
He could go to hell for all I bloody care.
As I left the house with my luggages, Mom smiled at me and gave me a comforting hug, while Dad remained cold and distant.
“ Dad, don't worry, Thane and Kaid would look after me, and moreover, most of our cousins attend college.” I smiled and held Dad's hand. “ I will be fine.”
“ Don't get into trouble, Princess.” Dad pulled me into a hug.
Maybe he was being cold towards me because he needed an assurance. An assurance that no matter what, I will be safe.
I waved them goodbye and got into Thane's car.
Kaid already left with his car back to College, and only Thane stayed back for me.
Throughout the ride, the tension in the car plummeted.
“ You know I'm always in support of you, right?” Thane said, his eyes fixed on the road. “ You're my baby sis, and I will do everything and anything I can for you.”
“ Well, I'm not sure about that.”
Being the stubborn girl that I was, I didn't want to speak with Thane. At least for some time.
“ Like Dad said, Ravenswood College is not for princesses like you.” He heaved a sigh. “ The college is filled with bloody psychos, Mafia heirs who kill for fun.”
I felt a shiver rippled down my spine at Thane's words.
“ This is why Ravenswood college isn't for someone like you.”
Despite his words, I still wanted to attend Ravenswood. I must.
If Kaia could survive in such a school filled with psychos and bloody Mafia heirs, then I can. I must.
After an hour's drive, we finally arrived at my dream school.
I was mesmerised by the magnificent building.
“ You like it?” Thane chuckled, helping me with my luggages, while I looked around in amusement.
“ Fuck! Yes!” I exclaimed in excitement.
I couldn't remember the last time I was this excited.
“ Dad already made the necessary arrangements, and we've got your dorm keys,” Thane said, dragging my luggages behind him. “ Let's go to your dorm room.”
I followed closely behind him, while watching the students do their stuff.
The college seems normal, like every other college, so what could be the problem?
“ Don't associate with guys here. They are dangerous. Run away from all of them.” Thane said, upon getting to the hallway leading to my dorm room.
“ Why?” I asked out of curiosity.
“ Just do as I say, Princess.” Thane groaned and I chuckled.
“ Fine.”
We finally got to my dorm room, and there were already two girls inside the room.
Thane left after few minutes, and I was left with the girls.
“ Hello, I'm Ember Leighton.” I waved at the girls.
“ Wow, I never knew Thane and Kaid had a little sister.” One of the girls said with a smile. “ My name is Piper.”
“ And I'm Savannah.” The other waved at me.
“ Thank you, girls.” I smiled and went on with my stuff.
“ I've a question to ask.” I started after a few minutes of silence. “ I heard this college is filled with psychos and Mafia heirs, is that true?”
“ Yes, it is. You must stay away from them, and moreover, never look them in the eyes.” Piper said and I nodded slowly.
“ But they aren't gods, are they? They are also students like us, so why bow for them?” I mumbled, but Savannah heard me.
“ They are three brothers and two cousins. They are called THE SINNERS.” Savannah said, her gaze still concentrated on the book she was reading.
“ The Sinners,” I repeated, the word sounding foreign to me. “ Who are those?”
“ We have The Sinners and The Devils. Your brother Kaid, is the leader of The Devils while someone you wouldn't want to meet is the leader of The Sinners.” Piper said, but Savannah nudged at her to keep quiet.
“ So this is the reason why Kaid was against me attending this school, isn't it?” I scoffed. “ He is the leader of a gang. Fuck him!”
I didn't even settle down in my dorm before storming out.
All I wanted was to confront Kaid and let him know that he was busted.
I didn't know my way around, but I kept asking students around, until I was directed to the basketball field.
Kaid was the leader of his team in the field, and there's also another leader of another team.
They were wearing different sports wear, but I didn't care, my focus was mainly on Kaid.
Standing at the stadium, I screamed as loudly as I could, startling the players.
“ Fuck you motherfucking Kaid!”
His head flicked to my direction, and I could feel his jaw hardening, but I didn't bloody care.
Once I got his attention, and the attention of everyone else, as well, I stormed into the field and confronted Kaid.
“ What the fuck are you doing here?” He growled angrily.
“ So this is the reason why you didn't want me to attend Ravenswood College, right?” I asked. “ I heard you're a leader of some fucked up gang, right?”
“ Mind your words, Princess and get the fuck out of here.” Kaid whispered into my ear. “ Let's talk in your dorm some other time.”
I heaved a sigh and gave up.
There was no use causing a scene here, what matters most was the fact that I'm now a student of the same college he was against me attending.
I rolled my eyes at him, turned around and was about walking away, until I heard the most deep, cold, baritone voice that sent jolts of adrenaline rippling down my spine.
I came to an abrupt halt, and jerked my head at the voice.
There he was.
Standing like a fucking villain and impassive as a god.
His eyes were filled with nothing more than darkness.
The darkness almost consumed me, that I couldn't find my way out.
“ Never knew you had a little sister,” he smirked, his eyes searing into mine. “ Hi little Italian princess.”
I felt terror flood my veins at his voice, and I drew in sharp breaths.
“ Leave, Princess.” Kaid gritted through his teeth, and I immediately took to my heels, not without turning back to look at Him once again.
He flashed me a slow devilish smile, the smile of a true psychopath.