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Chapter 5

As Alpha Kellan Darkclaws purposefully walked inside his castle, whispers trailing. The pack wondered if their Alpha had finally found his destined mate, or if Ava was merely a random woman, Yet, they knew no woman could ever come that close to their Alpha.

Alpha Kellan Darkclaws gently laid Ava in his Chambers as the doctor was already waiting for them.

Soon the doctor started checking to see if she's injured and also cleans the cuts on her body caused by her contact with the tree.

The doctor then looked at the Alpha though his face was void of any emotions, but he knew the alpha was worried about this stranger.

Then the doctor wanted to remove her clothes to check if she has other injuries so he asked the Alpha to excuse them “Alpha I want to check the Ladies body can you please excuse us for some time” he said?

The looked at him with a glare and asked, “can't you check on her while she's putting on her clothes?” Alpha Kellan asked.

“No Alpha, I need to make sure there are no other injuries” he said.

“Forget about it, I will check it myself” Alpha Kellan replied.

“But Alpha…” The doctor said.

“Didn't you hear what I just said or do you dare defy my orders” Alpha Kellan cut him off sharply with an angry voice.

The Doctor trembled in fear with a shaky voice he said, “Am sorry Alpha I won't dare, please let me excuse my self”.

Alpha Kellan nodded his head, though he was still very much angry.

He was already getting angry when the doctor said he wants to check Ava's body.

He couldn't bear for someone else to see the body of his mate.

He slowly removed Ava's clothes, while trying to keep himself under control not to act in a haste.

Seeing her pale yet flawless skin, he felt hot inside as he swallowed his saliva. He quickly checked her body and asked his sister through mind link to bring a set of female clothes.

Chloe, torn between her duty to her mate and her loyalty to her brother, hurriedly fetched women's clothes, puzzled by her brother's unusual request.

She gathered all the clothes needed and raced to his brother's house in her car as fast as she could.

On arrival, the gatekeeper greeted him and let him in without answering. She walked home with knowledge and went straight to her brothers room.

When she knocked on the door and received no answer, she boldly entered. Inside, she saw Ava sleeping peacefully in a massive bed.

She was looking stunning, with her long, soft eyelashes making everyone notice her even when she is sleeping.

Chloe's fingers were mere inches away from Ava's face when suddenly a voice broke her out of her trance.

Chloe flinched, retracting as if her hand had been burned, her heart pounding in her chest.

In disappointment and surprise, she turned to look at the source of the voice command. Standing before her is her brother Alpha Kellan.

“And what are you doing inside my room?” Alpha Kellan asked.

He looked at Chloe, asking for an explanation for her actions. She swallowed hard, trying to find her voice.

Chloe's voice was shaking, and she tried to hide her disappointment with a playful voice. “Ah, Alpha Kellan,” she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "I'm just following your orders as always.

After all, you were the one who told me to bring these clothes, a smile appeared on her face.

Her heart quickly made excuses for her impulsive behavior. “I must admit, I wonder about your intentions," Chloe hoped her words would dissuade Alpha Kellan from asking any more questions, but she was afraid he would find out.

Alpha Kellan's reply cut through the air like a knife, his voice harsh and authoritative. “Drop the clothes immediately and leave the room,” he said, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Chloe's heart sank as she realized that her efforts to change her feelings had failed. She bent down, hurriedly placed her clothes on a nearby chair, and turned to leave; Her mind was filled with unanswered questions and unbearable anxiety.

When she walked out of the room, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye.

Alpha Kellan sighed deeply, looked at the closed door again, and a smile appeared on his lips. “Stupid girl,” he muttered, a mixture of anger and love in his voice.

He turned his attention back to the task at hand and reached the sofa where the clothes were lying. Helped Ava to wear the clothes and also slept with her on the same bed for the night.

As Ava's eyes fluttered open to the gentle morning light filtering through the window, she basked in the rare sensation of comfort that enveloped her.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she woke with a sense of ease, a feeling she hadn't experienced in years.

But as she shifted and stretched, the weight of another presence beside her stirred her from her sleepy reverie. With a start, Ava turned her head to find Alpha Kellan lying beside her, his form relaxed in sleep.

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, and she recoiled in shock, her heart pounding with fear, Ava's voice echoed in the room, disturbing the morning peace. “Who are you? And what am I doing here?” She opened her eyes in terror, screamed loudly, and slowly moved away from the strange man on the bed.

The sudden outburst woke Alpha Kellan from his sleep, his eyes blinking in surprise. A feeling of guilt stabbed at his heart when he saw Ava's panicked expression.

He didn't expect that his presence would scare her when she woke up. Alpha Kellan spoke in a soft but firm voice and offered Ava a comforting hand. “It's okay,” he whispered with warmth in his voice. “You are safe. You are with me, Alpha Kellan.”

He has never been so gentle when talking to someone as he is now.

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