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Chapter 2

Ava hailed a taxi and arrived at the imposing gates of Alpha Tristan's mansion.

She provided her information to the gatekeeper and informed him that she had come for work. He then granted her entry, complimenting her beauty as she passed through the gates.

Walking through the fancy halls, Ava felt worried seeing other servants rushing around. They looked tired and sad, showing how tough life was in Alpha Tristan's house, with the relentless demands of their aristocratic masters weighing heavily upon them.

Ava felt really sad when she saw something bad happening. In a quiet part of the big house, a young servant looked scared as a fancy-dressed woman yelled at them. Then, the woman hit the servant hard, making a loud noise that filled the hallway.

Without a second thought, Ava sprang into action, her instincts overriding her fear as she rushed forward to intervene. "Stop it!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing with authority as she stepped between the aggressor and her victim.

The woman's eyes narrowed in disbelief at Ava's audacity, her lips curling into a sneer. "And who do you think you are, interfering in my affairs?" she spat, her voice dripping with contempt.

Ignoring the woman's disdain, Ava stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she addressed the trembling servant behind her. "Are you alright?" she asked gently, offering a reassuring hand.

The servant nodded, her eyes wide with gratitude as she clung to Ava's outstretched hand. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with relief.

Turning back to the woman, Ava's resolve hardened as she confronted her with steely determination. "You have no right to treat her like this. We are all equals here, deserving of respect and dignity," she declared, her words ringing with conviction.

For a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossed the woman's features, her arrogance momentarily faltering in the face of Ava's unwavering resolve. But just as quickly, it was replaced by a cold mask of indifference as she regarded Ava with disdain.

As the tense encounter with the woman came to a close, Ava's relief was short-lived as she felt a sudden chill run down her spine. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught sight of Alpha Tristan himself, his imposing figure looming in the doorway with an expression that sent a shiver of apprehension down her spine.

"Is there a problem here?" he inquired, his voice deceptively calm as he fixed Ava with a penetrating stare.

Ava squared her shoulders, her resolve unwavering as she met Alpha Tristan's gaze head-on. "No, Alpha Tristan. Just a misunderstanding," she replied evenly, her tone betraying none of the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

But Alpha Tristan's steely gaze lingered, a flicker of suspicion crossing his features as he observed Ava's interaction with the servant and the woman. "Be careful, Ava. You would do well to remember your place in this household," he warned, his words laden with an unspoken threat.

Ava's jaw clenched at the thinly veiled warning, her frustration simmering beneath the surface as she fought to keep her composure. "With all due respect, Alpha Tristan, my place is wherever there is injustice to be righted and dignity to be defended," she retorted, her voice tinged with defiance.

But Alpha Tristan's expression remained impassive, his gaze unwavering as he regarded Ava with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "Very well, Ava. But remember, there are consequences for those who dare to defy the natural order of things," he cautioned, before turning on his heel and disappearing into the depths of the mansion, his presence lingering like a dark shadow in Ava's mind.

Ava felt really worried as she saw Alpha Tristan leaving. His warning made her feel even more scared. But she didn't give up. She promised herself to keep fighting for the truth.

Ava cleaned the countertops, her hands moving smoothly, but she felt really upset. She couldn't stop thinking about what Alpha Tristan said. It hurt, especially because he said it like it was no big deal.

"You're just a servant, Ava. Know your place," he had said, his words laced with arrogance.

As Ava scrubbed harder, her colleague, Maria, approached, her expression sympathetic yet resigned. "Are you alright, Ava?" she asked softly.

Ava hesitated for a moment before deciding to confide in her.

"You know," Ava began, her voice tinged with frustration, "Alpha Tristan made a comment earlier. He said something about me just being a servant."

Maria's eyes widened in surprise. "What? That's awful!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with indignation.

Ava nodded, a mixture of anger and hurt evident on her face. "Yeah, it really stung," she admitted, her grip tightening on the cloth in her hand. "But I guess it's just something I have to get used to around here."

Maria nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting a similar sense of frustration. "I know what you mean. It's like they don't see us as equals, no matter how hard we work," she murmured, her gaze drifting to the floor.

"But we're more than just servants, aren't we?" Ava insisted, a flicker of defiance igniting within her. "We deserve respect, dignity..."

Before she could finish her thought, another servant, Thomas, chimed in, his tone weary but resolute. "It's easy for them to belittle us when they hold all the power. But we have each other, Ava. We can stand up for ourselves, together," he said, his words echoing with quiet determination.

Ava's spirits lifted at Thomas's words, a sense of solidarity washing over her like a warm embrace. "You're right, Thomas. We may be servants, but we're not slaves. We deserve to be treated with dignity and respect," she declared, her voice gaining strength with each word.

As they stood together, united in their shared struggle, Ava felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her. With the support of her fellow servants, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to reclaim her dignity in Alpha Tristan's house.

As Ava and her fellow servants exchanged words of solidarity, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the haughty laughter of a group of Alpha Tristan's more arrogant household staff. Among them was Elizabeth, known for her sharp tongue and disdain for anyone she deemed beneath her.

"What's this, a pity party for the help?" Elizabeth sneered, her voice dripping with condescension as she sauntered over, flanked by her cohorts.

Ava bristled at the insult but held her ground, refusing to be cowed by Elizabeth's arrogance. "We're just having a conversation, Elizabeth. No need for your sarcasm," she retorted, her tone laced with defiance.

The other servants exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the tension in the air as Elizabeth's smirk widened. "Oh, I see. Ava's feeling a bit sensitive today, are we?" she taunted, her words cutting like a knife. "Maybe if you weren't such an outcast in your own family, you wouldn't be so touchy."

Ava's heart clenched at the cruel jibe, the familiar sting of rejection flooding back with renewed force. But she refused to let Elizabeth see her falter, her resolve hardening like steel. "At least I have a family, Elizabeth. Unlike some people here," she shot back, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Elizabeth's expression darkened at the jab, her façade of superiority slipping for a moment before she regained her composure. "Watch your tongue, Ava. You may think you're better than us, but you're still just a servant," she spat, her words dripping with venom.

But Ava remained undeterred, her chin held high as she met Elizabeth's gaze head-on. "Maybe so, but I'd rather be a servant with integrity than a noble with a heart as cold as yours," she declared, her voice ringing with quiet defiance.

As Elizabeth's cohorts exchanged uneasy glances, a flicker of uncertainty crossed her features before she regained her composure, her mask of arrogance firmly in place. "Enjoy your little rebellion while it lasts, Ava. But remember, in this house, we servants are replaceable," she warned, before turning on her heel and striding away, her entourage in tow.

As the tension dissipated, Ava felt a surge of pride swell within her, buoyed by the support of her fellow servants.

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