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Chapter 4

Ava knew that she was leaving behind more than just a house, she was leaving behind the shattered remnants of a family that could never truly accept her for who she was.

But deep within her, a flicker of hope burned bright, guiding her towards a future where she could finally be free to embrace her true self.

As Ava stopped to pick up the scattered belongings, the heavens opened up, releasing a torrent of rain that soaked her to the bone. With each drop that fells, it felt as though the universe itself was joining in her sorrow.

Looking up at the darkened sky, Ava's voice broke through the sound of the rain. “Why?” she cried out, her words lost in the storm. “Why do you torment me like this?”

Her question hung in the air, unanswered, as the rain continued to fall, washing away the remnants of her shattered life. At that moment of despair, Ava felt utterly alone, with only the cold embrace of the rain to accompany her on her journey into the unknown.

As Ava trudged through the rain-soaked streets, her heart heavy with despair, she couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation gnawing at her. With nowhere to go, she stood under a small shelter, as the day came to an end, the night growing darker by the minute, she knew she needed to find shelter for the night so she could begin anew the next day, searching for work to sustain herself.

Back at Ava's home, her father was on a call making orders “She hasn't gone too far find her and make sure she doesn't see tomorrow, that girl will be a problem for me in the future if she lives”.

Ava, Lost in her thoughts, Ava didn't notice the shadowy figures lurking in the alley until it was too late. Suddenly, the air crackled with menace as the thugs emerged from the darkness, their leering faces illuminated by the dim glow of the streetlights.

Ava knew the thugs did not have any good intentions towards her. She shuddered at the cold realization of their intentions, her heart pounding with fear as their words reached her ears." We've got ourselves some good meat to feed on tonight," one of them muttered, his voice dripping with malice.

As the thugs advanced, Ava's heart pounded in her chest, her senses on high alert. She backed away slowly, and her wolf suddenly called her “Ava, run right now, run as far as you can”.

Sensing her fear, the thugs' grins widened, their steps growing bolder with each passing moment. But just as they closed in took off at the fastest speed she can.

They followed behind her in their wolf form, Ava somehow shifted to her wolf form, which was much faster she did not mind the direction she was heading to she just kept running because she knew those thugs were not ordinary ones.

They were definitely sent by someone to kill her. The thugs lost Ava, so they went back.

Ava Lost count of time as she ran, finally she got to somewhere she can hide and hide.

In The dark wood park Alpha Kellan, who was known as a heartless and deadly Alpha who doesn't have a heart, hot tempered and treats people who disrespect like tras. People think his cursed because he has no Mate unlike other Werewolf who have, he was a strong leader, always defeating his enemies. He was in his office when his Beta came in.

“What is it, Beta Derick?” Alpha Kellan asked.

“Alpha, our men smell a rogue in the border of the pack,” Beta Derrick answered.

Hearing this, Alpha Kellan Smashed the hourglass on his table and thundered “Who dare to enter my territory without my permission?”

Beta Derrick knew the Alpha was angry at that moment so he just kept his head down the whole time.

“Beta Derrick come let's go and hunt, let's hunt down the Intruders and feed on them” Alpha Kellan said with a devilish tone as he smiled like a psychopath.

Beta Derrick nodded in understanding.

They got to the forest and started looking for the rogue then Alpha Kellan said to his Beta “Wait Derrick it's not a rogue but a werewolf”

Beta Derrick was surprised.

Alpha Kellan got closer to where Ava was with a commanding tone he said, “Who ever you are, come out now before I rip your head out of your body”.

Ava was so scared as she heard the voice, but she refused to come out, as she waited for some time hearing no footsteps or the voice again she became curious if the person has left so she crawled out of where she was hiding, she looked let and right but did not see anyone in her heart she thanked the moon goddess for protecting her.

All of a sudden, felt cold as if someone was watching her as she turned to check

She looked into his eyes, scared yet entranced by their beauty, feeling time stand still. His smile sent shivers down her spine before she was flung into the air, crashing into a tree and blacking out.

Alpha Kellan was captivated by her beauty, yet angered by her delay, he impulsively pushed her aside. At that moment, his wolf claws questioned his actions, “Why did you hurt our mate?”.

Stunned, he questioned, “Is she our mate?” His Wolf claws responded, “Can't you feel it?” Suddenly, he understood why he was drawn to her from the start.

With urgency, he dashed to where she lay unconscious, his heart pounding with concern.

“Quick, Derrick!” he exclaimed to his Beta, urgency in his voice. “Put her on my back, we need to get her to the hospital.”

Derrick, surprise asked “But why alpha, I thought we are here to hunt?”

“There's no time to explain, Derrick,” the Alpha replied firmly. "Our priority is her safety now.

Derrick was surprised to see the Alpha showing emotions for a stranger as they hurried to secure Ava on his back.

Without hesitation, the Alpha swiftly carried Ava to his house and mind linked the pack doctor to come over.

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