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Chapter 3

Ava worked hard in Alpha Tristan's house till it was dusk, Night fell, a dark shroud fell over the land, and Ava's fatigue weighed heavily on her.

The full moon illuminates the world below with its majestic silver light. Since there were no vehicles on the road, Ava decided to take a shorter route through the forest. It was the night of a full moon, and the following day, Ava would turn 21.

The air felt charged with excitement as the moon reached its highest point, making Ava feel more alert. She felt a strong, natural desire awakening inside her, something she hadn't felt before. It was the mating night, when wolves found their soulmates, guided by instincts as ancient as time.

Even though she was human, Ava got swept up in this old tradition. The moon's warmth felt like it was filling her up, making her feel a powerful energy she couldn't understand.

She felt intense pain, like her bones were breaking into pieces. Ava felt confused as she tried to understand what was happening. How could she, a mere human feel these strange things? This is not necessary. But as the pain got worse, he began to realize something important. Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye. Perhaps beneath his human appearance lies something wild and untamed waiting to be unleashed.

She suddenly heard a voice, “Ava! Ava!“ And she turned around to check but she didn't see anyone there. Then the voice came again “Ava it's me”

Ava then asked who are you and it replied “Am your wolf Layla”.

“My wolf ?” she asked in surprise.

Layla answered “yes your wolf”

Ava asked again “Where have you been since Layla”

Layla answered “ I Have been locked away for a very long time but don't worry that won't happen again just let me take control of your body and shift”.

“But how can I let you take control? how do I do it layla” Ava asked her wolf Layla.

“Don't do anything I will be the one to do it” Layla answered her.

Ava nodded in agreement she undressed herself and relaxed her mind.

The weather became cold, the wind blowing suddenly Ava shift into a magnificent white wolf.

Layla was so happy to be finally free she raced around the forest in happiness till Dawn.

Ava Shifted back to her human form, she was so happy that she is not just a human but also a werewolf, now her family will treat her well she thought.

It was already morning so Ava with happiness walked back home.

As Ava stepped inside her home, the atmosphere instantly shifted. Her mother's furious expression greeted her, accusations flying before Ava could even explain herself.

"You went to see a man, didn't you?" her mother shouted, her voice laced with anger and disappointment. "Why are you coming home now, and where did you spend the night you slut?"

Ava's heart sank as her mother's accusations pierced through her. Before she could defend herself, her mother began throwing Ava's belongings out, a painful reminder of her disapproval.

Feeling a mix of frustration, anger and sadness, Ava struggled to find the words to explain.

Ava's anger boiled over, a primal growl escaping her lips before she could stop it. The sound echoed through the room, startling both her and her mother.

Her mother's surprise was evident, her eyes widening in disbelief. "How... how could you do that? You're not even a werewolf," she stammered, her voice tinged with confusion and surprise.

Ava's heart sank even further, realizing the extent of her outburst. She knew she had a lot of explaining to do.

Taking a deep breath, Ava gathered her courage and spoke up. "Mom, I... I shifted last night," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her mother's eyes widened in shock, disbelief washing over her features. "Shifted? But... but how is that possible?" she exclaimed, you are nothing but a mere human with no value.

Tears welled up in Ava's eyes as she pleaded with her mother, her voice trembling with emotion. "Mom, I know you won't believe me, but I swear it's true. And now, I have value. I can be the daughter you've always wanted," she said earnestly, her heart heavy with the weight of her words.

Her mother's expression softened slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features as she struggled to come to terms with Ava's revelation.

In that vulnerable moment, Ava hoped beyond hope that her mother would find it in her heart to accept her and love her just like she used to when she was still a little girl.

Ava's heart shattered as she reached out to her mother, only to be met with rejection. The physical push knocked her off balance, causing her to stumble and fall to the floor, the impact jarring her senses.

A voice, dripping with disdain and cruelty, cut through the air, freezing Ava's blood in her veins. "And who do we have here? The weak daughter who had no value. Have you finally come back from that man's house?"

Ava's heart sank even further as she realized it was her father's voice that spoke those words. The betrayal cut deep, as she had hoped for his understanding and support in this difficult moment.

Struggling to hold back tears, Ava felt a surge of pain and confusion wash over her. She had always longed for her father's approval and love, but now it seemed like an impossible dream.

Ava's heart shattered as she turned her back to her father, hoping for even a glimmer of understanding or acceptance. Instead, his words cut through her like a knife, leaving her feeling utterly abandoned.

"I'm a werewolf, just like you," she whispered, her voice trembling with pain and disbelief.

But her father's response was cold and cruel. " And so what if you are a werewolf I just hate you," he spat out, his words dripping with venom.

Tears streamed down Ava's cheeks as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of her father's hatred.

In that moment, she felt the weight of her family's rejection crushing her spirit, leaving her feeling lost and alone in a world that no longer felt like home.

With a newfound resolve burning within her, Ava stood tall, facing her family with a steely determination. "You are wicked parents, and you don't deserve a daughter like me," she declared, her voice firm despite the tremble of emotion beneath the surface.

Her father's anger flared at her words, his face contorting with rage. But before he could respond, Ava's two sisters, her elder and younger siblings, charged towards her. Their hands grasped at her hair, their voices laced with venom as they hurled insults at her.

"Why would you say such things to our parents?" they demanded, their faces twisted with anger.

Ava, feeling the sting of their betrayal, pushed them away, her eyes filled with a mix of defiance and sorrow. In that moment, she knew that she could no longer tolerate the toxicity of her family.

Ava's father's words cut through the chaos, a final decree sealing her fate. "Get out of my house and never return!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the room with finality.

Ava stood there, stunned by the weight of his words. Her heart ached with the pain of rejection, but she refused to let her family's cruelty break her spirit. With a heavy sigh, she turned away, gathering whatever fragments of dignity she could salvage.

Silently, she walked towards the door, her footsteps heavy with the weight of her decision. As she stepped out of the house.

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