She began to regret her decision to choose fashion over comfort. But her comments about her dress code made it a little tougher for her today.
Her skirt is tighter and she has unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse. But Jake doesn't seem to notice the difference, at least he hasn't revealed anything yet.
"Take my hand," Jake offered, extending a large hand.
She noticed the glint in his eyes as he watched her clone. His eyes were frozen on his chest. Well he finally figured it out, congrats Emmie.
"Thanks, but I can handle it," Emmie said as she tried to walk forward without lifting her skirt and rounding her waist.
"Glad to see you kneeling in front of me. Would you like to participate in an idea I just had? "
He was sitting with his legs wide apart in front of her and she glanced straight into his crotch before stopping. She then looked down at the floor she was trying to get away from the office
" Not very likely," Emmie blushed
Her gaze made it clear that all her ideas were sexual
"Too bad. I really want to get real payment for all this silly tech stuff. But I noticed you crawled anyway, he said smugly.
"Just to get rid of you sooner."
"No, you owe me lunch, remember?"
"Oh, damn it. I forgot."
"Don't worry. I'm not," he said and took her arm and put her back on his feet.
“Come on. You buy, I guess? "
" It depends on your price. "
Emmie glanced at him.
"I guess you're going to have to eat more than the average weak computer geek to maintain that mass."
Jake grinned.
"I don't live on coke. Diet and energy drinks, no. But it's too late to retreat now."
As they entered the canteen, she could see several people watching them.
They passed the table where Jake used to sit and one of his colleagues noticed them.
"Hey, Jake. Bring your friends and join us."
"Sorry guys. I've got an appointment."
Emmie was surprised at his words and gave him a slight push of his arm.
"This isn't a date," she hissed.
"They need to talk. Play games."
"No, they don't."
"This will give me the edge on change. I need to increase my score."
"Your score? What score?" Emmie wondered, took the glass of water and drank.
"My sex appeal."
Emmie just spat out water and started coughing.
"Your what?" she hissed at him.
"Just a guy. But, I'm pretty low on the list, so this lunch will increase my popularity among the ladies."
Emmie just laughed.
"So smile and have a normal conversation. You tend to be frugal with your words and make people laugh."
"Do I want it?"
"You already knew that. Don't be silly. "
" Just kidding", Jake smirked
It completely transformed his face
" Well, you should do this more often. If I didn't know better, I would think you're a nice guy. "
" What an insult. I'm always good. "
" Maybe in your dream.
Emmie turned her back on him and began to fill her plate with salad and ham. She noticed that Jake ate almost the same as she did.
“It was a surprise. Are you following a healthy diet? She teased him.
"I have to keep the volume going, don't I?"
"Shouldn't you go buy raw eggs and bacon for that?"
"You've seen too many boxing movies. It's the vegetables and the protein that matter."
They sat alone at a table. Emmie noticed that people were still paying attention to them, but the first shock seemed to have passed.
"Don't worry about them," Jake said. "They will always come to their own conclusions no matter what you do."
Emmie was surprised. He was smarter than she expected.
"So what are they thinking right now, what are you thinking?"
"Let us play."
Emmie just gasped.
"They can't know that."
"Get Closer and They Will."
Emmie stepped away from him and sat down as stiff as a plank on a chair.
"They can't come to a conclusion like this, without any proof or rumors or nothing."
"They can and will. By the way, rumors have been around for a long time."
"What rumor?"
"About why I'm always hanging around your door and fixing your computer."
"But these are just normal missions."
“Not when it happens four days a week and leads to lively conversations that one can hear anywhere.”
“They can't put anything there. We always disagree.”
"This is why people look at us and wait for us to be reconciled. It was like a movie was passing in front of them. "
" Looks like you've been watching too many movies lately. I never thought you liked romantic comedies. "
" I don't like. But I have eyes and ears. And some other IT guys don't care what they say. "
" Maybe you should keep scowling, "
" No, I'm working on my sex appeal, remember? " Find another guinea pig to experiment with. "
" Other test subjects tended to avoid my scowl. "
" Maybe next time you should smile at them. "
" and hear all kinds of rumours? Forget it. "
" I think you're worried about your score? "
" Honestly, I don't. "
" It's your loss. It will give you a lot more feminine attention. "
" And the gist is? " "Well, don't you want a girlfriend?" "
" Who can say I haven't? "
"It doesn't sound like that. Right?"
"No, I'm single."
"So if you want to change that status, you might have to consider smiling and listening to some gossip."
Jake seemed pondering his words
"And you?" he asked
"What about me?"
"Are you single?"
"So your good advice is also would apply to yourself?"
"Maybe. But I don't frown."
"No, you just hit them on the head with your sarcasm and sarcasm."
"Do I want it?"
Emmie surprised.
"You don't scare me, though," Jake said. "But I'm curious if you can show the same hotness during sex."
Emmie feels bored.
"You'll never know. And you don't scare me either."
"I know. That's what I love about you. But you're terrified of losing control."
"I'm not!" Emmie said louder.
"That reaction just proves my point. As soon as I direct the conversation into sexual grounds, you're on thin ice."
"And your point being?"
"I think you're inexperienced. Maybe even a virgin."
Emmie just gasped.
"This is not the sort of topic suited for a work place. And that's none of your business. "
" No, but I wish it was. "
Emmie felt like he was pulling the rug under her feet. .She was too tired to let him through. Time for revenge But how?
There is only one solution. She had to give him his own taste of medicine.
She smiles at him.
"Oh, you're so confused. I'm not a virgin, but maybe you are? Perhaps you are looking for a more experienced woman who can guide you through the wonders of tantric sex positions? There are so many interesting g-spots on my body that it will take weeks to learn and master them all. But I generally prefer experienced men, so we don't need to start at rookie level. ”
Jake stared at her. He looked completely stunned after her little speech.
"Thanks for the lunch. We'll have to continue this conversation some other time," Emmie said before walking away.
Leaving him open, looking shocked.
Yeah, that's great, Emmie thought, recalling the look of amazement on her face. He deserved it after all the sexual mentions he'd brought into their conversation just to see her reaction.
Maybe he's not that good after all. Or maybe he was so desperate after a real sexual experience that it came so quickly? Either way, she was never confused about her true personality. She doesn't know.
One minute he was easy to talk to, and the next he looked like he wanted to build her bones. It almost bubbled with steam. It made her aware of what she was saying or doing when he was around.
Recently, she has become very aware of him and her mind is filled with forbidden thoughts and needs. It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.
She took a deep breath. She had to forget everything about him and focus on her mission.
Feeling more in love with herself, she walked quickly into the study room she shared with Irene.
"How was your lunch?" Irene wondered.
"It's interesting," Emmie admitted.
"Looks like you've tamed the monster." Chapter
"What beast?"
"You know. Jake, sure. Everyone's talking about it."
"Beast, hah? I'd rather call it a dragon."
"It's amazing. It looks like there's putty in your hand. He even smiled. I have never seen this before. "
" Well, as long as you find the right audience, I guess anyone would smile. "
" He's actually quite cute. And very tall and muscular. Much more manly than others. Maybe I should go for him instead of Dave. What are you saying? Is it worth suing?
"How do I know?" But by all means. Use any man in the company. You will never know unless you try.
At least that would allow him to get rid of her, Emmie thought. He was too worried about his condition and after today he was worth having other women run after him.
"But, I wouldn't if you liked him, you know." And you ? "
" Not at all. Welcome to his place,” Emmie smiled. "So he doesn't scare you anymore?"
"No, he looks more normal now when he's smiling. Just much more manly than the rest of the group. I like tall and fit men. imagine how big he'd get because he's got a great body. You know what they say about a man's penis shrinking to his size?" Irene stammered.
Emmie has very disturbing images in her head and she shakes them slowly. She tried to smile to make the images disappear.
"You're always thinking about the future, Irene. Maybe he's an exception to the rule and he's very small."
Though she really doubted it after looking at his crotch from half a meter away.
"I'm just curious," Irene said dreamily.
It would be good for his grades if someone discovered his attractiveness. Emmie laughs.
And if he's lucky, he'll be fine too. He can be very boring and a constant threat to his balance.
Letting the rest of the women join the chase can only be good for her mental state. Then they can chat with others. It can be a lot of fun to follow.
However, Emmie did not notice the smile on Irene's lips.
Next week, it seems a lot of women decided to give Jake a chance. The help desk is flooded with help calls and Jake seems to be everywhere, helping with any computer problem.
Emmie noticed that his smile was fading, and soon he resumed his usual scowl. She even heard him cursing loudly at the other end of the desk.
Looks like other women came up with some great ideas on how to get Jake's attention and decided to bring reported issues to the help desk.
Emmie smirked. If they continued like this, he wouldn't stand a chance in his way. The only annoying thing is that now she has to correct all the mistakes herself or try to solve them. Unable to contact help. But Emmie thought it was a small price to pay.
Emmie felt like he was pulling the rug under her feet. .She was too tired to let him through. Time for revenge But how?
There is only one solution. She had to give him his own taste of medicine.
She smiles at him.
"Oh, you're so confused. I'm not a virgin, but maybe you are? Perhaps you are looking for a more experienced woman who can guide you through the wonders of tantric sex positions? There are so many interesting g-spots on my body that it will take weeks to learn and master them all. But I generally prefer experienced men, so we don't need to start at rookie level. ”
Jake stared at her. He looked completely stunned after her little speech.
"Thanks for the lunch. We'll have to continue this conversation some other time," Emmie said before walking away.
Leaving him open, looking shocked.