When the class was over, Jake came over to her.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sore all over."
"It will be worse tomorrow."
"But it was fun."
"Glad to hear it."
"See you tomorrow at work," Emmie said as she headed for the wardrobe.
"Emmie?" Jake intervened.
"You should say Irene Dave is dating someone else."
"That's right, there's no point in creating more bogus computer failures to get me out of the scene."
Emmie stared at him speechless as she felt her cheeks flush.
"Did you know?"
"Sure. I'm not stupid. But, if you continue, I'll suspect you love me and enjoy what's endowed."
Emmie gasped. He dare not.
He approached.
"And then I can confess that I love your ass. Very much," he looked at her passionately then turned into a knowing smile.
As he passed her, he patted her butt
“Never,” Emmie told Irene. "I will never lie to him again."
"But, Emmie," Irene begged. “I really need to talk to Dave.
"Then talk to her like normal adults would."
"But Jake scares me," Irene protested.
Me too, Emmie agreed but she didn't say it out loud. He scared her, but maybe for reasons other than Irene.
The sexual nuances of his words and the way he began to look at her as if he were lusting after her, made Emmie very aware of her body and smell. It's unsettling to say the least.
She has no intention of having sex with a coworker, and now is not the best time to find another job. She needed this job and working next to her ex-boyfriend was not a happy idea for her. No, she had no intention or desire to see where something like this would end.
Furthermore, she knew he would never be an easily tied man. He was too intense for that, and an affair with him would make everyone uncomfortable.
Staying away from him and letting the opportunity pass has become easier.
Emmie suddenly remembered that there was one important detail Irene needed to know.
"Irene, Jake told me Dave is seeing someone else. He was arrested. "
" So? I won't let that stop me. He's so sweet. "
" You're going in someone else's field, you know. "
" But we can just be friends, and maybe one day he'll come back to his senses. "
What do you wish, Emmie thought. A woman in love may not think very clearly, Emmie hopes that will never happen to her. Or maybe, yes, please.
In her dream, she longs for a man to love, but only if her feelings are reciprocated for her. It will be something. Feeling unrequited, now that would be terrible, so this Irene campaign should probably end before anyone gets hurt.
"Anyway, I'm not helping you. I'll have to take care of Jake on my own," said Emmie firmly.
" What? He's still just as cranky. It's too bad because he's so pretty and yet he doesn't seem like anyone else. You talk to him a lot better. "
" That's right. Emmie nodded exclaiming.
There is no other solution. She had to tell Irene the truth.
"He knows we're cheating on him."
"Who? Jake? No way."
"Yes, he knows. He told me. "
" When? "
" He's my new climbing instructor. "
" Well. So that's where he gets all those muscles. Good. "
" Guess what. "
" How is he? Still so cranky? "
" No, he was actually pretty good for a while. He saved me from falling to the ground. "
" God, can he be kind? I have never seen this before. Usually he doesn't care about anyone or anything. I do not believe you. "
" Yes, he's so nice. Until he wakes up and rediscovers his Neanderthal tendencies and becomes a man again. this. But he has developed the nasty habit of turning every conversation into something sexual. Like he's some kind of super stallion. "
" What? Is he a flirt? Joke me. How? What did he do? "
" Uh, whatever," Emmie stopped.
She didn't want to think about how her eyes would warm up and create the same warmth in her. That's leadership. strange land and it didn't match the picture she had of Jake
She must have misunderstood the whole situation He didn't care. He can't be like that.
"You're blushing," Irene smiled meaningfully.
"I don't!"
Emmie tried to push all her erratic thoughts to safer places.
"Relax. There's a lot of men out there for both of us, and it's time for him to quit the video games and start dating."
"What are you talking about?"
"Dave told me Jake spent the night playing. That's why he's always cranky and irritable. He doesn't get enough sleep. And, according to Dave, he had never been interested in any of the women here before. So he must be very attracted to you. You should go. Suddenly it will wrap around your little finger, wait and see. "
" Forget it. Nothing else. "" He's single, you know," Irene said intentionally.
"That doesn't surprise me," laughed Emmie.
Emmie took a deep breath before trying to steer Irene to another topic.
" Either way, the bottom line is: you're alone with Dave and Jake. I will not participate anymore. And now I need more coffee,” said Emmie, quickly grabbing her cup and quickly walking over to the coffee machine.
I don't know if it was her conversation or her thoughts that made her want to run away.
Irene stared at her as she tried to come up with another plan to keep Dave alone. In war and love, everything is allowed, she thought.
Looking at the cables behind Emmie's computer, Irene had an idea. She ducked behind Emmie's desk and carefully loosened the internet cable.
When she gets up, she can see the network icon goes offline.
"Bottom! It'll work," Irene said smugly
Also, it wouldn't hurt to put Jake in Emmie's way a few more times. She deserves to be happy, Irene smiled. Especially when they both benefit from his care. When Emmie returned with her coffee, Irene sat down at her desk and seemed to have forgotten their entire conversation. Emmie felt relieved.
She sat down in her seat and logged into her computer. Immediately a message pops up. Is she offline?
"What the hell is that?"
"Having problems?"
Irene glanced at him.
"Are you online?" Emmie wondered.
"Yes, of course."
"Well, I don't. That's weird. It worked perfectly a few minutes ago. Damn, I just checked out all the files I needed. Does this work well for you? "
" Well, there's nothing wrong here. Should I call the help desk? "
" Nope! "Emmie exclaimed." I'll take care of this myself, thanks. A reboot will definitely solve the problem. "
No doubt she wants to be the target of Jake's blunt remarks again. He seemed to be able to see right through her.
Quickly, Irene pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number. Emmie could hear the ringtone when Irene put the phone on the speaker.
"IT," replied a gruff voice.
It's Jakes' voice.
"What are you doing?" Emmie whispered angrily to Irene.
"Network is down," Irene said.
"No, it's not," Jake replied.
"Oh. So only Emmie is offline."
"She again? I warned her to waste my time."
Irene quickly handed the phone to Emmie.
"This is for you."
"I'll kill you for this," Emmie hissed at Irene. “Don't worry, Jake,” Emmie said quickly into the phone. "I'll fix it myself. You can just sit on your ass."
The laughter coming from the other end was confusing.
"You owe me lunch, ma'am. I am going to. "
She heard a click and Irene snatched her phone.
" You see? It's not that difficult, is it? "Never!"
Irene tried to convince her, but Emmie couldn't believe it.
"You did it on purpose! How could you?"
"Relax, he's a nice guy, remember. You said it yourself. Have a good time! I have to go see someone. Ta da."
"What did you do to my computer?" Emmie yelled at him, but Irene hurried away.
Damn it, Emmie swore, shutting down all her open programs and starting over.
Just then, Jake burst into the small office.
"So, what happened this time?"
"Irene ruined my life," Emmie explained, not minding their usual stage.
"Then the lover is still starving. Didn't you tell her?"
"Of course, but she won't listen."
"How much longer are you wasting my time?" Jake sighed.
"Your time? And me? I'd rather have lunch than argue with you. "
" I could be wrong, as you've done it countless times. I suspect maybe you have a crush on me. "
Jake frowned in suspicion as she snorted loudly at his assumption.
" Think again, "Emmie said sarcastically, trying to sound more sincere than she meant to
" Alright, what's going on? ”
“ Looks like I'm offline. And I just rebooted, before you ask me, 'Emmie turned on her chair and pointed at her screen.
"Then log in," Jake ordered.
Emmie wrote down her password and waited for the results. suddenly he leaned over her.
"You can take my place," Emmie stirred nervously, trying to get away.
It was too close to his liking.
"I don't mind," Jake said as he put an arm on either side of her and almost locked her in his arms.
He holds the mouse and presses some keyboard commands with his left hand. A lot of weird windows appear. Emmie moved her hand to the center of the table and tried to give her some space. She could feel his chest against her back and was listening to his breathing.
Emmie felt small in his big arms. He is much taller than her. It was almost as if he had locked her up. It's weird being around another person. She's had a boyfriend for a while, he's definitely a man, not a green boy.
She absorbed his scent and found that she liked the light musk flavor. It is both fascinating and terrifying.
As if he was giving her something she needed but it was wise. It will be a lot easier than she can handle in terms of experience and nature.
"Hmm," he whispered suddenly, too close to her ear.
Emmie practically jumped out of her erratic thoughts. At the same time, she suddenly realized that she wouldn't mind waking up every morning with such a deep and warm voice.
Did he just mesmerize him with his presence and voice? How can it happen? She had read about it in countless books, but she never believed it could happen in real life.
"Look at this," Jake said, as he took her right hand in his, placed it on the mouse, and began to move the two of them.
Emmie realized how much smaller her hand was and she felt a shiver of excitement run through her body.
"See! You're not even on the intranet," Jake continued. "Okay, then let's check the cables."
Jake leaned back and seemed to reach for his computer. He was placed in the back of his office, against the wall.
"You'll have to hide and check yourself, ma'am."
"Unless you want me to raise your table instead," Jake suggested.
"Don't think so," Emmie nodded. “Give me some room first,” she said, pushing herself against him.
"Of course," he stepped back.
Emmie leaned on the floor and ducked under the desk and aimed at her computer.
"How's the muscle pain?" suddenly asked Jake.
"Still hurts," Emmie admitted.
"I can give you a massage, if you're interested," Jake offered.
"I'm fine," Emmie said quickly.
"It's your loss."
Jake let the sentence hang between them for a moment, but Emmie refused to nibble on the hook.
"Check the Internet cable if it's loose. If not, I'll get you a new one."
"Oh, it's all gone," Emmie found and pushed her until she heard a click.
"It worked," Jake said as he sat down in his chair and looked at his monitor.
Emmie managed to get under the table without hitting her head. Her heels don't make the process any easier.