Ellis had come found me sometime before lunch before I could find a place to smoke and dragged me to meet her friends. Of course just another group of spoiled rich kids talking about shit I couldn't relate too or didn't care about.
I was able to escape just before the bell and was now at my locker contemplating skipping the rest of the day. I only had art and gym left and the rest was a free day. I still had to wait at the school for a ride back to the house. And I wasn't really in the mood to go to art.
I sighed and shut my locker with a little more force than necessary. My gaze flickers to a figure draped in red and black with a brown mop with bangs hiding hazelnut eyes.
"Hey, Marley right? I'm Owen. We have Chemistry together." He smiles brightly as I deadpan.
"I don't take chemistry." I start to walk away but he follows chuckling.
"Right I think it's-" I stop abrupt in my tracks before he can try another corny line.
"I'm not interested." I stare him down, pinning him with my point but he's to dense to get it.
"Look I just know you're new and I wa-"
"I believe she said no Owen." A voice that felt oddly familiar vibrates from behind me.
"Oh hey Caesar. Didn't see you there." Owen tosses Caesar a cocky smirk before he salters away. "See you around Marley." I roll my eyes and turn to continue towards class.
"You okay?" The mountain of a boy match's his massive stride to my own. He was tall enough for me to only come to his bicep which was almost the size of my head. I honestly wouldn't think he was in high school if I met him outside of here.
"I'm fine." I answer dryly, scanning the numbers on the walls for my classroom.
For some reason Caesar was still following me and I was getting slightly annoyed. "Something I can help you with?" I glare up at him but he just shrugs and continues to match my stride.
"Where'd you move from?"
"Just curious."
"You shouldn't be. There's no mystery here, now go away." I attempt to ditch him to go for a smoke but he only smirks at my glare.
"Are you sure your related to Ellis Ryan. She's kind of the sweetheart of the town and you're," he took a moment to pause.
"The complete opposite." I finish for him as I stop at the double doors behind the school.
"See ya." I toss a mock salute and push out the door backwards as he looks at me with a look I didn't bother to decipher.
Ducking out the parking lot I wait until I get a few blocks before sparking a joint. Stumbling onto a park I collapse lazily into one of the swings to finish off the blunt.
My phone buzzes in my bag again and I sigh. Pulling my lip into my bottom teeth I swallow, pulling the little black device from my pocket I take a moment to stare at the shattered screen from the accident that I didn't have the heart to get fixed.
I click the lock bottom and Miles and Dads smiling faces blind me, behind the hundreds of messages and notifications.
Something inside me tightens.
The sadness climbed up my throat as a knot and I let out the broken sob before opening the phone. Instead of answering anyone back I go to my photos. It's so painful but I flip through the pictures, my tears flowing down my face freely as I look at the photos behind the broken screen that mimicked my heart.
"I miss you guys, so much." I swipe at my tears roughly before plugging in my headphones and letting my music blast through my ears and wash away whatever pain the weed missed.
I needed this, I needed to breathe.
I couldn't breathe in that house, in that school. God, this place was suffocating me. I just wanted to go back home and wake up from this awful, horrible night mare.