Eleonora opened her eyes and noticed that she was in Zanvil's room. Samantha was seated beside her. She felt thirsty. She wanted to drink some water.
"W-water" she said softly. Samantha turned her head towards her and immediately handed her a glass of water from the side table. Eleonora took it and drank it. After drinking the water she kept the glass aside.
When she tried to get up Samantha immediately held her back.
"No. You need to rest. You need to take good care of yourself" Samantha said to her affectionately. Nora smiled at her concern. She would forever be grateful to God for giving her such a mother in law.
"I'm okay Mom. Don't worry. I just felt a little dizzy that's all." Nora said softly and tried to ressure her worried mother in law.
"That's the reason I'm worried. You can't feel dizzy. What if you faint again because of dizziness? It will harm you and the baby." Samantha said in a motherly tone. Her voice was dripping with affection.
Nora got confused by her words. Harm the baby? Where did the baby come from?
"What? I don't understand" she asked her mother in law confused.
"O sweety! You are going to be a mother. You are pregnant. I'm going to be grandma." Samantha squealed excitedly. She was really happy. Their family was going to get a bundle of joy.
Nora's eyes went wide. She looked at her mother in law perplexed. Her hands immediately went to her stomach. She was pregnant! She couldn't believe her ears. Then it clicked in her brain. She was having morning sickness and that's why she fainted.
She smiled when she realised she was actually having a baby. Babies were always her weakness. She always wanted a baby of her own. She loved babies so much. She smiled at her mother in law. Now she had someone who would love her without any reason or question. She felt happiness coming from the bottom of her heart. She was overjoyed.
But then she suddenly thought of something. For a moment she felt scared.
Would her baby love her? Or ignore her like others? Maybe like Zanvil. Would her baby look like her or Zanvil? Was it a boy or girl? She was thinking so much. She didn't know how would Zanvil react. Would he be happy? Would their relationship change now since they're having a baby? So many questions yet no answers.
After sometimes everyone came and congratulated her. But she didn't find her husband among them. Where was he?
"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt. OMG" Ana stated in excitement. Everyone laughed at her. They all seemed so happy with the news.
"Stop squealing like a pig Ana. You will scare the baby before he or she is even born." Zachary said to Ana with a playful smirk. Ana glared at him.
"Oh shut you. You are the pig here. You are just jealous that I'm better than you and our nephew or niece gonna love me more." Ana said with a hair flip and sat beside Nora while hugging her from the side. Nora grinned at her happily.
"Oh please. Have you seen your face in the mirror? My nephew or niece will have better taste. They will love this handsome and smart uncle of theirs more." Zachary said while smirking devilishly at Ana who threw him draggers with her eyes. If only look could kill.
"Shut up you moron." Ana said annoyed. Nora laughed.
"He or she will love you both. They will be lucky to get you as their aunt and uncle." Nora said with smile.
"Aww." Ana said with smile. She always loved Nora's calm nature and her beautiful smile.
Meanwhile Samantha who went out of the room came back while talking to Harris.
"I have to do a lot of shopping for my grandkids. There's so much things I want to do. It's our first grandchild. I can't wait to hold him or her." Samantha said happily.
"I will accompany you, honey. We both will do it together." Harris also joined. They were truely happy with the news.
"And you Nora. You have to take care of yourself and our new guest." Samantha turned towards Nora and said in a motherly tone.
"I will. Don't worry, Mom." She replied with a small smile. It was the best day of her life. They all started chatting while planning many things for their new guest of their family.
Finally God took pity on her and sent someone to love her. Maybe God was tired of punishing her that's why he was sending a angel in her life. No matter what the reason was she was truely happy.
Nora smiled at them. She wanted to share this news with her parents and siblings. She wanted to tell her mother that she was also going to be a mother. She wanted to call her Nonna. She would be so happy to hear the news. She wanted to tell her siblings about their niece or nephew. What would be her father's reaction? Would he be happy for her?
But in all this one thing was bothering her. That where was her husband? Why wasn't he here? Was he not happy with the news? She didn't even see him once since she woke up.
Maybe sensing her uneasiness Harris answered her question which she didn't ask.
"Zanvil went to the office because there was an emergency." She smiled at Harris and nod, understanding.
"He is doing a lot of works nowadays. He needs to take care of his family now. Let him come I will teach him a lesson." Samantha said pissed.
"It's okay mom. He always takes care of me. Don't worry." She tried to assure her mother in law. But inside she was disappointed herself. What could be more important than his child? Brushing her sadness off she tried to think positive.