It's been nine months since Eleonora was staying with Zanvil. Nothing had changed in those months except one thing. Eleonora fell head over hills in love with her husband. Wasn't it normal? He was her husband, she had a crush on him and they were living together so she was bound to fall for him. The more she saw him the harder she fell. She had liked a boy in her highschool but the boy had played her and broke her heart by dating her cousin behind her back. She didn't love that boy but She had really liked him.
His name was Daniel. They had just started dating when she found out he was double crossing her with her own cousin slash best friend, Lara whom she had trusted blindly.
It broke her heart.
She never thought her sworn sister would betray her. But it had happened anyways and left a ugly mark in her heart for which she stayed away from boys. Even the people she considered her friends betrayed her and attacked her from behind.
They left her when she needed them the most.
Betrayal was an ugly feeling. It was really bitter. It's the thing human are most afraid of. When human try to trust they fear betrayal. When they try to commit they fear betrayal. When they try to love all they fear is betrayal.
Unfortunate for Eleonora she tasted it in very young age. How could she trust any other man when she didn't trust her own father?
She had expected her father to protect her but he betrayed her feelings.
Those feelings captured her in a cage and she build a four walls around her to protect herself. But it seemed like those walls crumbled down the moment she got tied with Zanvil.
Even though Nora fell for Zanvil, he was, however, the same. He was always cold towards Eleonora and ignored her like she didn't exist at all. He didn't behave badly with her, which for her was a relief. He simply treated her as air. And guess what could hurt more than that?
He never talked to her nor acknowledged her. But Nora tried to talk to him. She cooked food for him everyday, made his things and did his other necessary works. She waited for him at night with dinner. Though he didn't tell her to do any of those she still did. Unlike her Zanvil always minded his own business.
Sometimes Zanvil came home but most of the time didn't. In those months Nora's relation with her in laws became stronger. They loved her so much and she too loved them. They made her feel wanted and welcomed which she craved.
No one wants to feel unwanted in their life. Everyone hope to be loved and cared. She too was no exception.
So when her in laws welcomed her with open arms she couldn't help but ran in their arms.
On a fine day Nora was working on her laptop doing some outsourcing. She did that to support her family. She also started her little business of catering and event management there. She didn't want to be a burden on Zanvil. She wanted to live on her own and take care of her family on her own. She wanted to take responsibility of her siblings wholly. She wanted to be the son her father craved.
She felt lonely in that house. Though she was used to it. Most of the time when she didn't have any work she spent it by cooking, gardening or collecting seashells. Those was her most favorite pass time. She also loved to read books and watch movies. But loneliness is a such feeling that you could feel among your favorite people or favorite things. In the past whenever she felt lonely she went to traveling. But that wasn't the case anymore. She couldn't go to traveling. All she could do was stay in the four walls.
Sometimes she felt like going crazy with the lonliness. Though she was used to it still she felt like it had worsened since she had moved in with Zanvil. In all her works and thoughts she would expect him to come home and talk to her. He would cure her lonliness. But she knew it wasn't going to happen.
Sighing Nora opened the book she had half read. She mostly read love and romance books.Suddenly she remembered the time she used to watch movies with her siblings. Cuddling with them , fighting with them, crying and laughing with them. She missed those days. She missed them. She missed her home.
Eleonora came out of her thoughts when she heard some noises from the front door. She knew it was her husband so she quickly put her book aside and stood up.
Zanvil came in the living room stumbling. Nora noticed something off with his behavior
"You get freshen up, I will heat and serve the dinner." She said and was about to go to the kitchen when his voice stopped her.
"No, I am not h-ungry. I don't want to eat anything." he slurred. He tried to take a step in the front but again stumbled back. Nora quickly went near him and held him. She smelled alcohol. Then it clicked in her brain. He was drunk. He never came home drunk before.
"Are you drunk Zanvil?" She asked him dumbly. Of course he was drunk.
He was definitely drunk. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and held him from falling. She quickly guided him to his room. The whole time Zanvil was staring at her intensely. He was watching her every move. She looked so beautiful. She was beautiful. He couldn't took his eyes off her.
When she came in front of his room she debated with herself if she should enter in his room or not. He had warned her not to enter in his room. What if he got angry? She thought worriedly.
She was so busy with her thoughts she didn't even noticed Zanvil looking at her intensely. She looked breathtakingly beautiful. She was always beautiful. She always bewitched him with her beauty and calm nature. But he didn't want to admit that. He didn't want to admit that he wanted her. He craved her.
Suddenly Zanvil didn't know what had gotten into him that he opened the door and in a blink of second he pushed her inside and pinned her to the nearest wall. Before Nora could say anything or react he crashed his lips on hers.