-'"I am Trevas Beifang, the remaining Dark User in this world"
I stared at Trevas for a moment and his outstretched hand in front of me before I reached for it and spoke.
“Alissa Knoxx, Water and ice us-” before I could finish what I was saying my eyes widened when Trevas suddenly knelt down and coughed up blood.
little by little the surroundings lit up again and we were stuck in the middle of the forest but I didn't notice that when I approached Trevas and he suddenly fell to the floor and that's when I remembered what Alastor said earlier that he had poisoned Trevas.
‘What am I going to do here?’I asked as I watched Trevas, who was lying on the floor, slowly close up.
‘I know!’ Anna shouted back at me.
I was so bitten on my nail while thinking about what to do with Trevas when he suddenly coughed up blood again. I gasped before deciding to take Trevas to the small hut where Lina and I were staying.
I knelt down next to the reclining Trevas before touching it to my chest and using the teleportation skill back to the place where lina and I were staying.
we were enveloped in a mixture of blue and black light before the scenery suddenly changed around.
"Alissa, why the delay-" lina greeted as soon as she came out of the hiding rock but she also stopped immediately when she saw Trevas lying down. "Who is that?"
"Do you know how to cure poison?" I asked him.
"Are you kidding? I used to be Alissa's assistant, not a doctor ”
I frowned before looking seriously at the unconscious Trevas. ‘Anna, do you know any way to get rid of the poison in Trevas’ body? ’
"I am a Goddess of butterflies Alissa, not a Goddess of medicine" said Anna calmly.
Why the a-attitude of these?
I got up from my knees next to Trevas but I was suddenly back in my seat when Trevas suddenly grabbed me by the wrist. "Mother ..."
I tried to remove Trevas' hand from my wrist but his grip tightened even more. Trevas's eyes slowly opened but it was out of focus.
"You're not my mother" I sighed at him but he just stared at me before slowly releasing my hand.
I stood up again and was about to leave when Trevas suddenly spoke. "Where are you going?"
I turned to him. "I'm going to the city, I'll call a doctor to treat you"
"No need" Trevas said before getting up from lying down and staring me in the eye. "No doctor can cure the poison that Alastor gave me"
"What do you mean?"
“Fire blossom poison is the name of the poison that Alastor drank from me. and the only medicine there is the Ice blossom flower that grows only at the bottom of Fangbei lake ”said Trevas.
"Lake Fangbei?" I turned to Lina when she suddenly spoke.
"Do you know where that is?" I asked him and he nodded. "It's just near here Alissa"
I turned my gaze back to Trevas. “Are you here? To find that ice blossom flower medicine for your poisoning? ”
He nodded. "But even if I find your flower I still won't be cured"
my forehead frowned. "Why?"
Trevas sighed before standing up and leaning against a large rock beside him to support himself. "Even if I find your flower nothing will happen because I still need to find an Ice user to treat me"
I suddenly stared at Trevas at what he said. "Ice user?"
“Yep, before that ice blossom flower can be a complete cure for my poisoning, an ice user must first cover it with ice, and guess what? Ice is a rare element and there are no ice users left in the world. ”
Lina and I suddenly looked at each other before we both smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" Trevas asked when he noticed lina and me smiling.
"What if I told you I knew an Ice user?" said Lina.
“Do you know anyone? if yes, then i will give you anything you want ”said Trevas who made lina and me smile even more.
"Anything?" I asked again.
"Yes, anything .. Just disappear the-" he could not continue what he was saying and his eyes widened as he looked at my hands.
my right hand is stretched out in front of me and there are floating snowflakes on it which proves that I am an ice user.
"Are you an ice user?" Trevas asked in shock, widening my smiles. "Didn't you notice earlier while I was fighting Alastor?"
"I was too busy coughing up blood earlier so I didn't watch your fight." Trevas replied. "Now that I think about it, all of a sudden there was snow while you were fighting."
“If we help cure your poisoning. what can you give in return ”I said before I twisted the snowflakes around with my fingers.
“Anything you want. Money, jewelries, even a house and land I can give you ”said Trevas. "Just help me cure this poison."
"I don't need money" Trevas frowned but I just kept talking. “What i need is power”
“Power? What kind of power? What for?"
“Power, not magical power but political power. Power to overthrow the Bauxacel royal family. ”
Trevas stared at me. “Bauxacel royal family? The current ruler of the other kingdom? ”
I nodded. "Can you give me what I ask for?"
This time, it was Trevas who smiled. “Do you even know who I am?”
I was shaken. "I am Trevas Beifang, the remaining Dark user in the world and the current heir to the throne of this kingdom."
I just stared at Trevas, his wide smiles still not disappearing from his lips but his jaw suddenly stiffened when I spoke.
"Well?" I heard Lina suddenly get down in the distance because of the restraint of laughter but I did not take my eyes off Trevas who was now annoyed looking back at me.
“What weh? You don't really know me? ”
I shook my head before looking at Lina who also shrugged as a sign that even she didn't know Trevas.
"Why would the crown prince of a kingdom go to the middle of the forest?" I asked why Trevas' face suddenly went bad.
“I ....i ran away ”I noticed a mixture of guilt and sadness in Trevas' eyes.
“Did you flee from your kingdom? Why? ” Trevas didn't say a word and I'm sure he didn't want to talk about it so I just gasped for breath.
“Alright, I will help you right now to find a cure for your poisoning. But once you don't pay me, I will kill you myself ”I promised seriously so Trevas also looked at me seriously. "Deal?"
Trevas nodded before speaking. "Deal"
I stretched out my hand and was about to shake his hand when he suddenly fell to his knees again and vomited blood. I winced before frowning when asked.
"Are you really vomiting blood every minute?"
Trevas wiped his lips before looking up at me. "Yes, I'm just a kid like this"
I noticed the sadness in Trevas' eyes and I wanted to ask why, but we weren't that close so I didn't say anything.
I gasped. "Alright, let's cure you"
I gasped. "Alright, let's cure you"
From then on, Trevas temporarily stayed in the small hut that Lina and I made here in the middle of the hut but the next day we also started traveling to the lake of fangbei to find the Ice blossom flower that will be needed for Trevas' treatment.
we also walked to the lake for about half an hour because I couldn't teleport to a place I had never been to.
we stopped there by the lake and Trevas and I decided to go down to the lake to look for the flower while Lina would serve as the look in case someone came.
I thought at first everything was ok. that I had planned everything and I had nothing to worry about until it was time for Trevas and I to go down into the water.
"Why did you stop?" Trevas asked as he was currently taking off his robe so he wouldn't get wet.
I stared into Trevas' eyes. "I don't have any swimwear yet"
Trevas stopped undressing before looking at my dress. I wore a white robe and a thick belt tied with ribbon at the front. the robe I'm wearing is long and the fabric is thick so it's not a good swimsuit but if I take it off there will be nothing left on my body but the underwear I'm wearing.
"I'll just dive to find the flower" Trevas said before continuing to undress when he was wearing his robe but before I could see his naked upper body I suddenly stopped him.
"I should be the dive" I grinned at him.
"And bucket?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Besides I'm stronger than you—" Trevas frowned at what I said but I just kept talking. " - I'm also a water user and I can breathe underwater."
"I'm the one who needs the flower, I should be the one to dive.and one more thing, you don't have any swimming clothes and you can't just go naked like me "Trevas replied back.
"I'm a water user Trevas. Water user. I'm on the side of water. And one more thing, you're not very good yet.what if you suddenly cough up blood while diving and you suddenly lose consciousness? "I answered back and he said quietly.
"Ok fine !, you're the dive but once I notice there's a problem, I'll follow" Trevas said.
I just nodded at him before I looked back at the lake. I stepped my foot in the water So I could feel the cold water touching my skin.
I slowly walked to the deep part of the lake and when I arrived I first turned in the direction of lina and Trevas. Lina who was currently up in the tree waved at me to serve as a look out but Trevas just looked at me who was just standing there by the lake.
I looked back at the water before I dived and started swimming to the very center of the lake. for some inexplicable reason, the bottom of the lake is dark even though there is still sun, so I still have to go to the very ground at the bottom of the lake to find the ice blossom flower which in Trevas' description is a light blue flower that shines.
I don't know how long I have been under water because apart from being able to breathe in the water, I focused my attention on finding the flower. The lake is also wide so it's not that easy to find, especially when it's still dark.
after about a few hours I finally saw something shining in the distance. My heart beat faster and I swam quickly to the shining one and there I was exposed to a very beautiful flower. I slowly approached it before carefully digging the soil around the flower so as not to hit the root.
I couldn't help but smile when I had the flower in my hand. I was about to swim up to get up when suddenly something curled up in my leg. I looked at my feet and there I saw a black vine coiled. I reached for the vine to remove it but my eyes widened when suddenly something also curled up in my hand causing me to release the flower.
I was so bitten on the lip and so annoyed to get lost there on the vine. I removed the vine that wrapped around my hands but I could no longer move in my place because the vines that wrapped around my body and pulled me down were up to my waist. I fidgeted and struggled and tried to get away but whatever I did was very tight on the vines. .I tried to use my teleporting power but for some reason it didn't work and I felt like the vines were absorbing the power I used.
I felt the fear building inside me when I was slowly pulled down by the vines and there I saw the corpses of people who were probably also pulled by these vines but I felt even more panic when I wrapped around my mouth and nose are the reason for the vineso that I cannot breathe.I tried to get out but the grip on the vines tightened, which made it even harder for me to breathe.
I felt my eyes gradually close because I was slowly losing my breath but before I could finally close my eyes I could see something swimming in my direction. My vision was blurred and I was so blind that I could not immediately see who it was. he approached me and immediately touched my shoulder which was the only place that had not been covered by the vine.
I could see his face when he swam towards me and realized that it was Trevas but before the events could finally sink into my brain, darkness suddenly enveloped me and Trevas and I went to a place that was only only black is visible before suddenly changingwhich inherited the scenery and we returned to the side of the lake in the shadow of a tree.I knelt on the floor and chased my breath to calm myself.
"I thought water was on your side?" Trevas asked before suddenly sitting down next to me. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes.
"The water is on my side, the vines are not" I told him angrily. "Bwiset, I got the flower, I just let it go because of that lintik vine"
"I'm the one to dive" Trevas said shaking me.
"No, it's just me, you might suddenly faint while diving." Trevas just looked at me.
"Let's just dive together.just in case I die, you're there. And just in case the vines reappear, I can help you "
I gasped. "Alright"
Trevas smiled at me before suddenly averting his gaze. "Maybe it's better if you just take off your clothes too"
I frowned because of what he said. I turned my gaze to the dress I was wearing and realized that I was wearing black underwear with scratches because my white robe was already wet.
my face turned red because I could see my underwear and it looked like I was wearing nothing but underwear but I immediately shrugged my shoulders and just took off the robe I was wearing, after all I can see that my underwear is better when I take off the robe for easier swimming. I'm not that conservative so I just shrugged my shoulders and put on my underwear to follow Trevas who now has no top and is wearing white pants under his robe.
I noticed that Trevas was trying to look away but I ignored that when we started swimming back to where I saw the flower. We immediately found the glowing flower but I was surprised because the vine was no longer around.