past ~
-I approached mama and said goodbye before hugging her tightly. Little did I know, that was our last meeting.
There were already a lot of people in the plaza de rinos when I got there. I had no one with me other than the two guards that mama had brought with me.
I went to the very center of the plaza where there was a high stage that was actually made for use in hanging. I don't know how much blood has been spilled in this area as long as I know it's too much for the color of the blood to spread on stage.
I looked around and noticed a crowd of people. I tried to peek at what was there and I realized it was the Royal family surrounded by royal guards. Here is the king and the four princes and three princesses.
I suddenly stopped walking when Luke and I caught sight of each other and we stared for a few seconds. The heartbeat quickened especially when Luke suddenly stepped closer but he also suddenly stopped and looked away.
I was suddenly bored with myself. i should be angry with him, I should be angry with the whole royal family but here I am now, greedy with a beating of the chest because of Luke's simple look.
my attention was distracted when I heard a noise from the stage and there I saw three men in chains being dragged by the palace guards. Dad was one of three men in chains.
people started making noise and what hurtful words they uttered but I didn’t care. I quickly approached someone on stage and called papa.
Dad stopped walking and looked in my direction. I felt like people were looking at us but I ignored that. Dad whispered something to the guard next to him but I didn't hear much because of the noise of the people around us. All I heard was what he said. "For the last time"
I noticed that the guard nodded before he brought papa to me. "Alissa, you shouldn't have come here"
Shake shake me with him. "I will get you out of here"
I even said that what my mother told me not to worry about echoed in my brain over and over again.
"We can't do anything now Alissa, It's too late" she sighed.
My fist clenched as I watched the now emaciated dad. The former radiance in his eyes was gone and his former confident posture was gone.
father was a very good fighter and magic user. His element is Earth and water and his magic power is level 7. There are only ten creatures that have reached level 7 and two in level 8 so papa is one of the most powerful magicians in the whole kingdom of Bauxacel. but in spite of the strength of his power, here he is now and awaiting the coming death.
Dad held my hand and wore me a blue color mixed with a green bracelet. this is the bracelet he always wore and he never took it off as if he was terrified of losing it.
"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I have a strong feeling that the perpetrators may be affected by you"
I suddenly felt nervous. papa is right, there is a high possibility that the enemies will target us to get our treasure especially if papa is no longer the head of the knoxx family.
"Use this bracelet to protect our family, I don't have time to explain everything as long as you just remember..on a full moon, throw that bracelet in the moonlight and it will take you to a world that will give you the power you need to protect your family— "
Before papa had finished what he was saying, I suddenly heard Lina's voice.
"Young miss Alissa!" I turned to lina who was now gasping for breath running towards me. Her hair and clothes were messy but I noticed the blood stain on the hem of her dress the most.
There was fear in Lina's eyes. "Young miss, we have to leavethey're going to kill you, they're going to kill the whole Knoxx race "
Suddenly my whole body went cold with fear and shock. "What do you mean—"
"I knew it, GO! Alissa stay away and save yourself" papa interrupts what I'm saying.
"Where are they mom?"
"Madam ordered me to take you away from here miss Alissa, and we have to hurry until they don't know where you are" said Lina.
"W-wait—" I stopped what I was saying when the people suddenly became upset.
people started shouting and running away from the plaza. I looked around and searched for the cause of the commotion and my eyes widened when I saw the turned black men with masks killing whoever passed by.
"Who are you ?why the f*ck are you doing this? "I could hear Luke's shout that he was currently fighting the blackened men.
“We are here to rescue our leader General Alen Knoxx” said one of them. there are twenty men in black and they are all atleast at level 5 in power so it's not that easy to knock them out.
I noticed Luke turned his attention to my behavior and our eyes met before he turned his attention back to the enemies. suddenly the surroundings lit up because of a lightning that repeatedly hit the air black men and rang out a series of thunders.
Light element. One of the rarest magicians on the face of the earth and Luke was one of the lucky ones to receive that power.
I turned my gaze to papa. "Do you know those black ones?"
Dad was shaken. "No, it's probably a member of the uprising against the royal family and I'm just using excuses to cover up who really planned it"
"Let's leave until—" I didn't continue what I was saying when suddenly something exploded on the stage causing me to sit down and hold the head. Fortunately, I was a bit far from what was blown up, so apart from the burns and scratches, I didn't receive anything else.