“Ahoj! Pane, osm rohlíky prosím, ” (“Mister, eight rolls please.“) Marcus stated to the middle-aged vendor when he arrived in the stall, his Czech accent tightening with his words. It was his meager attempt to converse using the foreign language he had little knowledge of, but the vendor understood it at least, smiling as he attended to the priest’s order. Marcus eyed the freshly-cooked rolls of pastry hang in an open flame of oven and his mouth watered in reaction. He had missed the taste of the caramelized coating of the pastry and he was longing like a child to experience it again.
After putting the rolls inside the brown paper bag, the vendor handed it to him. “Tady to je, ” (“Here it is.“) he said with a smile again, “U?ívat si.” (“Enjoy.“)
“Ano děkuji, ” (“Yes, thank you.“) Marcus replied before stepping away from the stall, cradling the bag in one arm.
Unable to wait, he took out a small piece and shoved it in his mouth. It was an unceremonious manner, but he cared less of who would catch a look at it. He wasn’t worried about any judgmental eyes, none at all, except for a small young child that is - a girl of about nine-years-old who gazed at him with much anticipation in her rounded blues.
“Dear child, are you by any chance lost?” Marcus asked, observing her and studying if she can understand what he was saying. By the look on the child’s face, however, it seemed like it wasn’t the case. The girl continued to look at him, but Marcus noticed that her eyes were shifting intently on the bag full of rolls. Watching the area around them, he realized that the child might be a beggar, considering there was no parent or guardian together with her. Marcus managed a warm smile, remembering himself young once, then took two pastries out of the bag without hesitation.
“Here take this little one, ” he stated, stooping low to hand the gift to the angelic child. This made the girl’s eyes lit up and gave a toothy smile. As she swiped the rolls from Marcus’ hand, a flash of light appeared a few feet away from them. This caught Marcus’ attention and went to glance at the source. It was the photographer earlier, with the same camera in hand. Just in time, the woman turned her back focusing on another subject for her camera’s lens, acting the way most professional photographers do - keenly observant, but detached on the real world.
Marcus shrugged the event out of his mind and turned back his attention on the little girl, but he found her already skipping steps away from him, biting the dough in mouthfuls. He smiled, finding her attitude carefree.
Father Julien’s sudden appearance in one pathway made Marcus raise a brow. It was always usual for his colleague to stay inside the vehicle and wait for him especially during his exorcism rites, but right now, he was actually out of the limousine with a wide grin on his face.
“I thought we could make an exception and take a short break from our travel, what say you Father? Those rolls you have there would be better enjoyed sitting in a table while sipping a cup of tea, ” Father Julien stated.
Marcus waited for a moment to reply. He thought well and hard and found that his secretary was indeed right in that regard. He subsequently nodded and eyed some tables and chairs set up in a grassy area near another food stand selling refreshments.
“I guess a few minutes of break wouldn’t be harmful, ” said Marcus thoughtfully.
“Great! Then I think I will buy some tea there then, ” Father Julien stated and went his way into the refreshments booth.
Marcus went to sit on a vacant chair just outside of the center fountain’s granite-covered expanse. The grass in this part of the plaza was even thinly cut to provide visitors a dining area. The particular space smelt of mint and soil, but Marcus found the aroma a nice change from the smell of incense he had been accustomed to back in Italy. Placing the brown bag in the round metal table, he decided to scan the whole plaza while waiting for Father Julien’s order of tea.
It wasn’t really his intention to, but his attention solely fell on the woman photographer now sitting on the fountain’s base. The wavy fall of her brown hair along her shoulders complemented the brightness of the sun. The strands shimmered so beautifully it made Marcus want to steal a lock or two as a souvenir. Although wearing some boyish clothes: a long-sleeved knitted sweater, black jeans, and Converse shoes, she looked elegant in the way she moved. Her fair complexion showed that she doesn’t spend time under the sun for long periods of time, but her facial expression of happiness looking at a group of children now playing the skipping rope, showed that she enjoyed being under the hot weather. She was a breathtaking sight in comparison to any other objects or person inside the plaza and Marcus was enjoying the view most certainly.
Abruptly though, as if the woman knew, she glanced at his way and Marcus suddenly found himself eye to eye with her. It was just a brief encounter, nothing to take note of, but his heart, keeping normal beats, unexpectedly jump twice out of place. It surprised him, yes. He felt as if he was caught stealing something that he wasn’t permitted to. However, ultimately disregarding it as a normal occurrence and unable to divert his eyes away from the woman, he continued to gaze at her, shooting up invisible flares of fireworks between their wide space as he did so.