Ysabelle stepped backward, stirred by his daring words. “Pleplease take the envelope. It contains your picture, ” she blurted out, her cheeks in a maddening blush. Good thing the light was red, otherwise, he would have seen how red her face was.
“You are escaping again, Ysabelle, ” Marcus, on impulse, remarked grimly, but that didn’t hide how her name flowed smoothly in his tongue. Although he wasn’t irritated by her swift avoidance of the topic, he was unhappy about it. He thought that they had an equal understanding of the Question and Answer portion of their conversation and for her to keep evading it definitely was the opposite.
“I am what?” Ysabelle clarified, unconsciously lifting her chin more.
“You are intentionally dodging yourself on my questions. They are not interrogations lovely lady and yet you act very hostile about it, ” Marcus answered. He moved to take the envelope from her, but his right hand strayed and instead gripped her wrist.
The contact brought out a prompt feeling in Ysabelle. Her respiration paused without her control and sent her head into a dizzying swirl. It was comparable to the feeling she had when she first touched his tattooed right arm back in his room. Exactly the same. But the feeling when Marcus kissed her wasn’t. It was more than that. It was similar to her having a heart attack: heart jumping out in disorder, chest tightening, and breathing at a slow pace. It was almost like her life was a near end. It was enough a foreboding feeling that her fingers were shaking and she had to put a hand in the center of her chest when Marcus pulled himself away from their kiss that time.
Just what is the reason why this is happening whenever they come in contact physically?
“I am...not, ” was her breathy answer. She couldn’t determine whether she was saying a soft no to his accusation, or the fact that he was complimenting her, or the fact that she was still lightheaded with his tight hold.
“I think you are, and I want to know why, ” Marcus replied with fixated determination, not noticing her bodily reactions.
But then, Ysabelle tore her hand from his grip and backed up a few feet away from him. Almost immediately, the lightheaded sensation disappeared.
“It is none of your business Father, ” she said, able to gather herself up with one draw of breath. “Please don’t step your foot on places you shouldn’t be stepping.”
It was good advice especially when the truth came with a price. She wouldn’t want the brotherhood to go on hunting the exorcist priest just in order to keep his mouth shut.
“If you don’t want to confess, then so be it. It is yours to hide. But please...” he pleaded, looking desperate, “just tell me how André was possessed. I have the feeling you have an idea about it.”
She did alright. In more ways than one.
Marcus closed the gap once again and tried to hold her elbow, but he missed it when Ysabelle quickly moved to the side. The way she acted almost looked like she was averse to his touch and that pierced his heart a little.
Had he been aggressive to her that she had to recoil now? He hoped deep inside him that it wasn’t the case.
“Is this one of your investigations Father?” Ysabelle questioned, looking at him with skeptical eyes.
Marcus, though still feeling the pressure, softened for a bit, focusing his eyes on the envelope in Ysabelle’s hand than her mesmerizing face. “Yes, ” was his gentle reply, “It is, and it is very important, uh...essential...that I should know the truth. Would you help me, Ysabelle, please?”
Great, now that one particular word caused a double-edged wound on her heart.
“Does...does this have something to do with that tattoo in your right arm?” Ysabelle queried out-of-the-blue. It wasn’t an off-topic at least as it was still related to André.
Marcus’ brows lifted and he studied her for a few seconds. “Oh, yes, of course. I forgot that you could see it, ” he said, now formulating another question in his mind: how is she able to see the tattoo when no one else could?
“That tattoo might mean something Father, but I have a feeling it could poison a man’s heart, ” she said with yet another cryptic words to live by.
For the first time since he stepped foot inside the woman’s studio, he smiled genuinely, feeling blessed that she was indirectly caring for his welfare. “I appreciate the word of wisdom Ysabelle, but please, stop stalling, ” he then reminded.
Ysabelle sighed and pointed to the sectional in his back. “Very well, please have a seat.”
She chose the single-seater opposite him and started once they settled, “I believe you know already that my...family is a member of the Priory of Sion, right?”
“Yes, ” was Marcus’ response. His back was pressed comfortably on the sofa, his left elbow resting in the armrest, and his legs casually crossed.
“Then, I guess it is easier for me to explain it to you, ” Ysabelle countered. Shifting her eyes to the flower vase of the coffee table, she disclosed all there is that she could deem out as safe information.
“A month ago, my cousin volunteered himself to be the sacrifice of the possession.”
“Why?” Marcus interrupted quickly.
“Because...” Ysabelle’s voice faltered for a moment.
Better chose your words carefully, else...
“Because he sees it as an honor to help the cause of the brotherhood.”
“And what cause is it Ysabelle?”
“Impatient are we now, Father?” she snapped, looking at him with sharp eyes.
“Just making sure you tell me everything, ” he stated, grinning. “Go on, please.”
Ysabelle released another sigh then and cleared her throat. She focused on looking at the vase once again and continued, “The cause of the brotherhood is...the usual. For the greater good.”
“Greater good?” Marcus scoffed. “What’s that got to do with summoning a demon and putting it in the poor volunteer’s body?”
“They say that the demon has the ability to...provide immortality.”
Marcus brows furrowed upon hearing it.
In his research of the demon with blue and violet flames, there were only three things that he had found out. One, the demon was a prince of hell. Two, the demon was a transporter demon. And three, the entity could intensify love and hatred and use it to bring about destruction. None of this information talked anything about providing immortality.
Something was inconsistent.
“On André?” he then voiced out, to which Ysabelle was able to drag out a quick, “No.”
“Then to whom? The brotherhood? Does the brotherhood want immortality in order to do their covert activities for the greater good?”
Marcus was no fan of the Priory of Sion. Whatever their agendas are, it is theirs to keep. He doesn’t give a damn about it. But he knew that their history as a brotherhood stem in the earliest of times, so most likely they have secrets to hide that the Vatican doesn’t know about.
“Immortality and power, that’s the typical greed of men. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the reason why they had to summon a demon just in order to gain the two, but tell me Ysabelle, is that the only reason?” Marcus leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, gluing his eyes on the already nervous woman.
God, this is so much harder than she thought it would. How much safe words could she use just in order to divert the conversation away from the real reason?
Ysabelle drew out an unsteady breath. She was beginning to regret saying yes to this Question and Answer portion.
“It is...it is the only reason, ” she whispered.
“Are you sure?” Marcus clarified. Disappointment, heavy and dark like nimbus clouds in the sky, gathered in his heart. He looked at Ysabelle like she was a deceitful woman, cheating on her husband and that made her angry.
“You speak like you don’t believe what I say, ” was her bitter remark, lifting her chin up in an act of defiance. She was speaking the truth, yes, but not all. Although she knew she deserved Marcus’ suspicion, she was still hurt with it. Making up a white lie was for his own good and hers, so surely it was an acceptable reason.
“Yes, I don’t believe you, ” Marcus replied after standing up.
“What?!” was Ysabelle’s high-pitched response.
“Because if there aren’t any other hidden reasons, I wouldn’t be in this dilemma now!” he shouted, flinging his hands' mid-air as if he was shoving ghosts out of his way. He could feel it... the pain, the disappointment, the desperation, the anger... all mixed up in one dangerous dynamite. He hadn’t felt like this before like something was lighting a matchstick on it in order to blow up.
He felt his hands turning warm, most particularly in the tattooed area. Wanting for something to hold onto, he crossed the space, passing the coffee table, and into Ysabelle. She yelped when his hand grabbed her waist, feeling the burning heat of his hand.
“Father Marcus...” she uttered weakly, feeling the rapid lightheadedness coming over her once again due to their contact. And then, a gasp of surprise escaped her when she saw the change of Marcus’ eyes from a smoky brown to a different shade entirely: gold and blue-violet colors on each.
André mentioned the same heterochromatic eyes this morning, right? Didn’t he say that it was from the demon in his dream? Why does Father Marcus have it?!
Just as the color popped out, it quickly vanished when Marcus blinked once. It relieved Ysabelle, but it didn’t take the worry away from her knowing that it was not just an illusion.
He kissed her forehead without warning then, just a small harmless peck, and that provided him a calming effect.
For Ysabelle, she was stunned with it but nevertheless had the same effect.
“I’m sorry. Just...just forget it, ” was Marcus' statement when he loosened his hold on her waist. He stepped backward and hauled in as much oxygen as he could get into his lungs. An emotional wreck - that’s what he could call himself right now. He couldn’t pinpoint which emotion was the strongest, but there was only one thing that he was sure about above all else.
“Thank you for sharing the information with me Ysabelle. Know that I appreciate it, ” he said before turning towards the door, “I should leave before...before I might forget I am a priest.”
Ysabelle just nodded meekly, not able to arrange the right sentence to give back to him.
Oh, God. Temptation was hanging on a balance. Did he just say that? His words were already a hint. He is attracted to her. What more evidence is needed?
If more evidence was in fact needed, Marcus quickly provided it when he paused from walking and said, “I don’t regret kissing you Ysabelle. Remember that.”
With shoulder’s slumped, she sat on the single-seater, mouth agape and knees trembling as she watched his retreating back.
He didn’t regret it.
He didn’t.
Why does he have to tell her that?!
The silence of the studio provided her a truth she cannot deny anymore. She had conflicted feelings about him, feelings that she would have preferred to be buried along with her past. His kiss in her forehead had not only given her warmth but a sense of longing. Two exact emotions she hadn’t expected she would feel from a man in her lifetime as being an immortal....