André, finding that the mere mention of a man in his dreams caught the priest’s attention, he continued with thorough information. “Yes, I bumped into him in my lazy wanderings of the place. Although it was brief and my only encounter with him, I was happy that there was finally another soul other than me in the dream. He wasn’t a talkative man but his presence was a good change. He called himself “H” and other than his name, I don’t have any other information about him.”
“Really now.” Marcus almost choked. The H letter seemed to linger in his mind for more than necessary. “And this man, what does he look like?”
“He was as tall as you, with hair that was up to his waist. It had the slick blackness like a panthers. What I noticed more though was his odd eyes. It was heterochromatic. The left iris was a golden brown while the other, a blue-violet.”
Now, that is odd. Most demons normally have red eyes.
“Interesting... I assume this man didn’t interact with you?” Marcus wanted direly to know that. It was amazing already that André could remember such vivid details about this man. Surely, in light of this, there was more information he could give out.
But André only shook his head then.
“Like I said he wasn’t talkative, ” he stated. “He just sat down in a boulder, watching the sky. He did tell me he was waiting for the prime opportunity and that was it. He didn’t further anymore.”
Prime opportunity eh?
“And about my second question. How did you get possessed?”
Now for the moment of truth. Though Marcus already knew that André’s possession has something to do with the brotherhood, he just needed to affirm this one with the family’s accounts, André firstly.
“I think that’s enough for now Father Marcus. I believe my son needs some rest, “Alfon, in a quick move, stated. He stepped closer at the edge of the bed and stared gravely at André, giving him an invisible message not to defy him.
“But we’ve only just begun, Sir Alfon, ” was Marcus’ subtle complaint.
“I know, but he had just recuperated from his illness. I believe it is healthier if you give him time to rest.”
The priest’s lips pressed thinly, battling his disappointment from seething out. He wasn’t a man who easily gets angered but for some reason, Alfon’s apparent intrusion came for him as a quick blow to the head. What was the man actually hiding from him? Sure it might be all about the brotherhood, but it seems that it was more than that. Something that the family didn’t want for him to know.
“Then, I will come back here tomorrow.” His response was stern and unyielding. He stood up and walked a few inches away from André’s bed, when abruptly Alfon inquired.
“I thought you are leaving this afternoon Father? You feel better now right?”
His face was dripping wet with curiosity, but it made Marcus raise his brows. How smooth of him to make the priest know that he is now unwanted inside the house.
“Hmmm... I am, ” replied the exorcist priest cautiously, squaring at the old man in the face, “but make no mistake about it Sir Alfon, I intend to know more about André’s possession. All of it. It is my duty to investigate his case, obliged or not by the Vatican Council. To know how he was possessed is vital information for me and for my report.”
Those were his reasons alright, but another reason was hiding behind his thoughts too, and it was to learn more about the dream and this man.
Yes, Marcus wasn’t dumb not to notice. With two signs already showing -- the invisible tattoo in his right arm and the same dreams he and André both share -- he can already deduce that he was in fact the current successor of the demon’s attention.
“Then, you can just return tomorrow Father. Give André time to recollect everything he could, ” was Alfon’s sugar-coated request, but deep inside he never wanted the exorcist priest to interrogate his son again. This could lead to dire consequences, especially when he discovers the family’s secret.
“Tomorrow it is then, ” Marcus responded with a short nod. He strolled out of the room with the almost-nonexistent Father Julien stalking him from behind. When they reached the open main door, Marcus found that Ysabelle was standing beside the door frame as if she was intentionally hiding from the people inside the room.
“Ysabelle, ” Alfon then called out loudly, already knowing she was in the hallway, “Could you so kindly accompany our priests in the dining room? Lunch is already served there.”
“Uh, yes Uncle, ” she said with due obedience. Gesturing a hand to show the way, she didn’t meet any of the priests' eyes when she said, “Right this way please.”
And then there was awkward silence throughout the hallway walk as each of them was in a pensive mood.
Father Julien was bewildered as much as Marcus with how they were treated so coldly by the Master of the House then. Not like he didn’t have an unwelcoming aura when they first arrived in the mansion, but now, he seemed to act like he wanted to kick them out of the house literally.
“Oh, I believe I left my cellphone in the room, Father Marcus, ” he informed out-of-the-blue when he realized the gadget wasn’t in his pants pocket.
“Didn’t you say you were waiting for Father Einsle’s second call?” was Marcus’ question, looking at him.
“Yes, I am. His call is very important because it is about another demon possession the Holy Pope wanted you to fix.”
“Hmmm, I see.” Marcus let out a breath. Another one huh?
“I better get that cellphone now, ” Father Julien announced after abruptly stopping his walk. “I will see you in the dining room, Father.”
“Yes, you go on ahead. You know how Father Einsle hates it when his phone call is prolonged.”
Father Julien nodded and then whirled around to walk the other hallway, leaving Father Marcus and Ysabelle alone together. This fact didn’t concern her at all for she was in deep thought about the recent conversation she heard in the Altar room. She knew exactly why her uncle kept on interrupting them, and she would have done so the same if she were in his shoes. It wouldn’t be right if the priest would find out about her secret too.
“Ms. Ysabelle, you are living here with André right? Do you have any knowledge about how he was possessed?” Marcus then stated when they reached the grand staircase. She was in his left, choosing to be as silent as a mouse, but now all pressure was on her.
“I beg your pardon Father?” she said with bated breath, looking at his profile.
Oh no. This topic isn’t supposed to be brought up.
But the topic wasn’t the one that worried Ysabelle more. It was the priest’s stern expression and the way he looked at her...
Marcus’ priestly wall was strong, fortified with determination and an unbreakable will, but when he glanced at Ysabelle’s way, he instantly regretted it. Really regretted it. His wall came crumbling down.
Her eyes were beautiful, exactly just like he remembered it inside his room when they gazed at each other. Her face was luminescent of youth, blushing in cherry blossom shades. The way her chest lifted was graceful, enough to catch his breath too. The morning sunshine passing through the tinted glass walls of the main foyer came as an accessory to the crime. It highlighted Ysabelle’s wavy lock of hair breathtakingly like the early morning sky. It was...arresting him.
What a stunning angel... Marcus thought out aloud.
She had a complete innocence about her, with a gentle nature that was mixed with a hint of seductiveness. She was...clouding his senses, clouding his rational thought. Marcus couldn’t explain why but he wanted to taste her lips right then and there.
‘Certainly, I’m digging my own grave now.’