“How is he Father Julien?” The master of the house asked, standing outside the hallway near Father Marcus’ selected temporary chamber on the second floor.
“He is fine, Sir Alfon, but he is still unconscious and with fever, ” was the priests reply after careful thought. It had been three hours since the exorcism rite ended...since Marcus fainted. He would have fallen directly on the floor if not for Ysabelle’s quick reflex of supporting his weight.
“Goodness! Does this happen always when he exorcises a demon?” Alfon asked, raising his brow. The men were of the same height, so Alfon could see clearly the deep contemplative spark in Father Julien’s eyes.
“As far as I know, this is new, ” the priest answered after a passing minute. “In all of his jobs, there was not one that got him in a feverish state, Sir Alfon. This is the first for me too.”
“Hmm...I see, ” said Alfon, with wrinkles so visible it showed he was analyzing something serious too. “Well then, you are welcome at my house. Stay here until Father Marcus’ recuperates.”
Father Julien bowed his head low and said, “Thank you, Sir.”
It wasn’t Ysabelle’s duty to tend to the exorcist priest in particular, but she opted herself to do so. Her uncle and aunt didn’t order her to do it nor did Father Julien asked for help. She chose to volunteer, finding it a polite way of returning back the favor of saving André’s life. In reality though, it was her simple excuse. She couldn’t tell them of course that she was downright worried about the priest’s health more than she did with her cousin. She couldn’t tell them too that she felt the same guilt with what has happened with Father Marcus. This guilt was her burden to take especially because her stupid wish was the root cause of it all.
After wrapping Marcus’ weeping charred hand with a loose bandage, she felt her eyes water as she sat in a stool at the edge of the bed. For the first time ever, the impact of her hopelessness racked her greatly. Alfon promised to look for ways in order to fulfill her wish, but she thought if this were to happen to other innocent people, if their lives would be the cost then she would prefer to let it go. She would be willing to sacrifice herself and her freedom just in order to stop future events like this from happening.
Marcus was lying in the mattress, half of his body covered with the bedspread, and his head propped up with two white pillows. He looked to be sleeping peacefully, but Ysabelle could see he was battling his fever inside. The sweat in his naked torso and chest was enough evidence.
She had nursed quite a lot of men and women -- young, old, and even robust, virile men -- back in good health in her lifetime and she knew pretty well the signs and symptoms of any discomfort, both mentally and physiologically. It was commonplace for her to see a show of nakedness. Very common. However, this man in her front was no ordinary man mainly because he is a priest and also because this priest made her feel unlike her usual self. So, with that said, it was understandable that his naked form didn’t so much as help her. A woman as she is, it took her pretty much a great deal of effort not to look and admire the priest’s manly physique.
For the most part, religious servers were expected to have either bulbous bellies or matchstick bodies, but no, Father Marcus was not the same. He almost looked like an athlete; a very lean and fit one. He had small blotted scars on the right flank of his torso and a clean diagonal scar on his chest area, stretching all the way to the sternum. A worrying sight as it was, it however decorated the well-toned sinews of Marcus perfectly. No, not bulbous or anorexic, but hard, muscled slabs.
“Are you all right Ms. Ysabelle?” Father Julien asked as soon as he stepped inside the room. He noticed the short tears on her immediately and the blushing of her cheeks that was why he asked her that.
“Oh, Father Julien, ” Ysabelle spoke, quickly wiping her tears dry with the back of her hand, “Well, uhmm, I’m fine. I just found it overwhelming to see an exorcism ceremony like earlier.”
The priest slowly nodded once as if he was affirming the statement. Walking the length of the room towards the foot of the bed, he chose to sit in a sofa chair readied for him. “Hmmm, that’s why I chose not to witness it every time I accompany Father Marcus, ” he explained.
“Have you known him for a while now Father?” she asked, wanting to change the subject, but mostly because she was curious about Marcus’ background life.
“Who? Father Marcus?” he clarified.
“Yes, ” answered she, whilst trying hard to keep her heartbeats in rhythm.
“Well, let’s see, ” Father Julien stated. He leaned backward and comfortably pressed his back on the backrest. “I guess we are friends for ten years now. I met him in the priesthood training at a seminary in Italy. That time, I already knew he was specifically trained to become an exorcist priest.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, it is his calling I think. Anyway, I believe he is perfect at this job. He seems to deal with demons quite well.”
And then, there was a dull spark on Ysabelle’s eyes. She shifted her attention to the sleeping man and went to express her sadness.
“But now this, ” she spoke, voice with a small rasp.
Father Julien easily saw the change of mood. He shook his head and released a calm sigh.
“Don’t worry, Ms. Ysabelle. Although this is a first, it is just minor. I’m pretty sure Father Marcus will recover quickly. Let’s just pray for it.”
A fleeting smile emerged from her lips then.
“Uhmm, thanks Father, ” Ysabelle stated, “That somehow eases my worry. Thanks for explaining it to me.”
“No big deal, Ms. Ysabelle. To help is my pleasure, ” the priest concluded.
“Well, now. I should go, Father. I’ll leave you to your prayers. If you need anything, just pull this rope. It will ring the bell on the kitchen side, ” she informed, whilst standing up. After receiving a nod and a thank you from Father Julien, she cast a last look on Marcus, silently wishing him to be well soon.