Nicholas' POV
"Nicholas, why not just make me happy and just show her a little affection before I lose my mind over this?" My mom, Sandra asked in a very dramatic manner. She has always been dramatic and I'd do anything for her, at least, what I feel like I should do.
"Mom, don't sweat it." I said. "I'll do whatever my heart chooses and right now, it's quite silent about the subject matter."
"Is it until I die before you choose to do the right thing?" She asked, faking tears. This is definitely not the first and this would not be the last. "You want me to die without seeing you get married." She cried, coughing dramatically like she was choking on her own tears.
Already used to her antics, I scoffed and then chuckled. I served myself a cup of juice and rested back into the chair.
"You'll be fine mom and you still have more than thirty years before you. I'm sure I'd have gotten married by then." I waved her off.
My mom wiped her tears, seeing that I was absolutely not bothered by her fake tears. She left the living room and just as I was about to leave, Yvonne, my mother's love and the one she wants as mine walked in. I sighed deeply and rested back into the chair.
"Hey." Yvonne said, with her perfectly pitched thin voice.
"Hey, how are you?" I asked and she smiled.
"I'm fine." She replied. Yvonne and I have gone back and forth, getting into it every now and then but it was never really anything substantial to me and I made sure she knew it. For a while, I did it for sex but I realized how it'd hurt her more, seeing that she was already developing feelings and I had to stop. It's not gentlemanly to do that to a lady. "You were about going upstairs, mind if I accompany you?"
"No... no, let's talk here." I said, pouring myself another glass of juice. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"
"Yeah, I was hoping we could go out sometime when you're less busy, maybe eat and see a movie or something, what do you think?" She asked. I'd rejected her offer countless times but she wasn't giving up. With Sandra being her support, I doubt she would stop even in years to come.
I was thinking of a way to reply without getting her feelings hurt when Duncan walked in. I looked at him and the bro code kicked in immediately .
"Good afternoon, boss." Duncan said with a slight bow. Duncan is my wingman. I've led the Dark Haven Mafia for more than three years since my father died. Being the only son and child, I had to step up to take the mantle.
"Afternoon Duncan, what's it?" I asked, sipping the juice in the cup.
"Well, it's about the Dark Haven and it'll be better discussed in private." Duncan said and I nodded.
I turned to look at the already disappointed Yvonne who stood close to my chair with her arms crossed.
"Erm.... duty calls." I said, tutting. "How about we reschedule that to some other day?"
I hated the ray of light that blossomed in her eyes as I spoke the last sentence.
"Sure. I'll figure it out." She said and I nodded, leaving hurriedly with Duncan.
Yvonne treats countless people like shit and now she's acting like she's so innocent, that's one thing that repels me from her.
"Was that just a lie you made up or is something really wrong?" I asked Duncan as we walked into a very large room which was the Dark Haven's meet point.
I sat down and relaxed myself.
"I'm afraid something's up." Duncan's tone was tensed.
"What is it?" My eyes shot up and Duncan took a deep sigh.
"We might have just found the location of the Blue Sky and there's a possible meet up that's suspected to happen tonight between them and another cartel."
"Who's the source? How reliable is it?" I asked, closing my eyes for a bit.
"Ralph's laptop." Duncan explained. "He finally got to hack into some stuff and was able to decode their language."
"That's brilliant." I nodded, knowing how good Ralph is. "We've been chasing these bastards and tonight, we finally get them." I smirked.
The Blue Sky is the biggest Mafia in all of Italy. They ran my father out of business though he made horrible decisions. They also had him killed but the most annoying thing of it all is that their identities were always unknown to me and it annoyed me more. Having dedicated the last three years of my life to rebuilding the Mafia and also finding them, this was the closest I'd ever gotten and who knows if I'll ever get that close again.
"So, what do we do, boss?" Duncan asked.
"What time is their supposed meeting?"
"Around midnight..."
"Get the boys ready, we'll leave at midnight, I do not want them to feel a but suspicious until we've rounded them up." I said and Duncan nodded.
We discussed more Mafia related matters and I made him leave. I stayed in there to avoid Yvonne or Sandra, can't deal with either of them.
Plans horribly failed as I had to leave the mansion an hour to midnight. I left the consulting room to get a plate of steak when I met with Yvonne and my mom. Had to escape them and that was the only possible way out. Yvonne wasn't the problem, my mom always is.
We drove through the city of Milan. I always enjoyed late night drives but I'd rather be in my room in the manor and have my mom tied up somewhere.
We had gotten to a part of Milan and I could hear strange noises. Like someone was being bullied. The voice of the person shouting draw me more to the area.
"Stop!" I ordered and Duncan stopped immediately.
"Anything the matter boss?" He asked, looking concerned.
"The Blue Sky is just a few blocks away." Sophie, Duncan's girlfriend said but I ignored it.
"There's someone that needs help." I said, opening the door to see things for myself.
"But... the bastards are just few blocks away and we should really get to them." Duncan fought.
"You said midnight, there's enough time till then." I said in a dismissive tone. He didn't pursue the matter any further.
I walked towards the direction of the noise I heard. On getting there, I saw the most attractive female ever. Every part of my body and even my soul was attracted to this insanely beautiful lady that was standing strong in the midst of several men. I wanted to act immediately but I stayed rooted to the spot and I watched her fight them back and she just looked more beautiful. I saw blood spill from her mouth and anger built up in me.
"That's no way to treat a lady." I said and the assailants all turned to look at me. I smiled in a cold and dry manner.
"And who the heck are you?" One of them asked.
"Pardon me. I'm Nicholas and I ask that you deliver the lady into my hands." I responded and they laughed. They laughed so loud that it made me angry to my bones. Duncan and the others got close and I raised my hand to prevent them from interfering.
"Don't make me ask again!" I said coldly, reaching for my Glock.
"Or what?" Another asked and I let all hell loose on them. I snapped necks and shot heads until I was left with the last who seemed to be their leader. He had already knocked the pretty lady unconscious and that infuriated me the more.
"You should have never dared me." I said, walking towards him whilst he shivered fearfully. Every step I took was a step death moved close. He vibrated fearfully and released weird sounds that I enjoyed for a while. I smirked and gave him a quick death.
I bent over to look at the lady and she looked peacefully asleep but she had blood flowing out of her head. She must have been badly injured. I carried her from the ground. Duncan tried to take her from me but I couldn't let him.
"What's going on boss?" Duncan asked.
"I'm taking her to the manor to treat her. She would be my guest." I said.
"We can't take her to the manor.... We don't even know her." Duncan said and then changed it to a question after seeing my reaction. "Or can we?"
"We can do whatever I say we can." I said, before turning to look at Sophie. "Take her to the manor and have the doctor treat her."
Sophie bowed as a response and I nodded.
"With all due respect, boss, why are we taking her home?" Duncan asked.
"She stole my heart and I need to get it back." I responded.