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Chapter 9 Mission 08

Author's POV

Today's the big day. The Rating game of the Underworld vs Y/n. He's now at the Underworld with Smith, Dante, Vergil, Sona and her Peerage.

Sona: "Please win Y/n."

Y/n: "The day I lose is the day I die. Hey Dante, is that even possible?"

Dante: "Nope."

Smith: "Looks like we’re here."

They arrived at the huge coliseum arena with many Devil, Fallen Angel, and Angel spectators.

Dante: "This is it kid."

Vergil: "This battle will make history."

Y/n: "I hope my playmate put on some diapers."

Tsubaki: "The Leader of the Angel and Fallen Angel is here. As well as Lord Odin. Who's that beside him?"

Sona: "That's his assistant.

Dante: "Why is your sister there and not on the arena?"

Sona: "My sister refuse to battle Y/n. Along with the others. Only Lord Sirzechs is the only Devil King that will participate with the others.

Saji: "They're so many."

Y/n: "Numbers is useless if their opponent can flick them away."

Sona: "We'll head to the Spectator area. Good luck Y/n."

She leans on him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Y/n: "I will, cuz you just gave me my good luck charm."

Dante: "Give us one hell of a show kid."

Smith: "I'll start making ideas for your victory."

Vergil: "Show them your true power Y/n."

With that, they head up to the VIP Spectator Room while Y/n head to the Arena. Vergil stared at the other Spectator room on the other side of the Arena.

Dante: "Something on your mind bro?"

Vergil: "Nothing."

He then leans towards Sona and whispered something to her.

Vergil(Whisper): "That girl beside Odin. What's her name?"

Sona: "Uh...."

She looks at the VIP guest list and found the name.

Sona: "Her name's Rossweisse. A Valkyrie and the assistant of Lord Odin."

Vergil: "Rossweisse...."

Dante look at what his brother is staring and smirked, knowing what it is.

Dante: "This is going to be good."

Announcer: "Welcome Everyone to the Underworld's coliseum arena. To the left side of the Arena is Lord Sirzechs, and his Peerage. Lady Rias and her Peerage, Lord Riser and his Peerage. And Lord Sairaorg and his Peerage. Facing them is CEO of the Apollyon Zaibatsu in the Human World, and the wielder of the Devil Sword Dante and Yamato. Y/n Apollyon."

I just walk there while I heard some of the guest are booing me.

Riser: "So this is the pathetic human stole the Devil Sword Dante?"

Sairaorg: "If he stole it, then he must be strong. Considering that no one else able to wield the Sword after the War."

Issei: "I'm going to kick his ass and take Ddraig and that Sword!"

Sirzechs: "This is your last chance Y/n. Surrender the Swords and Ddraig."

Y/n: "Shouldn't I be the one who's say that to you?"

Rias: "Show respect to the Devil King!"

Y/n: "Why don't you show your pussy to the audience again? Maybe they can make their money worth."

Issei: "Will you shut up?!"

Y/n: "Wanna hear a fun fact? You’re going to be a virgin. Forever."

Issei: "I swear I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!"

Announce: "Is both side ready?"

Y/n: "I've been waiting since I stepped in."

Sirzechs: "We're ready as well."

Riser: "This pathetic human is not worth of my time. My Pawns can handle them easily."

Announce: "Let the battle, Begin!"

Riser's Pawn rush at his but he just easily dodge all of their attacks.

Y/n: "Come on baby, come get me."

Two maids dash at him trying to punch him in the face. But he caught their fist and slam the two of them together, eliminating them.

Announcer: "Two Pawns of Riser has retired!"

Y/n: "One hit? I didn't even put effort on that one."

Riser: "Why you! Yubelluna! Destroy him!"

Yubelluna: "Yes Master."

She raised her staff towards Y/n and cast an explosion on him.

Riser: "That will teach you!"

When the smoke clears, Y/n was standing there wearing sunglasses while dusting himself.

Y/n: "Cool trick. Hey, do you do parties?"

Riser: "Why you! Attack him together!"

He sent all of his pieces out to attack Y/n but he just easily taking them out with his hands.

Announcer: "Six Pawn, Two Rooks, One Bishop, Two Knights of Lord Riser has retired!"

Y/n is dusting his hands while Riser is disbelief that most of his pieces are retired.

Y/n: "Come on now everyone, don't be shy. Why don't we all play together?"

Issei: "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!'

He dash at him with Ascalon on his hand, trying to cut him keyword 'trying'. But he just parried his attack with his finger.

Y/n: "Come on Issei, that can't be all you got? How will you get Ddraig back?"

Issei: "RAAAHH!!"

He keep attacking him, blinded by rage. Then Sairaorg sent his blond Knight to assist Issei.

Blond: "I will handle him, Pawn of Gremory."

Y/n kicked Issei on the gut, knocking him back. Then the blond's eye starts to glow, and ground where Y/n is standing starts to crack.

Y/n: "Gravity huh?"

He just ignore the Gravity getting heavy while he starts walking towards him. The Knight keeps making the Gravity heavier but Y/n just didn't stop. When he reach's on the Knight, he grab him by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Y/n: "Now let's study the Law of Gravity. Whatever comes up, must come down. And the higher they fly, the harder they fall."

 He starts spinning him while dragging his face on the ground and toss him high up in the air.

Y/n: "It's going to take some time for him to come down. Who else wants to play?"

Rias: "Kiba! Koneko!"

Sairaorg: "Gandoma! Ladora!Beruka!"

Riser: "Yubelluna! Ravel!"

All of them charged at Y/n except for Ravel who's just standing there.

Riser: "What are you doing Ravel?! Go finish him!"

Ravel: "I'm sorry Brother but, he's way out of our league. I resign!"

Announcer: "Bishop of Riser has resign!"

Riser: "Why you! Just you wait after this is over!"

Announcer: "Knight and Rook of Rias has retired! Knight and Two Rooks of Sairaorg has retired! Queen of Riser has retired!"

Riser: "What?!"

They all look in the middle of the arena and saw their pieces disappearing while Y/n is standing there, taking a selfie.

Y/n: "That was a good shot. I'm gonna post it later."

Riser: "I demand to know what happened!"

Y/n: "Oh you missed? Maybe you shouldn't have blink. Since you guys are the only one left, why don't make this dramatic?"

He raised his right hand and Devil Sword Dante appeared in a flame. Then he place it over his shoulder.

Y/n: "Looks like he's here."

He raised the sword upward, and the Knight he throw landed on the sword, pierced on his back.

Y/n: "Class dismissed."

The Knight starts to disappeared and he put the sword on his back.

Announcer: "The Knight of Sairaorg has retired!"

Then he summons Yamato to his left hand.

Y/n: "Asia, Xenovia. You two can resign if you want. I don't blame you."

Asia: "I resign!"

Rias: "Asia?!"

Announcer: "Bishop of Rias has resign!"

Rias: "Xenovia! Don't you dare!"

Xenovia: "I'm sorry Rias, but this is a fight I can't win. I resign!"

Announcer: "Knight of Rias has resign!"

Rias: "You two will be punished!"

Riser: "A bunch of cowards!"

Y/n: "They maybe cowards, but they're the smartest among's you. They knew they had no chance against me, so they surrender. You should do the same Issei, if you want. Your clearly the weakest here."

Issei: "SHUT UP!"

He charge at him again and Y/n put his hand on the Yamato's handle. 

Y/n: *Sigh*"You’re not worth the time."

He slightly open Yamato and disappeared for a second. Then everyone saw him behind Issei, slowly closing Yamato. When everyone heard the cling of the metal, Ascalon destroyed into a million pieces and Issei fell flat on the floor.

Rias: "Issei!"

Announcer: "Pawn of Rias has retired!"

Y/n: "Now that there's only five of you. Let the real fun, begin."

Riser: "I will finish you myself!"

He created a fire ball on his hands and throw it at him, creating a huge smoke screen on impact.

Riser: "That should teach you not to disrespect the Great Riser Phoenix!"

When the smoke clears, everyone was in shock that Y/n is still standing there like nothing happen. Everyone saw Y/n eating a hot steam Pizza.

Y/n: "Thanks for heating it, I don't like cold Pizza."

Riser: "I will not stand on your mockery!"

He created many fire ball and throw it at him but Y/n just summons spectral blades to counter the incoming fire ball while he's eating.

Sirzechs: "Sairaorg, use your Pawn, it's the only choice to win."

Sairaorg: "Yes Lord Sirzechs. Regulus!"

Regulus: "Yes Lord Sairaorg!"

He starts to glow and went into Sairaorg. When the light died down, he's now wearing a golden armor with a lion design on the chest.        

Sairaorg: "Regulus Rey Leather Rex!"

Y/n: "Oh, Shiny."

Riser: "You’re not going to face him! Because I'm the one who's going to finish you!"

He jump right in front of Y/n tried to punch him with his fist covered in flames. But Y/n just caught his fist, not caring for the fire. He then kneed him hard on the gut, making spit out blood. He let go of his hand and Riser fell on the ground, holding his stomach in pain.

Y/n: "Oh come on, I didn't hit you that hard."

He stomp on his hand and Riser starts screaming again.

Y/n: "You are such a baby."

He stop stomping him and Riser's holding his hand now.

Y/n: "Why don't you be a good little birdie and go to the corner. We'll play later."

He kicked Riser on the back, launching him into the corner of the arena. He looked over to the remaining enemies and saw Sirzechs took off his armor and getting his Power of Destruction ready. Rias did the same while Sairaorg is in his fighting stance.

Y/n: "Before we get started."

He then summons the Boosted Gear on left hand.

Y/n: "Does anyone wanna leave?"

Rias: "We will not lose! Not to you! We will defeat you!"

Y/n: "Inspiring words but, it lacks the power to do it."

He teleport behind Rias, shocking Sirzechs and Sairoarg. He then tap her on the back and jump a little away from them.

Sirzechs: "What did you do?!"

Y/n: "You wanna know?"

Rias: "What did you do to me?!"

Y/n: "You can blame your Pawn for making this move."

He snaps his fingers and Rias's clothes got destroyed. She covered herself while the audience are taking multi shots.

Announcer: "The audience definitely got their money worth!"

At the VIP seat, Dante is laughing hard while Sona is smiling. Saji is having a nosebleed but someone hit him in the head, knocking him out. At the other side of the VIP seat, Venelana and Grayfia covered Millicas's eyes while Zeoticus just face palm.

Zeoticus: "Why would you even fight a power that is out of your league?"

Azazel: "The Devil Sword Dante and Yamato killed many Fallen Angels, Angel and Devils at the war. Sirzechs know this power and yet, he still willing to fight."

Michael: "Perhaps his Pride clouds his judgement. We treated the Yamato as a memento of the Angel's might at the Heaven. I knew that one day the owner would return and claim his sword. But I guess that Sirzechs never see that happening."

Azazel: "That's what happens if you mix, pride, family and work at the same time."

Back to the Arena, Sirzechs gave his cape to Rias to cover herself.

Sirzechs: "You humiliated my sister far enough Y/n. You will be punish for that!"

Y/n: "Bring it on Sis-con."

He rush at Y/n and Sairaorg did the same. Sirzechs throws his Power of Destruction at Y/n but he just sliced it with Yamato. He saw Sairaorg coming from behind so grab Devil Sword Dante and block his fist.

Y/n: "Whoa, you pack a punch."

Sairaorg brought more force on his punch, blasting Y/n to the corner. Riser was about to get up but he saw Y/n heading towards him. He didn't have enough time to react so Y/n sandwich him into the wall.

Y/n: "Good thing there's a Whoopee Cushion here."

He look at Riser and saw him implanted on the wall. He look over to Sirzechs and saw him throw his POD so he just lean his head to the left, hitting Riser.

Riser: "GAH!"

Y/n: "Oh! That's gotta hurt."

Sirzechs: "Quit running and face us!"

Y/n: "Alright then. I'll play your game. If you want me to go serious, then you got it."

He jump up high and landed on the middle of the arena.

Y/n: "Don't blink."

The clouds starts to get darker and blue and red lighting are striking on the arena. Everyone look up to the sky and saw a tornado forming with red and blue lightning.

Sairaorg: "What's he doing!?"

Sirzechs: "Be on guard."

The tornado starts to form around Y/n and everyone can feel his power sky rocketing. Some of the audience pass-out because of the raw power they felt and couldn't handle it. Rias starts to shake in fear, regretting on what she have done.

Rias(Scared): "T-This is it.... I-I-It's the end of us..." 

Sirzechs trying to keep his cool together but inside, he's scared shitless.

Announcer(Shock): "I-I've never felt anything like this before! And most of our audience pass out because of what's happening!"

Dante: "He's finally doing it now huh?"

Vergil: "This is the first time he'll be doing it."

Sona(Shock): "Y-Y/n has that too much p-power?"

Smith: "Well, that first time he did trying doing this melted our containing computer."

Back to the arena, Y/n is now covering himself in the tornado with red and blue lighting clashing on each other. 

Sairaorg: "L-Lord Sirzechs, d-do we have a chance on this one now?"

He look over to Sirzechs and saw him staring wide eyes at the tornado.

Sairaorg: "Lord Sirzechs!"

He slowly looked over to Sairaorg with still wide eyes.

Sairaorg: "Do we still have a chance on this!?"

Sirzechs: "I-I-I.... don't know....."

The lightning stops striking but the tornado is still there. Then a huge gust, destroyed the tornado, creating a cover from the sand. When the sand is clear, everyone was in total shock to see Y/n in his own Devil Trigger.

Azazel(Shock): "T-That f-form..."

Michael(Shock): "Oh dear God....."

Dante: "He merges our Devil Trigger together."

Vergil: "And made it even more powerful."

Y/n slowly float down on the ground while Sirzechs and Sairaorg is shaking madly. He look over Rias and she dropped her cover, not caring that she's naked.

Y/n(Demon): "This is my true Power."

He was about to take a step but he disappeared, alerting Sirzechs. He appeared behind Sairaorg and punches him on the back, cracking his armor. Sirzechs look at Y/n but he used his tail to grab him in the neck.

Y/n(Demon): "You keep boasting that you will easily win in this battle. And yet, your chocking at my tail, like a little bitch."

He slam his head into the ground and throw him away. Then Riser gets up and throw fire balls at him but it didn't effect on him

Riser: "I don't care if you become a hideous monster! I will kill you and take your power!"

 Y/n(Demon): "Ehehehehehe-Hahahahaha-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

He slowly turn around and faced him.

Y/n(Demon): "You think that your the only one who said that to me? Ever since I discovered my power, many people tried to take it from me, tried to kill me. And yet, I'm still here, standing tall. What makes you think that you can defeat me?"

Riser: "Because I will burn you alive!"

He charged his power into his hand and created a powerful fire ball and throw it at Y/n. The fire ball was about to hit him but Y/n just raised his hand, and the fire ball stop.

Y/n(Demon): "This fire, is nothing but fire from a match stick."

The fire ball starts to shrink until it disappeared. Riser was in total shock to see his powerful attack disappeared like it was nothing.

Y/n(Demon): "Let me show you what a fire is like."

He created a small blue fire from his hand and drops it on the ground. When the small blue fire was out, a huge pillar of blue fire came out under Riser.


When the fire stopped, Riser has now burned skin and his clothes are burned off and he fell flat on the floor.

Announcer: "Riser has retired!"

Y/n(Demon): "Only three left."

Sairaorg appeared in front of him and punch him in the face. But he didn't even flinch instead, Sairaorg's the one who was in pain.

Y/n(Demon): "I'll admit, I kinda felt that a little. But you still need more training."

He slam his tail into his face, destroying his helmet. He spits his blood and gets up slowly.

Sairaorg: "Even if I lose here, I did accomplish my dream."

Y/n(Demon): "And that is?"

Sairaorg: "Fighting someone who can withstand my limit! HAAAA!!"

He charge at him again, knowing that it will be his last.

Y/n(Demon): "Then I'm glad."

He punch him in the chest, destroying his whole armor and blasting him into the wall.

Announcer: "Sairaorg has retired!"

He then slowly walk towards Rias and she's still shaking in fear.

Y/n(Demon): "Last year ago, you left me for dead because I didn't have power. Even though that Sona, your best friend begged you to save me, but you still didn't. And now, I have power. Power than I've ever imagine. Power of the blood of Sparda. And now, I've waiting long enough, for my revenge."

He raised his hands towards her and starts creating a dark blue sphere with red lighting on it.

Rias(Scared): "P-Please Y/n. I-I'm so sorry for what I did. I-I didn't mean to l-leave you. P-Please d-don't kill me. I-I'll do anything, just please don't kill me."

Y/n(Demon): "Very well. You will do as I say. You will be my slave."

Rias(Scared): "Y-Yes sir."

Y/n(Demon): "Now get out of here before I change my mind."

Rias(Scared): "I-I resign!"

Announcer: "Rias has resign!"

He throw his attack out of the arena, heading to the isolated desert.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes to see a small attack caused a huge nuclear explosion. The isolated desert has now a huge crater.

He look over to Sirzechs and saw him fell on his knees.

Y/n(Demon): "What are you going to do now? Sis-con?"

Sirzechs(Scared): "I-I-I...... r-resign..."

Announcer: "S-Sirzechs has resign! The Winner is Y/n Apollyon!"

He change back into his human form. Then Sona and the other jump down to the arena to congratulate him.

Sona: "Congratulations Y/n!"

He jumped and hug him tightly and kissed him in the lips.

Y/n: "Of course I did. I have a lucky charm right?"

Dante: "Congratulations kid. You’re the new King of Hell."

Vergil: "I never imagined that you would combine mine and Dante's power together."

Y/n: "Well, you said to me to be creative in battle."

Vergil: "I didn't say that."

Y/n: "Huh? No, I'm pretty sure that you’re the one who said that to me."

Vergil: "I never said something foolishness."

Y/n: "You said that when you hug me and said those words to my ear."

Vergil: "I would never do such a thing!"

Y/n: "You’re the only one I know who's wearing a blue coat!"

Dante: "U-Uh.... Oh shit, I forgot my Pizza up there. Better go get it before someone else."


Y/n: "That explains why you were on the news stealing Pizza."

Time Skip

Y/n, Sona and the others are in front of the giant castle just outside of the arena.

Y/n: "Well, this is it."

Serafall: "Congratulations on becoming the New Devil King Y/n-chan!"

Y/n: "Thanks."

Dante: "So anyway, when's the party?"

Serafall: "The Party will be tonight inside. And it will be Y/n-chan's coronation for being a new Devil King!"

Vergil: "So what will we do now?"

Dante: "I don't know about you but, I'm going to get me an Underworld Pizza. I heard it's more spicier than back on earth."

Smith: "And I need to get back to the office. It's Payday for the others."

Dante created a Portal back to the Human world for her while he went to town to get Pizza.

Y/n: "What about you Vergil?"

Vergil: "Hmm......"

???: "That was a good fight you showed boy."

They turn around and saw Odin and Rossweisse.

Sona: "Lord Odin. It's a pleasure."

Odin: "No need to be formal. That fight might be the best one I've seen. And the Power is beyond I've expecting. You truly have the power of becoming the Devil King."

Y/n: "Thanks."

As they're having a conversation, Vergil approached Rossweisse and she noticed him.

Rossweisse: "Y-Your Vergil, son of Sparda right?!"

Vergil: "Yes."

Rossweisse: "I-I-I'm R-Rossweisse! I-It's an honor to meet you!"

Vergil: "The honor, is mine."

He grab her hand and kissed it, making blushed madly.

Vergil: "Would you like to walk around?"

Rossweisse(Blush): "I-I-I'd l-l-love t-t-too!"

The two of them walk around the castle together and Y/n and Odin just smirked at them.

Y/n/Odin: "It's about time he/she found someone."

???: "There you are, you old fart."

They look by the door and saw Azazel.

Odin: "The reason why I'm here is so I can avoid your nagging."

Azazel: "The reason why you’re out here is because you want to go on the Strip club. Where's your assistant anyway?"

Odin: "She's on a date."

Azazel: "Date?"

Y/n: "With Vergil."

Azazel: "But where's Dante?"

Y/n: "Somewhere in town wreaking havoc."

Serafall: "Anyway, I need to go and help Beelzebub with the papers. I'll you later So-chan! Y/n-chan!"

Odin: "Well, I'm going to the Strip club to wait. Wanna come you brat?"

Azazel: *Sigh*"Since I got nothing to do, let's go."

The two of them head to town to the Strip club.

Y/n: "So, where do you wanna go now?"

Sona: "Let's go to my house. My Parents wanting to meet you in person."

Y/n: "Alright. Let's go."

She created a magic circle on the ground and they walk in it. Then they appeared in front of the Sitri manor.

Butler: "Welcome home, Lady Sona."

Sona: "Thank you. Is my Father and Mother home?"

Butler: "They are. And they're expecting you in the Living room. Please, allow me to escort you."

Sona: "Please lead."

They walk inside the manor and Y/n look around and saw many Butler and Maid aligned on the side.

Y/n: "With this many maid and butler, it'll be easy to clean the whole place."

Sona: "They clean it every day."

Then the butler they're following knock on the door.

Butler: "Lord and Lady Sitri. Lady Sona has returned with Lord Y/n."

He open the door and lead the two of them inside. When they got in, they saw Sona's Mother reading a book while her Father is looking out the window.

Sona: "Mother, Father, I'm home."

Lady Sitri: "Welcome home my dear."

She closed her book and walk towards Sona and hug her.

Lord Sitri: "It's good to see you again Sona."

He then noticed Y/n.

Lord Sitri: "It's an honor to finally meet you Lord Apollyon."

Y/n: "Please, just call me Y/n. And it's really nice to finally meet you as well."

Lady Sitri: "I'm glad that Sona chose you. And it's would be a great honor that her fiance has the Blood of the Legendary Demon Sparda."

Lord Sitri: "At first, I was shock that someone defeated Sona in chess. But when I learn about you, I was so proud that my little girl is better hands."

Sona(Blushed): "M-Mother! Father! Your embarrassing me!"

Lady Sitri: "Oh nonsense dear. But we're really proud of you. You found someone who you really love and will love you back. Now, we don't have to worry about those arrange marriage."

Lord Sitri: "I bet your hungry Y/n, after that amazing fight. You could use a refill."

Y/n: "Actually, I am. That transformation made me hungry."

Lord Sitri: "Alright. I'll tell my chefs to make the most delicious food in the Underworld for you!"

Y/n: "Now that's what I'm talking about."

Lady Sitri: "And by the way Y/n. You can call us Mother and Father too."

Sona(Blush): "M-Mother!"

Lady Sitri: "What? it's only natural for him to call us that. He is going to be our son-in-law after all."

Y/n: "Alright Mother."

Lady Sitri: "Why don't you two rest upstairs? We'll call you when the food is ready."

Y/n: "Alright. Come on Sona."

The two of them left the living room and head to Sona's bedroom.

Y/n: "This is your room?"

Sona: "Yeah. I only came here when it's Semester break."

Y/n: "Heh, at least it's not dusty."

Sona: "The maids clean my room every day, just in-case I went home."

Y/n: "Where's Tsubaki and the others?"

Sona: "Tsubaki went to the hospital to check on Kiba. While the others went on a training or go somewhere they like."

Y/n: "Looks like my KibaxTsubaki ship is sailing."

Sona: "I noticed it too. And I'm happy for her."

Y/n: "So what do you wanna do now?"

Sona: "Whatever you want."

He walk over to the bed and sit on the edge. Sona was about to sit next to him but she slip on the carpet, and landed on top of Y/n.

The two of them stared at each other's eyes, gazing each beauty. Then their head slowly lean into one another until their lips connected. They started making out like it's the 4th of July and fireworks are on the background.

Y/n: "Sona....."

Sona: "Y/n......"

Y/n: "I love you so much."

Sona: "I love you too."

They were about to kiss again but they were interrupted when someone knock on the door.

Butler: "Lady Sona, Lord Y/n. Lord and Lady Sitri requires your presence at the Dining room."

Sona: "We'll get there. Thank you for notifying."

They heard the butler walking away and they get up from the bed.

Y/n: "Don't worry, maybe we'll continue it later."

She nodded and they head down to the dining room. When they got there, they saw Sona's Peerage, her Parents, Dante, Smith, Vergil and Rossweisse.

Y/n: "So who was your trip to town Dante? Did you burn it down?"

Dante: "At first I was going too, because some asshole cut in line saying that he knows the owner. But the owner came out and saw me so he gave me 20 boxes of their specialty."

Saji: "What happen to the guy who cut in line?"

Dante: "You don't wanna know."

Y/n: "And I'm pretty sure that I don't wanna know what happen to the boxes of Pizza."

Lord Sitri: "Now that everyone's here, let's dig in."

Everyone sits on the table and starts to eat. Dante sits beside Smith and Vergil sits beside Rossweisse.

Lord Sitri: "So Y/n. How did you manage to become the most powerful man in the Human World with only a year?"

Y/n: "Well, I only help Jin Kazama kill his Father and Grandfather and he gave me his Zaibatsu."

Lady Sitri: "Why would he want to kill his Father and Grandfather?"

Y/n: "Family issue, about their blood being cursed."

Lord Sitri: "So what happen after that?"

Y/n: "After he gave me the Zaibatsu, he sent on a quest to find a cure to remove his Devil curse. But Dante step up and gave him a holy water."

Lord Sitri: "Wouldn't that kill him?"

Y/n: "If he was 100% Devil then it would. But he's 25% Devil so he has a chance to survive. The Holy water Dante gave him is the purest of all that it cleanse the Devil inside of him."

Sona: "It remove the Devil in his vein?"

Y/n: "Yes. He had to suffer for two days. But it was worth it, he's now pure human."

Lord Sitri: "What happen to him after?"

Y/n: "He's now resting China with Xiaoyu, building a family together."

Lady Sitri: "I'm happy for him. Anyway, when will I expecting some Grandchildren on you two?"

That made Y/n choke on the water he's drinking and made Sona blushed crimson red.

Sona(Blush): "M-M-Mother!"

Lady Sitri: "What? I was just asking. I wanna have some Grandchildren to spoil."

Lord Sitri: "Now, now dear. Don't embarrass them."

Lady Sitri: "Oh like your one to talk. When you know about Y/n being with Sona, you've been anxious for them giving you a Grandson. "

Lord: "Okay I'll admit that."

Sona(Blush): "M-Mother! Father!"

Lady Sitri: "So Y/n, Sona. How many children do you plan having?"

Y/n(Blush): "I-I-I h-have no idea for that yet."

Sona(Blush): "M-Mother!"

Time Skip

Y/n and everyone else are at the Devil Kings Castle for celebration and coronation. Everyone was there, even the Gremory and Phoenix Family. A guy with Green hair with the same hair style as Vergil walk in the stage.

Beelzebub: "I welcome you all for coming. Today, we just witness what might be the most powerful Rating Game ever , and felt the most extraordinary power ever. The Reason of the Rating Game is because the now Formal Devil King Sirzechs Lucifer wage against Y/n Apollyon. He Sirzechs wins, The Devil Sword Dante and Yamato will be in the Underworld possession. But if he lose. Y/n will be the New Devil King. Which the result is, he did."

Some of the audience laugh lightly while some giggled and some just stay shut up.

Beelzebub: "And because of this. Sirzechs Lucifer is no longer one of the Devil Kings. He will be now Sirzechs Gremory."

He glance over to Sirzechs and saw him walking out of the room.

Beelzebub: "The one who will take his place as the new Devil King Lucifer, is Y/n Apollyon!"

Everyone clap their hands including Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Kiba and Koneko. Rias just looked down while Issie is clutching his fist.

Then Y/n walk up the stage and some girls are screaming his name.

Y/n: "Some of you might still believe that The Devil Sword Dante must return to the Underworld, then your gonna have to talk to the original owner about that. He's over there."

He pointed to where Dante and Vergil standing and he just saluted with two fingers.

Y/n: "Anyway, I'm not really good at speech so, I'll do what I can to make the Underworld better for the best."

He then walks off the stage and some girls keeps screaming his name.

Beelzebub: "Please enjoy the party everyone."

Y/n walk back to where the others are and gave him a round of applause.

Dante: "There he is. The New King of Hell."

Smith: "Congratulations Darling."

Tsubaki: "Congratulations Y/n. Who knew that the boy save me years ago would become the New King of the Underworld."

Saji: "Looks like he's now the boss of both Human and Underworld."

Sona: "Congratulations Y/n! I'm proud of you."

She hug him tightly and he hug her back. Then Lord Sitri patted him on the back and Lady Sitri hug him too.

Y/n: "Thank you."

He saw Vergil and Rossweisse chatting together and he's smiling while she's giggling. Then he saw Dante sneaking behind the two of them, trying to pull something that will definitely pissed Vergil off.

Y/n: "Hey Vergil, Dante drew mustache on your face when you were asleep."

Dante: "DUDE! That's was our sec......ret......"

He slowly turn around and saw Vergil glaring at him intensely.

Vergil(Pissed): "THAT WAS YOU?!"

Dante: "H-Heh, l-look bro i-it was just a harmless prank...."


He grab him by the coat and tossed him out of the window.

Dante: "I'll get you back for this Y/n!"

Y/n: "I'd like to see you try."

He then walk towards where Rias and the others are. When they saw Y/n, they slightly bow to him except for Rias and Issei.

Y/n: "So Rias, you will do anything I say right?"

Rias: "Y-Yes..."

Y/n: "Say it."

Rias: "I-I will d-do anything y-you say...."

Y/n: "Good. Now wear this."

He grab something inside his coat and gave it to her. She saw what it was and hesitate to take it. It was a collar with a ‘Bitch Slave’ on it.

Y/n: "I order you to where this and never take it off."

He reach out her hand to grab it but it's shaking.

Issei: "You can't do that to President! President, you can't wear that!"

Y/n: "Do you forget your current position Issei? You are a very low-class Devil while I'm a Devil King. I don't listen to you, you listen to me. Or shall I mark you as a Stray?"

Rias: "N-No. I'll wear it."

She grabs the collar and put it around her neck.

Y/n: "You will never take that off, even if you’re going to school or taking a bath. Taking that off will mark you as a Stray. Do I make myself clear?"

Rias: "Y-Yes."

Y/n: "Yes what?"

Rias: "Y-Yes, M-Master."

Y/n: "Good. Your dismissed."

She bow slightly at him and run out of the room while Issei followed her.

Y/n: "I'm sorry if I kinda hurt you all earlier."

Kiba: "We understand it Lord Y/n. No need to apologize."

Y/n: "You can drop the Lord. Just call me Y/n."

Kiba: "Yes Lo- I mean, Y/n."

Then Koneko hug Y/n tightly and he hug her back.

Koneko: "Senpai."

Y/n: "Don't worry Koneko. I'll give you some sweets when we get back."

Asia: "U-Um, Y/n-san. D-Did the President really left you that day?"

Y/n: "Yes she did."

Asia: "B-But, President even save me from the Fallen Angels."

Y/n: "She save you because of your Sacred Gear. I died that day because I didn't have one."

Xenovia: "So the only reason why Rias accepted me so quickly is because I'm a wielder of Durandal?"

Y/n: "Yes. The day I brought back by Dante and Vergil is the day I've waiting for this. But don't worry Kiba, Koneko and Akeno. Tsubaki told me that you three against Rias, so I don't grudge on you."

Kiba: "Thank you. Y/n-kun."

Asia: "B-But, what about Issei?"

Kiba: "Issei-kun isn't one of us before that happen."

Y/n: "But he blindly accepting Rias, even though that the truth is revealed."

Akeno: "Rias always gave her attention to Issei-kun."

Y/n: "Because she's spoiling him with her body to encourage him for his power. Instead of training, seduction is what she use. Anyway, I'll see you all later."

He walk back to the others and noticed that Vergil and Rossweisse are gone.

Y/n: "Where's Vergil?"

Smith: "He and Rossweisse already left."

Y/n: "I think I know where this is going. What about Dante?"

Smith: "He went back to the room. He said he's from falling out of the window."

Y/n: "Well. This castle is on a 100 meter high cliff."

Smith: "I'm going too. He might wanna massage after that long fall."

Y/n: "Yeah. Good night."

She walk out of the party and head to the room where Dante is.

Sona: "How about we get back to our room?"

Y/n: "If your with me. Then alright."

The two of them hold each other’s hand while heading back to the Sitri castle.

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