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Chapter 4 Mission 03

Author's POV

Y/n's heading to the school, riding in his Limousine. Then it stop in front of the school gate and Alfred hop off the driver seat and open the back door for Y/n.

Alfred: "We have arrived, Sir."

Y/n grabs his bag and walk out of his Limousine. He then saw Sona and Tsubaki waiting by the gate.

Sona: "Good Morning Y/n."

Y/n: "Good morning too Sona."

Alfred: "I'll be heading back now Sir. Have a nice day."

Y/n: "You too Alfred."

He went back in the driver seat and drive back to the mansion. Y/n walks inside the gate along with Sona and Tsubaki.

Tsubaki: "Excuse me please but, I need to go to the rest room first. You can go on without me."

She went to the restroom while me and Sona head to the main building.

Y/n: "So how was the champagne?"

Sona: "It was delicious. That was the first I've tasted."

Y/n: "Then I'm glad."

Sona: "Hey Y-Y/n....."

Y/n: "Yes?"

Sona(Blushed): "D-Do you wanna have lunch together?"

Y/n: ".....Sure. I'd love too."

Sona(Blush): "T-Then I'll see you later!"

She heads to her class while I head to mine. When I get there, I saw my other classmates are not there yet.

Y/n: "Might as well play some COD for now."

Issei's POV

Rias: "Issei, Asia and Xenovia. Can you get Y/n to come here by lunch?"

Issei: "Leave it to us."

Xeovia: "Do you think that he's going to accept of becoming a Devil?"

Rias: "I know he will. I have something else to make him join."

Asia: "But, what about President Sona?"

Rias: "Sona always gets in between me and Y/n. So we need to get him in my Peerage before she even knew."

Issei: "I wonder what kind of Sacred Gear that guy has. But I bet it's not awesome as mine."

Rias: "Don't worry, Issei, we'll know when became my Rook."

Issei: "Even if he's the boss of the Apollyon Zaibatsu, I'm going to teach some no to mess with my Harem!"

Rias: "Now let's go to class everyone, bell is about to ring."

Everyone: "Yes President."

Time Skip

Author's POV

The bell rings, indicating that it's lunch time. Y/n put his books inside his bag and grab his lunchbox inside. He was about to leave but Issei, Asia and Xenovia blocked him.

Y/n: "What?"

Issei: "Come to the ORC clubhouse with us."

Y/n: "Why?"

Xenovia: "President Rias invited to you come."

Y/n: "I'm gonna have to pass. I promise to meet Sona."

He walk pass them but Issei grab him by the shoulder.

Issei: "The President said so."

Y/n glances over his shoulder and throw his lunchbox up in the air. Issei, Asia and Xenovia look at the lunchbox and Y/n grab Issei's wrist, sweep his feet, and elbow him on the stomach.

He held his hand out, catching his lunchbox while walking out the door.

Xenovia: "Looks like he already got plans. So what do we do now Issei? Issei?"

He looks down and saw Issei laying on the ground while holding his stomach in pain."

Asia: "Issei-san!"

Xenovia: "What happened to you?!"

She and Asia help Issei up and support him to get back to the clubhouse. The three of them made it to the clubhouse and Asia starts to heal Issei.

Rias: "What happened to Issei?!"

Xenovia: "We don't know. When Y/n just walk out of the room, we saw Issei laying down."

Rias: "Issei! What happen to you?!"

Issei: "U-Ugh... I-I don't know.... E-Everything j-just happen so fast...."

Rias: "Where's Y/n?"

Xenovia: "He said that he promised to meet with Sona."

Rias: "Drat... Sona always gets ahead of me."

Xenovia: "Do you think that Sona will turn Y/n into her Peerage?"

Rias: "If so, then we need get him first. Come on Everyone."

Asia: "Where are we going?"

Rias: "We're going to get our new Rook."

After Asia healed Issei, the ORC walk out of their clubhouse and head to the Student Council Student Office.

She knock at the door and Tsubaki open it.

Tsubaki: "President Rias? What are you doing here?"

Rias: "We just need to get something. May we come in?"

Tsubaki step aside and let them in. They saw Y/n eating from his lunchbox along with Sona eating with her own lunchbox.

Rias: "Hello Y/n."

Sona: "What are you doing here Ms. Gremory? I don't remember inviting you to come."

Rias: "Come on now, I just wanna visit a friend."

Sona: "If I remembered correctly, you and I are NOT friends. We're only co-workers at school and nothing more. What is it that you want?"

Rias: "Very well. Y/n would you like to join my Peerage?"

Sona immediately stand up, dropping the remaining food on her lunchbox.


Y/n: "That was such a waste of food Sona."

Rias: "I asked Y/n to join us. So Y/n, what do you say?~"

She said while unbuttoning her top and revealing her cleavage to him. Everyone was shock to see what Rias is doing and Issei starting to get his nose bleed.

Rias: "If you join us.~ I'll give you more benefits.~ And maybe get you anything you want.~"

Y/n: "I can buy anything this world as to offer, so there's nothing for me not to buy."

Rias: "Do you remember the story I told you yesterday?"

Y/n: "What about it?"

Sona: "DON'T. GO. THERE."

Rias: "All of those stories are true. And I'm a Devil."

She spread her Devil wings along with her Peerage aside from Issei who's loss of thoughts because of Rias's breast. Sona look down on the ground while Tsubaki is just standing beside her.

Rias: "We're not the only one's too. Sona, is a Devil too."

Sona just keeps looking at the ground while gritting her teeth and turning her hands into fist."

Y/n: "She seems more of an Angel than a Devil to me."

Everyone was shock to what he said. Sona immediately look up at him.

Dante(Mind): "Nice come back."

Rias: "So what do you say Y/n? Will you become my Rook?"

Y/n: "By Rook, you mean 'Slave'? Then I'm gonna have to pass, cuz I'm not a slave to anyone."

Rias: "I don't treat my Peerage as a Slave. We treat each other like a family. We care for each other."

Y/n: "Heh, that's not what I heard you said a year ago."

Rias: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "Y/n L/n was left for dead one year ago. He was killed by some Demons on the way home. Then you, your Peerage, Sona and Tsubaki saw him. You has the chance to bring him back to life, but you did do it because he doesn't have a Sacred Gear even though that Sona beg you to save him."

Everyone except for Issei, Asia and Xenovia was shock to what Y/n said. That he know every details.

Rias(Shock): "H-H-How d-did you know t-that?!"

Y/n closed his eyes and his white hair turned black and when he opens his eyes, it was now black instead of blue.

Y/n: "It's because I am Y/n L/n. The one that you left to die."

He turns to Sona and saw her covering her mouth with her hands and tears coming out of her eyes.

Sona(Tears): "Y-Y/n.... I-Is that really y-you?"

Y/n: "Yes Sona. I really am alive and well."

She runs towards him and hugs him tightly while Rias and the others is still shock.

Dante(Mind): "Good, now this is step one. Now go to step two and head to step three."

Issei: "Wait, who exactly is this guy?"

Tsubaki(Shock): "H-He's Y/n L/n. He used to help us here in the office even though he's not a member."

Rias(Shock): "T-That's impossible... I swore that he didn't have a Sacred Gear when I saw him that day."

Sona(Crying): "How? How are you alive?!"

Y/n: "Well, after I died that day, a sword fly at my hand and it healed my wounds and killed those Demons."

Tsubaki: "What sword?"

Y/n: "This sword."

He held his hand out and an enormous sword appeared in flame.

Everyone aside from Issei was shock to see Y/n holding one of the Legendary Weapons ever know. He then lean the sword over his shoulder.

Rias(Shock): "How did you get that Sword?!"

Y/n: "Clearly you’re not cleaning your ears. I told you didn't I? It flies on my hand."

Issei: "What's so special with that sword anyway? It looks like it's made out of rock. Unlike my Ascalon that's awesome!"

Kiba: "Issei-kun, this isn't just any ordinary Sword."

Xenovia: "It's one of the Legendary Sword that stops the Great War many years ago."

Issei: "Seriously?! That thing?!"

Rias: "So Y/n, would you like to join my Peerage as my Rook?"

Y/n: "No."

Rias: "B-But. There's you can have many benefits if you join us. You can live a thousand years. And you can get stronger."

Y/n: "If I want to get stronger, I use my own power. Not some cheap one-time use from a shack store."

Rias: "If that's your decision, then surrender to us that Sword. It's a momentum of the Underworld after the Great War."

She smirked knowing that she thinks she had the lead.

Y/n: "Alright, here you go."

He stabs the sword on the ground and takes a step back.

Rias: "Issei, go grab the sword."

Issei: "Awesome! I got a new Legendary Sword! This will definitely be my chick magnet!"

He grabs the sword handle with his hand and tried to lift it but he couldn't. He used two hands and tried to pull it out of the ground but still not moving.

Issei: "Hey what did you do?! It's not moving?!"

Y/n: "All I did is place it on the ground. If you can't lift it, then you definitely don't have the balls."

Issei: "Why you! Let's do this Ddraig!"

A red gauntlet with a green gem appeared on his left hand and use it to try lift the sword. Y/n shoves Issei away and grab the sword with his hand un-summoning it in a flame.

Rias: "We will get that Sword back. It's property of the Underworld."

Y/n: "That's cute little bitch, now why don't you just run along and let your Pawn suck your milk."

Rias: "Do you have any idea who you’re talking too?!"

Y/n: "Wait, let me guess. A red-headed-power-hunger-bitch-that-cries-a-lot-if-she-doesn't-get-what-she-wants?"

Rias(Piss): "How dare you! I am Rias Gremory! The Heir of the Gremory Family and the sister of Lucifer!"

Y/n(Sarcasm): "Oh my god, really?"

Issei(Piss): "Hey! You can't talk to President like that!"

He rush at him with his Gauntlet and going for a punch in the face, but Y/n just sidestep, secretly tripping Issei, and blasting him out the window of the second floor.

Issei: "GAAAAHH!"

Rias: "Issei!"

She and her Peerage look out the window and saw Issei lying flat on the ground.

Rias: "You won't get away with this Y/n!"

Y/n: "Why would you blame me? It's your dumbass Pawn that jump out the window."

Rias: "We challenge you Y/n into a duel. If we win, you'll join us and be my Rook."

Y/n: "And if I win, you will go to school without wearing any underwear."

He smirks while Rias and her Peerage was shock. Sona and Tsubaki are secretly giggling behind.

Rias: "Fine! Then prepare to lose!"

She and the rest of her Peerage walk out of the office and went to get Issei and head back to their clubhouse.

Y/n: "I can already tell, this is going to be a one hell of a party."

Sona: "Y/n. Are you sure you can handle Rias?"

Y/n: "I know I can handle those guys."

She hugs him one last time.

Sona: "I glad that you’re alive Y/n."

Y/n: "I'm glad that you’re safe that day."

Time Skip

Y/n is standing on the field behind the ORC clubhouse and in front of him is Rias and her Peerage. Sona and the rest of her Peerage are standing out of the field.

Saji: "So, why are they fightning Y/n?"

Tsukuba: "President Rias made a bet with Y/n. If he lose he will join her Peerage. But if he wins, u-uh, well...."

Sona: "Something improper will happen to her that she will never forget."

Momo: "Something improper?"

Rias: "Are you ready to lose and become my Rook?"

Y/n: "I don't know. How about you? Ready to lose and start walking around school without any underwear? Hell if I were you, I'd give up and apologize. Instead of getting trending for the rest of your days."

Momo: "That's what improper means?! How could President Rias make such a bet?!"

Sona: "It's her decision. So she's pay for her selfishness."

Issei: "I will win this to save President! And to get that chick magnet Sword! BOOSTED GEAR!"

Ddraig: "BOOST!"

He rushes at him with his Boosted Gear along with Kiba and Xenovia.

Y/n: "You invited me for a party, that's why I'm here for."

He summons the Devil Sword Dante and parried both Kiba and Xenovia's attack. He then kicked Issei by the stomach, knocking him back.

Koneko runs towards Y/n and went for some punches but Y/n just redirect them with his hands. He saw Kiba and Xenovia going for a strike on each side so he summon a spectral blade to block their attacks.

Rias and Akeno starts firing their magic at him while Asia heals Issei.

Issei: "I won't go down that easily!"

He charges at him again and Y/n direct Koneko's punch to Issei's face, knocking him down again.

Asia: "Issie-san!"

Y/n's Devil Sword Dante splits in the middle and four red spectral blades came out of it, blocking Rias and Akeno's attack. The two of them stop firing and recharge their magic.

Y/n: "That all you got? Don't tell me that you’re tired already."

He saw Issei getting up again so he throw the Devil Sword Dante at him, locking his neck to the ground at the middle of split blade.  

Kiba used the opportunity to attack Y/n while he doesn't have to sword, but Y/n saw this and block his attack with Royal Guard.

He tried to slash Y/n's feet but he jump, stands at his sword and kick him in the face. Xenovia rush at him and swings her Durandal around but Y/n back flips, dodging her attack.

Y/n: "The bigger they are, the slower they strike."

Xenovia: "Why don't you fight us seriously?!"

Y/n: "Oh, you don't want that to happen."

He grabs her wrist, and throws her back at the others. Rias and Akeno get their magic ready and start firing at Y/n again. He raised his hand and the Devil Sword Dante fly towards it.

Issei got up but Y/n summons a spectral blade, stabbing on Issei's leg.

Asia: "Issei-san!"

She runs towards him and heals him again. Y/n summons many spectral blades above Rias and launches it down at her. She didn't have time to react and it hit her, shredding her clothes, revealing her black underwear.

Issei: "President!"

Y/n summons more spectral blades at Rias but he form it in a make shift cage, trapping her inside.

Y/n: "Why don't you just sit there and watch."

Akeno made a magic circle and lightning starts to fire at Y/n. But he teleport behind her and he starts hitting her hard with a riding crop.

Saji: "Where the heck did he get that?!"

Y/n did a Dance Macabre combo using the Riding crop, and at the final strike, Akeno sent flying while having an orgasm.

Akeno(Moaning): "AHH!~"

Y/n: "That's another one down. Two to go."

He starts walking towards Asia and Issei. She was able to fully heal Issei but Y/n appeared behind her and Karate chops her neck, falling her unconscious.

Issei: "Asia!"

He gets up, tried to punch him but Y/n just lazily dodging it while not moving from his spot.

Y/n: "Out of all the people I fight. This, is gotta be the shittiest one of all."

Issei: "Stop moving you bastard!"

Y/n: "This really getting ridicules."

He kicks Issei a few feet away and starts running towards him. When Issei was about to get up, he has no idea that Y/n was behind him and slam his head on the ground.

Issei was knocked out while he's head is bleeding. Rias was very shock that her Peerage was easily defeated. Y/n snaps his fingers and all the spectral blades his summons are gone. Rias slowly stands up while holding her left arm.

Y/n: "I'm looking forward seeing you tomorrow Ms. Gremory. And don't worry, I'll post it on the internet so it will be trending."

He put his Devil Sword Dante away and walks towards Sona and the others.

Y/n: "I'll see you tomorrow Sona."

He grab her hand and kissed it, making her blush and other shriek.

Sona(Blushed): "Y-You too Y/n. I-I'll s-see you tomorrow."

With that, Y/n walk in front of the school gate where his Limousine is waiting for him. Sona and her Peerage look at Rias and the others.

Sona: "You lose the battle Ms. Gremory. It's going to be a memorable day for everyone tomorrow. Be ready, because Karma is here to collect the debt. Let's go home everyone."

SC: "Yes President."

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