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Chapter 7 Mission 06

Y/n's POV

It's the end of the day and I'm walking happily inside my mansion.

Smith: "You see to be in a good mood."

Y/n: "Hell yeah!"

Smith: "Something happen?"

Then Dante and Vergil appeared beside me.

Dante: "We met the Faction Leaders and....."

Vergil: "They made a foolish bet within ten days."

Smith: "What's the bet?"

Y/n: "I'm gonna be King of hell."

Smith: "What kind of an idiot would make that bet?"

Y/n: "The brother of the biggest Thot in school."

Vergil: "Which happens to be one of the Leader of Hell."

Dante: "Man. Those guys definitely don't use their brains huh?"

Vergil: "Like your one to talk. You don't even know how to count."

Dante: "You don't have to be so personal about it jackass!"

Smith: "So, what are you planning for now Darling?"

Y/n: "Might as well take Sona on a date."

Dante: "Oh.~ The kid is finally making the move.~ What happens after the date?~ I know a few love hotels.~"

Y/n: "You’re too straight forward Asshole!"

Vergil: "No wonder no woman wants to be around you."

Dante: "Hey, I got my babe right here!"

She pulled Smith towards him.

Dante: "What about you bro?~ It's almost Valentine’s Day.~"

Vergil: "........"

Y/n: "Valentines?"

Smith: "It's were a girl gave chocolate to someone they like."

Y/n: "Chocolate....."

Dante: "Yup. Sweet delicious Chocolate. One of the world's best sweet. Of course Strawberry Sundae is always at first."

Y/n: "Makes me wanna hide at Valentine’s Day."

Time Skip


I just arrived at school and I saw Sona and Tsubaki waiting by the gate.

Sona: "Good Morning Y/n."

Y/n: "Morning too."

We head to the main building and noticed some girls are glancing at me.

Y/n: "Hey Sona. Do you wanna hangout after school?"

Sona(Bluss): "E-Eh? Y-You mean l-like a D-D-D-Date?"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah. I-I mean you don't have accept if you bus-"

Sona(Blush): "I'd love too!"

Y/n(Blush): "Really?"

Sona(Blush): "Yes!"

Y/n(Blush): "A-Alright. I'll see you after school."

I wave good bye to them and head to my classroom. When I got there, everyone stops chatting with each other and look directly at me.

Y/n: "I'm guessing you know what happen to Issei right? Don't piss me off if you don't wanna sleep in the streets."

Some of the boys cower in their chair while some girls stares at me with hearts on their eyes. I head to my sit and the Teacher just came in.

Teacher: "Good Morning class. I'd like to announce that Tomorrow is Parents Day and I hope you bring your Parents here tomorrow."

Girl1: "It's parents Day tomorrow?!"

Girl2: "I thought it was going to be next week."

Girl3: "I hope my parents don't embarrass me tomorrow."

Teacher: "Alright enough about that. We have a special and simple lesson for today."

Boy1: "What's today's lesson Ma'am?"

Teacher: "Manners and attitude."

Y/n(Mind): "What are we? 3 years old?"

Dante(Mind): "Oh man this is going to be good."

Vergil(Mind): "Only you would be excited on childish questions."

Teacher: "Alright. Mr. Apollyon, would you please stand up?"

I stand up from my chair.

Teacher: "Now the question is. If you have 10 Strawberry Cakes, and you gave 5 to Mr. Hyoudou, how many cakes do you have?"

Y/n: "10"

Teacher: "U-Uh... What if Mr. Hyoudou take the 5 strawberry cake by force?"

Y/n: "Still 10. And a dead pervert. Problem solve."

I sit down and heard some of the girls clapping while some are silently awkward.

Teacher: "E-Eh.... A-Alright. Now, on to the next one."

Dante(Mind): "Nice answer kid."

Vergil(Mind): *Sigh*"Normally I would disagree. But knowing that the weakling is the subject of it. I would have done the same."

I look over to Asia and saw her stealing a glance while Xenovia is just keep staring at me.

Dante(Mind): "That cute little blond keeps glancing at you."

Vergil(Mind): "And that girl in a blue keeps staring at you ever since you came."

Y/n(Mind): "Let them do what they want. It's not like they can change my mind about that bet."

Dante(Mind): "So what are you going to do when you’re the new King of Hell?"

Y/n(Mind): "I haven't got any idea yet."

Dante(Mind): "Oh! I got one!"

Y/n(Mind): "I think I'm gonna regret asking it but, What?"

Dante(Mind): "Free Pizza and Strawberry Sundae!"

Then I heard Vergil stab Dante with Yamato.

Vergil(Mind): "Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness."

Dante(Mind): "W-Worth, the s-shot....."

Y/n(Mind): "I don't know what's worse. You two playing stabby stab or the Teacher is asking everyone some kindergarten questions."

Time Skip


I'm at the school gate, waiting for Sona to come.

Sona: "Sorry I'm late Y/n."

Y/n: "It's alright, I just got here."

Sona: "Shall we go?"

I nodded and we walk to town.

Sona: "So where do you wanna go Y/n?"

Y/n: "Let's go get something to eat."

Sona: "I heard that there's a new cafe just open. Wanna try it out?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Come on let's go."

We head to the cafe she was talking about and I saw it was a cat cafe.

Waitress: "Welcome to Cat's cafe!~ Nya!~"

She then lead us to a vacant table and gave us the menu.

Waitress1: "Wait, aren't you... Y/n Apollyon?"

Y/n: "Yes. That's me."

Waitress1: "WE GOT A VIP!!"

Then every Waitress starts to run around and change our plain table into a fancy one. Then they starts serving foods at the table.

Y/n: "U-Uh, we didn't order yet."

Waitress1: "Your our VIP sir. And we're only serving the best food we have!"

Me and Sona just shrugged starts eating. I look around and saw some customers glancing at us and whispering something.

Sona: "Wow, it's really good."

Y/n: "Yeah. Makes me wanna buy this whole place."

Then a blond woman wearing a french style maid outfit burst out of the door and run towards us.

???: "Then I'd be happy to sell it to you sir!"

Y/n: "I-I was just kidding though. But I have to admit, the food here is good."

Jade: "Thank you so much sir! I'm Jade by the way! I need to get back to the office. Please call my kitties if there's a problem sir!"

Y/n: "Thank you Ms. Jade."

I grab her hand and kissed on it, making her blush madly and run back to her office. I look over to Sona and she seems to be pouting?

Y/n: "You okay Sona?"

Sona: "I'm fine...... baka......."

Y/n: "Aw.~Don't be jealous Sona.~ I'm all yours after all.~"

We continue eating our food and noticed some two girls wearing different school uniform walk towards me.

???1: "Hello. I'm name is Mia and this is my friend Zane."

Zane: "Hello!"

Y/n: "So what can I do with you girls?"

Mia: "W-We were just curious if you wanna go out with us."

Y/n: "..... Sorry, I'm gonna have to decline."

Zane: "Why?"

Y/n: "Because I already have a Fiance. And she's over there."

I pointed at Sona and she just continue eating."

Mia: "But, we have bigger breast than her."

Zane: "Yeah! She's flat as a board."

I can feel Sona's power starting to increase so I just tap the table, signaling her that I got this."

Y/n: "I don't care for chest size. All I care is her personality, that's why I love her so much. And you two aren't the first woman who wanted to go on a date with me."

Mia: "B-But we're different to the others."

Zane: "Yeah."

Y/n: "How so?"

Mia: "W-Well, all the guys in our school are asking us and we just dump them."

Y/n: "And why is that?"

Zane: "B-Because they all just want us for our body."

Mia: "Yeah. All of them are just perverts."

Y/n: "Well, I'm glad that you rejected a pervert but, I reject Thots."

Mia: "B-But, we're not Thots."

Zane: "We'er our schools hottest girls.~"

Y/n: "It also means the biggest Thots. Now, please leave us alone or you'll going to have a problem with your home and reputations."

With that, the two of them left the cafe and I look over to Sona and she seems to be blushing.

Y/n: "Don't let them get to you Sona. I don't care for chest size really. I really loved you for your personality."

Sona(Blush): "Y/n......"

All Waitress: "AYIEEE!"

We look to the Waitress and other customers and they were all giggling at us.

Waitress1: "Oh!~ How romantic!"

Waitress2: "It's so nice to have a boyfriend too!~"

Waitress3: "I wish my boyfriend treats me like that!~"

We couldn't help it but to sweat drop at the waitress and the others. We finished all the food and we walk to the counter and payed for everything.

Jade: "Thank you so much! Please come again!"

Then I put a $5000 tip on the jar before we left.

Sona: "That was kind of you Y/n. Giving them a big tip."

Y/n: "I was thinking of doubling the tip."

Sona: "So Y/n..... Many girls asked you out before?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Some of their family even requested me to marry their daughter."

Sona: "Why didn't you accept any of them?"

Y/n: "Well that's easy. Because they weren't you. They're not Sona Shitori that I fell in love with."

Sona: "Y/n....."

She starts to lean her face towards mine and I did the same. We were about to kiss but we heard someone. We look to our side and saw Rias walking with her Peerage.

Rias: "Enjoying your day Y/n? I assume you are. Because in the next nine days, the Devil Sword Dante and Yamato won't your anymore."

Sona: "What are you doing here Rias?"

Rias: "Me and my Peerage are just heading home and we saw you two getting sweet on the way, so I thought we just might say 'Hi'."

Y/n: "Is that all? Then you can leave before your pawn starts crying wanting for your milk tits."

Issei: "You don't talk to her like that!"

He raised his fist into the air and nothing happen.

Y/n: "Are you looking for this?"

I summon the Boosted Gear and gave him a middle finger.

Issei: "You bastard! Give Ddraig back!"

Y/n: "Hey Ddraig, do you wanna go back to your useless pervert wielder or not?"

Ddraig: "Sorry Issei, but I'm staying here. This is the first time I've achieved this form before."

Issei: "You can't be serious!"

Y/n: "He is, so deal with it."

Rias: "Don't worry Issei, we'll get Ddraig back I promise."

Y/n: "Heh, Good luck with that."

I release 10% of my power and they started to shake in fear. Asia fell on her knees while Issei is shaking madly and his pants got wet.

Y/n: "I'll see you in hell."

I grab Sona's arm and we walk away from them as they stared at me with fear on their eyes. We start to walk back to her house and I take by the door.

Sona: "Thanks for taking me out Y/n."

Y/n: "It's the least I could do. Though sorry for releasing my power earlier."

Sona: "I understand. She did deserved it."

Y/n: "Yeah. She even ruin our-"

She grab the back of my head and gave me a passionate kiss for a good ten seconds.

Sona: "You were saying?~"

Y/n: "Hehe, nothing. Today's been a wonderful day. I'll see you tomorrow Sona."

Sona: "You too Y/n. Careful on the way home."

She open the door and wave at me before going in and closing the door.

Time Skip

It's now parents day and I have no idea what Smith is planning. I saw some students walking in with their parents.

I grab my phone and play something while waiting for the teacher to come. Then I noticed Issie along with Asia and his parents walk in they his parents noticed me so they walk towards me.

Issei's Mom: "H-Hello again Mr. Apollyon."

Issei's Dad: "It's good to see you again sir."

Y/n: "Likewise. Did your son told you it's going to be Parents day? Or Asia did?"

Issei's Mom: "It was Asia. Issei said he forgot to tell us."

Issei's Dad: "Has Issei been causing you some trouble sir?"

Y/n: "No. He hasn't yet. But you need to put him in a very tight leash. Asia and your home will be depending on Issei's movement."

Issei's Dad: "Y-Yes sir. We understand."

Issei's Mom: "We'll discipline with all we can."

Y/n: "Very good. You should head to the back. It's almost time for class."

Then they went to the back of the room with the other parents. Then the door slide open and the Teacher came in.

Teacher: "Good day to you all Parents."

She was about to start the lesson but the door slide open again and I saw Smith along with Dante and Vergil who's wearing a suit.

Y/n(Mind): "What the actual fuck?"

Smith: "Sorry we're late Teacher."

Teacher: "I-It's fine but, who are you?"

Smith: "I'm Y/n's Mother. Kuroko. And this is my husband Dante."

Dante: "Sup?"

Smith: "And this is his twin brother Vergil."

Vergil: "......"

Everyone starts to whisper at each other along with the parents.

Teacher: "I see. Please stand at the end of the room along with the other parents to watch your son."

Smith: "Thank you."

She, Dante and Vergil went to the back of the room while the other boys are drooling while watching Smith walk.

Dante: "Please don't make me use this bazooka on you boys for staring at my wife."

Then all of the boys starts to shiver while Dante stab the bayonet of his bazooka on the ground and lean his elbow on it.

Teacher: "A-Anyway, I have a block of clay for everyone and I'm going to give to time to make anything you want on the clay."

She distributed all the clay to everyone.

Teacher: "You may now begin."

Y/n(Mind): "What should I make?"

Ddraig(Mind): "I can help you partner. Just picture something in your mind, and I'll sneak some magic on your hands to form the image on your head to the clay."

Y/n(Mind): "Alright. I think I got one."

My hands starts to move by itself and I can see some red mist forming the detailed on the clay.

Teacher: "Wow! Well done Mr. Apollyon! It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!"

The others stops doing on what they're doing and look at my work. It was a of me and Sona leaning back to back while holding each other's hand.

Girl1: "Is that President Sona?"

Girl2: "It look exactly like her!"

Girl3: "And is that Y/n? He looks so cool!"

Time Skip


Me, Dante, Vergil and Smith are walking to the hallway while I carry the statue clay I made for Sona.

Smith: "That's a pretty well detailed to make in few minutes Darling."

Y/n: "You can thank Ddraig for that. I'm gonna go to the Student council office to give this to Sona."

Dante: "Alright so, Where's the cafeteria?"

Y/n: "Third door to the left on that way."

He along with Vergil and Smith went to the cafeteria while I head to the Student Council office. When I got there, I only saw Sona and Tsubaki working on some paperwork. Good thing I got Smith to take care of that for me.

Y/n: "Hey Sona, Tsubaki."

Sona: "Oh hey Y/n."

Tsubaki: "Hello Y/n."

Sona: "Are you here for lunch Y/n?"

Y/n: "That. And to give you this."

I showed her the clay statue of us and I heard Tsubaki giggling.

Sona: "It's amazing Y/n. Thank you. I will cherish this forever."

I handed her the statue and she put it on her table. She grab her lunchbox along with Tsubaki and I grab mine and we start to eat.

After we finished, we heard some commotion outside. We look out the window and saw some boys running towards the gym while some are carrying a camera.

Tsubaki: "What's going on down there?"

Y/n: "Something stupid I guess."

Sona: "Let's go check it out."

We head down to the gym and saw some boys are already leaving. When we got inside, we saw Rias and her Peerage along with Saji and some girl in a cosplay.        

Sona: "Saji. What's going here?"

Saji: "P-President. Y-You see this girl said-"

???: "I finally found you! So-tan!"

I look over to Sona and she has a shock face to see the girl. The cosplayer runs and hug Sona while rubbing their cheeks into each other.

???: "Why didn't you tell me that today is Parents Day?! I could have attack the heaven!"

Issei: "She's kidding, right?"

Rias: "No, she's not."

Y/n: "Sorry for asking but, who are you?"

Serafall: "My name is Serafall Leviathan! I'm So-tan's Onee-chan! But you can call me Sera-chan! Who are you?"

Y/n: "Y/n Apollyon. Nice to meet you."

Serafall(Shock)*Gasp*"Your little So-tan's first crush and now her Fiance?!"

Y/n: "She has a crush on me at first? Nice to meet you. Onee-chan."

Serafall: "Oh my Satan! I'm so proud of you So-tan! You got a pretty cute Fiance!"

Sona(Blush): "O-Onee-chan!"

Rias: "What are you doing here Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'm here to meet my future sister-in-law. What about you? Did your pawn drag you here so he can bang you in the storage room? Well, don't let us stop you."

Issei: "Why you!"

Serafall: "So anyway Rias, is this the Red Dragon Emperor?"

Rias: "W-Well...."

Y/n: "Hahahaha!"

Serafall: "What's wrong Y/n-chan?"

Y/n: "This weak pervert is not the Red Dragon Emperor anymore."

Serafall: "Why?"

Rias: "It's because Y/n stole Issei's Sacred Gear!"

Y/n: "It's not stealing if it was willing given to me."

Serafall: "So you’re the Red Dragon Emperor now?"

Y/n: "Yup."

I summon the Boosted Gear and Serafall was shock to see it."

Serafall: "It's kinda little different when I saw it first."

Y/n: "It's because it already upgraded to the max. I even unlock the Juggernaut Drive."

Serafall: "That's amazing!"

Rias: "And he's the one who stole the Devil Sword Dante from the Underworld and Yamato from the Heaven."

Serafall(Shock): *Gasp*"Really!?"

Y/n: "How thick is that deadbeat brain of yours? Dante and Vergil gave it to me. They even said it themselves."

Serafall: "Dante and Vergil? I thought they're gone. How did they gave you their weapons?"

Y/n: "Well, you can asked them yourselves."

I pointed by the door and they saw Dante and Vergil along with Smith. Serafall turned into a fangirl and rush at them immediately.

Serafall: "O-Oh my S-Satan! It's really them! The twin Sons of Sparda! right in front of me! I am such a fan! M-May I s-shake your hands?!"

Dante and Vergil look at each other and they just both shrug before accepting Serafall's hand.

Serafall: "This is the best Day ever!"

Dante: "Uh... so.... who are you?"

Serafall: "O-Oh sorry. I'm Serafall Leviathan! One of the Four Devil Kings of the Underworld! Nice to meet you!"

Vergil: "One of the Devil Kings huh?"

I know that look on Vergil's face.... He's gonna fucking Judgment Cut her!

Y/n: "Vergil stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Not her! She's my future sister-in-law!"

Vergil: "Very well."

Then I saw Sirzechs along with his wife and another guy with red hair and beard came in.

Sirzechs: "So this is where everyone is."

Rias: "Onii-sama? Father?"

When Rias's Father saw Dante and Vergil, he immediately turned pale and starts shaking madly.

Sirzechs: "Father? What's wrong?"

Dante: "Hey bro, look who is it."

Vergil: "Well, well.This day certainly is entertaining."

???(Scared): "D-Dante.... V-Vergil...."

Dante: "So how have you been uh......"

Zeoticus(Scared): "I-It's Zeoticus...."

Dante: "Right. So we noticed that you didn't start another war again, which is good."

Vergil: "However. Your foolish child mocks our power."

Dante: "They keep saying that our sword belongs to them."

Zeoticus(Scared): "I-I deeply apologize for my child's behavior."

Dante: "It's too late to say sorry now."

Vergil: "For the next nine days, your son along with your daughter and the others challenge Y/n in to a battle."

Dante: "If he lose, which is impossible. They can have our swords. But if they lose."

Y/n: "Hail to the new King."

Zeoticus(Shock): "Sirzechs! What have you done?!"

Sirzechs: "We only did what's right! That power isn't belong to them!"

Zeoticus(Shock): "You don't know the true power I witness at the War!"

Sirzechs: "We have everyone else to help us to defeat him."

Dante: "Hehe. Remind me to bring some Pizza on the day of the match."

Vergil: "We will take our leave now. Enjoy the rest of your days."

He, Dante and Smith walk out of the gym and probably heading back to the mansion.

Sirzehcs: "Serafall. We will have a meeting after school."

Serafall: "About what?"

Sirzechs: "To beat Y/n."

Serafall: "If you’re counting on me to help you to beat Y/n. Then No. I'm not fighting him."

Sirzechs: "You must. The Underworld depends on it."

Y/n: "You mean your chair depends on it. Don't worry, you can take your chair back to your house. I'll bring my own."

Issei: "You don't talk to him like that!"

He went to rush at me but I just punch him with the Boosted Gear in the stomach, piercing it through him. I look at Rias along with her Peerage and brother were shock to see a giant hole on Issei's stomach.

Y/n: "Gross. I got pervert blood on my Boosted Gear."

I pulled my hand out, letting him fall on his back.

Rias(Shock): "ISSEI!!"

She along with Asia rush near him. Asia starts to heal the hole while Rias place Issei's head on her lap.

I grab a Holy Water from my pocket and pour it on my Boosted Gear washing the blood off. I look over to Issei and his eyes is starting to close while Asia and Rias are crying.

Y/n: "Death would be too gentle for you Pervert. I wanna make you suffer more.

I grab a Gold Orb from my pocket and toss it at him. The hole on his stomach closed immediately and his clothes got fixed but he's still sleeping.

Y/n: "Come on Sona, let's get back to the Office."

Sona: "Right."

Me, Sona, Tsubaki and Serafall head out of the gym and Rias yell at me.


Y/n: "That's cute little bitch. Now go milk your pawn in the storage room."

We left the gym and I heard Zeoticus lecturing Sirzechs and Rias.

Y/n: "What an eventful day."

Sona: "Yeah.... I can't believe that Rias still wouldn't believe even if she saw it with her own eyes."

Serafall: "I can't believe that Sirzechs wants me to help him beat So-tan's cute Fiance!"

Y/n: "But that won't be the last time we'll meet them in the next few days."

Sona: "You can beat them Y/n. I know you can."

Y/n: "Thanks Sona."

I slowly lean my head towards her and kiss her but Serafall and Tsubaki starts to giggle.

Serafall: "Keep going!~ I wanna see!~"

Sona(Blush): "O-Onee-chan! B-Baka!"

She runs away and Serafall and Tsubaki went after her.

Serafall: "Wait So-tan! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! Please come back!"

Y/n: "Well...... I guess I'm heading back...... -_-"

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