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Reborn as a Sparda

Apollyon Shirayuki
89.0K · Ongoing


Y/n L/n is just a regular student in Kouh Academy. Everything change when he was killed by a demon and left to die.


Chapter 1 Prologue

Author's POV

The Angel, the Fallen Angel and the Devil have been in a war ever since. This caused many innocent lives taken away. 

As the three faction war on each other, two mighty Dragons have appeared in the middle of the battle and they fought each other.

These are the Heavenly Dragons. Ddraig, The Welsh Dragon. And Albion, The Vanishing Dragon.        

Some of the three factions tried to attack them, but it's all useless and ignores them. The Three Faction decides the put their differences for now and work together to take down the Dragons.

But all of their effort of attack was useless. The Dragons attack the Three Faction before attack at each other again.

As the Dragons continue on fighting, two persons walk towards them. The first guy is wearing a red coat, white hair, blue eyes and has an enormous sword on his back. And the other one is wearing a blue coat, white hair and blue eyes and holding a Katana on his left hand.

These two are the Sons of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. Dante and Veril.        

Dante: "Ready to do this Vergil?"

Vergil: "Evidently. I will show these lizards what true power is."

The two brothers rush to the two Dragons while the Three Faction stood there and watch.

The Sparda sons were able to defeat the Heavenly Dragons while watching their corpse turn into dust. They saw Red and White orbs floating towards them. Dante hold out his hand and whispered something to it and let it disappeared. Vergil just let the orb disappeared in the air.

When they were about to leave, the Three Faction block their path.

Devil: "Stop where you are!"

Fallen: "Surrender those weapons to us."

Angel: "We cannot let you have something dangerous."

The two brothers look at each other first before Dante bursting into laughter while Vergil chuckling.

Vergil: "Do you all really think all of you can have my power?"

Dante: "And people say's I'm crazy."

Devil: "This is your Final Warning!"

Vergil: "If you want it...."

Dante: "Then you'll have to take it."

All the Angel, Fallen Angel and Devil charged at them with their weapons ready. Dante and Vergil just smirk and start killing them

The higher ups of the Three Faction watch as their soldiers are getting killed easily by the two brothers.

After the slaughter, the two brothers climb into the pile of corpse and looking down at the others with a serious face.

Vergil: "Remember this. Continue your pointless war, and we will end it."

Dante: "And don't let us catch you all again. You don't wanna get your Faction to go extinct right?"

One of the Devil Kings tried for a sneak attack from behind the brothers, but Dante grab his gun inside his coat and shot the incoming attack.

Dante: "You think so wouldn't you?"

Vergil: "Scum."

He rushes towards him and did a rapid slash. He slowly put Yamato to the sheath. When everyone heard the metal click sound, The Devil King fall on the ground and his body exploded into pieces.

The rest of the Devil King got shock to see their fellow Devil King killed easily. Dante jump down beside Vergil and the two of them letting out their demonic Aura.

Vergil: "It seems we have no choice Dante."

Dante: "Yeah. Let's teach them a lesson they won't forget."

The entire place of the war zone starts to shake violently. They all look at the sky and saw the cloud covering the sky and Red and Blue lighting is appearing.

The rest of the Three Faction starts to breathe heavily as they can feel the power coming from the two brothers.

Then the Red lightning struck on Dante and the Blue lightning struck on Vergil. When the smoke clears, they call all clearly see the two of them in their Sin Devil Trigger form.

Devil(Scared): "W-What is this!?"

Angel(Scared): "Dear God....."

Fallen Angel(Scared): "I-It's over..... We're all gonna die..."

The two brothers slowly walk towards them as the Three Factions are sweating and taking a step back.

Vergil(SDT): "So tell us, do you all really think you can handle our power?"

Some of them swallow their courage and tried to attack them. But Dante just raised his hand, making a magic circle.  He threw it at the attacker and it starts to suck them.

They tried to fly away as they can but can't because of the power sucking them in. After a few seconds, they exploded into pieces making the others fall on their knees.

Vergil was about to use his signature Judgment Cut but one of the Devil with a Red hair plead them.

Devil(Red): "P-Please have mercy to our Faction. We will stop this war at once. We won't start it again."

Dante and Vergil look at each other and nodded. They transform back into their human form and put their weapons away.

Vergil: "Very well, we accept."

Dante: "Anymore mess up will definitely get you all killed."

The remaining Three Faction heads back to their own place while Vergil and Dante went back to their shop.

Five years later, The Three Faction kept their word and didn't start anymore war. Dante and Vergil mysteriously disappeared only leaving their weapons. Dante's sword is in the Underworld, impaled into a stone. Vergil's Yamato is in the Heaven, impaled into a stone as well.

The Devil's tried to pick up the Devil Sword Dante but none of them were able to lift it. As well as the Angels in heaven trying to pick up Yamato.

The Devil's just kept the Devil Sword Dante as a monument to show the others that they have one of the legendary power. And the Angels did the same.


A boy with black hair, and black eyes wearing a Kouh Academy boys uniform is walking in the hall way. This boy, is Y/n L/n.

Y/n is a first year student of the academy. He sometimes goes to the Student Council to help Sona Shitori with all the work there.

Sona allows Y/n to work there even if he isn't a member. Because Y/n is just a human and Sona is a Devil. She cannot tell him about the supernatural world for his own good. She apparently grew feelings to him but she knows that she cannot be with him.

Y/n: "Everything's done here Sona."

Sona: "Thank you Y/n. That means so much."

Y/n: "Anytime Sona. Well, I better head back home. Catch'a later."

Sona: "Sure Y/n. Careful on the way home."

Y/n: "You too."

He walk out of her office and starts to head home. Sona along with her Queen, Tsubaki, teleport to the Occult Research Club to her childhood friend/rival, Rias Gremory.

Rias: "Sona, Tsubaki, you made it."

Sona: "Yes. Is your Peerage ready to go?"

Rias: "Kiba, Koneko. Are you all ready?"

Kiba: "Yes President."

Koneko: "Mm-Hm."

Rias: "Then let's go. Akeno."

Sona: "Tsubaki."

The two Queen created a magic circle to teleport all of them to the location.

Rias: "The Stray should be here."

Sona: "What class is a Stray?"

Rias: "Class A perhaps."

Then they heard some weird laughter and a metal dragging on the ground. They all went ready for an attack.

Rias: "My name is Rias Gremory, show yourself Stray!"

When the Stray they thought come out of the darkness, all of them got shock on what they see.

Sona: "Rias does aren't Stray, they're Demons!"

Kiba created a sword and rush into one of them. He was about to slash the Scarecrow with a blade for an arm but it was able to block it. One of them leap into the air and going to slice him but he was able to block it with his sword and blast him back to the group.

Kiba: "It was just a simple slash but it has too much force."

Akeno: "Then we need to get out of here! We can't take them!"

She was about to make a magic circle but all of them heard a scream.

???: "GAAAHH!!"

They all look to the right and saw Y/n got impaled in the chest by one of the scarecrow demons.

Sona: "Y/N!"

She created a water dragon and pushes the scarecrow away. Y/n falls down on the ground and Sona rush to his side.

Sona: "Y/N!"

Kiba and Koneko trying to keep the scarecrow away as possible while Sona starts to cry her eyes out. She tried to put pressure on the wound but it wasn't enough.

Sona(Crying): "Rias! Please use you pawn on him!"

Rias: "I-I'm sorry Sona but, I don't feel any Sacred Gear on him."


Rias grew shock on Sona's outburst because she never seen her like that before.

Kiba: "President! We can't hold them off any longer!"

Rias look at her Peerage and saw the scarecrow advancing on them.

Rias: "I'm so sorry Sona, but I just can't. Tsubaki, grab her and get out of here!"

Akeno got the magic circle ready, Rias along with her Peerage teleport out of there while Sona and Tsubaki is still there.

Sona(Crying): "No, no, no, no! Y/n you will make it! Just stay awake! I can save you!"

Y/n(Weak): "N-No Sona..... It's too late f-for me.....S-Save yourself...."

Sona(Crying): "No I'm not leaving you here!"

Y/n(Weak): "I-I'm sorry...... I won't be able to tell you...... how I-I really feel."

With that Y/n's closed his eyes with tears on it.

Sona(Crying): "Y/n?... Y/n!..... Y/N!!"

She hugs his lifeless body and burst her tears out of her eyes. Tsubaki cried too while blocking the scarecrow attack with a mirror. She shoves them all back and created a magic circle.

Tsubaki: "Sona let's go!"

Sona continues crying while hugging Y/n's body. Tsubaki run towards her and forcefully dragging her to the magic circle.

Sona(Crying): "No! Y/N!"

Tsubaki: "I'm sorry Sona but Y/n is dead! We need to get out of here now!"

Sona(Crying): "Y/N!!"

With that the two of them teleport out there and back to the School. The Scarecrow was about to chop Y/n's corpse but he was surrounded by a Spectral blue and red swords. Then two shadows walk towards him while shooting some Spectral Swords on the remaining Scarecrow.

Dante: "So this is the guy?"

Vergil: "Yes. He's the one who will carry our legacy."

Dante: "I like his hair style, but I don't like the color. Let's turn it to white."

Vergil: "Let's just get this over with."

The two of them turned into red and blue orbs and went inside Y/n. His hair turns white and his stab wound healed immediately. Inside his mindscape, Dante and Vergil saw Y/n standing in a dark of nothingness.

They walk towards him and they put each hand on his shoulder. He turn around and saw them.

Y/n: "Who are you?"

Dante: "The name's Dante kid. And this is my twin Vergil."

Y/n: "I'm Y/n. But, why are you here? Are you guys the Grim Reapers?"

Dante: "I wish, but no."

Vergil: "We're here to bring you back to the world of the living."

Y/n: "Why? There's nothing for me to go back. They all just left me to die."

Dante: "That's not true kid."

Vergil: "The girl with a black hair, wearing glasses tried her best to save you. But your mortal wound was too great."

Dante: "And that's where we step in."

Y/n: "Why do you guys wanna let me back? I'm just a no body."

Vergil: "That may be true, but you have something special that feared by everyone."

Y/n: "What's that?"

Dante: "Good looks, that's what."

Vergil: "This isn't the time for your humors, Dante."

Dante: "Well, I'm not wrong."

Vergil: "You carry the blood of Sparda. The most Feared Demon warrior of all."

Y/n: "Sparda? That's just a Legend."

Dante: "He's more than a Legend kid."

Vergil: "Because we are the Sons of Sparda."

The two of them transform into their Sin Devil Trigger, shocking Y/n. Then they transform back to their Human form.

Y/n: "If I do carry the blood of Sparda, how am I going to get back to the world of living?"

Dante: "Oh we already got that sort out."

Vergil: "Before you soul could left your body, we stop it and heal your wounds. Your alive right now, you’re just talking to us in your head while asleep."

Y/n: "So if i woke up. I'll be fine?"

Dante: "Yup. Oh and don't forget our weapons."

Y/n: "Weapons?"

The two of them transform into their Sin Devil Trigger and starts to increase their power.

In Hell, the entire Devil can feel the enormous power coming from the Devil Sword Dante. All of them rush towards it and saw that it's shaking violently.

Devil1: "Something's happening to the Sword!"

Devil2: "Is the owner of the Sword back?!"

Devil3: "That can't be! The sword has been here few years after the war!"

Then the sword pulled out from the stone and fly up the sky. 

Devil1: "We need to tell this to the Devil Kings quick!"

All the Devil went back and tell the news to the Devil Kings. 

Zeoticus: "They're back."

At Heaven, the place is shaking violently. The Angels fly toward the Yamato and saw now floating on top of the rock. One of the Angels tried to grab it but it impaled him in the chest, shocking the others.

Michael along with Gabriel went to the scene and saw Yamato fly away and a dead Angel nears the stone.

Gabriel: "Michael, you know what it means!"

Michael: "Yes. They're back."

In the Human world, both Devil Sword Dante and Yamato fly towards Y/n's direction. He unconsciously holds out his hand and the two swords fly towards it. He opens his eyes and slowly sitting up.

Y/n: "This must be the sword they're talking about."

The Devil Sword Dante disappeared in a fire and Yamato turned into blue particles. He stands up and checks on his stomach to see the stab wound is not there. He walks out of there and head back to his house.

Along the way, he glimpse on the car window parked by and stop on the spot when he saw his hair now white and eyes are now blue.

Y/n: "I don't remember coloring my hair. Or wearing some contact lenses."

Dante(Mind): "That would be my doing kid. You look good on white."

Vergil(Mind): "And we will train you in your mindscape. You should be able to adapt since you’re a fast learner."

Y/n: "You guys been stalking for me in a while didn't you?"

Dante(Mind): "Well you can say that. And don't talk out loud, people think you’re crazy."

He turns around and saw some people looking at him while whispering.

Vergil(Mind): "Just speak through your thoughts

Dante(Mind): "And by the way kid, you would change your name. If those guys who knew your dead and saw you walking, they'll want explanation. And Trust me, you don't wanna get that."

Vergil(Mind): "Yes. It would be very annoying. And it's a good thing that Dante changed your hair color."

Y/n(Mind): "Yeah. Thanks a lot."

Dante(Mind): "Now that that's over, let me teach you a little trick on making more cash."

Y/n(Mind): "Does it involve on killing?"

Dante(Mind): "Well, sometimes."

Y/n(Mind): "Is there any other options?"

Vergil(Mind): "If you’re an inventor, then It will be easy for you."

Dante(Mind): "Build a weapon, sell them to the military, create your own corporation, head back to your school and say 'I'm back bitches'."

Vergil(Mind): "That's not a bad idea."

Y/n(Mind): "Your seriously agreeing to him?"

Vergil(Mind): "Yes, except for the last part. Since you’re a fast learner, you'll be able to do anything."

Dante(Mind): "With my endless amount of imagination, you can make anything."

Vergil(Mind): "But first, you must think something for your new name. At least change your last name."

Y/n(Mind): "Hmm..... then how about 'Y/n Apollyon?"

Vergil(Mind): "Also known as the Angel of Death. Not bad."

Dante(Mind): "Yeah, kinda awesome."

Y/n(Mind): "I will show them all. The mistake they've made."

Meanwhile in the Student Council, Sona kept crying on her table while her Peerage couldn't do anything.

Tsubaki: "I'm sorry Sona, but we couldn't do anything."

Then they heard someone knocked on the door. Tsubaki walk toward it and open it and saw Rias and Akeno.

Rias saw Sona still crying on her table and walk in front of her.

Rias: "Sona. Please stop cryin-"

She was cut off when Sona slaps her. They all saw Sona with an angry face and teary eyes.

Sona(Crying): "You dare show your face here Rias?! After all what happened?!"

Rias: "Sona, I'm just worried about yo-"


Rias: "Sona, Y/n doesn't have a Sacred Gear in him."


Rias: "Sona...."


Rias: "Sona please just let me-"

Sona created a magic circle on her hand and fired her magic near Rias.

Sona(Crying): "GET. OUT. NOW!"

Rias and Akeno walk out of the room while the others trying to calm Sona down.

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