My first to-do-list for today was to hand in my bursary application, even though it was one of the best things that have happened to me, I had to continue with my good grades as they were keeping a closer eye on me. I left the office and stumbled into Corbin who was wearing a frown. “Okay, should I be worried?” He asked. “Depends,” I replied. “You leaving the office.”
“No need to be alarmed. I’m not going anywhere.” I started to walk off when he followed me.
“So, how did you get Mandy to join you, Saturday night?”
“I asked her.”
“You just asked her and she said yes?”
“Are you mocking me?”
“Not a chance but I am curious to know.
“Just because Mandy and I are from different social groups doesn’t mean it must get in the way of hanging out together.” Corbin just shrugged. Is it me or did he look impressed?
“You are different than I thought you would be.”
“What did you expect? That I punch whoever gets in my way?”
“You don’t let difference get in your way.”
“We can’t let an imaginary rule book control us. We can’t let people who create status control us. Rules are meant to be broken.”
“Words of a Rebel.”
“Hi, babe.” Giselle interrupted, walking up to Corbin and placing her hand on his shoulder as she owns him. I also noticed that she brought back up.
“Who’s your friend, babe?” She asked looking me over with her devilish eyes. And an evil smile made its way to her lips.
“Giselle.” Corbin started with a warning voice, he probably noticed her civil greeting. “It’s Camille. And was it necessary to bring your hounds? Last time I checked you are more than capable of helping yourself?” She looked quite taken back with me. Did she really think that I was an easy target? That I would bend over whenever she barks an order?
“I think you forgot your place.” She sneered. Oh, so this is what the devil’s twin sister looks like.
“And what is my place exactly?” I was just curious to know.
“I think you know pretty well.”
“Like you belong in an Asylum.” Her smile dropped with her face. I thought her skin was going to boil off her bones as she narrowed her eyes at me. Whoever said playing with fire wasn’t fun? “As much as I like to continue this little boring meeting, I actually have a class to get to,” I said my goodbyes and started making my way.
“Camille!” I heard Corbin calling my name but I chose to ignore him and continue walking towards the lecture room. I entered the lecture room with the hope that he stopped following me but, to my dismay I found him following me inside. “What are you doing?” I didn’t even pay attention to my fellow students, as I was sure they were surprised. Corbin sat down next to me, ignoring all the curious looks including mine. Not even the professor said anything, he just carried on with the lecture.
“I’m tired of you always running away.”
“I’m not running away.” I protested.
“Then why suddenly the mood change?” He asked.
“I just don’t want to be your crazy ex-girlfriend's next target, I already have problems of my own.”
“I won’t let her bother you.” I looked at him when I heard the sincere in his voice. “Why would you want to do that?” For me. “I like hanging out with you.” I just shook my head in denial. “I never planned for this to happen.”
“Her obsession with me.”
“So, you actually know.” He only nodded confirming it.
“I was like any other guy who thought she was attractive, she seemed nice and I took a chance to get to know her.”
“I could basically be the same as her.” I was just making a statement, not like I was some crazy chick.
“Not in a million years.” He said.
“So, what happened?”
“I found out about her obsession and how she was treating the girls who dared to talk to me. I ended things between us with the idea that she would stop but I only made it worse.”
“You didn’t think that one through, did you?” He shook his head, leaning back against the chair with his arms folded in front of his chest.
“It’s like she follows my every move. The only place where I am safe is either at home or with you.” I smirked at his reply. “Ah, am I your superhero?” I teased earning a smile from him. “You are more than that.” What the heck does that suppose to mean? I don’t even know this boy long enough to say that I like him. (Not that thought ever crossed my mind.) There was no way for me to actually fall in love, I ripped out my heart ages ago. (Not literally.) I promised myself to stay away from danger and guys who bring danger with them. And danger, was written all over Corbin.
The professor started handing our tests back to us when he acknowledged Corbin who has made himself comfortable. “What brings you to my class, Mr. Williams?” He asked handing me my test back to me. “I thought I would spend some quality time in your class before mine starts.” The professor just nodded and walked off.
“Hmm, A ” I heard him mutter underneath his breath.
“The looks of a rebel but the mind of a genius.” He added.
“I told you that I was here to learn.” He nodded at my reply. “I just didn’t know you were that good.”
“Why because I have the eyes of a rebellion?” I watched him smirk. “I just never met a girl that was more interested in her studies than parties and boys.” I frowned at him. “Let’s just say for the first time I am actually surprised and impressed.”
“Seems to me that you hang out with the wrong crowd.” I replied looking at him, he just sat there looking at me with an unreadable expression. He is used to doing that and it was kind of hard for me to know what he was thinking.
“I am just trying to figure out how you used to be before coming to University.”
“You try to imagine me as a rebel? Or as a girl throwing away her life by attending every single high school party?” I actually threw my life away over much worst which is still the most innocent thing for a high school kid to do. Something a normal girl would do.
“No, I want to see you with your hair down. Want to see you let go instead of always being in control.”
“What are you exactly saying?” I asked turning in my seat so I could face him fully.
“There is a party this weekend at my friend’s house. Would you be interested to join the party?” He asked unblinkingly.
“I’m working.” I replied.
“I’m sure you can take off one night.” He looked at me with curious eyes. But not once did they carry judgment, something that I wasn’t used to.
“Fine, maybe one night.” Corbin nodded, slapping his hand onto his thighs, and then pushed himself to his feet. He gave me a dazzling smile with a wink before he just walked out.
He came all the way to ask me out to a party.