Making my way into the dinning to get something to eat, I see that the two guys from yesterday are also present each one busy sating their appetite in comfortable silence.
And there are so many dishes and fine foods to choose from.
My stomach grumbles once again effectively alerting all three men of my presence and instantly all heads snap to face me. "Must be starved.Come sit "one of the guys invites.
I take in one long drag of the much needed air then proceed to walk over to the table sitting two seats away from Malcom.
"I don't bite Helena" "no you don't but strangling sure does the deed correct?" He doesn't respond and I am genuinely glad because that'd definitely spark an argument.
The two guys stare at me like I grew myself an extra pair of eyeballs but I could carefucking less what they'd have to say.
Graciously I feel my stomach stuffing myface and munching on the foods almost moaning at the burst of divine flavours against my tongue.
Then I finally look up to find the two men ogling and gawking at me. And that right there is what I call fucking irritating. "Why you looking at me like that? Never seen a pregnant lady eat before?" Rolling my eyes in agitation I resume from where I left off the delectable meal.
One's still eyeing me occasionally only causing my irritation to spike. "Boy would you stop that? Busy acting like you just seen me grow two heads, I'm eating for two people here" Now I have faithfully managed to capture the attention of each individual simply divine.
I can clearly paint out the faint almost invisible smile curving on Malcom's face due to my outburst. "Boss the latest robot technology shipment is moving in today, Will you be coming with us or will you let us take care of things for you?"
"Yeah I'll be out with you guys shortly." "Yes boss." The men rose up from their seats in perfect unison excusing themselves shortly after.
Now I'm sat only a few seats away from the same man that'd tried to suffocate the living hell out of me yesterday night.
I can't stand the very thoughtof our close proximity neither can I tolerate the continuous plunging memories of his assault so I just rise take hold of my plate along with the other men's plate and walk towards the kitchen.
Yvonne has her full focus on thoroughly cleansing dishes in the sink and even as I offer to assist I don't miss how she refutes my help with a curt no eyes never making contact with my own.
I won't argue with the her on the matter because quite frankly I have no energywithin me to do so. I exit the kitchen without any further words and strut into the dining room right past Malcom.
His deep voice infiltrates my peace as he calls out my name suddenly.
Silence is the only response I have to grant the madman ignoring his nudging calls and walking away unfazed.
He calls out my name once again this time his tone deathly cold and so I halt in my tracks and just stand there back towards him. What the fuck does he want now?
Without so much as a warning my body is pinned against the walls both arms held firmly above my head by one of Malcom's huge palms his face leaning in hoveringonly mere inches away from mine whilst hisother hand presses flat against the walls on the left side of my face.
"When I call you next time don't ignore me Helena "his mocking whisper meets my ear and at that I narrow my eyes into slits jaws clenching and unclenching repetitively.
"Malcom go.fuck.yourself "I purr malicious smirk tagging against the corner of my lips as each word drips with poison.
I'd give anything to have you dead if not that you were my step sisters fiance. Icey-blue irises pierce into coffee brown ones and the hard expression once coatinghis face dissipates into a smile small and deceptive.
I try to break free from his vice-like grip but nada! His body pins mine even more firmly against wall whilst he brushes his lips softly against the skin on my neck planting a sudden lingering kiss right beneath my lower lip.
"Stay out of my way and I'll do same Helena It's that simple." Then he abruptly draws back and exits the room facial features void as if nothing even happened.
Oncw he's out I release a long breathe trying to calm raging spirits my wrecked nerves.
I fucking hate him! His mere presence makes me want to puke my guts out!
Yvonne out of nowhere walks into the room and with this crazed smile plastered on her face. "I saw everything dear " she starts. Oh here we go. "I don't know what you are talking about Yvonne "I reply whilst folding arms willing my voice to drop a few octaves. I'm trying with all my might to look asuninterested in the conversation as possile but that seemingly widens her smile.
"I've never met anyone like you Helena " she speaks chuckling at her own words. I courtesy then smile back leaving the woman to her chores and mounting the fleet of spiral staircase to my room.
There's a nice balcony in the room I slept and so I make my way over to the doors leading to the openspace unlock them and step outside taking in the magnificent and artistic view.I still have no idea how a demon can envision create and inhabit such a glorious home. And in the backyard is a blue-hued pool shimmering under the illuminations of the hot afternoon sun.
Without contemplating my actions any further I strip slap on a swim suite grab hold of a towel tying it securely around my waist then I'm off to the inviting waters.
Resting my folded towel against the sun lounger and my sandals next to its hind leg I cautiously climb down the five steps leading into the pool and submerging my tensed body completely.I've always appreciated the feel of cool waters and the sun massaging my skin all at once. So for goodness knows how long I attempt every swimming style I've mastered in all my life crawl breaststroke butterfly even backstroke. Much as this place tempts me begs for me tostay behind I must formulate an escape plan and as soon as I possibly can!
"And we meet again." Malcom's baritone tone startles me makesme almost choke on my own spit.My eyes swipe in his direction taking in his towering figure his smoldering stare and for the life of me I can't decipher why his scorching gaze causes me grow slightly irritable.
"Enjoying yourself I see." "Mhmm.Want to join me?" "You tempt me but I'll pass "he responds head tilting and one brow arching.
He decided to oh so intelligently tease me this morning?How about I return the favor grant him a taste of his own medicine? I emerge from the waters then sashay hips towards the sun lounger grabbing my towel and wrapping my waist.
Let's see how much loyalty he possesses for Bianca while she's on her modelling trip.
An unpleasant trail of goosebumps coat my exposed flesh but the last thing I'll do is let my body tremble.
My feet glide up to where he's standing until now I am positioned right before him. My eyes linger on his pink plump lips as I seductively bite my own.
of a sudden his arm has slithered its way around my frame drawing me to him. They are all the same huh?
Slight seduction has them rock hard.His cologne the mild musky scent of him infiltrates my nose.It is a strong but sweet blend of scents.
On the tip of my toes I stand brushing silky stray strands from his face then gliding my index finger down to his bottom lip."Let go of my waist Malcom."
"Are you trying to tease me Helena?" "I don't know what you are talking about Malcom,now let go of me." I say to him
"You sure about that?" "Yes I'm sure, quite certain as a matter of fact.Let go."
"Okay.But just a gentle reminder.Do the both of us a favor don't let yourself fall for me within the time period you'll be occupying this house.Be rational." And with those few words his grip loosens and I end up falling back into the pool with a hard splash.
I had no idea no freaking clue that my feet had been mere inches away from the edge of the pool.
Damn it this is so fucking embarrassing!