Helena's Pov.
Impatiently I was checking my watch and looking outside.
He should have gotten here by now but there was no sign of him as usual he was late.
I couldn't stop my million-dollar smile just thinking about the love of my life.
It has been a year since I had last seen when I'm busy with school he is free and when I'm not busy he's always busy with his damn work.
I mentally rolled my eyes thinking about his usual excuse "I am doing this for us and I don't want to bother your studies so I can stand proudly before your father and put across the proposal of our marriage "
"Hey sexy!!" I heard his husky voice and turned my head in the direction of his voice which raised the butterflies suddenly.
I felt a twist in my stomach due to excitement for finally having him near me. The man I adored dearly was standing in front of me.
I blushed shamelessly for checking him out shamelessly. He was looking extremely hot in his trap shorts and white
shirt his hair perfectly set and this devilishly handsome man is mine.
"You are late " I said frowning at him "Don't hide your smile i know you are happy to see me He knows me very well.
I can't be mad at him for too long I embraced him lovingly.
He kissed my forehead and said. "I missed you "" I missed you more " I replied to him quickly.
We watched each other for a minute affectionately he tucked my loose hair strand and looked at me intently.
I felt extremely happy I didnt want to waste our precious time complaining he was here and that's all that matters to me.
"So what's new how's life b he asked pulling me to our table.
"Th usual thing. Honestly I set only one goal in my life that is to become Mrs. Peterson" I blushed even thinking of that.
"Wow! You are blushing is there anything I should worry about? He asked me with a serious face.
I decided to play with him a little. Maybe or maybe not" I teased him a little bit .
"Listen helena let me make one thing clear for the last time you are not allowed to get close to any man. Your existence and body is solely for me you are mine." He said possessively
"Really Ken you know I am madly in love with you. I was just teasing you. How can i think about any other guy when you are keeping my heart busy 24/7."I said dramatically.
He tightly hugged me and sealed my lips with his with a kiss.
Sometimes it feels like a dream one year ago I met this wonderful guy and fell in love with him instantly he made feel wanted and very special.
I couldn't imagine myself being without him. I might sound like sixteen year old teenager gushing over my first crush so what? I would be the luckiest bride to have such a man in my life.
Oh God I can't wait to have my dream wedding with my dream wedding gown.
There's no doubt ken really loves me but one thing I really hate about him is that he wants us to be kept a secret from the rest of the world.
According to him he is not ready to meet my family yet since he is still trying to make a daily bread for himself he thin ks my dad would not approve of our relationship which can lead to issues in our love life.
I tried to convince him that my dad will understand but the conversation ended with his angry glares and he said till he meets my dad I'm not allowed to tell anyone about our relationship not even to my dearest stepsister.
It really pissed me off Bianca was my step sister and best friend we never keep anything from each other.
She wants to be successful like my father the biggest entrepreneur and I know one day she will take over the business cause she was smart.
Back to my relationship issue the guilt is digging deep inside me for not telling the biggest truth of my life and not sharing the thing that makes me happy.
But one day I will tell her everything for now I want to concentrate on soft kisses my man is placing on my lips.
His lips still doing wonders to mine I moved my finger tips through his hair and he groaned between my lips loving the fact that I have this effect on him
I am sat at Ren's cafe awaiting my step sister's presence so that I could tell her what our family doctor told me about the mistake she made. As I remain seated my mind wanders back to one month back to the beginning of my possible end
On that fateful morning I arrived at one of our favourite hospital our family hospital with Bianca
I recall we walked up to the receptionist explaining that we had an appointment with Doctor Kira and she in turn explained that Doctor Kira was still handling a patient and that we had to wait for another five minutes.
So we took a seat as told and sent my boyfriend Ken a quick text and Bianca also seemed to be on her phone also.
Seconds fleeted into thirty solid minutes of waiting and eventually our family doctor was done with her patient. We made our way into her office after us having exchanged our hellos and a brief hug.
Asking me to start off first even though we both were getting shots but different types mine was for fever while Bianca was getting an insermination.
"Helena go lie down over there " she begun
pointing towards the hospital bed.
It was the same hospital bed I'd been so
accustomed to since I came by the hospital every Tuesday and Thursday due to the toxic illness I had contracted a while back.
"Doctor Kira seems like you've got bags Everything good?" I tried to inquire.
She only gave me a reassuring smile but I wasn't buying that shit.
Looking at my step sister I realised she noticed something was off about doctor Kira also
Something was bothering her and what
bothered her bothered me as well.
"Is it the kids"
Taking in one deep breathe I decided to dissolve all my inquisitive thoughts of the drawing back to reality and looking over at Bianca.
She just stood there staring at me her brows knitting.
"It's nothing Helena. Now lie down" Doctor Kira said
I took notice that her hair which had previously been over her left shoulder was now down her back. Seeing the dark bruise on her shoulder I couldn't stay oblivious about it.
"What happened and don't you dare say
nothing!" Bianca said to her
She just stood there staring at the tiled floor as if it was some object of such great
fascination then cleared her throat to speak. She was clearly trying her best not to break down.
"It's...it was uh my son he came home drunk and I hadn't prepared dinner and started yelling at me before he sorta snapped and begun with the strangulation. I...I swear I could have died last night were it not for my neighbour calling the police and them arriving on time " Doctor Kira explained allowing the tears that she had been trying so hard to hold back fall freely down her pale cheeks.
I embraced her trying my best to offer some emotional support.
"I will kill him I swear." I said
"He should be arrested for assault and attempted murder I'll see to it" Bianca said to her
Taking in a sharp breathe I proceeded to lie down over the bed as per her instructions.
However I wasn't going to let the plunging thoughts of that fucker ruin my day.
He was already going to face charges and hopefully for a period exceeding fifteen years.
Little did l know however that that little injection I'd be receiving from my nervous wreck of a family doctor would ruin and open a new chapter of my life and I and Bianca's relationship.