Woken up by the sudden urge to puke got me rolling my eyes and realising that it wasn't a dream and I have to face the reality.
I was carrying my stepsisters fiance's baby walking out of the bathroom to get something to munch on in the bathroom
I discovere that living room is currently occupied by three men. One which is malcom is sat on my sofa while the other two are standing by his left and right sides.
All three are dressed so elegantly, armani suites polished leather shoes, men-jewellery gleaming under the lights.
But also what the hell are they doing here?
Had he heard about the baby I asked myself
Malcom has got such beautiful midnight black hair this alluring icey-blue eyes and perfectly sun kissed skin. What I'm trying to say is he does look good in all honesty. But that's just as far as it goes.
I really don't think he in any way brought good tidings with him and his goons at the back.
"What are you doing here and who the hell are these malcom? Also how did you manage to find your way into my apartment which I remember so well locking before going to bed?"
"Thank goodness you remember my name, Helena. You have something that's mine" he speaks in a monotone voice as he looks around a look of contempt smeared over his face.
"I have nothing that's yours. Now get.the.fuck.out!" I say
"Oh come on Helena. Why the hurry?"
Is this man insane? He's making this whole thing look so casual one would think I actually invited both him and his buddies over for a cup of coffee.
"I'm here to take you since you are carrying my child. So you could choose to come with us willingly or we can do this the hard way. Choice is yours really " is his simple taunting response.
"Malcom you must be genuinely out of your mind...or high on crack. If you think even for a second that I'm leaving to go with you to heavens know where then you are badly mistaken. I don't even know anything about you and neither do you about me, does your darling Bianca know you are here!" I snap glaring daggers at him.
"Oh but that's where you are wrong. I know all about you Helena, you are my fiance's step sister afterall. I know that your mother was murdered by your father who is currently serving a life sentence on the charges of first degree murder. I know you completely detest men yet you have a pathetic excuse for a boyfriend who's name is Ken. He apparently doesn't know that you love fashion? Even though it's none of my business I think you should drop him. I could go on I really would but time doesn't allow me " he speaks in a monotone.
Guy isn't even smiling.
He then stands up from his sitting position and oh so slowly walks up to me until his huge frame towers over my small one. Oh he is tall say about 6'5 and I'm like 5'5. He's just standing there glassy eyes looking into my own like he could see right through the mask of confidence I'm struggling to keep from peeling off.
How the fuck does he know so much about me, I'm sure this is all Bianca's doing.
"After your meeting with Bianca and the doctor she told me everything and trust me you are the last person I want to carry my baby " he responds to the question that'd been previously bugging my mind.
I keep my mouth shut bitter bile combusting trails up and down my chest.
He walks back to his former sit and nods his head at both men who I guess were his body guards cause they carried guns and I'm almost certain those two guns are loaded.
Oh jf they think they are taking me without a fight then they are in for a rude awakening.
Both men walk towards me so confidently so graciously as if sure I won't try to protest. In one quick fluid movement I kick one in the balls making him double over groaning and grunting then strike the other across his left cheek as hard as I can. The man doesn't even budge! Fuck.this.guy!
I spin and dart towards the door but almost instantly a strong arm encircles my waist a palm holding a wet clothe pressing against my nostrils.
I violently wriggle my body struggle to get out of the person's firm grip but my eyelids are gradually giving in to the sweet welcoming temptation of darkness.
No no no I can't black out now! I try my best to hold in my breathe but soon after all efforts prove futile as I take in one long whiff in surrender.
"She's a spirited one as usual, take her to the car."
"Yes Sir Malcom" those are the very last words my ears are able to make out before I finally let the darkness consume me.
....My eyes flutter open adjusting to the surrounding blinding illuminations of the sun.
Where the hell am I?
Gradually my brain begins with the recollecting of memories of my recent past. I was kidnapped by my cousin's fiance! Fuuuuuck! I'm seated between two towering frames.Oh this are the two numbskulls that were back at the apartments.
"Where are we going?" Deafening silence.
"What time is it then?" Still no response.
"Can I at least get a freaken bottle of water?" I ask
"Here, take this " the guy to my left in his gruff tone replies British accent thick as he pushes a bottle of water my way.
I chugg the whole drink down appreciating the coolness as it trickles and flows down my perched throat.
I'm so thirsty and never in my whole life has water tasted this good. After close to twenty solid minutes we arrive at our destination which is I don't know where.
The gates to this place are undoubtedly more expensive than my entire apartment.They are a finely-polished silver and at the middle is a big lion-head symbol. Sign of prominence maybe?
Another man covered in thick layers of muscle presses some remote thingy on the other side of the gate and the heavy gleaming metal barriers slide open with a low creak.
I was seriously not prepared to see the exquisite-looking mansion at the very end of the small tarmac road.
As we drive I gaze in fascination at the tall palm trees that stand proud one after the other on each ide of the roads.
In front of the mansion is a fountain; a sculpture situated right in the middle of the fountain holding a jar of trickling whitish liquid that pours all the way down into clean waters.
When we finally alight I look to my right taking in the view of the well trimmed lawn and to my left at the furthest end is a magnificent garden of all sorts of flowers from daisies to sweet peas to dandelions to roses and lotuses.
How just how in hell did Bianca not tell me that she lived in such a heavenly place for heaven's sake?
The two bodyguards take hold of me by my left and right arms padding towards the front doors to the house. I really hate it when people get all handsy but this men are way too physical powerful for me to fight and subdue.
One of them places his left palm over the scanner then shortly after the crystal-glass doors slides open. Woah! The house is nothing short of perfection interior decor on point I must admit that much. The walls of the hallways are painted black with tiny glorious white floral prints. The chandelier is white the tiles below a polished black with white rose prints.
As we tread ahead I manage a glimpse of the living room. The walls are a fine golden brown the chandelier a brilliant white hue the carpets sofas and curtains all blood-red with numerous golden strips interlocking. The colour combination the clash of brightness is just so spectacular too enchanting. "Welcome to my humble abode " a voice that is now etched into my brain booms from the furthest end of the hallways.
Humble? Does this man seriously need to bluff right now? This house is nowhere near humble.
"Yvonne take our guest to her room get her something to eat will you please?" Throughout the making of the request his expressions remain stoic hard voice tranquil ovely calm.
Yvonne who looks to be in her late forties makes her way up to me genuine smile curving.
"This way miss " she directs and I follow behind quietly. It's best to have them think I've submitted to their will.
One look back at Malcom and I can make out just how agitated he is having me as a guest.
Damn that man to hell. I can't help but think how it is a woman like my step sister Bianca could like Malcom.
And oh my heavens this staircase will most likely be the death of me!
"Here's your room dear "Yvonne's velvet tone infiltrates my ears drawing me back to reality. Well wow.
This room is just that...wow. King-sized four poster bed with red pillows a red duvet with black poka dots alongside white good-quality carpets with red cheetah prints on a sixty two inch TV hanging against the wall alabaster vase holding a dozen fresh fiery-red rose and a white chaise lounge embroided in red lotus prints.
Then there's the closed door in the furthest corner of the room I'm guessing the bathroom and another slightly ajar one that gives glimpses of clothing, a walk-in closet nice.
I walk over to it and to my utter surprise it's completely stocked with garment and lace bra and panties of various tints and hues this is definitely not Bianca's doing.
"I'll bring you something to eat then you can rest.Is that okay?" Yvonne questions from far behind. I simply nod and offer a small smile since I was famished and I'm noq eating for two people.
Seconds fleet into solid minutes before she treads back into the room holding a tray of cookies a glass of milk a bowl of fruit salad and a glass of water. "Thanks ma'am."
"Oh please call me Yvonne not ma'am.That's to formal for my liking." She says.
"Only if you call me Helena and not miss.Deal?" "Deal " she replies smile tagging on her lipstick-coated lips whilst we shake hands.
"Can I ask you a question Yvonne" I begin deciding to test the waters. "Sure thing " she says.
"I need...could you lend me your phone if you have one? I know what I'm asking for is." See the amount of horror etched on her face at my words is enough to have me rethinking the entire question entirely.
"Forgive me but no. For our safety Helena and for the sake of your child, don't get on the wrong side of Malcom"
Anger raw and unfiltered is exactly what I feel fucking rage! "I'll find a way out of this hell hole Yvonne I will , I can't possibly do this ridiculous stuff" is my simple response clenching jaws and glaring daggers while shoving hands into my pockets.
"I will leave you to eat bathe.You must be famished and tired" she speaks then with arms folded behind her back turns and makes to exit the room.
No I am definitely leaving this place as soon as possible so help me God.
But why haven't I seen Bianca.