There was complete silence in the room I was just staring at a guy whom I have become stuck with because of the little ...
Chapter 1- When we first met
Third Person's Pov.
Malcom leaned back against his rolls Royce passengers seat and made a steeple with the tips of his fingers as he listened to the radio playing in front of him.
To an outsider it would seem as though his mind was a million miles away but in truth every part of him was alert taking in and processing information being said swiftly.
Occasionally he would out the window towards the outer world staring out and taking in the magnificent view of the blue sky.
He rubbed at his jaw grimacing as his fingers encountered the rough stubble of less than a day's growth of beard.
No doubt if he looked in a mirror he would see the dark eye bags marring his eyes and he would need to shave tonight before picking Bianca up for their dinner date
She would most likely harp on about how much he resembled a lost scare crow.
The thought of Bianca made him smile slightly as he imagined how those lovely brown eyes of hers would light up as she teased him about his appearance her blonde hair would no doubt be expertly styled framing a face that was nothing less than perfect her high class breeding showing through in every gesture or word she uttered.
She would make the perfect wife for him and he was so glad to have her as his woman
The perfect girlfriend and a wonderful business woman to sit for him with his future business associates and clients.
His electro gadget company was the perfect image of a very successful
enterprise in order to attract the sort of
clients needed they have to get bigger and better in the game.
Tonight he was meeting her stepsister for the first time and though he'd never met her he felt he knew all there was to know about Helena Black as Bianca always talked about her.
Half of his conscience expected her to cancel at the last moment or even if she did turn up she would probably trying to sway Bianca attention from him.
He brought his mind back to the present and turned around to face his driver Aiden was still engrossed with his driving.
"Thank you Ive got it from here." I said getting out of the car.
I had told Aiden to make a quick stop at the office so I could pick up something.
I entered swiftly though my receptionist wasn't on seat when I went in maybe she was with at the H.R department.
I picked the folder and made a bee line for the door
"Oh sir you are back will you be leaving now?" No
I grabbed my briefcase and headed for the door in quick strides. "Yeah. I'm having dinner with Bianca and I need a damn shave...again. I did not wait for a reply but continued on towards the bank of elevators grateful to find it deserted and not crowded as always.
I was just crossing the lobby when a sultry feminine voice stopped him in his tracks.
"Malcom!"I turned in time to see the tall brunette coming towards him which I knew her to be Lilian the secretary for one of my clients.
Her impossibly high bright black heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked.
Lilian sidled up to me flashing a bright smile. Im so glad I caught you in time give me a lift home? My car's still in the car wash and I've been standing outside for fifteen minutes without so much as a cab in sight."
she pouted up at me with full red lips. Help a pretty girl out?"
I thought for a minute then shrugged since she lived only a few blocks away from my apartment so it wouldn't be too much of a problem. sure lets go."
She kept up a lively chatter as we walked towards the parking lot where Aiden had parked the car though I listened with only half an ear my mind on the dinner with Bianca.
I wondered if she would like the ring he'd bought for her picturing the engagement ring sitting inside the small blue velvet box on my bedside table.
Lilian turned to me after getting into the other side of the car. Do you mind if we stop for a cup of protein shake promised my mum l'd get one from her favorite place I won't take long I swear."
I could do with something sugary myself at this point I thought as I asked Aiden to start the car and he set the gear to reverse.
There would be more than enough time to stop provided the traffic and road stayed just the way it was right now free as a wind
"No problem I wouldn't mind some myself.".
Third person's Pov
"Is he always this late?" Helena checked her watch for the fifth time and frowned looking towards the entrance of the exclusive restaurant her step sister had picked for their meeting.
She picked up her wine glass and took a sip drumming the perfectly pained nails of her right hand impatiently on the table.
What sort of man arrived late for dinner? She wondered taking another sip studying her step sister over the rim of the glass.
Bianca looked pretty as always in a burgundy yellow gown that accentuated her fair skin and bright brown eyes.
It was definitely not the first time that Helena wished she'd inherited the same beauty as her step sister eyes but no her's was nothing sexy or enchanting about.
Bianca smiled reassuringly and took a sip of her own glass of wine. Malcom never comes late for anything whatever is keeping him I'm sure it must be important."
Nevertheless I noticed her frequent glance at her phone that was laying on the table and the brief cloud of worry that crossed her step sister's face.
She pursed her lips and refrained from uttering the unbridled remark boiling within her.
He definitely didn't give the best first impression for a man that professed himself madly in love with her.
They had been waiting for over thirty minutes and the man had not even bothered to call or even text to say he'd be delayed.
It was obvious Bianca was already upset
Helena pushed aside her irritation and beamed.
"So how's your mom doing? Has she still got that awful rashes I hope she has visited the hospital."
Bianca shot her a grateful smile for the change of subject. Yes and the doctor said she will be fine in two weeks that's if we haven't all gone crazy at that point."
Helena laughed her eyes twinkling in mirth.
For the next few minutes she expertly steered the conversation away from any mention of the late arrival of her boyfriend but inwardly she seethed.
If he dared to show up without a good reason she would give him a piece of her mind.
A flutter of activity at the entrance drew the attention of the two women.
Minutes later Helena noticed a tall well-built man striding towards their table his mouth set in an scowl messy hair as though he hadn't bothered to run a comb through the dark mane.
"Malcom!" Bianca exclaimed hurrying to her feet and flinging herself at the man
She rose on her tiptoe and even then she could barely brush his shoulders with hers -he was that tall. "Oh thank God you're alright I've been so worried."
"I am so sorry love. His voice was deep and warm the sort of voice that could be described as bedroom sexy.
"But I got caught up in traffic on my way home and I left my phone at the office so I couldn't call and let you know what had happened."
Helena studied the man her lips thinning at his disheveled appearance he was handsome in an unnerving strapping manner.
He lifted his gaze from Bianca blonde head and met Helena's own. She felt her breath catch as she found herself pinned under his deep green gaze.
Captivating green eyes she corrected silently feeling butterflies tumbled in her stomach even as heat seared her from head to toe setting her pulse racing with a feeling she was loathing that she felt at the moment.
She tore her gaze from his and reached for the glass of wine downing the liquid in one gulp.
Hot damn! She thought.
Bianca had said he was gorgeous but nothing had prepared Helena for her reaction to him.
She kept her eyes fixed on the table cloth reluctant to look into that burning gaze again.
The couple broke apart and Bianca made the introductions her voice light with happiness.
"Helena this is my baby and love of my life Malcom Malcom my dearest step sister Helena"
Helena pasted a wide smile on her lips and tipped her head back to look at him forcing her emotions under control.
"I see that you had a bit of justifiable reason for keeping my sister" her words were clipped and cool.
She noticed the slight narrowing of his eyes and his lips formed into a line of assurance at her tone.
"Tonight's incident was unexpected. His cool tone matched hers as he took his seat and straightened the dark wine jacket he wore.
Bianca placed her hand over his large ones and beamed up at him. " Malcom is always punctual darling " she gushed to Helena.
"It's one of the reasons I love him so much always trustworthy and strong."
He smiled at Bianca though Helena felt like she saw that the smile didn't quite reach his eyes and his tone remained cool Thank you honey."
Snapping open the menu she studied the meals finally deciding on sea food and a side salad when the waiter left with their orders she drummed her fingers on the tablecloth while she searched her mind for possible questions.
Bianca excused herself to go repair her makeup leaving a reluctant Helena alone with Malcom.
He was scowling into the glass of water he had ordered thick brows giving him a formidable look.
"Bianca tells me you're from Scotland?" She asked hoping to get him talking.
He studied her for a few seconds before he gave a reply to her question.
"Yeah." he replied.
Helena waited for him to maybe take charge of the conversation but Malcom said nothing simply continuing to hold her gaze.
"Where in Scotland? she prodded.
"Vermont Another one-word reply.
"Do you watch any sports? Hockey? Football?"
"No any more interviewing questions" he asked making me gape at him