Artemis' POV
It was quiet and dark. The only thing I could feel was the smoothness of the silky bed sheet, and the coolness of the midnight breeze blowing on my back through the window as it lifted the fine hair on my back like wheat upon the fields. My nostrils breathed out the shaky and tender freshness. I was in a room, a room with walls white as pearl, engraved with golden lines of arts. The full moon shone on my back as I twisted myself and my stomach laid on the silk sheet. The feeling was too exposed and then I realised I was completely naked. The thin garment of the bed sheet was the only thing that covered me. Shouldn't I be panicking right now?
The door creaked opened, a blast of cold air from the abyss behind that golden door hit me and I shivered. A figure walked in, tall and muscular and handsome. I could not see his face, but the moment that eyes landed on me, I recognised it instantly. Those emerald and crystal blue globes traced my presence as he walked closer to my bed. I watched the muscle of his arms flexing as he lowered himself towards me, his shadow engulfed me into that ocean scent of his. A small swallow I took as he smiled down at me.
"Why are you still up?" He murmured through the dark, and took my hand into his broad palm as his thumb drew circles on it.
"I couldn't sleep" I sighed at his smile.
"And why is that so?" He asked, kissing my hand with his lips brushed against the paleness of my skin.
"Because you were not here I guess?"
He chuckled at my response and walked towards the closet. I watched the muscles on his back moved as he slipped off the tunic and white shirt on him. His broad chest made my eyes widened as he walked towards me. I popped myself on my elbows as he paused at the edge of the bed.
My attention went right to the strong, clever fingers that unfastened his pants.
He made a growl of approval, and I bit my bottom lips as he taking off the undergarment, revealing the proud, thick length of him. My mouth went dried, and I dragged my gaze up his torso, over the panes and his chest, then-
"Come here" he whispered, a dried word that was hard to recognise.
I pushed back the blanket and revealed my whole naked body to him.
His eyes turned dull as he traced every part of mine with his blue-green eyes while I crawled across the bed towards him. I rose up towards his lips and he cupped my cheeks and brought my lips to him.
The next minutes were a blur with tongues and lips. Of love and hisses, moaning and groaning. We rolled across the bed, his callused hands traced up and down my waist as I hooked myself closer around him. His lips attacked my neck, a low growl came from him as it marked on my skin. He traced downward, his lips uncovered every part of my exposed skin. His tongue circled on the nipples at my breasts and I ached my back on him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the fullness of his love, the pleasure of his kisses and the beautiful sound I love you he made between our lips. His finger circled at my entrance, a feeling of lightning paralysed me. My thighs went wet under his touch and I gasped when he slipped a finger inside. A bundle of nerves stimulated my brain as I shivered under that touch. He kissed my lips, prevented me from moaning out loud as he added another finger. The fireworks explored within me as I closed my eyes and allowed the pleasure of the release to swallow me. The climax hit me strongly as my body shook with pleasure and I could barely notice my surroundings.
My eyes burst opened with stars. My breathings were uncontrollable as sweats were covering me like another layer. I checked myself and sighed at the reality. My clothes were still on me, the white fabric of Perseus shirt was still wrapped around my injured shoulder. The ground was cold and hard and the surrounding was still dark and wet and dull.
So it was a dream.
A dream with disturbing sights, of foolishness. Why would I ever be in such a situation. Then again-
Why did I even dream?
Gods never dream unless it's something related to a big events or unless there was someone that vowed the images in my head. But I was in the trap, so no access of magic could reach me, not even Aphrodite.
Then I had a weird feeling under the fabrics of my pants. The inside of my thighs felt damp and suddenly a weird and strange yearning all concentrated down at my womanhood. What is this place? Is this some kind of a trick Aphrodite and the Fates have set up for me? I swallowed hard, trying to subside that stupid desire.
But then and strong hand brushed through my stomach, and I shivered under that touch. I have to calm down first. Breath Artemis, take in and out those deep breaths. Don't do anything stupid that you are gonna embarrass yourself. I slowly twisted myself and noticed the position Perseus and I were in. My back leaned onto his torso. One of his arms hooked around my waist as it rested on my stomach while my head was resting on the other extended arm of his like a pillow. There wasn't a single space between us as our legs tangled together.
I closed my eyes and wanted to kick myself. For a single moment of weakness and I had allowed myself to be dominated. I have been tainted. I had broke the rule, the principle and my oath against male. I had allowed him to enter my world. I had...
I wanted to scream, to just turn around and hold his neck and slap him until unconsciousness. Yet, the warmth of his body, he tender breath of him fanning against the back of my neck suppressed all those angers. Have I been attached to him?
This can't be.
We were arguing and fighting like enemies yesterday. There was no way I would find interest in him now.
I managed to turn around and immediately, his broad chest clashed onto my vision. I widened my eyes at it because my lips now were planted on the tanned and the thickness of his skin. I wanted to withdraw my lips, yet I kept pressed them more onto his chest. His hand moved again, and this time those strong fingers traced the lower part of my back and I ached my back at it. Goddammit Perseus with you and your damned fingers!
I lifted my head upward, my lower lip brushed a long trail along his chest and I observed him sleeping. To be honest, he looked kinda cute at this angle. His long lashes covered those beautiful eyes that he kept them hidden. A trail of drool running at the corner of his lips which I chuckled at it. I thought only kids drool when they sleep.
Like a river in front of a dying fish, like nectar to a bee, his face slowly drew my hands towards him. As my fingers curiously and shakily moving towards that handsome and ethereal beautiful face of his, that eyes suddenly flushed open and I withdrew my hand in a matter of seconds. My heart beat fast as I sighed to myself. That was close.
He looked around, then glanced down at me and smiled with that innocent face of him.
"How's your wound?"
"Hmm" I was silent for awhile. Somehow, his smiles always got me blushing, and now being this close to him, it was even harder to control it. "It's getting better I guess"
I watched him as he traced his fingers on my shoulder, on the fabric that wrapped around my wound, and he paused at the spot which was stained with dried ichor. He sighed.
"I'm sorry Artemis. I shouldn't have been angry at you like that."
His voice was like the prayer that mortals gave to the gods. Like the regret, the burden that was weighting him down. I knew he felt guilty about it, even though I brought it to myself, he still thought it was his fault.
Your kindness will be your weakness one day Perseus
I silently said to him.
"You already said sorry last night remember?" I chuckled, trying to cheer him up. "Sometimes I think your brain is older than your face. Only seventeen and you already have Alzheimer?"
With that, a grin slowly spread across his face and I nearly gasped. Those smiles were like rays of the morning sun, kissing on the darkness and coldness of my heart and like a fire to a waiting bomb. My heart exploded into million pieces with that grin. Why do you have to possess every perfection in you Perseus?
I silently cursed Aphrodite for turning him into this perfect piece of art that day.
I tried hard to contain the blush but heat was already finding its ways up my pale cheeks. When I get embarrassed, I get angry.
I cleared my throat and slapped his arm. It was harder than what I intended. But anyway, since his arm was that thick and big, my attack wouldn't be that hurt.
"Don't you think you are a little too close?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
He looked down and realised the position we were him. His face suddenly turned pale as he released me immediately. Now I wished I didn't remind him because the moment our bodies were separated, the warmth left me and I felt so cold and exposed.
"Sorry" he murmured, not daring to face me. "I thought you needed it so..."
"It's alright" I waved it off, even myself couldn't find the courage to make eye contact. "Just don't talk about this to anyone."
I could feel a smirk on his face. Right you and your jokes Perseus.
"Can Hestia know abo-"
Before he could finish the sentence, a bronze sword (which he threw and cut me last night) flew straight at him and its blade buried halfway through into the wall behind him. The sharpness of that blade just inches from his head and the reflection of his terrified face on it made me want to laugh.
"A single word about last night to anyone and it will stick to your head next time instead of that wall" I tried to contain my laughter and warned him.
He nodded with such fury that I was scared his head was going to break.
After a moment of silence, which I was trying to contemplate a plan to escape until the idiot decided to ask.
"Do you have any idea of how to get out here?"
"Yes I had a minute ago until you interrupted." I snorted. "Why can't you think of a plan instead of asking me? Oh wait, you don't have a brain sorry."
"Ouch. That's hurt" he faked a wince.
I just rolled my eyes at him and looked up my surrounding again. We have been here for only a night so no one would've noticed our absence just yet. Maybe Hestia would since Perseus was living with her. However, since she knew he was under my training and I would be giving him a hard time, I guess she would expect us to have those intense trainings elsewhere for a few days.
Little did she know we spent a night cuddling together and I even had a wet dream about him.
Goddammit why did I even think about that shit again!?
I was blushing so hard right now that I was afraid that idiot would start speculating about her having a fever again. Better not letting him notice it and she prayed he wouldn't ask or say a word because she would be snapping on him right now. Just think about that disgusting scene made her first clutching, her nerve tensing and her fingers itching for a bow and an arrow to shoot at someone. She better not letting it distract her further and focus on the task at hand.
Apollo after a few days without me to tease would start looking for me. But knowing what an idiot he is, it would take him forever to track me down. Why did I get blessed with such an unreliable brother I don't get it. My hunters would be more reliable but the problem was I had been away for a few days in the past, so my absence must be up to months for them to start calling for a search party. I would be bored to death by that time and since I have to wreck my brain with every passing minute with this air head, whom was actually trying to think and I admired him for a little bit. I will be spending time in a mental hospital after getting out of this place.
Right when I was about to scream out from frustration, I suddenly felt a familiar scent descended from above. Perseus seemed to have caught the scent and glanced at me before turning his gaze upward.
"Are you sure they trained here yesterday!?" A feminine voice which I recognised instantly. There was no one in the entire world possesses that voice.
"Trust me, I got Hermes investigating in this. He's watched every movement of Perseus. I'm sure they trained here but somehow my little sis was able to blocked their presence from Hermes. I bet she must have done something and tried to cover the evidence"
I snorted at my brother stupid statement. Yeah right, more like you doing something stupid and trying to be a smart-ass about it. Perseus seemed to have read my mind or had some funny images wiring in that head of him as he covered his mouth while trying hard not to laugh.
"Stop trying to be a detective Apollo please" Aphrodite sighed from above. "You are not good at it."
"You haven't seen my talent yet so don't judge" Apollo defended himself.
"Hey guys!" Perseus suddenly called out loud and my heart nearly jumped out from my chest.
"What the Hades is wrong with you!?" I snapped at him. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"First of all you are a goddess so you can't die from it," he rolled his eyes at me and I growled under my throat. Only Artemis can roll her eyes at Perseus, not the other way around.
"And second of all," he continued. "There's an opportunity. If you don't take it, you'll have to wait for months until a search party comes. Would you like still spend that time with me? I can answer for you that is no!"
"Wow you finally grew a brain" I faked a surprise. "Congratulation on that and just to let you know the reason why this place is called a trap means that you cannot let others to notice you are here. So even if you yell until your throats explode, they're not gonna here a single word from you."
"Well at least I tried something" he countered back, his face was red from frustration by now. "Better than you doing nothing"
"It was being smart saving my energy idiot" I crossed my arms and sneered. "I don't want to waste my saliva shouting out for the air to hear but no one else. Beside, it was a torment for me to be standing here for your to shout at. Did you know this place resonates sound?"
"Well I didn't know that" he suddenly stammered and lowered down.
"Well now you know" I sneered again and decided it was time to stop the argument. It was pointless fighting down here while letting the other two up there to just walk away.
"Is there any way for them to notice us here?" Perseus finally raised a question and a sensible suggestion.
"You know, like blasting your energy or to cause an explosion so an earthquake can occur. That will certainly notice it right?"
"That would definitely work" I sighed in desperation. Even though he had finally developed a sensible plan, yet there was a critical flaw in it.
"But since being in this trap, all of my god essence was blocked away" I explained to him calmly. "I wouldn't be able to cause such an explosion. If I could, I would have teleported us out of this place already. It's lucky for us that we are still immortals so good and water shortages cannot kill us."
"Does that explain why your wound didn't heal immediately last night?" He grimaced, focusing on my shoulder again.
I slightly nodded at him. I didn't want him to start picking on himself again. I thought we had already passed this but I guess since a person with the personality such as Perseus, that memory would stay with him forever.
"I guess they have gone somewhere else" Aphrodite word came.
Oh no....
Perseus widened his eyes at me.
"Yeah knowing Artemis, it would be embarrassing for her being so close to a male in a public place like this. She must have gone with Perseus to somewhere more private." Apollo agreed.
"And then there will be some lovey-dovey" Aphrodite squealed and I swear I could feel my blood boiling up. I glanced at Perseus whom was looking at me awkwardly as he tried to clear his throats to ease the tension. I wanted to snap at him but that would bring out the foolishness in me so I decided not to.
I started to hear them walking away and Perseus turned to me in panic.
"Do something"
"Can you gimme a sec?" I scowled at him. "I'm not Athena you know."
"Well we don't have a sec here" he countered, looking up again.
Suddenly, an idea crept into my head which my cheeks turned red again. Thanks to that bloody wet dream I had and it suddenly crashed into my head again at a critical moment like this. However, this time, that disgusting dream had turned into something that could save us--I mean, me.
But this is just too embarrassing and then I realised it. If I allow this to happen, I will be officially sealing the deal between us, will be tearing down the barrier that I've built up between us. This plan would be the sword that cut through the oath I've made, the principle and discipline I have set to my hunters. But if I didn't do it, then we would've to stuck here for at least a month.
Maybe in desperation, the situation could be lighter. I reminded myself that this was away to save myself. It would have no effect on my oath. That should be a reasonable excuse right? Everyone would understand it if I told them.
Aphrodite and Apollo footsteps become less apparent as they were walking further way. Screw this, I want to get out of here.
"Kiss me!" I closed my eyes and screamed out the embarrassment.
"W-what?" Perseus looked at me as if I was mad.
"I said kiss me!" I managed to say that embarrassing words again. "Are you that deaf?"
"Artemis" Perseus seemed to be a little irritated right now. "It's not a time to joke alright? If you want an argument then I can serve you anytime. But it's critical here!"
"I know!" I snapped. "But that's the only way for us to get out."
"And how is that so?" He turned to me and crossed his arms.
"Aphrodite has set a radar on me since the first time she tried to hook me up with someone" I explained to him. "Since she was afraid I would be hiding somewhere with a male and do some disgusting shits without her notice. Her radar on me is extremely sensitive. So if we both do something that represents love now, she might be able to detect it, even in this trap."
"Wait so you are telling me-"
"Yes! You know it yes!" I closed my eyes and screamed again. "I'm desperate now so either you kiss me or we are gonna be in here for the next two months!"
"Hurry up you idiot! They are getting away"
I don't know whether he's actually an air head or he'd decided to live in this pit for a month because he just stood there like a rock.
I sighed in frustration and stormed towards him. I grabbed his neck and his face was beyond terrifying.
Here goes nothing
I said to myself and clashed my lips on his. Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel Perseus with his eye widened as big as a plate.
At first I felt dry with the kiss, as if I was just forcing my lips onto his and without showing any love. However, slowly, little by little, the feelings changed as I started to savour in the saltiness and the nectar on his lips, the tenderness of him. He slowly also found the courage to place his hands on my cheeks as he brought our lips closer, and he started to take the battleground back. I pressed onto him, the images of that dream replayed back in my head as I hooked my arms around his neck and he lowered himself for me. Our breathing danced with unions as our lips sync like a tango dance. For the next second or minute or even hour which I had forgotten about where and when we were in, it was just a blur of kisses and tongues and lips. The events of reality and illusions of the dream seemed to pair up and they matched with each other.
He pushed me again the wall, his hands placed at the side of my head and I could see the dullness of his green eyes as he kissed the corner of my lips, then down my jaw and returned to my lips again. I gasped and groaned as the desire returned within me, as my heart ached and yearn for his touch, and it bled ichor within me. My fingers gripped on the muscles, the tones and thickness of the skin at his chest, as my nails drew blood on it. He growled deeply between the kiss, and he breathed hard, trying to control his hand from moving down to my body. I deemed the trapped door didn't open. Not enough, this is not enough, the dream was even more than this.
I pushed him away from the wall, as my lips kept locking with him, my hands slowly guided his down at my side and traced lines down my waist. His strong hand moved the fabric that wrapped around me, and I desired more from that touch. His hands moved across my stomach, then suddenly, it slipped under my shirt. I ached my back and moaned between the kiss as the coldness of his palm kissed on the smooth skin at my waist. The rashness of his calluses traced circles on my torso and i suddenly felt the inner of my thighs became damper.
"Artemis..." he whispered against my lips, my name was like a prayer, more devout than any the hunters and mortals have offered to the me.
Lightning flashed through my veins as his hands travelled up and upward, as his broadness took in the whole of my side, the phalanges of his fingers like the mallets hitting on the bars of my ribs like a xylophone. His hands were close, as I could feel the tip of his finger touching the brink of my bras and I gasped for air.
That moment, the moment when I suddenly felt whole and completely. As if my body was long cold and hard and his hands were like the fire that melted that ice. His touch brought every senses in me to hyper and sing and dance in harmony. He kissed down my chin, downwards tommy neck and I leaned back, exposed the more skin of mine to him. His lips brushed against the coldness and paleness of my skin, tracing the very pulsing vein of desire at my neck as I sighed in pleasure. He'd marked me, as if now I felt like I was his.
Yet I didn't mind it. Like I had expected it to happen.
So I closed my eyes to enjoy it, and my heart bursted open within, and my blood rushing and vapouring and my mind just became nothingness.
The rays of light finally reached down my face, as it penetrated through the darkness of the pit and kissed on my skin as the trapped doors opened and allow more light to pass in. Yet none could be as pleasurable as his kiss, and at the moment, I didn't care of what Aphrodite was going to see anymore.
A/N well since you guys were demanding how they got out of the pit, I decided to make this chapter. Forgot to put it up top as "mature content". But since you all want this because I know you guys are very dirty minded people, I decided not to care. Anyway, common and votes are very appreciated guys and stay safe! ????