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Chapter 1 I run into a group of man haters

A/N important info: This is my very first book. So there are grammar mistakes in it now because of autocorrect and just the pure fact that I have terrible Grammar! I promise it'll get better! And for your benefit, if something is said that you don't like, feel free to change it in your mind or comment or whatever. I'll do my best to fix anything that bothers you. Thanks and enjoy.


I walked alone in the forest, wiped away my tears as I remember that kiss. You'd wonder why I cry. Well, I cried because of my lovely girlfriend (sarcasm) Annabeth cheated on me. Before I tell you what exactly happened, I would like to tell you about my biography first.

My name is Perseus Jackson, but I prefer Percy. If you want to know why did I get a name from Greek mythology? Sorry, I have disappointed you, I don't know. I didn't know anything about my past life or where I came from, heck I didn't even know who were my parents. It's very weird when you wake up and find out that you slept on the street whole night right? Well, that was my situation and my story began from there.

I lived on the street for Gods know how long. Yeah, I know what you are going to say. I said gods, not God. I don't know why. I just got the feeling that there were more than one God in this world. Anyway, one day, a mysterious man came and told me it was time to leave. He brought me to a school and surprisingly, everyone knew me. It was like I'd stayed in that school for many years.

I lived in Goodge High for 4 years. I didn't have to worry about my meals or money because the mysterious man paid for me or someone else. I had a girlfriend after 3 years when I got there. Her name was Annabeth. She was a nice girl and I hate to say this, but she was really really smart. I loved her, I got hit and detention just to protect her from other guys, but she repaid me by kissing another guy. She said it wasn't like what is it looks like, but I believed my eyes. So, I chose a final decision.

I ran away.

You must think it's very dramatic. I think so too. But this is this just time by heart was practically broken. I'd never experienced love from anyone, not my parents, not that I know them of course. Not my teachers since I appear before them more as a trouble maker than a student. Not my classmates because I knew how they talked behind my back. So, until I started dating Annabeth, she was also considered to be my first friend. My life was like that, a light feather leaving its fate to the current of the tide, not knowing when or where the shore would be.

I didn't know where to go, I just wanted to go somewhere quiet, away from the noisy world out there and I ended up in this forest.

As I was walking, I found a column of smoke from the distance. With my curiosity, I walked closer. There was a camp with silver tents built in a semicircle and a fire camp in the middle. There were few girls wearing silver outfits and bow across their back, sitting on the logs by the fire eating. They appeared to be around my age but somehow, I had a feeling they were older, more mature and had more experience than me in life.

A group of hunters huh?

Somehow this group of females triggered my brain to search for something I didn't know. Then when I saw the symbol of a silver crescent moon plate that was placed on top of one of the tents, my eyes widened when I realised who they were. They were the hunters of Artemis.

"This can't be" I muttered.

I forgot to tell you this. I don't believe in Jesus, I believe in Greek gods. weird right? And I could read Ancient Greek too, but I didn't tell anyone even my ex-girlfriend. I took a few steps back in silent and ran as fast as I could when I got far enough from them to hear my running sound. But I always had that doubt about their existence. Sure, I could read Ancient Greek automatically, sure I learnt Ancient Greek history faster than anyone else, but that doesn't mean I devoted myself into Greek mythology. I thought they were myths, but now it appeared so...not clear since I had never seen the hunters of Artemis in my life. No, no one has seen one of them. All the stuff I saw came from portrays and pictures from ancient times and internet. But I didn't risk it. Hunters of Artemis or not, they had weapons and those arrows looked real and lethal enough to give me an endless sleep. So, I took my leap and ran as fast as I could.

Unfortunately, as I ran about 3 meters, silver arrows flew straight at me, but when I saw the arrows, a weird thing happened. I didn't know why, but when I saw the arrows, time turned them slow and I dodged them easily. The hunters jumped down from the trees, arrows aimed at me, but their face was a mixed expression of awe and shock.

"What are you doing here boy?" a girl with black hair and electric blue eyes snarled, emphasis the boy like that was the most disgusting word in the world.

"look! I came in peace and I tried to stay away from you. why don't you just let me go?" I said calmly and put my arms on the air in surrendered.

"Any male come close to our camp must die" a black hair girl with volcanic eyes and a tiara on her head shouted.

"How about half?" I suggested. At that point I don't care about pride. I know I had nothing left, but I still valued my life more. "Ya know half-boy and half-girl. Is that tolerable?"

"Are you trying to buy time, or you simply don't know the hall of shame?" The black hair girl narrowed her eyes.

"Hey not everyone wants to die for you guys!" I told them. "Just let me go please and I promise I won't tell anyone. Including that you guys exist"

"They are not going to believe you demigod" the black hair girl sneered. "Where's your camp and tell me your purpose here. Don't think just because you are a demigod, so I don't kill you."

"Huh?" I was completely blown out and responded with a dumbfounded look. "Demigods? They exist too?"

"Arrr this insolent brat!" The electric eyed girl bellowed, and my eyes just widened before she released the arrow.

The other hunters immediately released the arrows and I did the most stupid thing in the world. I charged at them without a weapon. As I was running, I saw the arrows froze in the air and hunters froze on their stances or at least that was what I saw. I reached the electric eyes girl and span behind her. I grabbed her dagger, one of my arms grabbed around her neck and one held the blade to her neck. The hunters came out of their frozen thoughts and looked at me in in surprise.

"I don't want to harm anyone in here, just let me go and she will be free" I told them.

"Release her then," a hunter said.

What? Are they stupid? Do they even know what hosting is? If I release her, they would kill me. Right when I was about to respond, a silver light appeared in front of the hunters. The light died and at that moment, my life was changed perhaps forever.

Radiance of lights danced upon her fair and ethereal skin, smooth as silk and pale as stream of milk and snow. Her face was too beautiful that my heart ached. Her eyes were the sharpest of different shades of silver and pearl, of moonstone and onyx all frozen together in the hardness of diamonds. Her eyes made me hitched a breath. They were cold and sparkling and mesmerising as the look of those silver orbs penetrated through me. At that moment, I just realised there was someone else more beautiful than Annabeth. Her silver hair ran like stream of stars, as the moonlight reflected and danced upon it. Everything of her was perfect and I couldn't do anything other than just stare. She looked around then her eyes landed on me and her face turned red with anger. And, also, at that moment, I knew I just screwed up badly.

"How dare you to touch my hunter boy?!" she bellowed.

I released the girl immediately and froze like a statue. "I-uh-apology for touching your friend. It was just a misunderstanding and...uh...can I ask are you a goddess or just simply know magic?"

Silence emerged, and the only sound heard was the crickets. She responded with a blank face. She turned back to her hunters.

"Is this guy for real?"

"I don't know Milady." The electric eyed girl glared at me with hatred and intimidation. "He says as if he knows about us but acts as if he doesn't."

"Hey, I don't act okay" I protested. "I got E for drama so...anyway, I know who you guys are because I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. But I'm not a demigod and certainly don't want to cross with you guys ever again. Please I just want to go."

"Anyone that sees us and not involved in our world must die" the beautiful girl snapped at me. "Plus..."

She walked closer with her hands folding into fists and I gulped as I retrieved my steps in sync with her. "You have touched my hunter and will not tolerate this." She said between gritting teeth.

"B-but they started the fight first!" I reasoned.

"Touch means touch. Now ready for the jackalope life" she snarled pointed her finger at me, the tip of her finger glowed.

"H-hey I'm sorry ok!" I stepped back in caution. "If you want me to do anything, I will do it. Just don't make the matter worse"

"You dare to talk back!"

And it snapped. She fired the shot and it hit me square on the chest. I surge of pain ran through my body and bones and I saw my chest grew. Beams of light escape my body and suddenly, my legs were lifted off the ground by some invisible force. The most interesting thing was not me but the goddess face. It was totally shock.

Then suddenly, another force pushed me to the ground and the same power the goddess fired at me returned to her with equal force. She was shot to the ground and sat up with an astonished face.

"Lady Artemis!" The hunters exclaimed as they rushed to her side and helped her to get up.

I sat up with a sore back and looked around dumbfounded. The girl with electric blue eyes glared at me and the clouds darkened with lightning flashed all over the place.

"You!" She growled and stormed toward me, I gulped at the sight of electricity dancing on her arms.

"Look it was just...ah aha aha mistake...ah aha ah" I was zapped by her and the shock melted my brain. I thought I had wet my pants but luckily it was just my legs that gave out.

The monster girl gave another blast of blue electricity as they zigzagged it mid-air toward me. I did what my instinct told me. I crouched and used my arms as a shield. I was prepared for the worst.

But nothing happened.

Slowly and reluctantly I peeked a look and the sharp point of the electric snake just inches away from my eyes. Their faint blue flowed and yet it froze in mid-air just like that.

"H-how?" The monster girl had her jaw handing open while Artemis looked at me in shock.

A row of arrows notched on strings and I raised my hands in surrender.

"Look I don't want to cause trouble. Please"

Artemis stepped out from the crowd and cautiously approached me. I tempted to step away from her, but my legs just somehow glued to the ground.

"Milady, be careful!" Another girl tried to run after Artemis, but she signalled them to stop.

She inspected me carefully, as if a predator lurking in the bush, waiting for its prey to lower its guard and strike. I felt my blood turning into ice as I anxiously counted her step. Those piercing looks, and those eyes were hard to focus, but somehow the aura she gave out would pull anyone back to reality.

She stood before me and I did what was appropriate. I knelt.

"Lady Artemis" I didn't dare to look up. "My apology for not recognising you and for the disrespectful actions. I didn't mean to do it, it just happened I swear!"

"You know I kill you if you lower your guard, now right?" A reminder from her and I swallowed hard. She was towering over me and with one snap, my neck would say goodbye to the shoulders. But I couldn't fight her. Something forced me not to. I couldn't run, couldn't move and that invisible force had me devoted to her. As if she was someone long lost and I would tolerate her with everything. At that moment I swear every answer from me would be a hundred percent true if she asked.

"Look at me" a tone that I hardly expected she would give me, it was soft.

Reluctantly I raised my gaze upward and was strike by the beauty of her. She literally glowed before me as if she became the light, the sun and the moon. I just stared and wondered how could someone be so beautiful?

Without a word, she placed her palm on my head and her eyes glowed with such intensity that it became two sockets of light. I felt as if she was sulking my power and I screamed from the pain. My blood felt like it was boiling up, my bones were drawn towards her palm and until I couldn't hold it anymore, it snapped as I released whatever I was holding inside me. The force came like a wave of sound and it sent Artemis flying.

"Lady Artemis!" I screamed and jumped after her. I caught her just in time her head hit the ground and time seemed frozen. She was scared. When she closed her eyes, I could see the fear there. But slowly she opened them, and our eyes locked for the first time.

Like a spear it pierced through me. Her silver and grey swirled in the pool of my colour. I felt so connected to her, and my heart ached, and it busted into flames and light. My heart suddenly was filled. Like the light that guided me through darkness. Her coldness showed me her loneliness and I felt somehow, we were so...similar. She appeared like a single spark of light in me, she appeared as hope and I just opened to embrace her. I felt like she was the missing piece of my life, as if when I first met and touched her hand was at the edge of a few galaxies. And since I had been carrying on that yearning inside me. At that moment, I felt as if...as if I had been searching for her through many-many-many life.

Until an arrow went flying and it buried into my shoulder. I groaned in pain and knelt on one knee, fortunately I didn't drop Artemis. The hunters brought her away from me as they gave murderous glares towards me. Artemis on the other hand kept her silence with her face beaming red. They held their dagger at my throat I looked at them with equal strength. They couldn't bring me down this easy.

"You moron!" The electricity girl snarled. "How dared you touch our lady!?"

At that point I just had enough. If it wasn't because of them, I wouldn't be here in this situation and THEIR lady wouldn't have been touched. I don't know why they had just spite towards me. All I did was walking into the wrong place unintentionally. They could've let me go. I stood up slowly, growling under my throat and somehow, the strength of the hunters betrayed them. I towered over them as they now realised the situation was at a disadvantage. Some took some cautious steps backwards.

"Enough is enough yeah?" I said in a small voice. The electric haired girl still had that determination to fight. I was about to attack but a surge of pain came at my shoulder. I looked down and saw the arrow still there. I grabbed it and pulled it out, throwing it to the ground. Blood was surging out from the wound and I ignored it.

But they gasped at the sight of my wound and now even the electric girl had to step back in fear.

I lost the will to fight and frowned at them. What's wrong with these people? Their mood shifts like wind. Until I followed them and looked at my wound. The sight forever stayed deep in my mind.

My blood was gold, stream of them running down from my shoulder but not red. I jumped back in shock the moment I saw it. I looked at the hunters and then back at my blood. What did they do to it? I bled before and every time my blood came out red. But now it was like molten gold running out of it.

Artemis stepped out from the crowd and stared at me. I frowned at her.

"What did you do?"

To her response, she...is that a laugh? It was no mistake. Her lips spread and the dimples on the cheeks appeared. I had to say those were the cutest things ever, but deemed the situation was not appropriate, it didn't do anything. Plus, I was still astonished by her action, even her hunters.

"Finally!" She exclaimed. "After five years!"

She walked up to me and patted my back, which nearly knocked me to the ground.

"I've been finding you forever. I thought you didn't exist!"

"Huh?" Was all my response.

"You have to come with me!" She said in excitement and grabbed my hand.

"To go where?" I asked her


And without, a circle of dazzling light surrounded me, and I no long see the hunters or the forest. We both disappeared.

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