Percy's POV
White marbles, intricate cravings. Enormous white columns protruding from the elegant white floor as if they were holding the sky above. Elegant furniture, sculptures and statues; grandeur and majestic chandelier; complex and ancient letters engraved on the wall of limestone. I stared in wonder at the palace of the gods.
The thrones were paramount with power, symbolism and beauty. Twelve thrones of power, of earth, sky, sea, light, craft, war, peace and civilisation assembled in a 'U' shape before me and they glowed with such glory that my knees buckled.
My step heavy, as if the floor was sucking me in, eating away the mortality I had. Is this how standing among the immortals feel like? I never wondered, even had any thoughts about seeing this place, let alone standing in this room. But here I was, in the middle of Olympus, the room that rules the world.
In the corner of my eyes, I could see Artemis smirking at my amazement.
That was until I felt something...something warm, soft and suitable.
I looked down and saw our hands were interlocking, our fingers were wrapping around each other. Artemis also realised the situation and immediately snatched her hands away. Her cheeks were a deep shade of red while my eyes and mouth were just as big as a plate. Did I just hold hand with Artemis? I could feel the tingling of flesh, the soft and warmth of her hand. At that moment I just wanted to hold up that hand to stare at it closer or even sniff it a little to know what her hand smell like. Though I knew that would earn me an arrow in the forehead.
"Close your mouth before you catch a fly you perv!" Artemis knocked my head and that pulled me back to reality.
I'm pretty sure she was as embarrassed as I was. But she knew how to divert her embarrassment. I smirked at her. Maybe a little tease wouldn't hurt.
"I'm pretty sure Olympus has no fly, otherwise they would've been fried from the heat on your cheeks."
That immediately got me a slap across the face. So much for trying to lighten the situation.
"I swear if you add another word" Artemis warned, pointing her finger at me.
"Alright! Alright!" I exclaimed, rubbing my swollen cheek. "It was just a joke jeez"
To my surprise, Artemis approached me with a frightening look on her face that I wanted to sprint away. But before I could move, she grabbed my shirt and lifted me up from the ground. My feet were trying to reach the floor while struggling to catch my breath. She's extremely strong for a fourteen year old look. She pulled me closer and stared at me with her piercing silver eyes.
"Don't just think because I brought you here so you've earned my favour" she gritted her teeth. "You males are just as worthless as pigs. Try to mess with me again and I swear I'll make your life miserable"
I nodded furiously before she released me from my torment. I gasped for air and tried to recover my mentality. Is this the Artemis that was written in stories and myths? I didn't expect to face this terrifying side of her. Then again, since I was a male, I will always be on her bad side.
She gave me a glare before striding back to her throne. I didn't dare to follow her but only looked at her back. Her throne immediately told me that was hers. It symbolised her power with that tiger skin that wrapped around the seat, the armrest was made of enormous deer horns that glittered with silver. The crest rail was made of elk horn with the moon at the middle. The legs of the throne was made of wood, wrapped by vines of silver. But the chair was just too giant for Artemis's size. To my astonishment, Artemis flipped her jacket and suddenly glowed with such intense silver light that I had to close my eyes. When I could adjust to the light of the room again, before me now wasn't a fourteen year old size but a giant Artemis. She sat on her throne comfortably and the throne immediately flowed as if to welcome its owner. I immediately looked away, afraid she would misunderstand that I was staring and give me another lesson. Her finger now could crush me to a puddle of blood.
I looked around, trying to find a place that fit my size to sit, everything in the room was enormous. I could've sat right on the floor where I was. But since the gods would come in this size, they would step on me without knowing and that would be really really bad. I don't want to die looking like a pancake.
Somehow my eyes darted to the hearth in the middle of the throne room. The light of the flame was gentle, yet it radiated something that I didn't have for a long time.
The feelings like those time when you're too tired after all the work and suddenly see your room and bed. My memories returned with Annabeth sitting with me on my bed, the flashbacks of how we cuddled together to watch a movie on her laptop. My eyes stung with tears and I shook my memories away. This is no time for that.
At one of the hearthstones, there was a little girl sitting on it. I'm pretty sure I didn't see her when I observed the room. Then again, the room was magical and mysterious and at the same time terrifying enough to ask about anything strange that occurs. She waved her hand at me and I stared at her with a stupid face. She gestured to come and somehow without hesitation, I approached her. She was a goddess for sure since her skin literally glowed with that warm orange colour, just like heat from fire.
I stood before her, my shadow would have loomed over her small appearance. Yet her light pierced and scattered my shadow and I looked so small in front of her.
"Sit here young man" she smiled warmly, patting a seat next to her.
I was uttered in word. I didn't know what to respond and so I just followed her lead. In normal circumstances, I would've been weird for me to obey an eight years old. But I knew she wasn't eight in reality.
"What is your name?" She asked with a gentle voice, so soft and yet felt so strange to me. Despite her young appearance, her brown simple dress and that long chestnut curly hair made her appeared to be so mature. Her eyes were a colour of amber, fire and rubies, blended into an ocean of onyx of black and gold.
"I''s Percy"
She chuckled and waved her hand.
"No need to be so formal to me" she smiled. "It was just a question. I'm not a monster that cloaked in human skin."
"I'm's just I haven't seen any immortals in my life" I stuttered. "I was just a little astonished and uh..."
I wanted to say I'm terrified of immortals. After the encounter with Artemis, I just realised they could be worse than my coach. Since everyone here could snap my neck with a flick of their fingers, I was really cautious in what words that come out from my mouth.
"I'm pretty sure not all immortals are like that. Artemis's 'mood swing' made her famous so it's alright to be a little terrified of her. But it's wise of you to realise of what you should speak here Perseus."
I was stunned. Completely stunned as I stared at the floor with my eyes wide open. I only told her my usual name, the Perseus was my real on. In addition, did she read my thoughts?
"Yes I did" she answered blandly. "Also to answer your next question Perseus. I'm Hestia, the hearth tender around here."
"Like you mean replace wood and oil?" I frowned. "Why would the gods need a hearth tender when they could just snap their fingers and magic would seal the deal? Don't you have fire god?"
She laughed at my face and I stared at her with heat rising up my cheeks. Did I say something stupid? She wanted to me casual so I started acting casual. At the point, I realised it was no need to be scared anymore. If they wanted to kill me, there was no corner on the Earth I could run from them. Let alone I was in the middle of their base.
"I haven't seen a someone as honest as you" she chuckled, twirling a strand of her curly hair. "To your answer yes we have a fire god and no not all god can snap their fingers and fire appear. We have specific power only and our range is limited. The hearth is my symbol so it's my job to do so"
"Oh" was all my response.
I roamed through my head, trying to remember the name. come it sounds so familiar? I knew she was only of the Greek goddess I read somewhere. Yet I couldn't find out who she was
My eyes widened. In front of me was one of the oldest Olympian if not the strongest. My pants nearly wet from realise how much trouble was in. It's that she's the oldest goddess. But she's a maiden goddess and I'm sitting next to her. Zeus will skin me alive.
I hurried on my knees and bowed as low as possible as if I wanted to kiss the floor. Waves of shivers washed through me as I trembled in fear.
"I...I'm so sorry...It took me a long time to recognise you...I'm so sorry"
I heard her laugh and a finger lifted my chins. She faced me with a warm smile.
"Relax Perseus" she said. "If I wanted to kill you, I would've gestured you to sit next to me. I didn't communicate with human the Greek time. The Romans worshipped me more than the Greeks so no wonder you found it in literatures."
"'re not angry at me or feel offended?" I asked, eyeing her warily. She was nice enough, but I wanted to make sure. Artemis was grinning and laughing for a moment, but she nearly killed me back then so.
Hestia rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure this is the third time I tell you to relax around me"
I grinned and immediately shot up to my feet and sat next to her again.
"It's not my fault you know" I told her. "Not everyone I've seen is as nice as you. Unlike Artemis" I said the last part bitterly.
Now I felt angry at her. It wasn't my fault that she got embarrassed. She was the person took the initiative. She grabbed my hand and expect me to be like 'oh you are a maiden goddess so I'm to follow the rule and not to touch you'. Yeah right, that would earn me another slap for trying to disobey her.
Hestia was silent for a few seconds before leaning closer to my side. "So...what's it with you and Artemis?"
I knew that mischievous look on her. I knew what was on her mind even though I couldn't read her thought as to how she could read mine.
"Oh please if you expect Artemis to have a soft side on me?" I rolled my eyes. "You would've to wait until Chaos decide to flip the world because it's not going to happen. Also I'll be gone before that time comes."
"She was quite comfortable around you for a moment back then"
"Yeah comfortably slap me" I sneered.
"Perseus, Perseus" she sighed. "You can be the most honest person and can be the most unforgiving person."
"Well it's not like I wanted to." I told her.
"I haven't seen Artemis behaved so calm around a man like you. In normal circumstances, you wouldn't be sitting here but would be jumping around as a jackalope. A slap from Artemis after holding her hand is considered a mercy for you"
I was about to respond when the doors flung open and my neck snapped to that direction. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Artemis startled and immediately on her feet.
The atmosphere became tense when a man walked into the room. He was giant sure enough, old and muscular. His curly white hair like clouds, matched with a golden laurel like a palace upon the sky. He wore a white toga, a golden belt wrapped around his hips with a lightning symbol. His steps were heavy, and he walked passed me towards the end of the room.
"Father" I heard Artemis bowed before him.
"It's strange to see you here without my summon Artemis" Zeus did not look at her, he took his time to position himself on his marble throne, cladded with gold and gems, cravings of symbols and power. "Did something happen?"
I looked up at Artemis. Zeus still wasn't aware of my presence. Next to me, I heard a chuckle from Hestia, as if she just discovered something as she looked at me with a funny look. Artemis stared down and caught my eyes. Our gaze locked for a moment before she shook her head and faced her father.
"I have found..."
Her sentence was cut short when a loud voice vibrating through the room.
"Oh isn't that my lovely little sister!"
A young handsome guy ran in with a grin on his face. His teeth were so shiny that my eyes seemed to catch on fire. He glowed with such glory and light. Everything of him was made out of gold, except that tanned skin of his. His golden locks, wrapped by a golden headband.
Artemis shot a glare at him and I silently prayed for Apollo. It wasn't a mistake to know who he was. He looked like a walking sun and when he called Artemis his sister, I knew for sure that would be Apollo.
"You siblings always have something to talk about do you?"
A beautiful woman walked in with a sigh and shook her head. She had black hair ran like a stream of silk. Her face was elegant, warlike and with those stormy grey eyes created a sharpness and intelligent in her. A simple white armour she placed on her, her white cloak wrapped around her back and waist.
Slowly, many other gods and goddesses started filling into the room. There was an extremely muscular red hair god that always looked angry. A short cripple god came while twirling a hammer in his hand. His torso was broad and those arms of his looked like they were made of rock, solid and strong. Next came running was a mischievous god whom had a brown business suit and brown curly hair. Chased after him was another older woman that wore a green dress. Her golden flocks waved in the air like fields of wheat. A sea breeze constantly hit my nostrils the moment another god appeared. He was tall, muscular, short curly hair and short boxed beard. His hand hold a trident and his sea green eyes darted around until they landed on me. He didn't say a word, just nodded at my direction and Hestia just smiled at him. He was the just person to recognise my presence and acknowledged it. Then came the last person....
My eyes and mouth wide open. My knees felt weak. My heart paced a million miles as she walked past the door. If there's a reason why people say 'you look like a goddess', then this goddess fit that statement. One look at her and I instantly knew I was a goddess because no mortal could possess such beauty. He had that golden curly princess hair like Annabeth, yet her face was another level of beauty and somehow, I saw some features of Artemis there. She caught me staring and giggled as I blushed deeply. Next to me, Hestia bite her lips, trying to hold her laugh while I tried to snap myself back to reality.
Suddenly, a dark aura came at my side and my shot straight up. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Artemis was sending dangerous look at me as if I was the only thing she wanted to kill most at the time. Her nostrils flared and I swear if I had a flame near it, she would be flaring out fire. I swallowed hard as she gripped the handle of her throne tightly while still looking at my direction.
I leaned closer to Hestia while my eyes still kept on her. If she lung at me right now, all I could do was jump into the hearth.
"Uh...why is Artemis looking like she wants to eat me?"
Hestia at this point was laughing as she hand my arm. "Oh Perseus you are pretty special aren't you? Even Artemis finally has experienced those feelings" she laughed again and I stared at her with a dumbfounded face. Is this how Artemis inherited the mood swing?
"Well everyone is here. So let the meeting begins" Zeus's voice came to the rescue and I felt relieved as Artemis startled and turned to her farther.
She at least gave me one last glare which was terrifying enough.
"Daughter why did you need me to summon the council?" Zeus asked eyeing Artemis.
Artemis cleared her throat and stood up. "I come to report I've completed my mission. I've found the god you are all worrying about"
Murmurs and whispers filled the white room as the gods and goddesses eyed each other nervously. Am dumb sure but I pretty had the rough idea of what was the situation. If I was the god they were discussing, why they were so nervous? I checked myself again, trying to see if there was something I had not discovered on my body that would pose a risk.
"Silent!" Zeus slammed his hands on the armrest and thunder rumbled outside. That shocked me from my seat and I nearly fell face down to the ground.
That got the immortals quite and Zeus looked around.
"Well where's he?" Zeus asked Artemis.
"Over there" I had a feeling she pointed at the hearth. I could see all the gods were now leaning closer to the fire in the middle of the throne room, there eyebrows knot together trying to find the small me.
"Uh sis?" I heard Apollo's voice. "It's alright if you can't complete the mission since it's hard to do it. But you don't have to lie ya know?"
"Has driving the sun all day blinded you, you moron!?" Artemis snapped at her brother. "He's right there can't you see!?"
"All I can see is fire sis"
"Hey I'm here!" At that point I knew Artemis was really annoyed and she could explode on her brother at any moment. So I raised my hand and ran away from the hearth so the clearing. Hestia snickered at the situation.
Immediately I was shot with thousand of looks. Purple, green and red; pearl, lightning and heat, gold and pink and dirt brown. The gods were like trying to kill me by staring. I wanted to dig a hole right under me and just hide my head in it.
"Artemis, are you sure he is the god we are finding" Zeus asked, still eyeing me suspicious.
"I don't fail
My judgement father" Artemis confirmed. "I've seen proof."
A muscular man with military hair cut and fire eyes snorted. "if this brat is a god, I'm must be Zeus"
"It's not like you can ever sit on his throne dud" Artemis shot him a dirty look and sneered. Wow, was she defending me? A MALE!?
"Ohh burn!" Apollo and Hermes exclaimed and Artemis glared at them. They were wise to back down immediately.
"Enough!" Zeus bellowed. "If you want to know is he a god or not, just ask the Fates"
As those words escaped Zeus's mouth, shadow embraced the room and I shivered from the drop in temperature. Three old ladies stepped out from the dark shadows looming over our head. They wore tattered robes, one hold a basket, one hold a scissor. Everyone, including Hestia immediately bowed and I followed their suit.
"Rise Olympians, I believe that you need us for some important occasions," The lady in the middle said.
"Yes Lady Lachesis, we need you to check this boy over there is god or mortal" Zeus responded.
"Ah I see," Lachesis said and walked over to me, followed by two others.
"Let see. Uhm Perseus isn't it?" The right one asked. I nodded carefully. I didn't know how could they know my name. But being the Fates, they must've known everything.
Three of them extended out their wizen hands towards me and I wanted to step back. Those fingers literally glowed and I was afraid they were going to fried me. They placed her palms on my head and I shut my eyes immediately. I heard them chanting something in Ancient Greek at my ears but I was too tensed and prepared for the worse. Suddenly, a surge of pain shot through me and I nearly screamed from it. It was worse than any pain I had endured so far. I felt my essence was getting sucked away. I felt my blood vessels ruptured and dissolved away. I felt my bones were snapped open, dissolved and reformed again. My skin felt so hot to the point it was like someone just showered me with boiling water. My heart beat so fast that it wanted to jump out of my chest and I gripped my shirt. I didn't know all gods would receive the same treatment, but one scream from me and forever they will bully me. My knees buckled as I gasped air. My lips drew blood from bitting too hard. When I was about to collapse, it stopped. It stopped suddenly just like it came.
I groaned and gasped for whatever air that present int he room into my lungs. The worse part just past, now comes the great part. Don't misunderstand, that's a sarcasm. I checked my limbs, scaring that they just dissolved like how I felt. I looked up to see Artemis looking at me. A sparkle of concern came from her and I wanted to say something. But the Fates beat me to it.
"Very well Perseus. We haven't seen anyone could hold the pain for that long without screaming" The left lady said.
I felt something different, I felt stronger, more powerful as if I could draw the moment into my palm, savour the time of the world if I wanted. My skin glowed faintly with golden light and I stared at it with wonder.
The Fates stepped forward while I was busy checking myself out. I practically was molesting myself in the middle of the throne room.
"All hail Perseus Jackson, the god of time and patron of quests and heroes!"
A/N so how was it? Long wasn't it? Like I said, I will not be having time to update it every week. So the upgrade of this book will happen now frequently around next year. Again, thanks for you guys support anddddd bye ☺️☺️???