"Finally!" She exclaimed. "After five years!"
She walked up to me and patted my back, which nearly knocked me to the ground.
"I've been finding you forever. I thought you didn't exist!"
"Huh?" Was all my response.
"You have to come with me!" She said in excitement and grabbed my hand.
"To go where?" I asked her
And without, a circle of dazzling light surrounded me and I no long see the hunters or the forest. We both disappeared.
Artemis POV
I was wandering around my camp after we had tracked down a demon. With every step I traced, flashbacks about my adventures with the hunters and some events in my past life suddenly popped up. Life had always been like that. Ever since I was born, my brother and I were taken from my our mother to Olympus. I'd never received the fatherly love of my father. Not that he doesn't love me, but his pride is that barrier between him and his children. He values the position too much that he thinks a king must be stern to assert his power. So never in my life that I felt love from him. My mother loves me, yet without my father permission, I could never visit her. It was just because of his fear of Hera's jealousy. Sometime I wondered to myself were Apollon and I the waste products of my father relationship. That is the reason I took the Maiden Oath. I was terrified of what a relationship between two people could do. My father had set an example and as far as I'd seen, males were all disgusting. Normally after a relationship, the girls always end up heartbroken. I always wanted to keep my brother from turning into those disgusting pigs. But it was his nature and under the influence of other male gods, I couldn't prevent it. But since he's my brother and the only family I've closest to me, I couldn't leave him. Not that I could anyway. That idiot found pestering me is an entertainment so I have to put up with it everyday. I didn't trust people easily due to my father. It's not I was afraid of getting hurt, because I'd never been hurt before, but I didn't want to leave something broken in between. Fortunately I was given to the care of Hestia, the kindest and most loving person in the world. I was taught to feel sympathy and love from her and since then, my life had been devoted to the hunt. I don't want the girls under my care to end up like me. I don't them to feel abandoned and question why they were born like I did.
Suddenly, I heard the sky thundering and instantly knew that my father had summoned the council. Why would my father summon the council at this time? I gave out a groan since going to Olympus was the least thing I wanted to do. I didn't understand why I was still part of the council. I barely participated in their discussions and just sat there with my zoned-out face. But since I was considered a "princess", I had to be in it.
I closed my eyes and pictured the city of Olympus. The next moment I opened it, I was standing in the middle of the throne room with the gods already there. The sight even discouraged me from being there even more. Every time! Every bloody single time I got into these meetings, all they did were arguing.
Right now Zeus and Hera were arguing about Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece. Ares was flirting with Aphrodite. Aphrodite...well she was doing Aphrodite's stuff. Hermes and Apollo were playing rock, paper, scissor. Dionysus was sleeping as always and the thing surprised me the most was Athena and Poseidon. Athena was teaching him something, probably a plan to rebuild his palace since she fiercely pointed on to the blue-print. Sometimes Poseidon would have given a comment and Athena just smacked his head, which made him to pout. Truth to be told, they looked cute and if they could get over the 'Athen's patron', they'd become a great couple. Just thinking of that made me giggle. Ok, stop Artemis, you are acting girly like Aphrodite.
Anyway back to reality, everyone was deep in their conversations so I cleared my throat, loud enough to get their attentions. Zeus looked up, but not before getting a punch from Hera.
"Ah daughter you are here, so let's the meeting begin," my father said.
The gods all returned to their respective places and Zeus looked around before announcing.
"As you know I have summoned the meeting because a minor God has reported to me an important new"
A yawn came from Dionysus as he said half-asleep. "Everything is important nowadays father. I sometimes see myself important too."
Hermes whom was next to Dionysus gave him a playful elbow and laughed.
Zeus glared at the two immature gods but his face didn't show any kind of anger which worried me. Something must be occupying his mind that he didn't even bother the sarcastic joke of Dionysus. With a stern look, Zeus said.
"I've just found out that there is a new God has been created by elements."
Does that thing really happen? I didn't about this stuff before.
"I thought immortals were created by Chaos." I said which surprised everyone, because I wasn't the one who usually speak in the council.
"Hah. Now my little sis feel as a part of the council" my annoying brother grinned.
"Shut up Apollo," I hissed, sending danger at him, "and I'm not your little sis"
"Relax little sis, I know it's hard to accept a few seconds younger," he said putting his hands up in surrendered.
I was about to shoot an arrow at him when Zeus interrupted to save his son.
"Well to your question, I don't even know how could the elements create a God by themselves, but I know his power. His power is time and he is strong enough to be an Olympian"
A wave of shock following gasps escaped from everyone's mouths.
"B-but time is Kronos's domain, how can this guy get that?" Poseidon stuttered.
That's right, Kronos was the only person on the planet had the power over the time. If this new God has that too, which means he is really dangerous and if he turns into the dark side, we would have to fight another Kronos, which everyone didn't seem to like it.
Athena was quite for awhile to think finally spoke"well there's a hypothesis, but it's possible. When the Big Three slashed Kronos into pieces, we all witnessed that not all of his powers were imprisoned in that coffin with him. This means that some of it had escaped and scattered throughout the world. Somehow these powers have come together again and accumulated until they got enough to birth a creature, which is the God we are talking about"
"yes Athena is right" Zeus agreed
"She's always right" Ares rolled his eyes.
"and with the power this God is holding, he can be a big threat for us if he chooses the dark side. So we must find him and bring him to Olympus to make sure he would stay loyal to us" Zeus continued looking around and then his eyes landed on me.
My eyes widened. No no not me father. But before I could say a word. Zeus continued
"and I have chosen a person who can capable of finding him..."
I looked at him anxiously, hoping that he wouldn't choose me, but the Fates just seemed to play with me.
"That person is Artemis, goddess of the Hunt" he announced.
"NO!" I slashed out of my seat.
"Father, why me? Why don't you choose the others? I'm not going find a worthless male" I said emphasis the male.
Truth, he knew I hated males but he still made me do this. What a good father he is.
"The decision has made Artemis and that is final!" my father bellowed.
"But how about Ares and the other gods, why did you choose me when you know I hate males?" I argued back trying to draw some points for him, but his face looked determine that he could solve my questions.
"The other gods have their duties to attend and about Ares, he is too dumb and impatient for the quests such as thi-"
"Hey!" Zeus was cut off by Ares's shout of protest, but he just only got a smack from Aphrodite and a word 'true'.
"So the person who is capable enough is you Artemis" he continued. "Also you're the only person here that is exceptionally good at tracking someone. This should be a piece of cake for you."
"But-" I started, but Athena suddenly cut me off immediately
"There're more than a reason to find him sister"
"You better make it convincing" I said coldly, crossing my arms. I respected Athena and she was the only person amongst my siblings I actually called sister. But sometimes she was just too loyal to her father. That goody two-shoes.
"We're all aware the possibility of Kronos escaping Tartarus since he's cannot be killed, just yet. Imprisonment is not an eternal way to stop him. But even if he escaped, most of his power had been scattered and lost, so he will not have the strength to defeat all of us..."
"Therefore he'll try to gather back his power and the first person he seeks will be this new god." Poseidon somehow came out and interrupted Athena.
"Wow, Seaweed Brain King has finally used his grape-sized brain to be beneficial to us all" Athena said sarcastically. I knew she hated people interrupting her. Poseidon on the other hand didn't take the insult since he probably was used to it.
"Athena!" Father looked at her with a stern look. After all, Zeus would want to avoid getting one of his brothers angry right now.
"My apology father" Athena bowed but gave Poseidon a deadly glare. "Anyway, as Fish Tank has said, the chance of Kronos seeking for this new god is very likely and if he can gather all his power. Sister, we cannot afford another Titan war. The last time we were nearly annihilated"
Her begging eyes told me we had no other options.
I sighed in defeat "ok I will do this."
Hearing that, my father's shoulders fell in relief.
"Come on little sis, don't be so desperate. This mission is just like the other one- oh...maybe this new guy may captivate your heart" my stupid and annoying brother spoke again.
I glared at him and he gulped and sank down on this throne.
"If there is no more information to report. May I go to begin the mission?" I asked.
Zeus waved his hand for me to leave and announced the council to be adjourned.
5 years already floated away and I still had nothing. I wondered where the Hades was this God? From the day Zeus gave me this mission, he didn't put more mission for me which I felt great, but I still frustrated about finding the mysterious God. Not even a single progress had been made. It was like he didn't exist.
I was wandering around the forest when I suddenly sensed an aura of power which was strong enough to make my father jealous. This power appeared on the west side of my camp and so I teleported there.
I appeared in front of my hunters which had formed into a group. I looked around, then my eyes landed on him.
Stood in front of me was a boy with messy raven hair and sea green eyes. He had a handsome face and a well built that every girl wants. His face was serious which made him look even more hands-. Wait, what the Hades Artemis? Why these disgusting things pop up now? You are a maiden goddess! I looked at him until I saw he was holding Thalia, my third in commander. That got me mad.
"How dare you to touch my hunter boy!" I bellowed that would've scared Apollo to wet his pants.
"I-uh-apology for touching your friend. It was just a misunderstanding and...uh...can I ask are you a goddess or just simply know magic?"
My face must have looked funny because his stupidity just blown my head away. Was he actually that innocent and stupid or just tried to by time?
"Is this guy for real?"
"I don't know Milady." Thalia reported following an intimidation glare at the boy "He says as if he knows about us but acts as if he doesn't."
"Hey I don't act ok" He suddenly protested. "I got E for drama so...anyway, I know who you guys are because I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. But I'm not a demigod and certainly don't want to cross with you guys ever again. Please I just want to go."
"Anyone that sees us and not involved in our world must die" I snapped at him. By the look of him I wanted to kill him already. All good looking males are vicious snakes. They probably have broken countless girls heart. Also with the way he stared at me when I first appeared ticked me off. Probably something perverted things were swirling in his mind. He had to die no matter what.
I walked closer with my hands folding into fists andI saw fear running through him as he retrieved his steps in sync with me. "You have touched my hunter and I will not tolerate this." I said between gritting teeth.
"B-but they started the fight first!" He reasoned.
"Touch means touch. Now ready for the jackalope life" I snarled pointed her finger at me, the tip of my finger glowed as power was being concentrated there. Goodbye you insolent and worthless male.
"H-hey I'm sorry ok!" He stepped back in caution, raising his hands. "If you want me to do anything I will do it. Just don't make the matter worse"
"You dare to talk back!"
This is too much for me to take. I fired the shot and it hit him square on the chest. However, something strange immediately occurred. Instead of shrinking like other males would, he actually expanded. Beams of light escape his body and suddenly, his legs were lifted off the ground by some invisible force. My face must have looked funny because I just stared up at him in astonishment.
Then suddenly, a sudden blast exploded in the air and the force pushed him to the ground and the same power the I fired at him returned to me with equal force. I was shot to the ground and still had no idea what just happened. He didn't attack me so how? I sat up still my astonished and shock just what just happened.
"Lady Artemis!" The hunters exclaimed as they rushed to my side and helped me to my feet.
This was the first time this ever occurred. Normally my magic worked fine on others except if it was used on an immortal...a beam of hope suddenly lit up in me. Could he? It'd been five years and since I never saw him before on Olympus. But he could be a demigod. Strong and powerful demigods can actually resist some magic from the gods. However he seemed honest about not knowing our business. He couldn't be a monster since I should've seen his true form with my Hunter eyes. There was also the fact that I couldn't read his thoughts made me even more doubtful. Normally gods can read the thoughts of mortal. Yet I couldn't assess his mind.
He sat up with a groan and looked just dumbfounded as me. He probably took heavier damage than me since he was shot down from the air.
Thalia glared at him and the clouds darkened with lightning flashing all over the place.
"You!" She growled and stormed toward the boy. He gulped at the sight of electricity dancing on her arms.
"Look it was just...ah aha aha..a mistake...ah aha ah" He was zapped by Thalia and the shock rolled his eyes backwards. I winced as the sight of smock flying up from his head as his hair saluted to the sky. Even I wouldn't want that shock.
But knowing Thalia, she gave another blast of blue electricity as they zigzagged it midair like an electric eel towards him. He did what everybody would do, that was crouching down and using his arms as a shield.
But what came out rather shocking was the stream of electricity suddenly froze on mid-air just before it made contact with him. I could feel a blast of extremely powerful came out from him and my body just suddenly felt so heavy for a split second, as it that air had stop moving and was dropping its weight down on me. The hunters for a few second were frozen in place. Though it was just a short moment, I could feel the effect of the blast to my surrounding. Who is this guy?
Slowly and reluctantly he peeked a look then his eyes widened when he saw the electric spear just inches from him. It's faint blue glowed and yet it froze in midair.
"H-how?" Thalia had her jaw handing open while the rest of my hunters were beyond surprised.
A row of arrows notched on strings and the boy raised my hands in surrender.
"Look I don't want to cause trouble. Please"
At the point my suspicion of him was about fifty percent. I could not feel any power radiating out from him. But the sudden blast of power when he released a moment ago definitely not belong to any demigod. There was only one way to find out.
I stepped out from the crowd and cautiously approached him. If my suspicion was right, then five years of tracing the emptiness would be paid off. He attempted to step away from me, the terrifying look of him told me his intention. But his legs just stuck on the floor like two poles of concrete.
"Milady, be careful!" Phoebe tried to run after me but I gave her a sign to stop. I still wasn't sure if he was an immortal or a monster that was powerful enough to camouflage from my Hunter Eyes ability.
I inspected me carefully, any suspicious movement of him would result in my dagger sticking out from his forehead. But somehow his eyes told me he was a good person. I never noticed it before, probably because I deemed as insignificant. But he had such unusual eye colour and it mesmerised me a little. His colour of his eye was a pool of molten sapphire, period and emerald, with streaks of colour of citrine and gold twirling across and embracing the edge of his iris. They sparkled like stars in the pool of onyx upon the sky, gleamed like gems under the shady moonlight. It was too ungodly. I stood before him and he did something that surprised me.
He knelt.
"Lady Artemis" He didn't dare to look up. "My apology for not recognising you and for the disrespectful actions. I didn't mean to do it, it just happened I swear!"
"You know I kill you if you lower your guard now right?" A reminder from me and I heard him swallowing hard. I stiffed a smile at him. Something about him that was fascinating, mysterious and...pure. Somehow at that moment, I didn't have that urge to kill him anymore and reversely developed the urge to know him. Only if he wasn't a male, we would be talking as friend right now. Why did he earn this favour from me? I even asked myself.
"Look at me" a tone that I never expected to give to anyone.
It was gentle and soft.
Reluctantly he raised his gaze upward and I nearly froze by those sparkling eyes of his. Under the moon, it reflected the light and seemed to glow and those colours of his eyes seemed to cluster together, bleeding into the shades of turquoise, aquamarine and amber. I just stared at those eyes, mesmerised by its liveliness and wondered how could something be so beautiful.
But then I realised my purpose and slowly placed my palm on his head. If my deduction was right, someone must've cloaked his power, imprisoned it somewhere in him. Therefore until this power was unlocked, he will always appear as a mortal. I suppressed my power into him while taking out some of his to inspect. I could feel my essence running through him, digging into his memories to find the lock. Flash back of him blasted at me, images skipping in my head. It was too powerful, each flash back I saw, he grew in power. He roared in pain and I pressed on to unlock that one last piece that was left. But he was now too powerful and I could no longer contain those power. With a roar, he released those energy he had been storming all his life outward. The blast sent me flying. Fortunately I was an immortal and such wound healed quickly, a mortal would've been disintegrated by that blast.
"Lady Artemis!" I heard his scream as I was falling. Suddenly, instead of my head hitting the solid earth as I had prepared, I was caught my those strong arms but gentle as feather. For a moment I was too terrified to open my eyes. I didn't expect a person like this exist and I thought I was dead the moment the blast hit me. That was the first time I was terrified in my life. However, a strange scent smoothened my fear. It was a mix of the Southern sea blend in with white rose. Slowly but surely, I opened my eyes and our eyes locked for the first time.
Like a spear it pierced through me. His sapphire and emerald swirled in the pool of my colour. I felt so connected to him, and my heart suddenly ached and it bursted into million flames and light. His memory suddenly replayed in my head. He was lonely, he was betrayed, he was isolated and he was hurt. I could feel him, at the moment I could touch his heart and care the secret, the burden of him. A missing piece in my heart suddenly was filled. He and I were so...similar. As if our lives were written by the same person, as if we were destined to if I'd been searching for him all my life.
Until an arrow went flying and it buried into his shoulder. He groaned in pain and knelt on one knee, yet he didn't drop me. I was snapped back to reality and before I could ask him if he was okay, the hunters already brought me away from him as they gave murderous glares towards him. My cheek s felt hot for a reason and I was completely zoned out from the scene. Thalia held herb dagger at his throat.
"You moron!" She snarled. "How dare you touch our lady!"
But he looked at her with equal strength and intimidation. I felt uneasy about it and about to warn Thalia when he finally spoke first.
"Enough is enough yeah?" He said in a small voice and yet I could see power was surging out from him. Even Zoe could feel it and she stepped back to take caution. I was prepared to launch at him if the situation turn out of place. Right now, a snap of his finger could break Thalia's neck in just a blink of eyes. I actually regretted unlocking those powers.
Yet Thalia still had that determination to fight and she pressed her dagger more against his skin. He started to make the first step and I reached for my bow. But he winced and looked at his shoulder to see the arrow still there. Without a word, he grabbed it and pulled it out, throwing it to the ground. Blood was surging out from the wound but he ignored it.
Gasps came out at the sight of my wound and Thalia had to step back in fear. A grin creeped across my face as my speculation was true. The blood look like molten gold was the evidence, the solid confirmation for an immortal.
He frowned at us and looked at his wound. His face turned from confusion to wild.
I stepped out from the crowd and stared at him with excitement in my eyes. He frowned at me.
"What did you do?"
I didn't heed his question and laughed. It was no mistake, this was Ichor, god blood since I had never since him on Olympus.
He must be that god.
"Finally!" I exclaimed. "After five years!"
I walked up to him and patted his back, which nearly knocked him to the ground. Probably I was too excited.
"I've been finding you forever. I thought you didn't exist!"
"Huh?" Was all his response and a dumbfounded look.
"You have to come with me!" I said with joy and grabbed his hand.
"To go where?" He asked me
And without further delay, a circle of dazzling light surrounded us and I pictured the throne room of Olympus. We both disappeared.