Khalid won't deny the fact that last night dinner did good to his family. The warm smile that everyone has this morning soothe his aching heart.
"Excuse me, sir." His secretary said with a huge smile on her face. Khalid was busy on his laptop, he didn't even bother to spare her a glance.
His secretary though have been crushing on him for so long now, she have been trying to appear good in front of him, for him to notice her. And so far her effort still fruitless. In terms of work Salima is very punctual and diligent, which is why Khalid has no problem working with her even with the rumor that's going around their corporation about them.
"Yes, Miss Ibrahim." He spoke and she was already blushing and having a sweaty hand, even though she hate the fact that he always take her last name, but still, it sound so good in her ears.
"Sir, am leaving already, did you need anything before i leave?" Salima asked trying hard to control her blushing face which is all red due to her fair skin, before he look at her, that he barely does.
"No, thanks. You can only close the door behind you." He requested still not looking her way.
"Okay, sir." She answered but didn't move an inch from where she stood earlier. And continue to stare at Khalid whose entire focus was on the system in front of him. She think why she like him so much, is it because he is super handsome and have a superb personality or it because OMG he look so adorable when he is busy. Although he is so mean, sometimes grumpy and always looking so serious, maybe that's because he rich. She began with usual inner discussion. You mean super rich, the guy is a billionaire why will he notice you, dummy. Another voice in her head mocks her as usual.
But sometimes he can be a little nice too. I don't want to sale myself to the devil by telling him how much i like him.
Or get fired from your job. She continue and the same voice mocked her again. "Oh my Allah help me out, please. This guy won't kill me, come on Salima say something, is now or never." She mumbles just in time Khalid cut her out off her daydream, as he notice her still standing in front of his giant mahogany desk.
"Salima." He called out gently, yet hoarsely, "do you need anything?"
She freaks out hearing his voice out of the blue. "No..... Sir." She exclaimed
frighteningly as she did expect his voice in her daydream. That waa close, she thought.
"Are you alright, Miss Ibrahim?" He asked out of curiosity. And ask her to sit down, but she stood there like a statue.
"I am alright, sir. I guess am just tired."
"I am sorry, i didn't mean to frightened you. Hope i am not giving you hard time working with me? If that's the case you can change department, i will make the recommendation for you. No need to worry."
"No, sir. I am fine here and beside i like working with you, sir." The beeping of his cellphone interrupts them. And Salima start to wonder if the man want to get rid of her already.
"Let me answer this." He said and she nodded.
"Hello Auntie!"
"Assalamu'alaikum to you my son." The sweet voice of his aunt comes from the other side.
"Wa'alaikumu salam, mi amor" He replied cheerfully. Salima smiles seeing the different energy he has when ever he is speaking to his Aunt.
"How are you, have you eaten?" she asked. He smiled through the phone even though she can not see him.
"Yes Amor, i have eaten and i am fine."
"I just miss you, son. That's why i called you, when are you coming back home. Don't over worked yourself, my dear."
"Oh Auntie, i am still in town. So don't worry about me. I am sorry, but am not going to have dinner with you tonight. "
"Is okay, my son, but if i find out that you're still working by that time. I will come fetch you myself and don't stay hungry. Just make sure you eat something wherever you are, okay."
"Ok Auntie, i promise not to stay hungry".
"OK Khalid dear, may Allah bless you, see you soon and take care"
"Amin, bye Auntie." He ended the call smiling for ear to ear. He turn back to Salima who was also busy displaying her white teeth and he wonder why?
"Salima, will you really tell me, what's up with you? You have been acting weird lately. I am almost convince that you are hiding something."
"No sir, i promise i am fine here.
Is just that your Aunt is so loving and caring, She is just one in a million, i am sorry i know i am out of place. And you're always different when you talk to her. I can't help but say it, i am sorry sir." He smiled and Says
"Yeah, i knew that already. And that is because i am her favorite. Now lets talk business since you refuse to leave."
"I am travelling to Lagos next week, so cancel all my schedule for the next two week, you knew that already. That's all for today you can leave now. I have an important meeting now, let the man outside in." Khalid ordered who seem to be in a good mood of the sudden.
"Okay Sir, but you have postponed the meeting with the Bankos several times now, should i do it again?" He tapped his chin with the tip of his finger maybe reasoning what she said.
"What do you think about the Bankos?" He usually asked her opinions in matter like that.
"Sir, you already knew about the rumor that they will soon go bankrupt without this partnership, so maybe you can give the a chance and see what they can offer. If it's not good enough we don't need to suffer their loss."
"Well that's a good idea, Miss Ibrahim. I am giving them a chance because of you, but as you said we can be able to help them without a good offer. So arrange a meeting with them tomorrow morning at 10am." And she was literally jumping for joy as he said it was because of her."
"Okay sir, i will do just that. Have pleasant meeting and a good day." And she joyfully exited the office.
The man whom Khalid is waiting for make his appearance, dressed in a formal black suit and holding a black briefcase. They greeted each other. While Khalid offered him a seat.
"I can't help but notice your secretary, why did you even choose a lady secretary?" The man asked curiously with a a teasing smile.
"She knows her job very well, what about her?"
"She is always seem to be blushing coming out of this office, what are you doing to the poor girl?"
"What then, do you want to see her crying? she is just doing her job, trying to look good and not to annoy anyone, if she decided to frown everyone will have problem with that too." Khalid added with a straight face.
"Look now, you're even depending her. And khalid, i don't think that is the case here. I think she into you, maybe she is crushing over you, that grin, you don't see it everyday on a girl's face."
"Oh maybe you are the one into her or you're crushing over her. Don't worry i will help you tell her, only if you promise not to tell your wife, that i was the matchmaker. And yeah it's not bad to have someone crushing on me, it means that i am still visible to others." He concluded rather sadly.
"Okay bro, let drop that subject and do what we are here to do."
Khalid smile and says okay. "It had been 5years, khalid ever since we started looking for your cousin. And for five years we haven't find anything, not even someone who saw a glimpse her." Says Anas sounding frustrated. Khalid gasped and put his both palms on his jaws resting his elbow on the desk.
"What do you want to say, detective?"
"I knew this is important to you, it is to me too. I mean this is my job, i always uncover whatever i set my mind on. But this time around i am a complete failure. I travel almost every week for this case, yet nothing, why aren't we finding anything, Khalid? I need to know more maybe i can help better."
"Anas, i trusted you, i told you all you need to know. But i didn't think you i will just give up. The police commissioner has closed the case three years ago. And now you, i can't take this anymore." Groaned khalid and his happy mood has taken a 360 degree turn to that same place.
"Khalid, your cousin's case is a very complicated one, because she wasn't kidnapped, and you guys didn't look for her until a year later. Is either she is not in this country or you know anything can happened. But i believe your cousin don't want to be found." Anas explained carefully as he knew how sensitive Khalid is toward the case.
Anas is a bestfriend's khalid and also a private detective, he hired Anas to help him find his missing cousin. Which the police had to closed the case due lack of clues and substantial evidence. But yet khalid didn't lose hope about the whole thing. And no one in his family knows that he is still looking for his missing cousin as they have left everything in the hands of Allah Azzawajal.
"No..... don't say that, Anas."
The possibility of his cousin being dead is what scared him the most, the thought alone left him with sleepless night. Losing the two of them was what he never expected. And if Anas hypothesis happened to be true, that will be a death sentence for him. Just thinking about that, always tightened his chest, making it hard to breath, his fair skin didn't hide the fact that, he is in pain. Anas looks at his friend apologetically, for not being able to find his cousin. He knew how desperate he is. He thinks he failed as a friend and as a detective.
"Khalid, we are looking at all the possibilities here. It won't change anything by not saying it."
"Even if she is dead, i want prove about that, anything that signifies her dead, and Astagafurullah, in sha Allah she is not, and i will look for her all my life. I have faith that Almighty Allah will reunite my family sooner or later, my family can't continue like this."
"I hope so too, Khalid. I hope so." And He only nodded with a weak smile. "I have to go before my wife get angry at me, for being always late. Okay khalid, see you soon and please look after youself."
"Okay, take care." They shakes hands and Anas left. Khalid get lost in his thought and angry at himself for how only one wrong decision of his, affected everyone and how they foolishly get fooled by one guy.
It was already late at night and Zarah is sleeping in her room, while Lawisa was busy watching one of her favorite program on the TV in the living room. Just then she heard a sound of the opening door and she look around only to see Zarah going to her room and rubbing her eyes. She was about to knock on her room door, which is facing hers and a toilet in between them. But Zarah saw the living room light is on and sees her mom on the sofa looking at her.
Lawisa smiled at her and told her to be careful with the few stairs while coming. She came and hugs Lawisa while she chants some prayers and blow it on Zarah's head, then kissed her forehead.
"What is wrong, sweetheart?"
Zarah is now sitting close to her mother and laying her head on Lawisa's laps.
"Momma, i had a dream that is why i woke up."
"I hope is not a nightmare, you look fine, love?"
"Not at all, mommy. It was just weird as i end up eating all the snacks in a bakery, you know that bakery that we buy our pastries?"
"Yes, princess." Said Lawisa laughting at her daughter's silly dream.
"Well momma, that's the one i dreamt of, that i ate everything in there."
"Really, but that bakery is very big. Its obvious you are hungry, baby."
"Yes mommy, there are alot of crocodiles in my stomach and they have eaten everything i ate earlier."
"Ok then stay here while i prepare something for us to eat, i am also hungry."
"Ok mommy, can i change the channel."
"Yes, Zarah."
Shortly afterwards, Lawisa came back with a tray of two chicken pepper soup bowls and loaf of bread. She place the tray on the center table. And Zarah look into the tray and is so happy.
"Mommy, how did you cook so fast?"
"I didn't cooked it now, this chicken pepper soup is a leftover from day before yesterday that i kept in the freezer. And i just heated it in the microwave now."
"Oh mommy ,you are so sweet and i love you."
"I love you too, love. Now lets eat and sleep, we dont want to wake up late tomorrow."
"Ok mommy."
The next afternoon, Lawisa rushed to Zarah's school after receiving a call from the school headmistress. Lawisa couldn't help but have all kind of negative thought on her way to the school, since she don't owe the school any expensive. She saw her daughter looking so sad with teary eyes and some scratches on her left arm. She is sitting quietly on one of the chairs in the headmistress's office.
"Hey baby, what happened to you, love?" Asked Lawisa while hugging Zarah. "Don't worry mommy is here now."
"Mommy, i didn't start the fight but she pushed me and i pushed back too. And i got a scratch when i fell down." Zarah told her mom, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Its ok love, does it hurt?"
"Yes mommy, it does."
"You shouldn't have gotten into a fight, Zarah. You should always remember that you are a good girl and a princess, and you knew very well that good girls and princesses doesn't fight."
Lawisa wiped Zarah's teary eyes and told her not to cry as mommy is there for her, even though she it hurts seeing her daughter's tears. And the headmistress watch along.
"Good afternoon, madam!"
"Good afternoon, Miss Lawisa!"
"We are sorry for the inconvenience, you see Zarah was behaving unusual, she had a fight with one of her classmate and they pushed each other. She refused to go back to her class or even say anything to anyone. She didn't tell me what actually cause the fight. Your daughter is really a good kid, she never fought before in school, that's why i called you, so she can go home for today." The headmistress explained nicely.
"And Zarah this should be the last time you fight in school." She added
"Okay madam, i will see to that. My daughter won't cause any trouble again. I will talk to her when she is calm. She is very stressed right now, and i am sorry for her behavior once again, I will report back to you." On their way back home, Lawisa try asking zarah about what happened at her school.
"So, why did you fight, zarah?"
"Mommy, the girl is so mean she talks bad about my daddy."
"What!" Lawisa exclaimed and almost lose focus of the road.
"Why will she talk bad about someone you yourself doesn't even know?"
"FATIMA." Said Lawisa pressing the name which she barely use to her in a serious tone.
"Mommy, she said that my father is bad because he doesn't bring me or pick me up from school, that you always pick me up or maybe i don't have a daddy, because they always have something to say about their daddy and i don't. So i told her i don't mind because my mommy loves me so much and i also have so many toys. Then she pushed me and my sandwich fall on the ground. And earlier before that she asked if we can share my sandwich. But i said no." Zarah narrated who is already on the barge of tears again.
"Ya Allah, so the sandwich is the cause of all these?" Lawisa inquired and Zarah nodded yes. "Don't mind them, ok. You have your mama only for you. And don't go on fighting like that. In fact there is nothing wrong in sharing among friends, my dear. You can always give the little you have and Allah will bless you with a bigger portion."
"I will do that next time, but they are mean little girls and i thought them a lesson."
"Hey there, that's too big for your age, where did you get that from?"
"Okay because i love mommy so much and we look alike. I will be a good girl and you are just exaggerating, i won't fight again, momma."
"Oh Zarah, you are the one exaggerating now, I was not even talking about how you look, but your behavior. You see now you talk like you are 10yrs old."
"Yes mommy, but I got that from you, right?"
"No, i don't think so, maybe from our neighbor here." Lawisa jokes and Zarah pouted.
Just then they arrived home And Lawisa parked her car in front of her apartment. And both get into the house, and they were so exhausted and zarah when to her own room and throw herself on her small bed, that made her cute stuffed animals to fell on the floor. She start staring at the extra Large mickey mouse wallpaper that is at the opposite wall, beside the bed is where her study table was placed just next to her bed and at far end of it, is her doll house she received from her mom as a birthday gift. At the adjacent wall stood her closet which is black and pink just few feet away from the end of the bed which is also next to door. Lawisa come into the room and saw Zarah laying on the bed and her toys, sandals and socks all over the room.
"Hey Zarah, you just come in and mess up everything in the room, come on don't be so lazy. Get up and lets take a shower, young lady."
"OK mommy, one minute."
"And by the way someone is here just to see you." Lawisa told a bit excited.
"Really mommy, who is that?" Zarah inquired borrowing the excitement from her mother's face.
"Why will i tell you, go and see it for yourself."
"Okay mommy." She ran out of the room still in her school uniform. When she reached the living room she was even more excited seeing Yusrah. And she gave a tight hug her while Lawisa watch them from behind.
"Good afternoon, Nanny!"
"How is my girl doing?"
"I am fine and you?"
"I am fine too, Zarah."
"Hey Nanny, you didn't come to my birthday, why?"
"Oh i am sorry, Zarah. You see my mother was very sick then, so i went back to my town to take care of her. And of course you are a big girl now."
"How is your mommy doing now?"
"She is fine now, Alhamdulillah, Zarah."
"Is your mom also as good as my mommy?" Zarah asked.
"Oh Zarah, don't be naughty. Stop asking a lots of question all the time. Lawisa warned approaching them in the living room. Zarah's questioning habit always scared her, because she is scared of the day when Zarah will asks the questions that she won't be able to answer. Which is her biggest nightmare.
"Ma'am is okay, And Zarah all mothers are good and sweet."
"Yes and my mommy is the sweetest."
Zarah was so happy but all of the sudden her facial expression changed. She turned to her mother.
"Mommy, are you going somewhere now?" Zarah asked sadly.
"No my love, why are you sad?"
"But nanny only came here when you need some help." Lawisa smiled and asked her to come with her to the sofa.
"Yes Zarah, you see i have this important meeting tomorrow at 2pm and that's your school closing hour, so i can't pick you up tomorrow and the next tomorrow and the day after too. Tomorrow if i take you to school i will authorise Yusrah so she can pick you for the mean time. Is that ok, baby?"
"Yes, mommy is okay. I thought you are going somewhere without me."
"No love, i will never do that to you, and don't be sad." She nodded yes, "and you have to be a good girl, you don't have to wait for me to eat lunch, okay."
"Okay mommy, you must also eat without me, momma."
"I promise, i will, Zarah.
"Me too, mommy."
"And most importantly, you have to get ready in time for Islamic school, and ....."
"Don't go alone, wait for zainab and her siblings to come get you." Zarah interrupted and continue what Lawisa was supposed to said. They both bursts into fit of laughter and Yusrah admire them from the dinning area.
"Well, that is my girl."
"Yes, i am mommy's girl.
"Now let have our meal, i cook something delicious."
"Lets go then, and taste it." Zarah said twisting her face in a funny and adorable way.
"What about your uniform?"
"Later mommy."
A day later, at the Muhammad Ali's mansion, Everyone was happy because they got a wonderful surprise from khadijah as she arrived home from Abuja early in the morning yesterday. with the arrival of khadijah there is going to be a small get together. Since khadijah is good in throwing both big and small parties. While Khadijah and her mother are having a mother and daughter conversation, khalid came in and walk fast them in main living room, which is down stairs and head over to his room, which is also close to Fahad's own. Though he didn't notice them but all their eyes were on him. He was lost in his thought as usual, he hasn't been the same since his meeting with Anas, he has gotten worst.
"Mamy, what's with your son until now?"
"Oh come on, khadijah. why will you asked what is wrong with him, when you already knew, and this days things has even gotten worst. Like someone has refresh his memory about the whole thing, I don't know what to do, khadijah. We need to talk things out but no one is ready to do so. I am happy that khairat come back to us, she forgive us and we also forgive her. But what about the other one. As for khalid he need to lets go of the past, and manage his life just like he used to do. I want him to get married again and settle down, he is not getting any younger. But what can i do, my family is long broken, I always pray to Almighty Allah to bless my family with good health and happiness." Said Maryam and the deep sensation of pain is obvious on her face and voice, she is trying really hard not to breakdown in front of her daughter, and Khadijah sympathise with mother.
"Is okay, mams. Everything will be alright in sha Allah."
"I hope so, dear." Maryam added with a smile on her face.
"Okay then, i have to talk with my cousin now, mamy."
"Okay dear, go ahead."
Khalid permit Khadijah in after she knocks on his door.
"Assalamu alaikum, bro."
"Wa'alaikumus salam, big sis."
"And where are you going now?"
Khalid who was busy packing his things in a suitcase manage to smiled only.
"There is something new in this room, right bro?" She asked staring all over the large room. Still, Khalid didn't say anything but look around the room, he couldn't find anything new. He knew for a fact that she want make him to talk even if he doesn't want to.
"But they used to be a very big photo there on that wall." She added but he still remain mute. Khadijah sat on his bed and his wallet caught her eyes, while khalid is still busy pulling his cloths from the walk in closet. His room is big elegant and classy just like him. White paint everywhere and black furniture and curtains. She grabbed the wallet and says.
"Let see which of the two are you carrying her photo in your wallet." After opening the wallet, what khadijah saw is what she had expected, her sister's photo.
"I knew it most be her, the princess of all the princesses, the runaway girl. The missing angel." She stated sarcastically. As a barrister, she knows how to pushed people to talk and that's exactly what happens.
Khalid get annoyed by what she said, and grab his wallet from her.
"Ayyah, did you came all the way from Abuja just to come here and torture me, to bring the worst out of me, and make me miserable or make me weak and helpless, to make me feel low." He said agitated in a voice low enough for her to hear and almost whispering the last part. And she could feel her heart trembling inside her chest by his tone.
"No one is making you miserable nor torturin. There is no need for that are doing it willingly. You are the only one making your life impossible, so don't blame anyone for your headache. You are behaving like a stupid teenager who just turned 18. Khalid i love you just as much as i love Lawisa and everyone does. You guys want to let go of her, But in the past 7yrs no one has uttered Lawisa's name in this house. Lawisa ran away from us because she was so angry with us. Not only did she crush us by leaving she also did not think or look back to see, to how she destroy this family, with only one decision of hers. I am not blaming her for what she did, because we have done much worst to her. I am just concerned about you. We wronged her and abandoned her unknowingly. But khalid, family are meant to stay together in good and bad times and also support each other, why do all have to behave lime spoil brats." She almost yelled blinking back her tears.
"But no one supported her, not even Auntie, you, me or uncle, we all turn a blind eye on her. We gave her that option, we made her think she is not needed here. We treated her like a sin, like an outcast, What else did you expect me to do, uhmm?" He interrupted her before she continue and both were in tears. He sat beside Khadijah and offer her a handkerchief.
"After knowing the truth, i felt it was all my fault, everything that happened, Happened because of me. I can't sleep at night not knowing where or how she is." He continues and Just then khairat come in and interrupts them, and they quickly wiped their and change the subject. Though they can hide the obvious, with their teary faces.
"I was looking for you, Ayyah." Said Khairat, "what happened to you guys, are you having a crying session?" They all gave her a respect yourself kind of look. She shrugs her shoulders and sits beside Khadijah. "Hey Ayyah, what's wrong, what happened to you two?" She asked looking at Khalid
"She is okay." Said khalid in a sad tone.
"And what about you."
"I am fine too."
"Forgive me, but seriously even a dumb can feels the tension in the air, of you two not being okay here, and fortunately i am not, so spill it out." But none of them say a thing. She grimaced then make one of her cutest puppy face, ready to display her spoil brat attitude as usual. Being the last girl in family always give her the advantage into making her elder siblings and parents to doing what she wants.
"Oh come on, stop behaving like a little girl, you have a child already, khairat." Said khadijah.
"Exactly, since I am not a little girl anymore, don't treat me like one, I am worried about you, i just saw you two crying."
"Hey khair, we were just talking about la........" He gasped the added, "Lawisa" and ended with a sigh.
"Oh, not that again. I am sure she is fine where ever she is." Khairat reassured them. Khadijah and khalid look at each other, then they both gave khairat a questioning look.
"What?" She exclaimed innocently.
"How are you sure, you know something, right?" Khalid asked.
"Am I supposed to know something?" khairat asked back, now confused. They gave her same look again.
"Wallahi, i don't know anything. I am sorry to say this, but you guys are all guilty for what happened to her and your conscious is not letting you rest, while i am not." She added carefully and they have this gloomy face and Khairat continue to talk.
Hey, i just want to tell you about the family night tomorrow. Mamy will be cooking for everyone and i will make dessert, we will watch a movie afterward." They all smile as they reminisces the old memories.