Family night at the Muhammad Ali's mansion was an old tradition, which they stop doing a long time ago. But tonight after so long it's happening again. The ladies are going crazy in kitchen almost preparing a little too much for the family.
Khairat prepared everyone's favorite dessert and Maryam prepared her specialty which is masa and Taushe soup. While khadijah is making cocktail and ice cream. All their house maids are given break for the day. The men are in the living room watching a random football match on TV. Khalid and his uncle are so overwhelmed with the memory of Lawisa as the three of them are always in the same team during the family night.
"where is she? damn it, i am going crazy here, it was a good idea to stop family night when Lawisa left, because without her everything is so different and without Hajiya who was the Judge for the night, who is no more, this wasn't a good idea afterall. I don't want to ruin this night by leaving to my room, Khair is so excited, and everyone has put so much effort." Khalid inner voices keep telling him different thing while Muhammad to is as overwhelmed with the memories of his mother and daughter, he knew very well that he needs to change the dull environment of his family to a happy one as it was before. His family used to a strong one, but now only the family business is. Khairat cuts their daydream short telling them that dinner is about to be served.
"Masha Allah, i was having a second thought of going out for food, i thought you were not going to make it out of the KITCHEN." Fahad teased her pressing the last word, who was engrossed with his cell phone earlier.
"My girls are good cooks, okay. Beside you can survive on that device of yours, isn't?" Muhammad depended and Khairat wicks.
They all went to the dinning room, they enjoy and appreciate the meal. They talk about so many things. Then after dinner they watch their all time farvourite movie "for a few more dollars", which is actually their father's favorite and the all come to love it.
"I thought we are never going to watch this movie together and Abbah leading us prayer like today. It had been such a long time. Thank you everyone for being here." Khairat spoke. They all smile at her. And then khalid cell phone start to ringing. He leaves the room to answer the call for few minutes and then came back.
"Who was that, dear?" Maryam asked.
"From the company i will be meeting the day after tomorrow, their CEO has some family issue, they postponed our meeting to next week Monday."
"My son you look a little frightened about this business trip, you know you can always say no to small deals like this one. Come here son, come sit next to me." When khalid sat next to her, she bring his hand to hers and began to reason with her favorite nephew like son. "I knew you don't like Lagos, you don't have go, okay."
Khairat and Fahad who were sitting at the adjacent sofa stare at the two, Khalid relationship with their parents had always been a great one up until now. While Muhammad and Khadijah attention is more on their dessert and the tv.
"Auntie, this company is really a small one, they are looking forward to our deal for the betterment of their company and their offer is great, i just want to take a look of their management."
"That's why you don't need to worry about a thing, you don't have to wait for anyone to come by, you are already a successful man." Maryam reassured him with pride and adoration visible on face. To Maryam caring for Khalid is like being with her late sister and her missing daughter.
"Is all thank to your prayers, Auntie."
"Let's go to bed everyone before your mother start her emotional episode." Muhammad said jokingly and he is sure if they stay any longer, their joyful family night will be ruined. So they all retire to bedrooms after wishing a wonderful night to each other. But Maryam went to Khalid room after everyone has left. She knocked at khalid's door and he let her in.
"Assalamu alaikum, son."
"Wa'alaikumus salam, Auntie." He replied as he throw some pillow on the marbled floor from the bed living only two on.
"Can i have a small talk with you, my dear."
"You can always talk to me, Auntie." Silence take over the room before Maryam speaks, "i just want to remind you that your life is not all about work, there are so many things to do like having a wife and kids. I know i told you that your nieces and nephews are your kids too, but son, I want more grandchildren like a little khalid playing around this house."
"Auntie." He wants to say so many things to his Auntie who has been a mother to him all his life, but he doesn't know what to say first, because what his Aunt want is the last thing in his mind.
"Khalid, you don't need to wait for that one person, don't you think that, you have waited enough? What if that person doesn't want to show up here? What if that person chose someone over you and is happy with their life, Hhmmm?" By now Khalid fair skin is all red due anxiety and the chance of his Aunt's questions being certain.
"I intend to wait all my life for that person because i owe that person an apology, because only that person's forgiveness will make me move on." with this being said a lone tears drop from khalid left eye, right now he really want to control his emotions, because the last thing he want is for his Aunt to break down too.
"You don't have to wait anymore, okay. That i don't even mind a yoruba daughter in law, so you can use extra vocation to look for one in Lagos, and your secretary is beautiful young lady too, and she understands you". She said teasingly
"Good night, son. May Almighty Allah bless".
"Amin, goodnight, Amor. They both smile and his Aunt left, and he start thinking about what his Aunt said, why is everyone is bringing his secretary into this?
Few hours later, khairat couldn't put herself to sleep, she keep turning all over her bed and then decide to call her husband, the call nearly ends when he answer it.
"Honey, are you okay?" He asked worried from the other side.
"I am fine, but i can't sleep."
"Is ok love, you're worried about something."
"I am overwhelmed i supposed. I am sorry i woke you up, Honey." Said khairat.
"I am glad you thought of me at a moment like this, babe. How is my princess doing?"
"She is soundly asleep just like the baby she is. Though she didn't want to sleep earlier, your daughter is giving me hard time here, you should have to take her with you."
"Yeah i wish i could take the mother too. I miss my two favorite girls."
"When are you coming back?"
Faruk smile at her questions through the phone, if he can remember correctly this is the thousandth time she asked when he is coming back.
"I was just away for two night and you are already missing me, i will be back in the next 19days in sha Allah. Babe, i know you are not sleepy right now and you need someone to talk to. I will always be there for you, love. But i have this important meeting as early as 8am in the morning and i need some sleep." He said sweetly not to upset her.
"Faruk! " she exclaimed.
"Love, Just pray two raka'at nafil and if by then you couldn't sleep call me back, I will know what to do."
Hearing this Khairat knows she will disturb her husband sleep and that will be selfish, she yawn over the phone, just so he could be at ease.
"I know only your voice could put me to sleep, it just work like magic, I love you, love."
"I am sure am your love, I love you more, goodnight wifey."
"Good night Lawisa's daddy." Khairat did as she was told but she still couldn't sleep, so she decided to take a night tour around their big house, which she ended up at her father's study and library were she was more than surprise to find Khadijah there looking into their old photo albums.
"Ayyah!" she exclaimed.
"Thank goodness I found someone awake." Khairat take a seat beside her sister on the single sofa in the room.
"Hey girl, don't wake the others that are blessed with a good night sleep, i wish i were in their place sleeping on my all time comfy bed, hmmmm. Life is so cruel." Khadijah said dreamingly.
"Ayyah come on, you are over exaggerating, it is not the end of the world, you can always sleep later."
"Isn't she beautiful here?" Khadijah asked starring at a particular photo in the album.
"who is that? lemme see." when Khairat look into the picture she put a beautiful a smile on her face again.
"Of course, she is beautiful. She has such an angelic eyes and a flawless face, many people fell in love with that face. The only difference she has from yaya Khalid is his dimples and different eye color, when i was little i always thought they were twins."
"You love talking about her, don't you?" Asked Khadijah seeing the strong bond Khairat share with their sister even though she is long gone, While Khairat only smile further.
"Let me make us some coffee, by the look of it, we are going to have along night." Khairat go to the coffee maker which is settle in one corner of the room. Few minutes later she came back with two cups of coffee and place them on the coffee table in front of them.
"Thank you, look at her here during her seventeenth birthday, she looks gorgeous. I wonder how she is doing and where she is right now?" Khadijah wondered curiously.
"She is alright and safe." Khairat blurt out starring at the album. Khalid was wandering around, who couldn't sleep as well, he saw the light of the study on due to the ajar door. He wanted to enter and say hi to whoever that is there, but their conversation interest him and he knew is wrong of him to eavesdrop on their chat. And he is more than sure that Khairat won't say anything when he is there.
"Khair, i know you are way too loyal to Lawisa. But please i am begging you tell me where she is."
"Ayyah, i know you don't trust me about yaya Lawisa and you believe i knew where she is, but i don't know, wallahi."
"But how are you so certain that she is alright and safe?"
"That's what i want to believe, because that is the only way i will be happy with myself. Yaya Lawisa called me some days after she left, she was so heart broken and told me she was right there when Abbah practically disown her and forbidden anybody from looking for her or even saying her name in this house." Hearing that Khadijah really tried in holding her tears which khalid couldn't. But the pain and guilt was visible on her face.
"What do you mean by she was there?"
"She came back the next day after she had left, she said she wanted to apologize to everyone and do the test they requested her to do, and she wanted to come back before anybody notice she was gone. But she was late, she said that she won't come home until and unless Abbah look for her and brought her back home. But you know what, Ayyah?" The two sisters now crying and the man by door felt his heart being heavier than it was already.
"How could she had felt hearing uncle's hurtful words toward her? he practically disowned her right in her presence. How could she live with that, she adores uncle so much. Ya Allah, what have we done to that innocent soul?" Khalid mentally asked himself. Now he understands why Lawisa didn't left any trace of finding her. While Khairat continue from where she stopped.
"Yaya Lawisa probably waited for Abbah to look for her, but he didn't and i knew she got tired and gave up, and disappeared to where no one could find her. And that's why i never blame her for leaving because she did came back, but she was push away once again. If there is something yaya Lawisa did when she was here, it was to please everyone, even the housemaid knew she was a selfless person. When i try talking to Abbah, he didn't even give a chance to talk. That's why i moved to your house as well, even though i was angry at you too but it was better than staying here and facing mamy, Abbah and yaya Khalid." Khairat narrated who is already sobered.
"I am sorry for asking that stupid question and ruining today for us, but i will always be sorry for judging Lawisa, i wished i was as strong as you're." Khadijah apologized holding her sister's hand, who they all thought was putting on a tantrums for being spoiled and stubborn then, but she was the only one who saw what they couldn't see.
"Is ok, Ayyah. I just hope she come back home one day before it get late. Let's talk about something else. Why did you left your children and husband behide and come here?"
"Well, you knew men from our social circle, they are always taking the next flight to another country. And i didn't left them my kids, they are with their aunty and grandma not with housemaid, And did you have a fight with your husband because that will be the only reason you will be here for two days, uhmm?" Khadijah asked with a smug smile.
"Ayyah, you love to gossip a times, Faruk travelled to Paris for his new clothing collection, and i wasn't able to go with him because of lulu, you knew she can't travel on flight until she a year old or so. I just hope it won't be a problem for her."
"Oh it won't be, In sha Allah. Tell your husband to bring a brand perfume for me."
"I well sure tell him that." They get engrossed into the conversation and Khalid has left already feeling worst.
"Feenah is turning into a stubborn teenage girl, I don't know what to do with her, wallahi. I caught her sneaking out the other day at night, I was thinking of bringing her to live here with Mamy, she has too many friends there and they are all bad influence on her."
"Ayyah, I know Feenah very well to know that, if you bring her to live here, she will said you abandoned her, besides she is just fourteen, you just have to have one of those long and understanding talk you used to have with me, she will understand as well, I was more stubborn than she is, there is nothing to worry, Ayyah. It just her age." They both smiled at the old momeries as they get engrossed in their talk.