And whispering in your little ear.
Mary - I'm not your mother but, I'll sing very softly for you to sleep...
He sang a lullaby for a few minutes and soon he slept, despite missing his mother, he was tired. Mary with that little boy there in her care remembered the three nephews who most likely must not have been as lucky as that little boy to be alive. And it hurt so much to remember, her nephews, her sisters… her parents, they must all have been infected.
-I have to give you a name boy... I like Victor, but I also like Davy. Your name will be Victor Davy, you deserve two names after all you've been through.
She says looking at him sleeping so quietly that it didn't even look the same as it did minutes ago.
She laid him down and stayed awake watching her sleep, she kept thinking about that farm so close. Who should live in it? it seemed like a safe and resourceful place...but what if they are cruel men? It was better to stay away and only invade when hunger forced them.
"Sooner or later we're going to have to get food."
Two days were enough for Mary's canned food to run out and the two of them had nothing left but river water they needed to boil to drink. She tried to fish, but she had no luck, she would have to take desperate measures or they would both starve, she was already used to that, but the little one she wouldn't be able to leave without food.
He needed to think about how to get into that farm so protected, it was already early afternoon.
She put on her cloak and was going to leave the boy inside the trailer was too risky to take him and she would certainly need to be quick when she got inside that picket fence put him to sleep and blocked the exit. She would do anything to get back very quickly and not make him desperate with her absence, but either she could get food or soon they would both die.
"Please boy, don't wake up before I can go back...please!"
She ran carrying only a knife to defend herself, the beast she used to hunt was too heavy, if she needed to run from there it would delay her. She was thin and managed to get through a gap in the picket fence...she was alert for any leaf that fell to the ground.
He passed through the cornfield and filled the bags he was carrying and was happy with that meal he would take for the two of them, he heard footsteps inside the plantation and was terrified.
"Can't find me here."
He passed through the cornfield and filled the bags he was carrying, heard footsteps inside the plantation, and was terrified. He ran out and dropped one of the bags through the same gap where he came in.
Jason saw that figure wearing a dark cloak steal from him and run into the bush, but he knew that sooner or later he would come back because hunger always returns.
Mary arrived at the trailer much faster than she imagined, she only brought three ears of corn because most of what she had caught, was left in the bag that fell.
Mary - So much risk to come back with almost nothing in hand!
Victor Davy luckily hadn't woken up yet... he put the corn on a skewer for her, cut the kernels, and cooked it in a bowl for the little one and as soon as the boy woke up, they ate desperately and happily.
When night came again the boy only slept after hearing her sing, he still called a lot for his mother and this was the only way to calm him down at nightfall.
Victor Davy - Mom?
Mary - I'm not your mother, but I promise I'll take care of you as if I were! Now sleep!
A few meters away...
Before sleeping Jason thought about that robbery, he was always generous even though he wanted to preserve his solitude. He felt angry with that crook, after all asking is not wrong...ugly is stealing.
Jason - He'll be hungry again, don't knock on the door just once...and I'll be waiting!
He said already planning a good punishment for that thief.