"Hey love birds! Up for a movie?!" Brett shouted from across the garden. We both looked at each other and made our way into his home. We sat in the living room ready to watch the film. Flora and Brett sat together and every now and then he would try to put his arm around her. She would just shift away or slap his hand while scolding him. The more I looked at them together the more I wished they would date. I felt sorry for Angelo he probably really likes her, you could see by the hurt on his face when he watched them together. Maybe I should talk to him.
Towards the end of the movies Thorn fell asleep on my lap and it was the cutest thing ever. I just wanted to hug him forever. I took off his glasses realising how uncomfortable it might be sleeping with them on. I searched around the room for any sleeping bodies. Everyone was asleep except for Flora. She cuddled up with Brett and typed away on her phone. Flora was pretty popular so I wouldn't be surprised if people were constantly texting her, asking what she's up to or if she wanted to hang.
"You guys are cute." I told her hoping that maybe this time we could actually and be proper friends that talk. See quickly glanced at me then back at her phone. I sighed "Can we at least talk Flora? I don't know why you hate me."
She switched off her phone then rolled her eyes. "I don't hate you."
"Then why don't you talk to me?"
"Because I just...because I'm jealous of you."
"Your jealous...of me?" I asked finding it hard to believe that someone like Flora is jealous of me. She nodded her head, looking away.
"So you don't talk to me because your jealous of me?"
"Well every time you talk to me I always realise how much I want to be like you. I always get angry that I can't so I guess I just tend to rub it on you." Wow this was unexpected. It was actually childish coming from her but I'd never admit that. I had a feeling she was lying anyway. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm quite stubborn."
"Oh I've noticed."
"Its hard for me to really become friends with someone easily especially, if I'm jealous of them."
"Don't you think that's selfish?"
"Yeah I've been trying to work on it." Flora spoke lowly.
"But how do you have so many friends?"
"Those aren't my friends, their just fellow worthless pupils I socialise with." She stated simply.
"Oh wow..." I fake laughed then silence fell upon us. "So can we be cool Flora?"
She gave me a small smile with her drowsy eyes. "Yeah we're cool..." Her tired lids finally shut. She was lying but it was okay, she didn't need to like me. Not everyone one you meet will like you. I guess its just one of those things you have to deal with.
I woke up to the sound of people arguing. My eyes fluttered open and I looked to my right where the kitchen was. "Brett give me my bloody phone!"
"No I will not give you your bloody phone. I have to delete all these guys contacts. I should be the only one on your phone."
I was so tired that my hearing wasn't even straight, my arms and my legs were weak too. I was just too tired to even care about their usual fighting or should I say flirting, wink, win-Ah! Even my mental eyes are tired.
Thorn walked into the room with his phone on his ear. "Yeah okay, just please mom?" he went quiet. "Okay thank you." He dropped the phone and beamed when he saw me, so he walked over. He placed himself on the grey couch then took some of my blanket then covered himself too. "Hey beautiful, how was your sleep?" Thorn put his arm around me and pulled me closer.
"I uhm...I'm still a bit tired, a lot tired actually."
"Don't worry my mom's gonna pick us up anyways since we came with our bikes. You can get more sleep at home as soon as she gets you there safely." My heart quickened at the sound of meeting his mom for the first time. I became stiff and he could feel it from his touch.
"Hey its okay, she is nice once you get to know her." He smiled at me trying to calm me by rubbing my back.
"Okay." I gave him a nod. "Where's Angelo?" I suddenly realised the ever so distant boy wasn't in the room.
"He left already." Brett interrupted.
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah he's Angelo he's always fine. Why?" Brett chewed on a chocolate bar.
"Nothing, just checking you know."
"Rose tell me when your mom gets here." I went back to catching up on sleep.
"Who's Rose?" Flora asked as she grabbed the chocolate from Brett's hand, which earned her a glare.
"Thorn is." I said simply as I closed my eyes and smiled at the memory of last night.
Brett let out a massive laugh "She calls you Rose?"
"Dude its not funny." Thorn tried not to catch his contagious laugh.
After that I was gone, dead, dreaming, asleep, hopefully for life...actually not really.