I started sketching a new picture of two friends on swings attached to an autumn tree. Pleasure washed over me thinking of my day with Thorn. Every time I was with him I always had to find someway to compose myself from ferociously hugging him to death. His big green eyes that hid behind his spectacles always made his gaze more animated.
It was late at night and my usual self was doing something creative. Sometimes when an idea pops up in my head I don't hesitate to take it down because I have a memory of a goldfish.
After I had finished my sketch, it was hard to sleep, so I decided to watch the night sky just like all my sleepless nights. Most of my drawings always had some aspect of space in them, normally it would be the moon. I looked at the sparkling sky as the moonlight shone above. The moon was probably my favourite thing ever. It just always seemed to hypnotise me when it appeared.
Suddenly I heard a sound from outside my room. Everyone in the house was asleep around this time. The thought of someone else in our home sent shivers through my body. Then I realised everyone was probably asleep ACCEPT for Gambo. I calmed down knowing that this was my brothers usual routine.
I slowly opened my door and searched for his presence. As soon as I caught his figure almost reaching for the front door I spoke.
"Ina kake?"
"Where are you going?" I asked softly trying my best not to startle him, but I failed.
He turned to face me then I heard his voice."Babu wani daga cikin kasuwancinku."
"Non of your business." It was dark so I couldn't really tell the expression on his face but I could only imagine.
"Ina kawai neman dan'uwanka."
"I'm just trying to look out for you brother." I assured him.
"I'm not your brother." I sighed as soon as the door closed softly. He left the house leaving the dark all to myself. I quickly went to my room afraid of the things that lurk in the darkness.
As soon as I was engulfed by my duvet my thoughts trained to Gambo. I wish we had a stronger bond. I wanted to be closer to my brother even though he used a childish comment that kind of hit me right there. "I'm not your brother." Wow like who still says that? Apparently Gambo, which was really immature of him by the way. I wish we could be the perfect brother and sister that enjoyed each others company. But I guess with Gambo acting the way he does it would never happen. I just wish I knew where he went at night and why he does.
Today was a long day. I woke up to my parents arguing, which pained me to see, so I had to get out of there as quick as possible. My parents hardly argue so I wondered what the fuss was about. Its probably nothing serious.
Flora still didn't talk to me but I was determined to make that change. I tried starting a short conversation with her but she would just look at me and not say anything.
Mrs Rich our pathetic art teacher assigned for us to do some project. I say pathetic because I didn't even know what she did was considered art. We had to make an artwork about what makes us feel happy and so far I had no clue what I was going to do.
Today at lunch I spilt orange juice on myself, but that's not the worst of what happened to me. I tripped in the hallways in front of every one, I was so annoyed. But ridding back home with Thorn was something that always made my day.
Now I was currently waiting for Thorn to come over so we could go to Brett's house. I had already asked my parents and they approved, but they were a bit hesitant at first. Just as I finished packing my clothes in my bag, my phone buzzed. Obviously expecting Thorn I checked and I was correct.
Thorn: Hey Daza I'm outside
Me: Okay I'll be right down
I walked out the house after saying by to my family. Thorn was standing there looking cute as always. The calm wind blew his dark hair perfectly and the sun radiated on his perfect freckled covered face. "Hey beautiful." He said causing me to heat up.
"Uh beautiful?"
"Well aren't you?" He looked confused.
"Well I don't know..." I said and walked towards my bike trying to not look at him.
"Wait you don't think your beautiful?" He followed behind me.
"Not necessarily." I got on my bike still avoiding eye contact.
"Wow, do you even own a mirror?" He moved in front of my bike and stared at me like I was crazy.
"Yes I do, now can we go?" I looked up at him. Thorn gazed at me weirdly and looked as if he were about to say something but brushed it off. He got on his blue transportation and we were off to Brett's.
I didn't even want to try to think about what Thorn said or I'd bump into something.
Fifteen minutes later we were in the Conor household waiting for Flora to arrive.
"Where is she? She's always late." Brett said frustrated.
"Just wait she'll come, she always does." Angelo said.
"No I want to see her now." Brett started texting away probably to Flora.
"Dude why are you so worked up its not like she's attending your wedding?" Thorn chuckled at him and Brett sent daggers back.
"Unless she's the Bride." I blurted out casually eating some Mentos. Brett looked shocked to hear that come out of my mouth but soon glared at me. A few seconds later the sound of the door bell was heard and Flora was squashed by Brett's bear hug. "What's up with you?" She tried squeezing out.
"Uhm...nothing I just miss you." He said scratching the back of his neck.
"You saw me earlier?" She looked at him curiously as she made her way in my direction. Still ignoring my presence she placed the snacks on the kitchen counter.
I really need to fix this with her because I didn't want my whole night to turn out this way.