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Chapter 5


I was seated at my now usual lunch table. Brett and Flora were arguing as usual and Angelo and Thorn talking about something nerdy, I assume. I sat there admiring watching everyone and a smile spread across my face. Being around these people made me smile.

I had been hanging out with them for quite a while now. Although Flora and I don't really talk much. She always gave me these looks and anytime we did talk she would try to end the conversation really quickly. I don't know sometimes I think she doesn't like me or maybe I'm just over thinking it. Brett really likes her though. You can tell by the way he looks at her or every time he talks about her.

Even though they fight a lot its nothing serious, its actually cute. Angelo seems like he likes Flora too although I'm not so sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, I mean she is the definition of beautiful. Her dark hair and hazel eyes compliment her light skin. Her plump lips and big eyes were her most attractive features. 

I started to wander if Thorn liked her too but I wouldn't be surprised nor care...would I? Thorn...just thinking of him makes my heart swell. He's so nice to me, all of them are.

"Daza." I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes?"

"Are you coming?" Thorn asked.

"I'm sorry, to where?" I was so zoned out I wasn't even paying attention to what they were saying.

"To my place. Its just a hang out you know, bonfire, smores, movies." Brett said.

"Oh, sure." I gave them a smile.


The wind blew in my face as I rode down the bricked walk way with Thorn by my side. I took in the smell of the autumn air. We were both quiet as we felt the rushing wind against our skins. I felt calm as always when I was with Thorn, he made me feel at ease. We passed by a park and I had an eager to approach it. "Thorn." He looked at me and I nodded my head towards the park. Getting the message he smiled and followed behind me as we rode our bicycles.

We went to the play ground area and sat on the old swings. "Do you still have your sketch book?" Thorn asked. "Yeah." I answered.

"Can I see it?" He asked hesitatingly. I didn't know if I should show it to him although he has seen it before, this book is kind of personal. But this was Thorn I was talking about, he's harmless. He did say I was talented. That reminded me of the first time I met him, the memory made me smile. Without hesitation I handed it to him. He started paging through it and came across a drawing of two people sitting on the moon, eating ice cream while watching falling flowers. I couldn't really describe the expression on his face. Thorn looked at me then smiled and I returned the smile. I didn't know why he was smiling but okay. He continued to flip through the pages, smiling at each drawing as he did so. It was as if he understood each sketch, which is odd because no one really understands my art. So I doubt he did. I guess that's the reason why its personal, I am too afraid of people criticising it.

"What do they mean?" He finally spoke gazing at me.

I smiled "Adventure, beauty, love and life." I answered.

"Their amazing." I blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you. You know your the only person who has said that about my drawings." I said honestly.

His eyes widened "Why?" I am starting to think that's his favourite word.

"I don't know, people think its...odd"

"I don't think its odd. I think its what you say it is...beauty." Thorn pushed up the bridge of his gold frames. I smiled at him and he returned one back.

We decided to move and sit under the large tree full of reds, oranges and the sun illuminating through them.

I was explaining to Thorn the meaning behind each if my drawings. "And this one?" He pointed to a drawing where roses were growing forcefully out of a girls skin. Her hair was full of roses and her face was emotionless. Each vine spread around her arms and the red flowers decorating them.

"The roses represent the beauty the grows from within her. It's basically trying to show that she is now showing the world that what's inside it more important." I explained.

"Wow." He said staring intensely at me. He then continued flipping while I explained. "A lot of your drawings have this girl." He opened on the last drawing I did of my imaginary best friend and I on the boat. "Was she your friend?" Do I really have to tell him she isn't real, that I am so lonely I created an imaginary friend?

"She's my best friend." I cringed, regretting what I said.

"I thought you didn't have friends?" Thorn looked at me curiously. I looked away from his gaze already feeling overwhelmed. Now he was gonna really think I was weird.

"I-I don't have friends...she's made up." I looked away feeling discomfort.

"She's made up?" Was he deaf? Because I didn't feel like repeating myself.


"Why?" There he goes again with that word.

I was on the horns of a dilemma before I answered "I created her for comfort. I have an exquisite  imagination so why not put it to use right? Considering the fact that I'm lonely."

"Your not lonely anymore. You have me." He twinkled with reassurance. Sometimes I wandered if he's friends with me because I don't have any. That would make me feel awful and needy.

"Are you okay?" Thorn noticed my upset face.

"Yeah I'm...fine." I gave him a small quick smile.

"You wanna go home? Its getting pretty late, I don't want to upset your mom again." He spoke.

"We probably should. I don't want to get my bottom beat." I chuckled trying to get rid of the thick atmosphere. We pedaled back home just as the sun was setting.

"So what's your friends name?" Thorn asked.

"Riley." I smiled at myself just thinking off what she would be like if she were real.

"So, do you like, talk to her or something?" I cringed at his question.

"No I don't, I'm not 5. She's fictional more like a character."

"From what I've seen she's pretty cool." He looked over at me and grinned. I kind of felt childish, now that someone else knew about her. It just sounded stupid when someone else talked about her.

"Well she's not as cool as you." I told him. He blushed at my compliment making me feel somewhat lighter.

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