I couldn't believe Thorn's mom doesn't like me. From the way she looked at me, to the tension she brought. Was I that bad? The way she acted towards me made me feel horrible, like I didn't deserve to be friends with her son. I felt sick. Then Gambo decided to return from another night out, I felt worse. Whatever he was doing, it was ruining his life.
After I woke up from a long nap I continued my sketch for my art class. It was a pencil sketch with hints of blue here and there, and a yellow rose. Art was always been a part of me and it always will. I don't know what I'd do without it. I had a desk section in my room where I worked what I'd like to call my magic. It was the only messy part of my room. The rest was neat and organised. Above my desk was a portrait of Riley. Her eyes were a deep sea blue, her cheeks a light flushed pink and her hair a pitch black. Although Riley wasn't real she was my comfort but I guess Thorn had replaced her.
"HADAZA!" My dad called from downstairs and I quickly went down.
"Yes papa?"
"Za ku iya samun minina na
musamman daga ofishina?"
"Can you get me my briefcase from my office?"
"Okay." I entered into his office and checked next to his desk were he usually kept it, but it wasn't there. So I decided to check in the closet. It was under his coats on top of the box of albums. I grabbed the case and handed it to him.
"Me yasa za ku yi aiki a ranar Lahadi?"
"Why are you going to work on Sunday?"
"We are just going over this project and doing some final touches. I'll be back soon okay?" He unlocked the door.
"Oh I'll pick up your mom from church too." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left. I went back upstairs to get the album box I hadn't seen in ages. I sat down on the floor with the box in front of me and I took out the three albums. I started scanning through them, looking at some wedding photos of my parents and baby pictures. Since we moved to California my family is all the way in Nigeria. We'd and visit them every year during Christmas time or when someone had passed. Looking at the pictures of my uncles and aunts when they were young made me miss my place of origin. I started noticing my aunt who had passed on my day of birth. She was always next to my mother. Its almost like they were twins except my mom was three years older than her. I had an idea of a drawing I wanted to do of them, so I decided to take a picture.
I stood with Thorn by his locker as he grabbed his stuff. "You know...a very special day is coming up soon..." I said.
"And what might that be?" He looked tired, like he hadn't slept all night. His hair was messy and his eyes were drowsy. His now pale face made his usual flushed cheeks stand out more and his freckles darkened.
"Hey what's wrong? You look sick. Are you okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder and he gave me a small smile but it wasn't the usual smile I enjoyed seeing, it was not the usual smile Thorn gave me. It was tired and defeated.
"Nothing. Now what's so what's this special day?" He tried to change the subject and I could see he wasn't in the mood so I didn't want to push it, and ask questions.
"Okay uhm...its my birthday." He suddenly stopped and just stood completely still and stared at me. Might I say he was quite surprised, you could tell from his wide eyes and the shock written all over.
"Yeah its my birthday next week." I smiled from his surprised face.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner I would have had more time to get you a gift?" He panicked.
"Relax there's still a lot of time."
"I'm not really good at giving present so I need more than a week to get you one."
"I'm sure I'll like it, plus it doesn't have to be anything special I mean you don't even have to get me anything." I reassured him. I didn't like it when people put them sleeves under pressure to get someone a gift.
"A special person deserves a special gift." I blushed and looked away. I don't even think you can consider it a blush due to my dark skin. I probably looked like a crazy smiling person. He made me look at him and I was flourished by the intensity in his eyes.
"You deserve a special gift and I promise I will give it to you."