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Chapter 9: She has a painful childhood

I went to shower and dressed for work. I locked my door, got into the lift and soon, I reached the entrance of Ville Residence exactly at 7:30am.

I told myself that if Jeremy wasn’t at the entrance as what he said, I would only wait for five minutes before I walked to the bus terminal.

However, he was waiting for me in his car at the entrance. He was beaming and grinning with satisfaction. I could only greeted him “Good morning” while cursing him in my heart, and he replied happily “Same to you.”

Jeremy unlocked the door and I got on his car. As soon as I buckled up, he stepped on the accelerator. “Okay, where shall we go for breakfast?” Jeremy asked.

Huh? I wanted to be in the office ASAP, best that I would go into the office alone. I do not wish to be seen with him. I answered hastily, “Best that I clock-in first, then I will have a simple breakfast at the pantry. I don’t want to be late.” I tried to give him my best excuse that I could think of at that very moment.

Jeremy noticed that Rachel was trying to avoid having breakfast with him.

“Why can’t we have breakfast before clocking-in? We won’t be late. Okay? Don’t refuse me, please. Where do you usually have your breakfast?” I responded as I gazed at Rachel.

Rachel on the other hand was getting annoyed with Jeremy.

He kept going on about breakfast, “Come on! Let‘s have breakfast. I am hungry now. I have the habit of having breakfast otherwise, I don’t have strength to work.” I couldn’t stand his nagging and I replied, “Okay, okay. We will have breakfast at the café near to our office. I have my breakfast there every morning.”

Jeremy smiled with satisfaction of being able to convince Rachel to have breakfast with him.

“Tell me which café is that?” I asked enthusiastically. She glared at me and said, “I will tell you when we reach the area.” Silence followed after that statement, she kept quiet again.

As I turned into the area near Rectitude Development, Rachel spoke as she pointed to a café, “That’s the café.” It was the typical Chinese coffee shop or the local would call it ‘Kopitiam’ in Hokkien Chinese dialect. I looked for a parking spot, and we were in the luck as I found one spot right in front of the café.

We were greeted by an uncle in his sixties, “Good morning Ms Rachel. Usual order?” Rachel replied with a smile, “Yes, Uncle Lim. Jeremy, how about you? What do you like to order?”

Oh, he is Uncle Lim. Rachel seemed to be quite familiar with him.

Rachel walked in front of me to a table at a corner which I believed was her favourite table and corner. She seemed to prefer corner tables, that what I observed. Soon, we both sat down while Uncle Lim waited on for my order. I asked about the type of food they sell and then, I ordered toasts, coffee and eggs.

Rachel thought while glaring at him,

Huh? He ordered the same as mine. Copying me? Hey! He didn’t know what my ‘usual order’ is? Uncle Lim didn’t mention any details moments ago. Nah! That could be a mere coincidence.

Moments later, Uncle Lim came and put the food down on the table, Jeremy was surprised to see two sets of toast, two sets of boil eggs and two cups of black coffee.

I looked at Rachel and smiled. It seemed that both of us have the same likeness in food such as from Japanese food to simple toast, eggs and coffee.

“Rachel, I didn’t know that your usual is the same as mine. We do have many things in common, don’t you agree?” I gazed at Rachel as I spoke. She just nodded and gave me a faint “hmm”.

As we are finishing our breakfast, Rachel took a glance on the big clock on the wall. It is 8:10am.

Unconsciously, I spoke it out loudly, “It is 8:10am. I don’t want to be late.” In fact, I was talking to myself but Jeremy heard it.

He chuckled and said, “Rachel, you worry too much! We will make it in time.” In fact, I was worried for another thing. I didn’t want to be seen with Jeremy by other colleagues as we walked in the office.

“Rachel, I know that you are worried of what others think of us. Ignore them.” Jeremy continued.

I glanced at him and replied abruptly, “I can’t ignore them. They would not bother you because you are the boss. I am surrounded by them during office hours. I think the ideal way to avoid their eyes is for you to drop me off a block away so that I would walk to the main entrance as usual while you drive to the car park. In this way, no one will see us coming to work in the same car. I want to avoid gossips as much as possible.”

Jeremy was stunned,

Huh? She was thoughtful of ways to avoid gossips. I could sense her anxiety in her voice, thus, I answered abruptly, “Okay, okay.”

At that moment, I lifted my hand to wave to Uncle Lim as I wanted to make payment. After payment done, we both stood up and walked to my car.

Soon, I started the engine and asked, “Where do you want me to drop you off?” I was quite unhappy to do such a silly thing. I told myself that this is the first and last time I drop her off as she wanted.

I did what she requested. Rachel got off my car at the spot she requested and without saying anything, I drove away towards the company. I didn’t show any reaction because I was in fact, angry with Rachel. Yet, I didn’t want her to notice my anger.

Rachel insisted Jeremy to agree to her request,

Jeremy dropped me off a block away from the office, and then, he drove off without saying anything. I could sense that he wasn’t in a good mood. However, I have to hurry before being late for work.

I quickened my pace and soon, I reached the office in time to clock-in. After clocking-in, I saw Jeremy walking towards his office.

It seemed that he was oblivion to my presence, and I quickly went to my workstation pretending that I didn’t see him.

Time to work, I told myself. Blush it off, and get ready for work. Time in the office seem to flow fast with the work loads, and soon it was almost 11:00pm.

I was immersed in my own work and I didn’t even noticed that Jeremy had been in his office the whole day. I was glad that I had a peaceful day of engrossment in my work, even no one bothered me during lunch break. I had a cup of noodles plus biscuits to satisfy my hunger, and continued with my work peacefully.

Just as I am getting ready to leave around 11:00pm, Jeremy walked out of his office. Astonished, I thought he had left. “Rachel, time to go now. Are you hungry? Let’s go for dinner and then, I will send you home?”

Jeremy uttered as soon as he saw me. “Jeremy, I am sorry. I would like to go home as soon as possible, I am tired.” I replied.

“I know that you are hungry, you did not have your dinner at all, not even a piece of biscuit”, Jeremy continued. How did he know that I didn’t have my dinner? Has he been spying at me?

Jeremy gazed at Rachel,

“You told me that we can chat more after office hours, I think this is the time we can chat. Don’t worry, I will only take up an hour of your time; and then, I will send you home. Don’t decline me for the dinner and the ride home, please.”

Rachel can’t say NO anymore.

Rachel on the other hand was cursing Jeremy,

This man! I felt like smacking Jeremy’s head. Regret for what I did, I lazily responded, “Okay, lead the way.”

We went to Olive Restaurant again, and this time, I told Jeremy that I would like to order. I order simple food in smaller portions, and I mumbled to myself, ‘Ain’t going to eat too full, otherwise I can’t sleep.’

Jeremy heard Rachel’s mumbling,

“Rachel, you are too skinny. You need to gain weight, otherwise, you might fly away during a storm”, I said cheekily. I am trying to start our conversations with a joke, but from Rachel’s facial expression, I don’t think she was impressed with my joke.

“Rachel, that’s a bad joke, right? Sorry, I am just trying to make a conversation here. Tell me of your background, maybe about your family even your childhood.” I continued.

Rachel was cursing him in my mind,

You are pushy! Irritation started to crawl up my head. Alright, I better share something to feed his curiosity before he continued to nag.

“I am from Miri, Sarawak. Spent seventeen years there, finished my secondary education there. Then, came here to work,” I briefly shared.

Jeremy waited excitedly to hear Rachel’s story but that was too brief.

“How about your family? How many siblings do you have? And so forth.” Jeremy was eager to know.

‘What is wrong with her? Why can she tell me more about herself?’

Rachel forced a smile and responded hesitantly,

“I was raised by my maternal granny. It had always been her at my side. I never knew my granddad because he passed away when my mother was only ten years old.” I went silent after that.

Jeremy gave me a sympathetic gaze. I bet his mind was full of questions, and I was right.

“How about your parents?” he asked softly. I paused and tried to hold back my frustrations before I continued. I wanted to stop talking but I knew that he won’t stop until I feed his curiosity. I took a deep breath and continued.

“My parents met while my mother worked in Kuala Lumpur, and my mother went home to give birth to me, then left me with my granny. She continued her life here with my father, never once did they visited me since I was born.”

Tears are welling up in my eyes, I got to stop. I couldn’t continue with my story, “I am sorry Jeremy. Best that I don’t talk about them.”

I excused myself and hurried to the washroom.

Astonished, Jeremy gazed at Rachel as she walked away,

Poor Rachel, she must had a painful childhood. I felt sorry for bringing up such pain of hers.

Minutes later, Rachel returned to her seat,

I quickly apologised, “I am sorry Rachel, I shouldn’t have pester you to talk about your family.” I’ve got the answer that I need to the reason why was she so secretive of her background.

“Thank you for your understanding, Jeremy. However, please keep it to yourself. I never tell anyone at far, except you.” Rachel try to smile as she spoke.

Gazing at her, I spoke “Let’s eat before the food turned cold.” She nodded and we continue to eat our food quietly.

After dinner, I offered to send Rachel home. Surprisingly Rachel accepted without any fuss. Good girl! I thought to myself.

Rachel didn’t speak much while seated in Jeremy’s car.

My mood was considered bad but I knew that I should not let it affect Jeremy. It had nothing to do with him. I calmed myself down, and pondered on what topic to talk?

Suddenly, I remembered his reaction this morning. I was puzzled with his reaction as he dropped me off a block away from the office. However, I was too busy to ponder on it the whole day; and had forgotten about it.

I broke the silence, “Jeremy, were you angry with me this morning?”

Jeremy turned, looked at me and asked, “Huh? This morning? What was it about?”

Rachel continued, “Because I wanted you to drop me off a block away from the office, so that we would walk in the office at a different time and without being seen by others. You were angry, weren’t you?”

At the same moment, Jeremy stopped his car as the traffic lights turned red,

Upon hearing Rachel, I turned and gazed at Rachel. Alright! Since she brought it up, I would tell her how I felt this morning? “Yes, I was angry. Why are you worried with what others think of us? Gossipers will gossip about anything, no matter good or bad. So why do you need to be bothered. Since we are friends, who cares about what others think of us?”

Rachel was stunned with Jeremy’s straight forwardness.

Even though he has his points but I have my reasons. “You are right, but it bothered me still. I couldn’t stand those gossipers being on my back at all times.”

I responded and further explained, “Jeremy, I am sorry for making you angry. You may think what I requested this morning was silly but I thought it was necessary to avoid more gossips.”

Jeremy, after hearing Rachel’s explanation,

I gave in to her reasoning and said, “It’s alright. I am no longer angry. I just wanted to tell you that I strongly disagree with your request this morning.” Rachel and I both looked at one another. Suddenly, both of us laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked Rachel.

She chuckled and said, “Because we are equally stubborn with our own reason.”

Then, the traffic lights turn green and I exited the section to Ville Residence.

Upon reaching Ville Residence, Rachel didn’t stop Jeremy from sending her to her unit.

As I reached my unit at Level 18, I turned to speak, “Thank you Jeremy for the meal and ride. Appreciate it.”

However, before Jeremy could respond, someone opened the main door and a half-naked man came out, trying to zip his pants and wear his shirt. He was followed by Ashley, my house-mate.

“Oh, Rachel. Working late again?” Ashley exclaimed and she landed her gaze at Jeremy, “Wow! Who is this handsome man, Rachel? Are you following my footstep by bringing a man home to your bed? Huh? Improvement Rachel.” she teased.

I was so disgusted by her. “Stop the nonsense! He is my colleague, and he is sending me home. That’s it!” I snapped at her.

Right at that moment, her boyfriend advanced towards me, “Pretty girl, if he won’t accompany you, let me join you in bed tonight.”

Instantly, Jeremy pushed him away, and shouted “Get lost! Stay away from her!” Jeremy then gazed at me worriedly and said, “Go to your room now. Lock your door. I will call you later.” I obediently and hastily went into the unit, then straight to my room and locked as well as bolted my door.

Jeremy turned and walked away after seeing Rachel safely in her room.

My mood was greatly affected by that couple. What a place to stay?! That was no sense of security at all. Her house-mate brought her boyfriend home, and even tried to flirt with Rachel. I am going to have a serious talk with her about a proper place with good security to stay rather than this insecure place.

In Rachel’s room,

After I double-locked the door behind me, I put my laptop bag and handbag on my desk. I was exhausted and really in need of a shower, but I dare not go out. I needed to wait until Ashley’s boyfriend left the unit. I could hear them talking still at the main door.

Suddenly I remembered that Jeremy said that he would call me. Wait a minute! When did I give him my phone number?

Exactly at that moment, my phone rang and I had no idea who was the caller?

However, my guess was that should be Jeremy. I answered and I was right, I could hear Jeremy’s voice. I could not help but asked, “I don’t remember giving my phone number to you.”

“You didn’t. Remember that we have the contact list of all our employees from HR Department?” Jeremy answered.

Jeremy smiled and thought to himself.

Of course, I had your contact number even before I arrived Kuala Lumpur.

“Oh, alright.” Rachel answered abruptly.

“ Are you safe now?” I asked Rachel anxiously.

“Yes, I have double-locked my door. Thank you for your concern” Rachel replied.

I felt bad that my boss had to worry for me. Later, we bid goodbye and when I was about to hang up the call, Jeremy said, “Save my phone number, so that you can contact me in future. You don’t have to intercom me, and you can always message me if you need anything.”

I was astonished and I couldn’t say much except only to utter a reply “Eh, okay.”

After hanging up the call, Jeremy continued his driving home.

My thoughts were on Rachel’s family background. I couldn’t believe that her mother abandoned her with her granny right after her birth, and her mother never came back to visit her or to bring her home. Sad to know that there were such heartless people in this world.

I understood why my parents are extremely fond of Rachel. Due to her family background, she matured earlier and determined to be someone in her life.

I admired her determination, yet she maintained her own principles of life. She has good working attitudes, teachable and willing to learn as what dad told me.

As I pondered on her characteristics, I began to smile to myself. I am being drawn to her.

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