When lunch hour was over, all the staff were coming back but Jeremy was nowhere to be seen. I was almost starving by now.
Then, I heard John and Shirley greeted,
“Good afternoon Mr Jeremy”.
I quickly glanced at him, and tried to hint him by pointing to the right which was the direction to the pantry with a pen as I would like to avoid the gossipers’ curiosity.
However, he was oblivion to my hint. He came directly to my workstation, put the food container on my desk and said,
“Sorry for the delay. Enjoy your lunch.”
Then, I felt that the whole world was eyeing me at that very moment. I was extremely embarrassed and responded with a faint
“Thank you”.
He gazed at me and smiled, before turning to walk to his office which was nearby.
I promptly took the food container and hurried to the pantry before anyone started to question me.
I was right with the onlookers.
John and Shirley immediately followed me from behind while the rest were whispering and laughing at me.
John : “Rachel, why did he buy you lunch? This is his second day in the company, and he is already buying lunch for you. Something is going on, right?”
Shirley : “Come on girl. Tell us the story. The dinner last night did turn out good, right?”
I : “Please stop! There is no such thing. Stop pestering me. I need to eat, I am famished.”
Both John and Shirley continued to pester me for information, I ignored them and chased them away.
Suddenly, Mr Aaron appeared at the pantry. “Excuse me, what is going on?” He asked.
John and Shirley quickly smiled and shook the heads before walking briskly to the workstations.
Mr Aaron smiled to me and walked away. I was quietly thankful for his help to get rid of those two. Whee!
After my quick lunch, I went back to my desk obviously oblivion of the gazes of John and Shirley.
I immersed into my work almost immediately.
An hour later, we were called for a meeting by the new Director. Unwillingly to leave my work, I went with my colleagues to the meeting which were mainly for HR & Administrative Department.
When I entered the meeting room, Jeremy called out to me,
“Rachel, sit here” while pointing to the seat next to his.
I was dumbfounded, and worse, those ‘hungry gossipers’ were eyeing me as if to tell me ‘Nah, got ya! We knew it!’.
I smiled and said, “I prefer to sit here” as I pointed to a seat near the door. I could hear whispers around me, I dare not look at anyone at that moment.
Jeremy frowned, “This seat, as I needed your assistance with my laptop later.”
He pointed to the same again.
Assisting him? I have no idea how to assist him as he didn’t tell me earlier.
I was feeling apprehensive and anxious, what if I make a mistake while helping him.
He might think that I am the dumbest in the office. Shouldn’t he hire a secretary to assist him?
Jeremy thought to himself. I have been planning since last night to make Rachel my secretary with immediate effect.
It’s time to test her ability.
Rachel sat down next to him, he turned and whispered, “Did you enjoy your lunch? I hope that you are no longer angry with the noodle cup matter.”
Gosh! Luckily, he didn’t say that out loud. I believe that I am the only one that hear him.
I smiled without answering his question, hoping that others will not take note of his question.
Jeremy went on the meeting to confirm the frame work of the new office system, and requesting every one of us to compile our latest job scopes, with every details spelt out for him to develop the new system.
The meeting was brief and short, and we were out of the meeting room within twenty minutes.
My team and I began to like the meeting he chaired, short and simple, straight to the point. That’s what we liked.
Jeremy called out to me while I was walking out of the meeting room, “Rachel, please wait”.
Every head turned around and stared at me.
I quickly turned and walked towards Jeremy to avoid the eye contacts of the ‘office Paparazzi’.
Oh my goodness! I asked him while holding back my annoyance, “Yes?”
“Please help me to come out with the minutes of meeting for our first meeting held yesterday as well as today.”
Jeremy replied and smiled to himself.
It’s time to see her ability and capability.
“Both meetings are considered briefing, there won’t be much to write. However, I do need your slides in your presentation for yesterday and today as points for the minutes.” Rachel responded promptly.
I smiled, “Okay, no problem. I will email you. I need the minutes ASAP.”
She sounded confident, that’s what I liked about her.
The more opportunities I have to work with her, I more I get to know her personally.
Rachel turned around, frowned and bit her lips upon hearing the word ASAP.
As soon as I arrived at my desk, an email notification poked up on my screen.
Email from Jeremy.
Wow! That’s show the level of urgency he needed the minutes of meeting.
No choice! I have to push my existing work aside and zoom straight into the minutes of meeting.
“Rachel, I think you owe us an explanation.” exclaimed John and Shirley in unison, followed by others who showed me their curiosity face.
“I don’t have anything to say except work”, I answered annoyingly.
Shirley pestered on, “I heard him asking you whether you enjoyed your lunch. And he hope that you were no longer angry with the noodle cup matter. What does that mean, Rachel? What had happened to your noodle cup? Tell us now!”
Goodness! Shirley’s ears were sharp. Maybe she was an Owl in her past life, if there is such a thing in this world.
John joined in, “Tell us what happen last night? Have both of you clicked?”
“Clicked! What do you mean?” Jeremy asked as he walked towards Rachel’s desk.
John quickly shut-up and excused himself.
Even Shirley went back to her desk to type on her keyboards.
I was left looking at Jeremy in embarrassment, and he stared at me. I was blushing then, and tried to change the subject.
“Jeremy, I have received your email, and I am doing the minutes now. I hope that I can submit it to you before 5:00pm.”
“Okay, thank you,” he replied and walked away.
John and Shirley came to my desk immediately after Jeremy left. “Eh-hem! Jeremy! Shouldn’t we address him as Mr Jeremiah?”
Both were teasing me. I ignored them and turned to focus on my work.
After some time, I have got the minutes of the two meetings compiled and I wanted to print a set each for Jeremy to review. Why not send as email to him first before I print it out? It would save papers.
Thus, I emailed him and followed with a call to his office via intercom. At the end of the line, he answered;
“Hello, Rachel. I have just received a notification of your email. I will read through it first, then please come to my office in half an hour. Thank you.”
Before I could say anything about the minutes, he spoke first. I could only replied, “Okay, thank you”.
We both hung up the calls thereafter.
Exactly half an hour later, I was on my way to Jeremy’s office.
Knock! Knock!
“Come in,” Jeremy called out.
I opened the door and said abruptly,
“Jeremy, I am here for the minutes. Is there anything to add or omit?”
He smiled and gestured me to sit down.
Jeremy gazed at Rachel and replied,
“Rachel, you did a great job with the minutes. You can proceed to print a set each for the two meetings.”
However, she was quick to reply, “Jeremy, why don’t you print it from your laptop now? There is a printer in your room.”
I was stunned, and looked around for the printer. She pointed to the printer on the side table of my right.
She stood up and pulled the printer cord to plug into the USB port of my laptop.
Then she spoke,
“Your laptop should be able to detect the printer and automatically set up the driver for you. This printer is the latest model. As long as your laptop has an internet connection.”
I was quite embarrassed for being ignorant of the things in my office. She was right, soon my laptop detected the printer and started to install the driver.
While the driver was being installed, Rachel spoke again, “Once printed, I would sign as the person that recorded and compiled the minutes, and next, you will sign as you have verified the minutes.
Then, I will proceed to send it to all the attendees to read and sign. It will be easier if the minutes could be printed here, rather for me to go back to my desk to print and bring it back here for you to sign.”
I smiled at her and nodded. Within minutes, the printer was ready for use. The minutes were printed, both my signature and hers were on the two minutes.
She spoke again,
“Anything else? Otherwise, I will be off to send this out ASAP. I hope to get all attendees to sign by tomorrow.”
I gazed into her eyes but she looked away.
I chuckled and said, “Nothing else. By the way, are you staying late again tonight?”
Rachel nodded instead of answering me. “Any others staying late as well?” I asked again.
Rachel replied abruptly, “The rest of the teammates would most probably stayed until 9:00pm, the latest. I would stay on a bit more.”
I shook my head and said,
“No, you are going home like the others at 9:00pm. It is not a healthy lifestyle.”
Then, I saw her opening her mouth to argue, I quickly responded,
“No more argument. This is an order. If you insist to stay instead of going home, I will get Raju to chase you out.”
Stunned, Rachel was cursing in her heart,
Speechless! What an annoying director! I didn’t answer him or showed any sign of respond.
I stood up and say, “I’m off to send these minutes out.”
Then, I walked briskly out of his office. Who is he to force me? Even threatening me with Raju!
Jeremy was taken aback with Rachel’s silent response,
Wow! Rachel is indeed a stubborn lady. Couldn’t she feel that I was worried for her?
Worried because I cared for her.
Rachel seated at her workstation,
I began to put the two minutes of meeting into two different transparent management file.
Next, I typed a signing list of attendees’ names for everyone to sign after reading, printed and filed as in front of the minutes in both files.
I stood up and about to start passing the files to Shirley, I just realised that Jeremy was standing over my cubicle and said
“Don’t stay beyond 9:00pm tonight” and then, he walked away.
I was startled with his sudden action.
Then, he suddenly stopped abruptly and walked back to my desk,
“However, if you need a ride home, please call me through the intercom as I will be staying late as well.”
Shocked as I am, but I have to put up a smile and nodded.
I quickly looked away, pretending to look at my monitor to continue my work.
In fact, I did not know how to react especially with those hungry gossipers looking on.
I wanted to bury my head now, I didn’t know how to face the others.
I quickly pass the files to Shirley and said, “Pass on the files to those listed in the files. Everyone is to read and sign.”
Before Shirley could say anything, I hastily walked to the washroom.
I quickly locked myself in a cubicle, sat on the toilet bowl and started cursing Jeremy. I sat for quite a long time, maybe about ten minutes.
Then, I heard voices outside as if someone was going to come in.
I quickly unlock the door and went to wash my hands pretending to be done with my utilisation of the washroom.
As I wiped my hands, two ladies came. Linda and Daisy, both from A&F Departments.
I gave a smile and left quickly.
As soon as I reached my desks, everyone was pestering me for information.
‘Oh Lord, help me.’ I was praying for help to escape from these paparazzi.
Suddenly Susan came in with bags of goodies. “Come on everyone, enjoy these pastries. Mr Aaron bought for everyone. John, help me to send these few backs to the other departments.”
John walked over to Susan and said, “Okay” while taking the bags from Susan.
John halted his steps, turned around and said, “Remember to keep some for me, you hungry horses.”
Everyone laughed while I sat at my seat smiling to Susan.
Susan gestured to me to come over and take some pastries.
I stood up and saw Jeremy walking towards our area. I looked away, pretending to walk to the pantry.
I wanted to avoid him as there are too much gossipers around.
However, Jeremy saw me and called my name, “Rachel, come and join us.” I smiled and said, “I need to go to the pantry first.”
Then, I quickly walked to the pantry. I stood in front of the sink, not knowing what to do.
A moment later, I heard footsteps. “Rachel, what are you waiting for?” That’s Jeremy’s voice.
I didn’t turn around, but pretended to open the wall cabinet to look for a saucer. I took a saucer, wash and dry it. Then I told him,
“I need a saucer to put the pastry.”
He gazed at me and responded,
“There are tiny containers for the pastries. You need not use a saucer.”
I replied abruptly, “I prefer to put my food on a porcelain saucer or plate.”
Next I wanted to go and get a few pastry but Jeremy stopped me.
“I have reserved some pastries for you,” he said.
He took three pastries from the box that he was holding and put onto my saucer. I wanted to refuse, but he just put his fingers to his mouth and made the sound ‘sshh’.
Speechless! Then, he moved to the pantry door and closed it. Stunned! What was he thinking? He gazed and smiled,
“Let’s eat here in the pantry. It is more peaceful.”
I shook my head and said,
“No, you shouldn’t close the door. I have enough noises in my ears since morning. Everyone is gossiping about us.”
Before he responded, I went to open the door and walked to my seat.
Jeremy followed from behind and as I sat down, he stood in front of my cubicle.
Stunned, I glared at him to back out.
He gave me a sweet smile, then walked away. Creepy!
An hour later, everyone started to clock-out, and my teammates were getting ready to go out for their break and dinner before they come back to work again.
As I was on the line with a panel contractor, John didn’t ask me verbally instead he gestured to ask what did I wanted to eat for dinner as he was willing to help me to buy.
I waved my hand to indicate ‘no’ as I was not hungry after consuming the three pastries that Jeremy gave me.
A few minutes later, the office was quiet. I love it when it is quiet.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps.
I was cursing myself for jinxing it. I shouldn’t even muttered silently in my heart about loving the quietness of the office.
I looked up and saw Jeremy smiling and walking towards me. “Rachel, let’s go and have a bite.”
I replied abruptly, “I am not hungry yet. Still full from the pastries.” I have to refuse him otherwise the others might see him with me at the food court or saw both of us walking in when they came back.
Jeremy squinted his eyes,
Rachel seemed to be avoiding me.
Why? She mentioned about gossips in the office about us. Could that be the case? Yet, I didn’t want her to feel that I was being pushy.
I could only said,
“Alright, perhaps we can have a late dinner later before I sent you back.”
However, Rachel glared me as if she was disgusted with my suggestion. I spoke quickly,
“I know that you don’t want be gossiped, so am I. We will leave the office after everyone has left at 9:00pm. Alright? There is nothing wrong to have dinner, isn’t it?”
Rachel gave a thought,
I wanted to decline his offer but then, on a second thought. He was right that there was nothing wrong to have dinner together.
Thus, I replied, “Okay but after everyone has left”
I repeated the last few words after him. Jeremy gazed and smiled, then walked back to his office.
About an hour later, the office started to be noisy again when John, Shirley and the rest came back from dinner.
Everyone started to be engrossed in our individual works.
Minutes before 9:00pm, everyone started to shut down their PC, stretched their bodies and packed their stuff.
“Rachel, let’s go. It is almost 9:00pm,” Shirley said.
I looked at the stack of documents on my tray, I tilted my chin up and replied, “Nah, I think I will have to stay another hour. Need to complete another important work, then I will call it the day.”
John spoke, “Alright, but don’t stay too late.”
Soon, the office was quiet again. I sighed and smiled to myself.
I started on my next task, and planned to finish it within half an hour. Exactly half an hour later, I was done with the task.
I stretched my body and my glance suddenly landed on my tray. Should I continue? I am exhausted as I didn’t have enough sleep last night.
As I thought of the unfinished tasks on my tray, I wanted to continue.
I grasped for my tumbler which was placed on the side table to my right, unlid it to take a sip of mineral water but to my surprise, it was empty.
Gosh! I have forgotten to refill it when I last finished it up. I stood up with my tumbler and walked to the pantry with the intention to refill.
Half way to the pantry, Jeremy came out of his office. He saw me and spoke as he walked towards me,
“Ready to go home?”
I shook my head and replied, “I wanted to finish another task before I call it the day.”
Jeremy disbelief over Rachel’s workaholic attitude,
I shook my head to Rachel,
“No, I think it is enough for today. You looked exhausted. I sent you back around 2:00am yesterday, and I told you to clock-in this afternoon but you came in before 8:30am. I know that you have lots of things to do, but there is always tomorrow.”
Rachel with her stubbornness,
“I..,” I tried to respond.
He curled his mouth into a circle, then put his finger to his mouth and made the sound “sshh”.
He and his silly action again! He spoke,
“Please don’t argue. I am done and waiting for you. Come on, pack up.”
Speechless! He is really full of himself.
Another thing about him, he is kind of a nagger! I couldn’t stand his nagging anymore, I might just agreed with him in order to shut him off.
“Okay, okay. Just give me a minute.” I replied as I walked back to my desk, cursing him silently in my heart at the same time.
I put my tumbler back to its original place, shut down my laptop, packed up my bag, grabbed my phone and pushed back my chair.
“Okay, let’s go” I spoke.