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Chapter 3: He treated Rachel to dinner

“Are you still here Rachel?” Jeremiah asked.

“I thought I am the last person in the office”, he continued.

A nick-name suddenly appear in my mind for him, “Mr. Creepy”.

Huh? He remembered my name?! I was trying my best to avoid him because he gave me creepy feelings, yet I have no choice but to response to his question,

“I have many unfinished work”.

“It is almost midnight now, I think you should call it a day. You don’t have to come in exactly at 8:30am tomorrow, you can come in the afternoon. I will give you the morning off.” he insisted.

Rachel bemused.

No! No! I couldn’t afford wasting time sleeping at home and I didn’t want to be a burden to my team mates as they would have to take over my work in the morning.

“Mr Jeremiah, I have no problem waking up early even though I worked the whole day till night. This have been my routine for quite some time now.”

I replied quickly, just to brush the whole conversation over as soon as possible.

“What? You have doing working this late for quite some time? You will fall sick, and I noticed that you didn’t have a proper lunch and I bet you skip your dinner too.” Jeremiah sounded angry.

“I didn’t skip dinner”, I replied.

“Then, tell me what did you eat for dinner?” he continued, and I was getting annoyed.

“Some light food such as….er..”, he looked at me while I spoke.

I went silence after that, not wanting to continue my sentence. He is annoying!

“Rachel, pack up your things now. Switch off everything and come with me. Don’t try to argue.”

I could feel a strong urge of irritation suddenly filling my chest. He instructed me again! I frowned and stared at him.

Even though, he is my boss now and I am working hard for his company, who is he to tell me when to eat and what to do.

Jeremiah saw my expression and he smiled,

“Come on, pack up and eat with me. I won’t eat you. Even though I had my dinner at 7:00pm, but it not a heavy meal, I am famished now. The dinner is on me.”

Mr Creepy continued to nag and nag. It reminded me of my late granny. I couldn’t stand his nagging that I gave in.

I obediently followed Jeremiah to his car.

“Get in, we will drive to the Olive Restaurant. The food is quite good, I had my dinner there few days ago.” Jeremiah said.

I contemplated upon hearing the restaurant name, Olive Restaurant opens 24/7, and it is a Chinese Restaurant. I never been there due to the prices, well, since this creepy Director is going to buy dinner for me, why not?

It took less than ten minutes to arrive Olive Restaurant as it was in the middle of night, there were lesser vehicles on the road.

We were quickly ushered to a corner table next to a glass panel window upon our arrival, and the waiter showed us the menu.

He took the menu and was reading through, suddenly, he asked, “Rachel, do you have any preference? Are you allergy to seafood or any other food?”

He was asking me while reading, without even lifting his head.

I told him, “I am fine with any food, I am not picky, and I don’t have any allergies.”

“Then, would you mind for me to decide on the orders?” he looked at me, waiting for my response.

“No, I won’t mind. Please go ahead. However, please do not order too much as I do not have the habit of heavy eating.” I responded.

He quickly read out the food that he wished to order to the waiter, including some orange juice for two persons.

The waiter smiled, “Please be patient as the food shall be ready within twenty minutes.”

After the waiter left, I sensed the awkwardness in the atmosphere. I felt out of place.

It seemed that Jeremiah noticed it, “Rachel, may I know a bit of yourself?”

I bit my lips, oh gosh! I didn’t wish to let you know anything about me. I am just your employee, your worker. That’s it!

I smiled, hiding my annoyance and, “Pardon?” That’s all that came out of my mouth.

He chuckled and said, “I won’t bite you, Rachel. Just want to get to know my fellow colleague. For example, what’s your hobbies?”

At this very moment, the waiter came to serve us the orange juices.

“I, kind of like to read, write, drawing or painting, gardening, cooking, baking, etc. Bits of here and there. Just like but yet to be an expert.” I answered, just to brush through the conversation.

“As for me, I like fishing, cook, hiking, reading and music. I play the guitar and sing” Jeremiah responded.

I smiled as I love to play guitar and singing as well but I remained mum about this. Need not reveal too much of myself to him, the creepy Director.

“Where are you from, Rachel? Where is your hometown?” asked Jeremiah.

“I am from East Malaysia”, I replied.

Jeremiah looked at me, as if he is anticipating for more details but I kept quiet.

Jeremiah noticed my quietness, he didn’t pester me for more details, and he began to talk about himself.

“Well, as you know that my father is from England. He is of a mixed Irish, Scottish and Chinese. My grandmother is a Malaysian Chinese. Meaning to say I have more Chinese blood in me than Irish and Scottish blood. You will notice that I look more like my mom. My dad met my mom in Malaysia during one of his trip back with my grandmother. I was born in England, visited Malaysia once in a while with my parents. Educated in England, went to USA for further studies. Then, I stayed to work in New York for seven years.”

He was interrupted by the waiter who came with the food he ordered. The waiter left us with “Enjoy your food”.

I took a quick glance at the clock on the wall.

Gosh! It is almost 1:00am.

As we started to eat, Jeremiah continue to talk about himself,

“My father decided to expand his development business to Malaysia about seven years ago. It was during the same time when I decided to work in New York. His intention of opening an office in Malaysia is to prepare a base for me to work in future.”

“But, did you agree to it?” I asked abruptly. Why am I curious? Beats me.

“I never agree or disagree because the line of business tallies with my education as well as my career in the USA. I guess that sooner or later, I will have to work in his company.” he replied.

After that, there were silence. I just look at my food and tried to enjoy it.

Suddenly, I felt bad for meddling into his personal matter. I kept telling myself to mind my own business. Don’t ask too much.

However, Mr Creepy didn’t stop talking. He shared about his childhood experience in UK especially the part that he was bullied by his father’s relatives because he is a Eurasian.

He talked about his studies in US, and his work in a corporate company in New York.

I listened quietly, admiring his life and the vast experiences he had to travel and stayed in many places.

I never travelled further than Malaysia. Then, I smiled to myself as I pondered on the plans of my future vacations as a free-and-easy backpacker. This would definitely come to pass.

Yes, I wanted to see whether the beautiful place I saw in my weird dreams do exist or not? When I am free, I want to search for this place.

As Jeremy continued to share, I felt someone was watching us outside the window.

I looked up and saw a woman turned and quickened her pace away from the window. The street lighting were dim and I couldn’t hardly see her face.

I continued to look at her back figure. Though I didn’t know who she was, yet her back figure and the way she walked were familiar.

“Rachel,” I was startled by Jeremy’s voice and came to my senses.

“Yes,” I replied.

Jeremy looked out of the window and asked, “What were you looking at?”

I shook my head and said, “Nothing important. I just felt that someone was standing outside the window watching us. Then, she walked away. Nah, I might be mistaken.”

Suddenly, Jeremy excused himself to patronise the washroom.

Something wasn’t right!

A woman standing outside a restaurant watching a couple having midnight meal!

Who could it be?

Instead of going to the washroom, I went to the manager of the restaurant and requested to have a look at their CCTV.

Initially, he refused stating that it is their policy but after much persuasion, he only allowed me to view but I was not allowed to make a copy of the clip.

The Manager replayed the recordings and indeed, there was a woman standing outside the window during that time frame.

She stood there for ten minutes before she quickly turned and walked away. As she walked away, I saw her face.

Shocked and astonished was I.

That was Jennifer Yong, the accountant of our company.

What was she doing? Why was she watching us? What was her purpose?

I felt a chill up my spine as I thought of it.

I quickly went back to our table and tried to look out of the window to see whether she was watching still.

Creepy Director came back and he kept looking out of the window.

Did he see someone as well? Out of sudden, he realised that I was staring at him.

He smiled and said, “I checked the CCTV recordings, I saw the face of the woman that you saw standing outside watching us.”

My heart skipped faster as I really would like to know who the woman was.

“Who was it? Do we know her? The back figure and the way she walked were familiar” I asked abruptly.

Jeremiah gazed at me and replied, “Jennifer Yong”.

I went abruptly,

“Huh? Eee! Scary woman!”

Creepy Director heard what I just said,

“What do you mean ‘scary woman’? Weren’t you close with her?”

I felt embarrassed for my childish reaction and I replied promptly,

“I am sorry for calling her that. I shouldn’t say so. No, I am not close to her. To my knowledge, I don’t think anyone is close to her or I should say she is not close to anyone. She kept more to herself. Even her assistant felt that it is a need to speak to her formally at all times.”

I paused and gazed at Jeremiah as he seemed to be in deep thoughts.

Then I continued, “I felt that she is scary because of what she did just now. Who on earth will do that in the middle of night outside a restaurant? And she is a woman. Don’t she worry about her own safety?”

Jeremiah spoke,

“Let’s keep this to ourselves. I will tell my dad about this, while you continue to dig into the discrepancies of accounts.”

I nodded in agreement as Mr Aaron had told me that his son was aware of this matter.

I took another glance at the clock, and it is 1:45am. I spoke,

“We better finished off our food and go home now.”

He nodded and we continued eating.

Soon, we were walking out Olive Restaurant after he paid for the food. I opened my mouth, wanting to tell him that I am going to hail a taxi.

Before I could do so, he opened the door of his car,

“Get in, I will send you home.”

“Thank you but you don’t have to send me. I will hail a taxi. I have been doing this for quite some time.” I responded quickly because I didn’t wish to burdenise him as it is 2:00am.

“Rachel, are you afraid of me?” Jeremiah frowned.

“Do you prefer to trust taxi drivers instead of me?”

I was stunned, not knowing how to reply.

“No, that’s not the reason. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone. You have treated me to a late dinner, and you want to send me home now. I feel bad about it.”

“Rachel, don’t feel bad about it. If I let you hail a taxi, and if, if, touch wood, something bad happen to you, I would never forgive myself. Remember what you saw at the restaurant? We don’t know still what was her motive? Please just let me send you home. I will not hurt you, instead I will protect you,” Jeremiah pleaded.

Dumbfounded was I, and I didn’t know what to response.

“I presumed your silence is a YES. Come on, get in the car.” Jeremiah insisted.

I nodded with a smile, and got into his car reluctantly.

“Mr Jeremiah, I lived in the Metropolitan University area. Is it really convenient for you?” I asked.

“Call me Jeremy, okay? Don’t worry, I stay around that area as well. Are you staying in a house or apartment?”

I knew that he is staying around the area as where Mr Aaron lived.

“I rented a room in one of the apartments at Ville Residence.” I replied.

“How long have you been staying there?” he asked.

“Ever since I came here, five years ago.” I replied.

I looked at Rachel and puzzled, on why was she staying in a rented room when Rectitude Development provides accommodation for outstation employees? I needed to know the reason,

“Why didn’t you apply for the accommodation under the company? We have a few apartments mainly for employees.”

Rachel replied,

“The location is quite far from office, and it is not convenient to catch a bus or LRT.”

Then, there was silence again.

When Jeremy’s car arrived at the entrance of Ville Residence, I quickly thanked him for the dinner and the ride before I opened the door of his car.

“Rachel, please wait. I will park my car first, then I will send you up to the unit where you are staying.” he uttered.

“No, please. It is fine, there are security guards. There won’t be a problem.” I refused.

“Rachel, I insist.” he will not take NO for an answer.

Next, he walked me to Ville Residence entrance, then to the lift.

We waited silently after I pressed 18. I was feeling bad for bothering him, yet I have a strange and strong sense of security with him standing next to me.

In fact, I met a few drunkards during my stay at Ville Residence over the five years and thanked God that I was able to avoid being a target.

Yet, I know that I cannot avoid them forever. Complaints had been filed to the Management, and the security guards are doing their best to keep all occupants safe.


We both went into the lift as it opened.

Jeremy pressed the “close” button, suddenly, a man shouting “wait…wait” and rushed in.

Jeremy quickly pressed the “open” button for him.

The strong gush of alcohol emitted from the man’s mouth and body. He was drunk.

He looked at Jeremy and mumbled something, then he turned and stared at me. “Hi, pretty girl” and he moved forward to touch my face.

Jeremy stopped his hand, and said, “Don’t touch her”.

Jeremy was angry. The drunkard guy withdrew and leaned against the wall of lift, and mumbled to himself.

When the lift arrived at Level 18, we walked out and continued to my unit. I took out my keys, “Thank you Jeremy for walking me home.”

I wanted to thank him for protecting me but I couldn’t find the words.

Jeremy smiled and bid good night. He told me to go into the apartment first, before he leave.

I did, obediently as told.

Why was I so obedient to him? Maybe, just maybe because he protected me.

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