The whole class erupted in murmurs as the last bell for class went. I groaned, realizing I still had to follow up with this tutor.
"Sorry Bro, but it has to be done," Jasper said, patting my shoulder reassuringly. I hate it when he does that. I am not some girl.
"Whatever," I said brushing Jasper's hand away. History wasn't too far from my last class. A few turns and I'll be there in no time.
"Nice of you to join us, Travis," Miss Smith said, adjusting her glasses as I walked in.
"Us?" I asked, raising my brow in confusion. The class was empty. Okay, wait, there some dark-haired boy seated at the far back of the class who's probably Alex. I noticed his hoodie was a little too big for him. He had his head bent over a book probably some novel.
"Alexander," Miss Smith called as the dark-haired boy raised his gaze to me. I froze, I hadn't seen anyone with eyes like that. Alexander's eyes were like deep puddles of chocolate. They held a hint of boredom but I wondered what they looked like smiling... gasping... Okay, PG thoughts Travis, PG thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I am not, I repeat, I am not gay.
"Travis, this is Alexander. Alexander, Travis," Miss Smith introduced us briefly delivering me from my thoughts.
"I'll leave you two to it," Miss Smith said, exiting the classroom with her handbag slung over her shoulder.
"So," I started, trying to start a conversation. Thanks a lot, sure leave me here with some mentally ill psycho. Okay, I would never admit it out loud, but Samantha's warning was nudging at me. Alexander just stared at me briefly before retrieving a pair of geeky glasses from the table in front of him. I watched as Alexander carefully wiped them clean with his sleeves before putting them on.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Alexander asked me while retrieving a few notes from his bag propped on the floor. I raised a brow. Alexander didn't sound like a wimp at all, in fact, his voice held some unknown elegance and grace to it.
"Well?" Alexander asked frowning at me now. I realized I was still at the door. I shrugged and made my way to the seat beside him. I moved my seat to the side so I was directly facing him.
"If you don't mind I always take a couple of tests before I start tutoring to know how I might approach the tutee," Alexander said, holding a clipboard to his chest.
"Sure." I shrugged. Better to get over with it in the first sitting I guess.
"What is your name?" Alexander asked.
Wait am I deaf? What kind of stupid question is that? I don't know what he's thinking, but I'm clearly not going to answer that.
"Just answer it," he blurted, head still bent over clipboard when he realized I clearly wasn't going to.
"Travis," I said nonchalantly.
"Wrong. Doesn't know his name," Alexander mouthed as he scribbled on his clipboard. Wait did I hear what I just heard? My name is Travis! What else could it be?! Is he intentionally trying to pick a fight?
"What? My name's Travis," I said, annoyance sipping into my tone. Okay, maybe he didn't hear me right.
"No, it's Travis James Witham," Alexander countered earning an eye roll from me. He can't be serious, right? Alex winked briefly at me. Wait he winked at me? Somehow this was making my insides act all funny. I looked up at him trying to attempt a glare that suppressed shamefully as I stared at Alexander's right eye; observing the beauty mark just above it. Wait, is that normal for guys?
"Fag." I managed to blurt out, blushing at my thoughts.
"Fag in what sense? The end of a cigarette, a bundle of sticks, a message boy in a British boarding school, or that immature slang used by bigots?" Alexander asked—half of which I clearly couldn't comprehend.
"Impaired use of words," Alexander finally mouthed after the brief silence before he scribbled on his clipboard some more. Okay, that's the last straw. I thought, frowning. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up for this at all! because Miss Smith arranged for this didn't give the twat in front of me the right to insult me. Come on, he's wounding my pride here!
"Fucker." I stupidly countered. Yes, I will admit that was stupid.
"Last time I checked that wasn't a word," Alex said, tilting his head to the side, a smirk taking form on his lips. Okay, this kid is too cocky. Now, if I could just punch him in the face.
"Limited vocabulary," Alex murmured as he scribbled away. I rolled my eyes. Alex is going to be a pain in the butt alright. This twat is feeling way too smart with himself.
"Nerd Alert," I said.
Okay, whatever my reactions are, I blame the fact that I didn't expect Alex to look up at me with an amused smirk. It was superficially beautiful. Don't judge me, it was. Why is it now I'm suddenly remembering Samantha's words? Were crazy people meant to be attractive? I thought, fully aware I was sinking into Alex's puddles of chocolate he called eyes.
Alex suddenly bent over his clipboard.
Come on, I was enjoying the view. I whined in my head. Yes whined, Jasper's rubbing off on me.
"Lousy comebacks..." Alexander mouthed as he scribbled away.
Okay. I didn't see that coming.