"So how was the conversation?" Jonah asked. We got bailed out by Sky who explained the situation to the cop.
"Homey I guess," Sky said shrugging, two shopping bags dangling from her left hand, the other hand preoccupied with texting.
"I don't get it..." Jonah said, feeling his buzz cut with his hand again. He should just ask his dad to let him grow his hair out if it bothered him so much.
"Well he's in my geography class, so it wasn't as if I was exactly popping out of nowhere," Sky said, chuckling a little.
"So, did he deny it?" I asked, trying to get her to move to the point.
"Deny what?" Sky asked as we walked into the elevator to the top floor. We were meant to meet up with the others in the cinema upstairs, that was the get-together, what we just did was Sam's groceries — typical.
"You know, being gay," I said, turning to face the elevator mirror. I bit my lip as I looked straight at the blond features that stared right back at me. Aren't they enough for Alex? I blinked at my own though, completely embarrassed at the heat I was feeling on my cheeks.
"Well no, it's not like I asked. He did introduce the guy as his boyfriend though," Sky said plainly as she walked out the newly opened elevator door.
"He did what?" I asked in a loud tone.
"He introduced the guy as his boyfriend, said his name was Chris and he was a literature student at the local university," Sky said, waving her hand as if the conversation was irrelevant.
"So, he's not hiding it?" Jonah asked, surprise in his voice.
"Why should he?" Sky asked as if the situation was as normal as any other.
We closed in on the crowded cinema. You'd think the cinema at the mall would be less crowded than the regular one would — wrong.
"Hey, where have you twerps been?" Sam asked, running up to us.
"Nothing really, what movie are we watching?" Jonah asked, uninterested.
"Well, I was talking to Alex, these two were watching from the corner," Sky said, still texting. I almost burst out laughing at the terrified face Sam made.
"You can't talk to that sociopath!" Sam suddenly yelled, pouncing on Sky as she began to shake her roughly, making Sky's phone fall to the floor.
"My phone!"
"Don't ever talk to Alex again!" Sam threatened, not quite basking in the fact she might have broken Sky's phone. It was trivial to her.
"Get off me!" Sky said, finally prying Sam off her.
"Hey! I don't even know him that much... I just know he enjoys literature, sort of cranky in school, and has a boyfriend named Chris," Sky said, already all over her phone on the floor.
"Alex's gay?" Sam asked, her features softening in interest.
Damn. Why does Sam knowing about this make me feel certain that everybody would know about this by Monday morning?