"Shit," I muttered, barging out from the history class.
"Shit as in what—"
"Don't start that!" I said firmly. It was bad enough the halls were empty, meaning we overdid this 'study time'. I didn't need Alexander feeling smart with me.
"Same time tomorrow," Alexander said, brushing past me and into the hallway. He didn't even feel bothered by its emptiness.
"Wait!" I yelled, making Alexander stop in his tracks.
"How are you going to go home?" I asked, remembering he usually took the bus. He shrugged looking straight at me.
"I have two legs, so I'll walk the distance," Alexander said, turning away. I debated whether or not I should let him walk the distance or I should give him a lift in my car. I shook my head surprised I even thought of that. I sighed walking to my locker, Samantha was having another get together tomorrow at the mall, typical. At least it's not one of those her outrageous parties, just a get together at noon, school on Fridays always ended earlier.
"I could proclaim myself a sprinter if that's your regular pace on a normal day," I heard Alexander's voice say as I walked down the hall. I stopped narrowing my eyes at him; he had already swapped his books and had a black sling bag over his shoulder that wasn't there before.
"I was... thinking," I admitted as I continued walking.
"Surprise, surprise," Alex muttered, a hint of a smile forming on his lips as he finally brushed past me. I stopped frowning. Is there an explainable reason why his contact always made me feel edgy?
I ignored it, moving towards my locker, I wasn't going to let some nerd put me on the edge. I put the combination lock before my locker swung open. It was probably too full and I might need to find another one before the end of this semester. I didn't need to change any books, just grab my car keys.
When I got my keys, I had a little struggle closing the locker, a few bangs here and there and it finally locked.
"Urg!" I sighed, pulling my rucksack over my shoulders. I walked through the hall and then out of the school building. The weather seemed abnormally cold from this afternoon. I grimaced, remembering Alex's sweater.
The bastard. I thought, rubbing my exposed hands, which my tee-shirt couldn't handle. I paraded the parking lot in the search for my car; I always forget where I parked the God damn thing. I sighed in relief spotting it at the edge of the school gate, typical of me. I walked to it, opening the doors before getting in. I immediately turned on the heater, I was desperate for anything to beat the cold.
Starting the engine I thought of Alex again, and the weird vibes he gave me... I shook my head moving the car out the school gate. Whatever he's doing I'm not going to let it get to me.