Alexander isn't your typical nerd. He'll say what he wants, do what he wants, and verbally bash you while doing it. That...
Prologue (part one)
"Travis, could you explain to me the reason for the fall of the Aztec empire?" the history teacher asked, probably glaring at me through her thick glasses.
"Huh?" I muttered, dropping the pen I had been twirling. I wasn't oblivious to the stares I was getting. The whole class was practically drilling holes in my head.
"The Aztecs Travis, you know about them don't you?" Miss Smith continued clearly enjoying herself. I glared at her briefly. How dare she pick me! That's what teachers always do, pick someone who clearly doesn't know jack of what they're talking about. I directed my attention to the other students, I couldn't give the teacher the satisfaction of my glare. They turned away quickly. I could feel a smirk starting to take form on my lips, nobody wanted to get on Travis Witham's bad side.
"Actually I don't," I said in a matter of fact tone, playing with the blond bangs in front of my eyes. I don't know it. So, kick me or something.
"That's all I had to hear," Miss Smith said folding her arms over her chest. She smiled briefly as she adjusted her glasses.
"Class page 56, exercise 3." Miss Smith blurted afterward. I frowned at her. Am I really getting away with that so easily? I don't particularly trust Miss Smith, she's probably the devil's incarnate. I shrugged. Whatever, I'm finding out soon enough.
The class was particularly slow, or maybe it was just me. I couldn't help wondering about what happened earlier with Miss Smith. Is she really going to let me go like that? I wondered throughout the class. Hum, what could be her worst comeback?
Maybe a note to my parents? Been there, done that.
Detention? A possibility.
The bell for the next period rang not too long after. I hesitantly packed my books. I knew something was coming, I could feel it. Maybe if I just hurried along she'll forg—
I knew it.
"You're going to be tutored by Alexander," Miss Smith said, adjusting her glasses before giving me a firm look. I seriously don't know what she has against me. Okay, scrap the late assignments and cockiness in class and you'll realize I was just fine.
"I know you think you don't need it, but you're failing hopelessly." Miss Smith continued, arranging the stack of report sheets on her table. I frowned, I wasn't failing. I'm getting straight C's here. I thought as I rolled my eyes. I wasn't particularly concerned about being tutored, I could easily scare whatever wimp was assigned to me but the name fit in my mind oddly... who the hell's Alexander?
"By the way, he's not one of those you just scare away," Miss Smith said as she gave me an accusing look. You see, this is why I hate History, the teacher knows way too much.
"I don't scare them," I said, trying to develop some sort of comeback.
Hey, I actually don't scare them I just glare at them.
"Sure you don't," Miss Smith said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. She's a smart teach, I'll give her that.
"I want you here after school to meet Alexander, and no excuses," she said, handing me a late pass for my next class.