Hotaru P.O.V
I woke up still sad reminding the precious events, I did my daily routine and went to the academy since Iruka was going to tell us the teams. I arrive there and see...NO...i-it can't be...
- Hotaru-chan! You were right I did pass!
I was speechless.
- Hotaru-chan...are you okay?
I run and hugged him.
- I'm so happy and proud of you! See I told you Naruto, no one can stop you!
We both laugh and I went to my seat and saw Sasuke glaring.
- Good morning. Why are you glaring?
- Hn...Why did you hugged him?
- Why do you care? - I asked extremely confused.
- Ohhh...apparently he likes you back. He's jealous!
- Kurama don't be ridiculous!
- You're so naîve! Admit it you like him too!
My attention was brought back to reality because Naruto was on the top of my and Sasuke desk glaring at Sasuke.
- Naruto, stop glaring at my Sasuke-kun. - Sakura said and out of nowhere Naruto and Sasuke were KISSING I burst out laughing.
- Heeee!!! I didn't know you liked boys! How cute! - I said while patting their both of their backs and they immediately glared at me and I laughed nervously
- Heeee!!! I didn't know you liked boys! How cute! - I said while patting their both of their backs and they immediately glared at me and I laughed nervously.
- NARUTO. - the girls said in unison.
- You stole Sasuke-kun first kiss. - Sakura said.
- You're going to pay. - Sakura threatened.
- Sakura-chan. - he said while anime cried.
- Sakura...and all of you fan-girls. You touch him and I swear to you won't see another day. - I glare at them.
- Thank you Hotaru-chan!!
- Besides it was an accident. Isn't that right Sasuke?
- Hn....Yes.
- See he agrees with me and look he talks with me to! How nice of you. - he glared again.
- Don't annoy my Sasuke-kun Hotaru! - Sakura stated.
- Your???? Let's see. HENGE. - I then transform into Sakura and look at Sasuke, I approached him and said in Sakura voice.
- Uh Sasuke-kun! Do you like me? Am I pretty? How do I look Sasuke-kun? Wanna go on a date?! SASUKE-KUN I LOVE YOU! - the I got close to his face and undid the jutsu and said.
- Just kidding with you!
- Don't do that EVER again Hotaru. - he said still a bit scared of my outburst.
- See Sakura he talks to me but not when I look like you. I wonder why?!
And with all of that most of the class starts laughing at this. I feel like we're being watched. I closed my eyes and after I felt from where that feeling came from I looked up and mouthed "Hi there".
Hokage P.O.V
She is indeed Itachi student.
- Did she felt us watching them? - Asuma asked.
- Yes, I believe so. So...who wants her on the team since there is a team that has to have 4 people in it? - everybody raised their hands except.
- Excuse me Hokage-sama but my daughter is not like a trophy to sell. - he said sweatdropping.
- Since you know her better do you mind have her on your team? - I asked
- Yes, no problem Hokage-sama. - he answered.
Hotaru P.O.V
- Naruto get out of that seat! - Sakura demanded.
- He was here first Sakura so leave him alone. - I said with an angry voice.
- But...I can get up if you really want to sit here. - I said while looking at Sasuke to see his face filled fear, when I started to get up he grabbed my wrist and said.
- No, stay here.
- What did you say? I couldn't hear you well! - I said smirking, he understood immediately. He leaned a bit so he could whisper in my ear so only I could hear him.
- You will pay for this. Please stay here in this seat Hotaru. - I blushed a bit at the last part but said
- Sorry Sakura, change of plans.
- WHY??? - she screamed.
I looked at Sasuke and he gave me the "Don't you dare" look and I smirked.
- If I did wouldn't be fair for the rest of the girls here. Sorry. - finally she went to her previous seat, just then Iruka entered and I zoned out for a bit until I hear
- Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura. - Naruto sheered while Sakura got depressed.
- Uchiha Sasuke. - then they changed feelings.
- And because of odd numbers Namikaze Hotaru. - and they changed feelings again and Sasuke smirked.
- Iruka-sensei why does a great ninja like me has to be on the same team with a slug like Sasuke? - Naruto asked mad.
- Sasuke ha the second best scores of all the graduating students. Naruto you had the worst scores. - I sweatdropped after hearing that.
- To create a balanced group we put the 2 bests students with the worst student. - Iruka said.
- Who had the highest scores Iruka-sensei? - Sakura asked curious.
- Hotaru. - he answered and everybody looked at me which made me shrugged it.
- Just me sure you don't get in my way loser. - Sasuke said to Naruto and I slap the back of his head.
- What did I say duckbutt?! The coldness doesn't suit you. - he glared at me.
- Hn.
- After lunch you'll meet your new teachers until then class dismissed.
With that all of us got up and went to lunch. I went to the top of a roof and started eating and stood there for a while until...what the HELL is Naruto doing??? Did he just attacked Sasuke? What is he thinking? Wait...someone is leaving...Sasu...wait a minute...NO FREAKING WAY!!! Did Naruto WON?! After "Sasuke" left I went to the window and entered, then I saw the ALMIGHTY Uchiha all tied up!!! THAT'S MY BROTHER!
- Need a hand duckbutt?
He glared at me, I bent down and took off the tape from his mouth.
- Better? - I said smiling sweetly.
- Could you please untie me? - he asked while looking the other way, I blushed but pushed away. Why is this happening?!
- Sure, but only because you asked nicely!
I untied him and he asked me.
- Where's Naruto?
- Well...let's see...Why should I tell you? - I said smiling.
- Thank you for helping me. - he then did the unexpected...he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed so hard that I had to look away. I pushed the blush away and looked at him, he was also blushing...why did he...
- Well since he transform into you I bet with you that he did that so he can be with Sakura. What do you think?
- Hn. Thanks. Let's go find him. - he grabbed my hand and started running until we found Sakura.
- Sasuke-kun! Are you ready now because I am!!!
I burst out laughing while Sasuke looked confused.
- Naruto did well this time! That's priceless and so is your face! - I stated pointing at him.
- Where's Naruto? - he asked Sakura.
- There you go changing the subject again, Naruto is so annoying. Do you know why? Because he wasn't raised right, he doesn't have a mother or a father no one to teach him the right from wrong. Think about it, he just does whatever comes into his head. - oh BITCH if you continue talking I SWEAR I'm gonna kill you, I turned my hands into fists and Sasuke seemed to notice how tense I became but then she continued.
- If I did things like Naruto forget it! My parents would get mad I would get in trouble so of course I don't do it. But if you don't have parents to tell you how would you know? He's so selfish and bratty and annoying and alone. - THAT'S IT BITCH, I sped to her and leaned closer to her face.
- You wanna say those things again? I.DARE.YOU. You're lucky you have parents, you're weak, annoying. You're the one who's selfish and bratty and WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BEING ALONE??? Let me tell you something...I'm fighting with my inner self in this you know why? - she shook her head with fear in her eyes because of my voice and glaring.
- Because if I don't I'll kill time you say something like that I won't hold back...that's a promise...and Sakura I KEEP MY PROMISES.
And then I sped to Sasuke, patted his shoulder.
- I'm going back, good luck finding Naruto. - I said looking down since I was about to cry.
- Are you okay?...Hotaru? - he asked with a bit of concern in his voice. With that I didn't answer, I left and let the tears fall freely, before enter in the academy, after a long time because I was crying my eyes out, I see that we are the only ones there...that's strange.
- Hotaru-chan you're late. Are you okay?
I was without any strenght so I just said with a sad smile.
- Sorry Naruto. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. - and went to sit, suddenly Sasuke comes and sits next to me...what does he want now...
- Hey...are you okay?
- Yeah...just fine. - I said unemotionally.
- You don't seem fine...d-do you want to talk about it?
And in that exact moment I feel daggers coming from Sakura...just leave me alone...Itachi why me?
- Sasuke thank you...but no and besides your girlfriend there is throwing daggers at me with her eyes so if you could please go sit somewhere else I would appreciate it...I'm just tired.
- I'm not leaving you here sitting by yourself just because the annoying pink haired girl wants me to...and she is NOT my girlfriend and NEVER will be.
I don't know why but I smiled at that.
- I see that you followed my advice and putted the coldness aside...well done.
- There's the smile.
Both of us it possible? Am I falling for him? The one who wants to kill Itachi-sensei for some stupid revenge. I'm pulled out of my thoughts because of the annoying pink haired girl.
- Naruto what are you doing?
- That's what the teacher deserves for being late. - ...a prank...he's going to prank a JOUNIN...wait...he's really late, NO WAY! I already know who it is! NICE!
- Our teacher is a jounin, you think he will fall for that? - Sasuke said with a straight face.
Ohh Sasuke yes specially being who he is.
- Wanna bet? - I said smirking.
- Fine, if he doesn't fall for it you buy me dinner.
- Okay, if he falls for it, and HE WILL, you buy me dinner. Deal?
- Deal! - he said all cocky. I just got free dinner hehehehe and with that he came and fell for it, Naruto burst out laughing, Sakura apologized and Sasuke glared at me and I mouthed "told you".
- do I put this? My first impression of you is...I hate you. Except Hotaru of course.
- HEEEE! WHY HER? - Sakura asked mad, I stood up and went hug him and said.
- Yo! Otou-san.
- WHAT??? - they said in unison.
- You're nothing alike! - Sakura said.
- He's my adoptive real parents died during the Kyuubi attack.
- Well, meet me at the roof. - he said and poofed...well if he can so do I.
- Bye, see you guys there. - and did the same as Otou-san.
- Why not the stares? - Otou-san asked.
- I'm afraid if I get more time near Sakura I might kill her. - he sweatdropped at my statement.
Some minutes pass and they finally arrive, Sasuke sits on my right, Naruto on my left and well Sakura near Sasuke.
- Well, now that everybody is here why don't you introduce yourselves one-at-a-time.
- Introduce ourselves? - Sakura asked.
- Why are you laughing Kurama?
- Your team is a bunch of idiots look at them! A fan-girl, a knucklehead, a duckbutt obsessed with revenge and a pervert!
- Wait who's the per...never mind I got it now. - I said sweatdropping. Yup such a grat team, then I was pulled to reality when Otou-san started to give us the example on how to introduce ourselves.
- My name is Hatake Kakashi. What I like...I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future...hmmm...never really thought about for my hobbies...well, I have a lot of hobbies. - I smirked while the others sweatdropped.
- Now you with the orange jacket.
- I'm Uzumaki Naruto! What I like is ramen especially Ichiraku ramen and my bestfriend Hotaru-chan! What I dislike is the 3 minutes I have to wait for the ramen to be ready. My hobbies are eating ramen. And my to be the next Hokage!
Well that's an introduction...he's so like mom.
- Ok...Now you with pink hair.
- My name is Haruno Sakura. What I like is *looks at Sasuke* I mean the person I like is *looks at Sasuke*, my hobby is *looks at Sasuke*, my dreams are *squeals and looks to Sasuke*.
- What do you dislike? - Otou-san asked.
- Hotaru and Naruto!
- Oh really! - I said while Naruto anime cried.
- Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke I believe you didn't understood Sakura's introduction, since I'm a girl let me translate. - Otou-san nodded amused and I smirked.
- What she likes is Sasuke, the person she likes is Sasuke, her hobby is stalking Sasuke and her dream is rape Sasuke and have a bunch of babies!
I saw Otou-san fighting against his inner self so he wouldn't burst out laughing and looked to Sasuke who was all creeped out and Naruto was laughing.
- Thank you Hotaru. - Otou-san said.
- Now you in blue.
- My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are plenty of things I dislike, considering there is almost nothing I do like. - he said the last part looking at me.
- It is pointless to talk about "dreams" I have determination, I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone.
- other words you want babies and kill someone...great way to kill the mood in here Sasuke. On the other hand...Sakura...appears you still have a chance to actually help him with the restoration of the Clan! - I said smirking, while Sakura was squealing and Sasuke gave me "Oh no you didn't" look and I just smiled.
- Now your turn. - Otou-san said to me.
- My name is Namikaze Hotaru. I like Otou-san and Naruto. My dislikes are fan-girls and many other things but I'm not feeling like telling you that. My hobbies...well you will find out eventually. My dreams are becoming the best Leaf ninja, protect the ones I love and help Naruto become Hokage. - I said with a kind smile.
- Good you're each unique and you have your own ideas. We'll have our first mission tomorrow.
- What kind of mission are we going to have? - Naruto asked excited.
- A survival exercise.
And then Sakura just started talking and I zoned out because I don't like her and she's annoying but suddenly Otou-san started laughing like a maniac...what the...
- Kid your pervert father just got lunatic!
I sweatdropped at his statement he's probably right. And the he started explaning why he was laughing and they got scared.
- Stop scaring them even before the test. - I said annoyed.
- I decide whether you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at 5 am and bring your ninja gear. That's it, you're dismissed. - FINALLY! But then he said.
- Oh tomorrow you better skip breakfast or else you puke. - he said with a close eyed smile.
- Hotaru when you're ready come home. See you.
- Bye Otou-san. - with that he poofed.
Naruto ran saying he was hungry and wanted ramen leaving me and those 2.
- Sasuke-kun wanna hangout with me? - Sakura asked.
- No. - he said coldly.
- Hotaru I owe you dinner, wanna go out and eat? - he asked...well he does owe me that so why not.
- Yeah, sure.
And with that we went away leaving a dumb looked Sakura behind. After we had dinner Sasuke offered to take me home which I didn't deny.
- Hotaru...why are you so different?
- What do you mean by that?! - I asked curious.
- You're not like the other girls, that's what I meant. You're easy to talk to. - I blushed and looked down.
- Well...I think I just I just understand people's feelings just by looking into their eyes and I'm a good listener...doesn't make me that special! - I said with a nervous laugh...yup it's official I like Uchiha Sasuke and it's your fault Itachi!
- It does make you special. - he said with a faint blush and I was shocked and finally we arrived home.
- Thank you Sasuke...I see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight.
- Goodnight. - he said and then kissed my cheek...I blushed furiously and then entered home.
- Yo! How was your date?
- It was NOT a date, he just owed me dinner because you fell for that stupid prank so I won the bet.
- Sure, sure! Go to sleep you need to wake up early!
- Right...because you're going to be there on time. Isn't that right Otou-san?!
He started to laugh nervously.
- Goodnight Otou-san.
- Goodnight sweetheart.
- See I told you, you liked him!
- SHUT UP KURAMA, let me sleep!
- Goodnight brat!
- Meany! Goodnight Kurama.
With that I fell into deep sleep.