Hotaru P.O.V
It's now 5 am so I decided to get up I really couldn't sleep anyway because I couldn't stop thinking about what Sasuke said. After doing my daily routine I grabbed an apple and went to the training spot while eating the apple. I don't care I won't puke anyways, I ha intensive training with Itachi for 2 whole years...I'm positive I won't puke and besides no one needs to know! I arrive and they were all there. Naruto is just sleeping as well as Sakura, Sasuke is sitting against a tree but he's awake...maybe I should tell him? No...he doesn't like me...or does he? I sat beside him and said.
- Good morning.
- Good morning. Sleep well?
- Not really. You? - I asked
- Fine I guess. - he answered closing his eyes
- Hotaru...
- Yeah?
- W-What's your realationship with Naruto? Why are you so nice to him?
I was taken he jealous?
- Well he's my bestfriend...he's like...a brother to me and he has been trough enough so being nice to him gives him determination and I like to see him smile. - I said smiling.
- So...a brother right?
- Y-yeah. Why?
- N-Nothing just curious. You seemed very angry with Sakura that day.
I got serious and said.
-, me and Naruto are alike we just don't like to show it. You know exactly why I told her also feel that don't you? It hurts and Naruto being like a brother to me I felt angry...I know you consider him a bestfriend, you just can't admit it because you're a cocky duckbutt! - I said the last part smiling.
- Hn...See you are special. I didn't told you anything about me, yet you can read me like a book. So stop telling yourself that you're nothing special because you are.
I stared at him with eyes wide open...he's like Itachi well taking out the revenge part of course...he is nice and kind when he wants to.
- Hotaru...what am I to you?
Oh no...I can't answer that I'm too scared...if he knows the truth about me he...NO...I can't
- K-Kurama?!
- Just calm down! Talk to him.
He's right.......I know what to do!
- I don't know...What do you want to be?
- If I tell you, you would be in danger. - he said smirking.
- In danger? And why is that? I can protect myself and I'm pretty fast as you already you already witnessed, so what's this danger?
He looked at me amused and smiled...WAIT A SECOND...h-he smiled...A REAL SMILE...he never smiled before.
- Where are you looking at? - he asked
- You smiled...a real smile. Not a smirk but a smile. Thank you for showing me that side of you Sasuke. - I said happily
- C-Can I show you another thing? - he asked.
Sasuke P.O.V
This is it...I have to do it and tell her before those 2 wake up and her father arrives...I really like her, she is so different. I have to, I can't hold this feeling anymore I need her in my life.
Hotaru P.O.V
- Sure, what is it? - I asked.
Suddenly he leaned more and more and kissed me...not on the cheek like the other times...on the lips, I kissed back almost immediately. Our lips moved in sync like they were meant to be together. I feel so happy and loved by him and because we need air to live we both broke the kiss apart but with our foreheads connected, I looked down embarassed...he was my first kiss after all. Suddenly he lifts my chin, looks me in the eyes and says.
- Hotaru...would you be my girlfriend?
I was shocked but answered with a faint blush.
- Y-Yes.
We both smiled and he gave me a peck on the lips and then I rested my head on his shoulder. Suddenly something inside my head clicks!
- Waiiiit a minute! The danger you were talking about were your fan-girls?!
He laughed quietly, so I presumed that's a yes.
- Don't worry I will protect you. - he said.
- You know very well that I can protect myself! - I said pouting.
- I know. - he said and pecked me on the lips once more.
- You know Sasuke we should sleep a bit, Otou-san won't be here until like 10 am or 11 am. - he raised an eyebrow and I just laughed nervously.
- Well if you say so, I won't bet with you this time. - he said smirking.
- You know Sasuke the smile looks better on you.
- Do you want me to use it everyday? - he asked calmly.
- Well...just to the people that are special to you. - I said with a kind smile.
- So...just for you then.
I smiled
- Thank you Sasuke.
- For what?
- For being kind to me. - I said hugging him which he retributed.
- Everything for you. - and with that after some minutes he fell asleep with me against him. Mom...I think I found him...he might be cold sometimes but towards me he's kind.
- Kurama thank you.
- Oh...the brat made you soft now?!
- Hahahaha, welcome back kid!
- I'm going to sleep for a bit.
- Bye then.
- Bye Kurama.
I fell asleep since Otou-san is going to be late anyways!