Kendra's POV
I saw a... I don't even know how to put it, is it godder face or goddest face because his handsomeness was way beyond anybody's I've ever seen, he was even more handsome than god face more even sexier than that car Henry drove. Oh my...I was actually falling for some guy I never and do not think I'll ever be friends with
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry" I told Mr goddest face.
"No please do not apologize, I was the one that was too busy on my phone that's why."
Kyle's POV
Wow! Today has been kinda long
I mean after that new girl came around, acting all friendly and playfully flirty with all the guys, it was pretty stupid that she came to me too, to think of me actually falling for a wannabe slut like her? That'll be a mental disability for her I think.
"Whoo! man! After chemistry classes, I'm so going to take a nap." I spoke to myself and I'm pretty sure those people that just passed by thought I've gone bonkers
Right when I finished chemistry class, I hurried to go down to my room, but there was something going out of hand and that was ME, I was too busy on my phone playing call of duty that I didn't notice anyone coming my way because right now, I was actually the person in the phone, lo and behold I hit someone and that hit made her fall, all her books and papers scattered everywhere on the floor.
I bent low to the ground and helped her pick up what fell but instead of she asking if I can't see, she apologized, fucking apologized
"Oh shit I'm so sorry" the girl said
"No, please do not apologize, I was the one that was too busy on my phone, that's why" I assured her.
But I noticed something in this girl, she was new I suppose but also looking... Uh...I dont know... she looked beautiful even as a nerd without makeup and she was also crying. I wanted to get to know this girl because unlike the other one she's not flirty, rather she looks calm and intelligent.
Kendra's POV
I noticed that Mr. goddest face here was staring at me, but he seemed to have come to reality and then asked a question I didn't think someone like him would ask because he's probably the hottest guy in this whole place called Lakesville.
"Why are you crying?" He asked
"I'm sorry for running into you'' I just apologized and ran to my room with more tears streaming down my face as I ran, he was so nice but I know he'll just hurt me even if I tried to be friends with him.
Believe me or not I've always been a nerd, back in Nigeria I wasn't bullied in school but I wasn't all that loved either, Vaira came to the school and became my backbone when I needed one, we became really close and eventually besties but I have no idea what came into her this time, even though I'm undercover it still feels like the real me...